The Culture of Russia
(Культура России)
Russian culture has a long and rich cultural history, steeped in literature, ballet, painting and classical music. While outsiders may see the country as drab, Russia has a very visual cultural past, from its colorful folk costumes to its ornate religious symbols. Here is a brief overview of Russian customs and traditions.
Русская культура имеет долгую и богатую культурную историю, пропитанную литературой, балетом, живописью и классической музыкой. В то время как посторонние люди могут видеть эту страну унылой, Россия имеет очень визуальное, культурное прошлое, начиная с ее красочных народных костюмов и заканчивая богато украшенными религиозными символами. Вот краткий обзор русских обычаев и традиций.
Task 1. Read and translate texts (устный перевод текстов для ознакомления).
Arts, literature and architecture
Ballet is a popular notable art form coming out of Russia. Founded in 1776, the Bolshoi Ballet is a classical ballet company based at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow and known throughout the world. The Mariinsky Ballet in Saint Petersburg is another famous ballet company in Russia.
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, a 19th-century Russian composer, is world renowned for "Swan Lake" and the "1812 Overture," among other pieces. There are several museums, including his childhood home, showcasing his personal belongings and musical artifacts.
Russian literature has also had a worldwide impact, with writers such as Leon Tolstoy ("Anna Karenina" and "War and Peace") and Fyodor Dostoevsky ("Crime and Punishment" and "The Brothers Karamazov") still being read around the world.
Russian nesting dolls are well-known symbols of the country. These sets of dolls, known as matrioshka dolls, consist of a wooden figure that can be pulled apart to reveal another smaller version of the same image inside, and so on, often with six or more dolls nested inside one another. The painting of each doll, which can be extremely elaborate, usually symbolizes a Russian peasant girl in traditional costume.
Colorfully painted onion domes first appeared during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, according to Lonely Planet. They are commonplace in Russian architecture and are predominant atop church structures. It has been speculated that they represent burning candles or vaults to heaven and often appear in groups of three representing the Holy Trinity.
Folklore & holidays
Russia has a rich tradition of folk tales that derive from a number of Slavic myths and traditions, according to de Rossi. Russian folk characters are very colorful, and they also betray ancient pagan roots: for example, the Baba Yaga is a witch-like old woman who lives in the forest in a house that rests on chicken legs and is surrounded by skulls and bones. Another tale tells of the Fire Bird, an enchanted creature with fiery plumage that is very difficult to catch, therefore its capture or that of one of its feathers is often the challenge facing the hero.
Both the Baba Yaga and the Fire Bird can either be good or bad, terrifying or benevolent, and they can bestow favorable or hostile enchantments, de Rossi said. Above all, they must never be antagonized!
Some Russians observe Christmas on Jan. 7 as a public holiday, according to the Julian calendar used by the Russian Orthodox Church, while others celebrate on Dec. 25.
Russia Day is celebrated on June 12. This marks the day in 1990 that the Russian parliament formally declared Russian sovereignty from the USSR, according to the School of Russian and Asian Studies. Initially, it was named Russian Independence Day, but was renamed to Russia Day, a name offered by Boris Yeltsin, in 2002.
Russian traditions
Russia is a unique country, which preserves the national traditions deeply rooted not only in the Orthodox religion but also in paganism. Christianity gave Russians such great holidays as Easter and Christmas, and Paganism – Maslenitsa, which means Pancake Day. Old traditions are passed on from generation to generation.
New Years day is the biggest celebration for Russians. It is believed that the way you celebrate the New Year indicates how your year will be. On New Year’s eve, a huge meal is prepared with an abundance of dishes.
Easter is the day of the resurrection of Christ. The main tradition at Easter time is the painting of hard-boiled eggs. Red is the predominant colour, as it signifies new life. Russians exchange eggs and kind wishes for the Easter celebration.
Christmas is the holiday of the birth of Jesus Christ, which is celebrated on the 7th of January. Before Christmas Eve, people tidy their houses. The food for Christmas is prepared some days in advance, with turkey, stuffed pork, pies, pastries and sweets for children.
Maslenitsa is one of the most cheerful holidays in Russia. It marks the end of the winter and the opening of new spring festivals and ceremonies. Maslenitsa is celebrated during the week preceding the Lent. Every day of Maslenitsa is devoted to special rituals.
There are some interesting family traditions. For example, when a new baby is born, the father should plant a tree, wishing the child to grow up strong and healthy.
Among the traditions connected with wedding is blessing. When a bride and groom are ready to go to the church, the oldest member in their family takes a religious icon from the wall. While the bride and groom kneel, the family member crosses them both with the icon, blesses their union, and wishes them a long and happy marriage. At the wedding reception, the husband and wife take a big loaf of bread and bite it at the same time, without the use of their hands. Whoever gets the larger piece, it is said that they will be the leader of their family.
Task 2. Write about your favorite holiday or your favorite book. - Напишите о своем любимом празднике или о своей любимой книге.