Vocabulary and Grammar Tasks.



Find the English equivalents in the text and use them in the sentences of your own.


Курить кальян, держать себя в руках, от самого начала и до самого конца, перечить (противоречить), насиживать яйца, не смыкать глаз, быть довольным, уползать, есть маленькими кусочками (откусывать), глотать.


Use the correct tense form of the right verbs.

Strike (struck) – stroke (stroked)

  1. Alice liked to … her cat Dinah. 2. The Pigeon … at Alice. 3. The story … me as ridiculous. 4. She didn’t know how to … the Caterpillar down.


Leave (left) - live (lived)

    1. I’ve taken the highest tree in the wood to … in. 2. … me alone! 3. “Whoever … there will be frightened out of their wits,” thought Alice. 4. She didn’t remember where she … the key.


Lie (lied) - lie (lay, lain)


  1. She was a truthful child and couldn’t …. 2. The Caterpillar … on the mushroom, smoking a hookah. 3. You … yesterday, you … tomorrow. 4. Some hours ago the … on the bank of the river.


3. Compare the meaning of the following:

I am used to doing it - Я привык это делать (Это является для меня привычкой)

I got used to doing it - Я привык это делать (Это стало для меня привычным)


Paraphrase these statements using to be used or get used.

  1. Alice changed her size very often.
  2. She talked to animals and birds without embarrassment after some time.
  3. I don’t look for birds’ nests.
  4. Wild Pigeons live in the trees.
  5. Caterpillars always speak this way.
  6. She never eats mushrooms.
  7. The child usually went to bed at nine o’clock.


Rewrite the following sentences in Indirect Speech.

  1. “Who are you? ” said the Caterpillar. 2. “I’m afraid, I can’t explain it more clearly,” Alice replied very politely, “for I can’t understand it because it’s very confusing to be so many different sizes in a day”. 3. “Well, perhaps you haven’t6 found it so yet”, said Alice. 4. “Perhaps your feelings may be different,” said Alice. 5. “come back!” the Caterpillar called after her. “I’ve something important to say!” 6. “Is that all?” said Alice, swallowing down her anger as well as she could. 7. Repeat “ You are old, Father William””,said the Caterpillar. 8. “I have answered three questions, and that is enough”, said his father; “don’t give yourself airs.” 9. “You are old Father William”, the young man said.



Vocabulary and Grammar Tasks.

  1. Find the English equivalents in the text and use them in the sentences of your own.

То и дело, быть невежливым, оцарапать нос, нянчить младенца, ухмыляться до ушей, набраться храбрости, между тем, не соваться в чужие дела, понять намек, петь колыбельную, курносый нос, буйное сумасшествие.


  1. a) Match the words in columns A and B to find out how animals (birds) talk.

A. dogs B. chirp

wolves crow

pigs grunt

cats growl

hens cluck

cocks howl

ducks purr

sparrows quack


B) Translate the verbs in brackets using the right form.

  1. When I stroke my cat it usually ….
  2. The sparrows … in the lilac bushes.
  3. Suddenly the baby that Alice was holding began ….
  4. She was so lonely that she wanted ….
  5. You see a dog … when it’s angry.
  6. There were a lot of domestic birds on the farm and they …, …, ….


  1. Choose the right word and fill in the gaps.

Inside – in sight

    1. Alice wanted to get … very much. 2. They’re making such a noise …, no one could possibly hear you. 3. For a minute or two she was looking at the house. Wondering if there was somebody ….4. When they got to the beach there was not a soul …. 5. Very soon the pigs ate everything that was ….


Near – nearly

1. It’s … the same. 2. I’d … forgotten to ask you about it. 3. The Cheshire Cat was sitting on a bough of a tree … her. 4. Come and sit … me. 5. She was standing … enough to hear everything.


Axe (axes) – axis (axes)

1. The Earth rotation on an … between the North and the South Pole. 2. He sharpened his … and began to cut a huge tree. 3. “Talking of …”, said the Duchess, “chop off her head”.


  1. Open the brackets in the following conditional and wish- sentences.
    1. “I wish I (can) enter this house”, thought Alice. 2. If any (to make/not) such a terrible noise, she (to hear) everything. 3. “There (may) be some sense in your knocking if we (to have) the door between us”, said the Footman. 4. “If you (to be) inside, I (can) let you out. 5.”If everybody (to mind) there own business, the world (to go) a deal faster than it does”, said the Duchess. 6. “If it (to grow up), it (to become) a dreadfully ugly child”, thought Alice about the creature she was holding. 7. “I (to play) with the Queen ifI (to be invited)”, said Alice. 8. “I wish you (to appear, vanish/not) so suddenly”, replied Alice. 9. “I wish I (to take/not) this baby”, thought Alice.



Vocabulary and Grammar Tasks.

  1. Find the English equivalents in the text and use them in the sentences of your own.


Переходить на личность, отгадать загадку, жестокость (безжалостность), опрокинуть что-то, задремать, стерпеть (вынести) что-либо, переменить предмет разговора (тему), щипать кого-либо, не иметь ни малейшего представления, накрыть на стол.


  1. Use the correct tense of the right verb.

Offer – suggest

  1. The Hatter … Alice some wine.
  2. She didn’t even … help.
  3. They … telling an interesting story.
  4. We… that you should guess the riddle.
  5. All the time they had to sit at the table, so they couldn’t even … a short walk in the wood.


Bring – take - carry


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