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Дисциплина: ОГСЭ 03 «Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности»

Тема занятия: Реставрация Московского кремля https://www.britannica.com/video/179907/Overview-Kremlin-Moscow

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Restoration of the Moscow Kremlin

Gilded cornices,

eagle sconces,

velvet wall coverings

a picturesque ceiling,

silver chandeliers

to be recreated from historical authentic samples stored in the Armory.

To be worth paying attention to the recreated parquet-

on the floor lay the usual panel

to repeat the pattern of the parquet.

The floor coverings

To be made by Russian craftsmen.


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Restoration of the Moscow Kremlin

From a historical and architectural point of view, the Moscow Kremlin is one of the largest preserved fortresses on the territory of Europe, is the oldest part of the capital of the Russian Federation, the main socio-political, spiritual, religious, historical and artistic complex of the Russian state. The Moscow Kremlin is included in the list of UNESCO world heritage sites. Since 1991, the Moscow Kremlin has been the official residence of the President of the Russian Federation.

The history of the Moscow Kremlin is rich in events. The walls and towers of the Moscow Kremlin have witnessed revolutions and riots, the invasion of foreign invaders, devastating fires, the demolition of old buildings and the construction of new ones.

For the first time since the beginning of the 20s of the last century, thanks to a detailed project, the "cache zone", located under the arch, has regained its former luster. According to legend, when meetings of boyars were held in the hall of the chamber, women were forbidden to attend them. And only members of the Royal family were allowed to stay in the cache, which allowed them to be aware of state Affairs.

Gilded cornices, eagle sconces, velvet wall coverings and a picturesque ceiling, silver chandeliers with brands were recreated from historical authentic samples stored in the Armory. It is worth paying attention to the recreated parquet-before it on the floor lay the usual panel, and the current one is recruited from more than a dozen varieties of wood based on samples that experts found in photos and paintings. In the same way, a carpet was made that exactly repeats the pattern of the parquet. The floor coverings were made by Russian craftsmen.

In parallel with the work, archaeological excavations were carried out, during which about three thousand items were found, including a gold brooch that was transferred to the Armory. Currently, the Granovitaya chamber hosts events that are handled by the Protocol service of the President of the Russian Federation.

During the period from 2008 to 2012, a number of large-scale repair and restoration works were carried out to accommodate the Presidential regiment, the special purpose Garage and other divisions of the FSO of Russia. In a short time, the restoration and reconstruction of buildings No. 6, 7, 8, repair of the facades of the Arsenal building, the sports complex building, etc. was carried out. Priority emergency measures were carried out in The Lenin Mausoleum, which prevented the formation of cracks on the facade due to the subsidence of the ground under the building.

Today, on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, the walls and towers of the Moscow Kremlin are being restored. In 2015, in preparation for the 70th anniversary of Victory in the great Patriotic war, the Spasskaya and Srednyaya Arsenalnaya towers and a section of the wall in the Alexander garden opposite the grave of the Unknown soldier were restored.

During the work, the chimes on the Spasskaya tower were restored (including the clock mechanism), and the lighting of the ruby star was upgraded. During the work, the Spasskaya tower was hidden by scaffolding, but guests of the capital, coming to Red square, heard the chimes. This was a small trick, the battle was recorded and played back in time on special equipment that accurately transmitted the ringing of bells, and on new year's holidays, the silhouette of the tower itself was projected on the scaffolding, while the arrows of the projected chimes moved in real time. To eliminate the wetting of the Kremlin walls, a system of organized drainage from the battle passages of the pryasel was used.

When performing restoration work, modern finishing materials and technologies proven by the experience of restorers are used, which will allow preserving monuments of historical and cultural heritage for a long time.

In the future, the Federal tax service of Russia will have to perform a large amount of work on the restoration of the premises and halls of the Grand Kremlin Palace, the transition gallery, complete work on The Lenin mausoleum, and so on. As before, the work will be performed in the conditions of active operation of the Moscow Kremlin facilities.

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