Active vocabulary

adventure tourism bird-watching botany business tourism cookery cruise tourism cultural tourism to depend on to devise domestic tourism ecological tourism educational tourism event tourism expensive fourth-age tourism to gamble gambling hiking hitch-hiking holiday tourism horse riding inbound tourism incoming tourism international tourism island motor racing out-going tourism painting pilgrimage tourism pole retired people to share to sort out special-interest tourism sportstourism surroundings survival third-age tourism uninhabited приключенческий туризм наблюдение за птицами в естественных условиях их обитания ботаника деловой туризм кулинария круизный туризм познавательный туризм зависеть от придумывать, разрабатывать внутренний туризм экологический туризм учебный, школьный, образовательный туризм событийный туризм дорогой, дорогостоящий туризм лиц четвертого возраста играть в азартные игры азартные игры, игорный бизнес пеший туризм туризм автостопом каникулярный туризм верховая езда въездной туризм въездной туризм международный туризм остров автогонки выездной туризм живопись паломнический туризм полюс пенсионеры делить, разделять, совместно пользоваться, совместно владеть разбирать, выделять, классифицировать специализированный туризм   спортивный туризм окружение, окружающая обстановка выживание туризм лиц третьего возраста необитаемый




Student 1: I was wondering if we could continue talking about travel and tourism.
Student 2: That sounds fine withme. What do you have in mind?
Student 1: Are there many types of tourism nowadays?
Student 2: Quite a lot! They depend on the purposes of travelling people.
Student 1: Will you share your knowledge with me? If it's not too much trouble, of course.
Student 2: No trouble at all!
Student 1: I am curious to know how many types of tourism there are.
Student 2: I don't think anybody will give you the exact figure.
Student 1: Will you name just a few?
Student 2: They are international and domestic tourism, in-coming and out-going tourism, recreational and business tourism...
Student 1: Wait a minute! Are you serious? Do you mean business travel is a type of tourism?
Student 2: I definitely mean it. Look, tourism is not just pleasure! The more purposes travellers may have, the more types of tourism there are and will be.
Student 1: Will you sort out some of the purposes of travel then?
Student 2: The various purposes are holidays, business, health, study, sports and many more. However, there are a lot more types of tourism.
Student 1: Curiously enough, I personally know just holiday, resort, cruise and sports tourism.
Student 2: I believe, lots of people think of tourism as just recreation. So you are no exception.
Student 1: Will you name some more types of tourism?
Student 2: Cultural and educational tourism, ecological and adventure tourism, hiking and hitch-hiking, pilgrimage and special-interest tourism...
Student 1: Will you slow down, please? What is a special interest tourism?
Student 2: As a matter of fact, there are a great deal of special interest holidays popular with tourists all over the world.
Student 1: “Special interest” sounds very intriguing to me. What kind of special interest is meant here?
Student 2: Any hobby you can think of.
Student 1: Do you mean that if I enjoy beer and take a beer-drinking tour to Bavaria, it is aspecial interest tourism?
Student 2: Your example is quite to the point!Why not? Some other examples are cookery and bird-watching, gambling and painting, motor racing and horse riding, botany and survival.
Student 1: Survival? It must be fantastic! Is it an adventure holiday somewhere on an uninhabited island or on one of the poles?
Student 2: Absolutely so!
Student 1: And what does bird-watching involve?
Student 2: Those are fascinating tours where travellers watch birds in natural surroundings. Just imagine travelling to the Seychelles Bird Island or to Ecuador!
Student 1: Such tours must be very expensive!
Student 2: Who told you that a hobby is a cheap thing? Quite the other way round!
Student 1: I agree to it. The up-to-date hobbies are really expensive. What are some other new types of tourism in the world today?
Student 2: Some of the new types that will continue developing in future are third-age and fourth-age tourism.
Student 1: The more you are telling me about tourism, the more ignorant I am feeling.
Student 2: Oh, come on! If you do some thinking, you will guess what these types of tourism are about.
Student 1: Right. I guess that the third-age tourism concerns retired people. But I can hardly imagine what the fourth-age tourism is.
Student 2: The fourth-age tourism involves disabled people. Both terms «third» and «fourth» age are devised for the sake of convenience and politeness towards these kinds of tourists.
Student 1: That's understandable!
Student 2: And fair enough!



