Handout 3. Liberty Enlightening the World.

Тема урокаThe Statue of Liberty. Статуя Свободы

· Цели урока: совершенствование умений говорения, чтения, аудирования

· формирование страноведческой компетенции

· Задачи: учебные: практиковать в поисковом чтении и монологической речи;

· развивающие: активизировать и развивать мышление, воображение, внимание; развивать познавательные и языковые способности, способности к догадке;

· воспитательные: воспитание уважения к традициям и культуре другого народа; воспитание коммуникативно-речевого такта, коммуникабельности в общении со сверстниками и взрослыми.


Ход урока

1. Постановка проблемной ситуации и актуализация знаний.

2. Этап мотивации к деятельности и целеполагания.

You know I’ll have a birthday soon and I’m thinking of a present. What is the best present for me do you think?

I would like to have a tour to America as a birthday present.

What do you think of when you hear the word “America”?

Today we are going to talk about the most famous monument in the USA. What is it?

3. Учебно-познавательная деятельность.

What does the word Liberty mean? Find the synonyms and antonyms to the word.

What is Liberty? The word Liberty is a noun but what is it exactly: a place, a thing, an idea or a person? Can you touch it? smell it?

It’s an abstract idea and the Statue of Liberty represents

(shows) the abstract idea of liberty as a person. Americans treat the Statue like a person. When they speak about, they say? “she, her crown” as about a person.

Work in groups.

What do you want to learn about the Statue of Liberty today?

Discuss and write questions. You have a minute and a half.

At the end of the lesson you will answer these questions.

What do you know about the Statue of Liberty? Choose the best option.

Answer the questions in turn.

Read the text.

Read the text again, find and underline the new information about the Statue of Liberty.

What new facts have you learnt?

4. Заключительная часть урока.

Необходимо ответить на вопросы, поставленные в начале урока.

Д.З. Answer unanswered questions (if there are any).

2. SB p. 57. Read the text for some new information.


Handout 1. Match the word to the meaning.


liberty to show
immigrant dress
torch huge
crown a nickname for the Statue of Liberty
to create a portable light
robe sheet of metal, wood or stone with words or designs written on it
to express to open
to dedicate sign
tablet one who leaves a country to settle permanently in another place
colossal something the queen wears on her head.
copper to make, to build, to produce
Lady Liberty a reddish-brownish metallic element
gesture the condition of being free



1. liberty- the condition of being free

2. immigrant − one who leaves a country to settle permanently in another place

3. torch − a portable light produced by the flamе

4. crown − something the queen wears on her head

5. to create − to make, to build, to produce

6. robe − dress

7. to express- to show out

8. to dedicate- to open

9. tablet- sheet of metal, wood or stone with words or designs written on it

10. colossal- huge

11. copper- a reddish-brownish metallic element

12. lady Liberty − a nickname for the Statue of Liberty

13. gesture- sign

Handout 2. What do you know about the Statue of Liberty? Choose the best option.

1. Where is the Statue of Liberty situated?

1. in New York City harbor b. in Washington, DC c. in Sydney


1. Who gave the Statue of Liberty to the USA as a gesture of friendship?

1. Russia b. France c. Germany


1. Who built the monument?

1. America b. France c. America and France jointly


1. Who was an architect?

a. Bartholdi, b. Eifel, the designer c. both of them

the French sculpture of Eifel Tower

How was the monument taken to America?

1. by plane b. by ship c. by both of them


1. The Statue represents a woman holding

1. a flaming torch b. a tablet c. a flaming torch and a tablet


1. What does the “4th of July 1776” stand for?

1. the end of the slavery b. George Washington’s birthday c. the Declaration of



1. What is the Statue of Liberty’s nickname?

1. Lady Freedom b. Lady Liberty c. Mother of the Nation


1. What is the official name of the Statue?

a. the Statue of Liberty b. Liberty Enlightening the World c. Mother of the Nation


1. What is the Statue covered with?

1. copper b. gold c. bronze


1. One of her feet stands on……..to symbolize the freedom from slavery.

1. stones b. chains c. dollars


1. Who paid for her?

American government b. people donated money c. Presidents of America and France


Handout 3. Liberty Enlightening the World.

The Statue of Liberty is one of the best − known American landmarks. It was a gift to the United States from France as a gesture of the friendship the two countries established during the American Revolution (1775—1783). The statue of Liberty was built on donation and cost $530,300 to build. $250,000 (the total statue cost) was raised from the French people and $280,000 (the cost of the pedestal) the Americans donated.It was taken apart, (into 350 pieces), and shipped across the Atlantic Ocean and opened to public on October 28th, 1886 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.

The Statue of Liberty was designed in France by the sculpture Frederic Bartholdi and was constructed with the help of the French engineer Alexander Gustave Eiffel. Some people think Lady Liberty was modeled after the Roman Goddess of Liberty. Some people consider the French model Isabella Boyer to be the prototype of Lady Liberty. But others say that her face remains Bartholdi’s mother. The pedestal was built in America.

The statue represents a woman in a robe holding a stone tablet and a flaming torch in her right hand and standing on chains which symbolize freedom from slavery and oppression The torch is covered with 7 lays of gold leafs. Visitors have to climb 354 stairs to reach the statue’s crown.


The Statue is calledLiberty Enlightening the World.

The huge statue is located on Liberty Island (1,250 km²), in the New York harbor. It was the first sight the immigrants saw on their trip from Europe to America. It became the symbol of freedom and democracy and opportunity for those who wanted to start a new life.




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