1. I was wondering if we could continue talking about travel.

continue "discussing tourism matters

continue discussing types of tourism

go on talking about career education

go on discussing business matters

carry on speaking about the hospitality industry

carry on speaking about the accommodation industry

2. Will you share your knowledge with me?







3. I'm curious to know how many types of tourism there are.

how many tourist arrivals there are

how many new resorts there are

how travellers choose a tour package

what travel agents offer discounts for

where travel agencies advertise themselves

what some purposes of travel are

4. The more purposes travellers may have, the more types of tourism there are and will be.





ideas about travel

views about travel

5. Will you sort out some of the purposes of travel then?

put together

sum up


inform me of

advise me on

put me in the picture about

6. Curiously enough, I personally know just holiday tourism.







7. As a matter of fact, there are a great deal of special-interest holidays.







8. “Special interest” sounds very intriguing to me!







9. Your example is quite to the point!







10. It must be fantastic!







11. And what does bird-watching involve?







12. Just imagine travelling to the Seychelles!




the desert

the North Pole

an uninhabited island

13. Such tours must be very expensive!

very costly

very inexpensive

very cheap




14. Who told you that a hobby is a cheap thing?


a tour

a journey

a trip

a voyage

a cruise

15. The more you are telling me about tourism, the more ignorant I am feeling.

travel backward

social-interest tourism amazed

adventure tourism excited

third-age tourism interested

bird-watching fascinated

horse-riding impressed

16. If you do some thinking, you will guess what these types of tourism are about.

figure out





get the idea

17. I can hardly imagine what the fourth-age tourism is.


figure out






amusement park animation programme answering service to attend benefit boating bonus communications convention convention tourism cruising cycling data to define difficulty diving equipment to exceed facilities fair familiarization (FAM) tourism fitting-centre holiday camp holiday-maker to improve incentive tourism itinerary to keep physically fit (kept, kept) leisure tourism mission motoring mountain tourism mountaineering negotiations overnight pleasure tourism post-convention tour pre-convention tour preparation provision quota rafting to inquire responsibility to retire reward route sand secretarial services to set a target (set, set) sporting tour to spread out (spread, spread) to stay to sunbathe swimming-pool target theme park trade trade fair training travel expenses water tourism парк развлечении анимационная программа служба секретарей на телефоне посещать, присутствовать на польза, благо, привилегия, преимущество, льгота путешествия на лодке премия средства связи конгресс конгрессный туризм круизные путешествия велотуры данные характеризовать, давать определение трудность ныряние оборудование, оснащение, инвентарь превышать, перевыполнять база, удобства, средства обслуживания, возможности ярмарка ознакомительный туризм тренажерный зал лагерь отдыха отдыхающий, отпускник улучшать, совершенствовать поощрительный туризм спланированный маршрут поддерживать физическую форму досуговый туризм миссия, делегация автотуризм, путешествия на автомобиле горный туризм альпинизм переговоры в ночное время каникулярный туризм, туризм с целью отдыха постконгрессный тур предконгрессный тур подготовка предоставление, обеспечение норма сплав по рекам на плотах или резиновых лодках требовать ответственность уходить на пенсию вознаграждение маршрут песок услуги секретаря ставить задачу, цель спортивный тур распространяться, расширяться останавливаться, проживать загорать, принимать солнечные ванны бассейн задача, цель тематический парк торговля, торговый торговая ярмарка профессиональная подготовка, тренировка, обучение дорожные расходы водный туризм



Leisure tourism is also called pleasure tourism or holiday tourism. It is a type of tourism when a person goes on holiday and does not travel on business. Thus, the purpose of tourism in this case is recreation.

Leisure travellers look for sun, sea and sand. They want to go sunbathing, swimming and diving. So this kind of travellers go to sea resorts or holiday camps and stay at resort hotels.

Leisure travellers enjoy organized entertainment and sport. In aresort hotel there are always swimming-pools, fitting-centres, tenniscourts, discos. A resort hotel offers its customers contests, concerts, shows, animation programmes for children. Usually it offers tours and visits to different attractions: local sights or amusement or theme parks.

Holiday-makers normally travel with their families and children. There are other ways to travel for pleasure: cruising and coaching, motoring and hiking.

More and more working people will have longer paid holidays and long weekends in future. More and more people will retire at an earlier age. It means that more and more people will travel for leisure in future.


Sports tourism is a type of active holiday. The purpose of a sporting tour is to exercise and keep physically fit. At the same time travellers enjoy natural surroundings, fresh air and clean water.

Travellers combine action and relaxation during a sporting holiday.

Tourist companies offer hiking, cycling, boating, rafting and other kinds of sporting tour.

Very often sporting tours require preparation and special training. First the tour instructors will plan the itinerary. Then they will train tourists how to use sporting equipment. They will explain the details of the route. They will define means of transportation, provision of meals and overnight accommodation.

During some tours travellers carry their luggage and sporting equipment themselves. During some other tours special carriers transfer the luggage for them. It depends on the difficulty of the tour, on the tourist destination and the local practice.

Within sports tourism there is water tourism, mountain tourism and mountaineering, skiing. Sports tourism is popular all year round.


Business tourism is a travel for business purposes.

Business travellers are businessmen and government officials. They travel on different missions. Theyoften travel to attend a convention. Convention tourism is a part of business tourism. It involves taking part in a conference or a seminar.

Business travellers often travel to attend an international exhibition or a trade fair.

There are tourist companies that provide business services. Those are fax, telex and telephone communications, secretarial services, answering service, business meeting arrangements. There are business facilities for business travellers at hotels, airports, on airplanes.

Business travel will develop faster than other types of tourism in future. There will be more business tourists and more tourist companies which will deal with business tourism. They will provide more services in future. They will collect information on markets and trade partners, provide economic data on monitors, arrange negotiations, offer pre-convention and post-convention tours.


Incentive tourism means that a business company offers holiday tours to its employees and covers all travel expenses.

On the one hand, the company does it as a reward or a bonus to a person for his successful work.

On the other hand, the company does it as an incentive for the future. The company hopes that the employee will work even better in future and bring profit to the company.

Very often an employer sets a target for an employee: «You will earn a holiday in France for your family if you exceed your quota by 10per cent next year».

Incentive tourism emerged in the 1960s in the USA. Later on it spread in Europe. But only large progressive corporations offer tours to their employees.

In some countries there are specialist tourist companies which arrange incentive tours for business corporations. They take great responsibility because incentive tours go under the name of the business corporation. It means that good travel arrangements will improve its reputation. Bad travel arrangements will shake its reputation.

This type of tourism is still a very small part of international tourism. Most probably this type of tourism won't grow in future.


Familiarization tourism is often called just FAM tourism. It means that a business company sends its staff on educational tours to its branches or other business companies in other cities and countries.

If a travel agency sends its travel clerks on FAM tours, it means that they will have educational visits to a tourist destination. There they will get familiar with local facilities, hotels, restaurants and attractions. They will study a tour operator's or local travel agency's practice.

Themain purpose of travel clerks on a FAM tour is to get necessary knowledge from personal experience. When the clerks return home, they will know what to offer and what to explain to their customers about thedestination.

Some experts say that FAM tourism is a part of incentive tourism. On the one hand, such a tour is an incentive to the travel agency staff selling holidays. On the other, it is a benefit to the tour operator which arranges them.

FAM tourism is very popular and will become even more popular in future.


I. Match up:

1)holiday 2)answering 3)theme 4)natural 5)sporting 6)government 7)overnight 8)economic a)service b)surroundings c)accommodation d)equipment e)camp f)data g)official h)park


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