Министерство образования и науки РФ
ФГБОУ ВО «Сыктывкарский государственный университет им. Питирима Сорокина»
Институт иностранных языков
Кафедра иностранных языков
Республиканская ассоциация преподавателей английского языка KOMELTA
Отдел печати и культуры при посольстве США в Москве
Международной научно-практической конференции
«Молодые исследователи 21 века – наука и предпринимательство без границ» \ («Young researchers of the 21-st century – science and entrepreneurship without borders»)
Время | Место | Мероприятие | Доклады | |
18.12.18 (вторник) | ||||
13.30- 14.00 | СГУ корп. 2. Старовского, 55, ауд. 414 Registration | |||
14.00 - 16.30 | СГУ корп. 2. Старовского, 55, ауд. 414 | Opening Ceremony Plenary reports History and People’s Life in the North. International Collaboration as the Region's Development Factor Moderator: Minina O.G. | О.Г. Минина Education and entrepreneurship in the 21-st century М.М. Стыров Developing creative capacity of Russian northern regions through strengthening the family. И.В.Минин The roots and specifics of philanthropy in Russia. Ю.М. Уразова Prospects of regional EMI development (by the example of SSU named after Pitirim Sorokin). А.А. Кутузова Russia and Israel: prospects for cooperation in educational sphere Р.В. Деревесников Entrepreneurial activity of nonresident merchants in the Komi region (late XIX – early XX centuries). A.A. Бильчук Pre-school education in the town of Solvychegodsk, (North-Dvina province) in 1918-1929. В.В. Сафаралиев The Great Patriotic War in the pages of the newspaper "For the New North". Т.А. Сокерин Historiography of the problem of higher education policy in Komi in the 1920s–early 1930s. М.С. Шахова The European North-East hillforts’ classification. И.Б. Липницкая Problems and prospects of studying the European North colonization. И.С.МатвеевTraditions and innovations in teaching history (by the example of A.P. Zernin) А.Р.Аббасов. Interethnic relations in the Caucasus during the Civil War. | |
20.12.2018 (четверг) | ||||
15.30 – 17.40 | СГУ корп. 2. Старовского, 55, ауд. 414 | Innovative Teaching Technologies and the 21st Century Skills Moderator: L.A. Kataeva | О.Г.Мезенцева Practical recommendations on projecting English language lessons for blind and visually impaired students. Н.А. Вьюшкова Developing didactic teaching resources to train children with special educational needs in chemistry. В.В. Власова The tendencies of the development of the modern lesson: the peculiarities of using CLIL for the professional orientation of the secondary school students. Krasnoyarsk. А.В. Орлов Distant education platforms (LMS) and their capacities in blended learning programs. А.Д. Липова Web-quest as an educational project. Н.А.Нагишев Teacher’s emotional burnout and how to overcome it. Е.В. Супряткина Tourists case study structural elements and construction principles. Ю.Н. Мальцева Developing critical thinking skills in adult classes. А.Д. Оплеснина Technology of developing high school students’ critical thinking skills via reading. Л.А. Катаева The role of argumentation in team work at English classes. Е.С. Изместьев Word formation models in English chemical terminology. О.И. Епова Lapbooks as the element of CLIL-methodology (for students of 4-6 graders). А.Н. Бескровная-Ефремова TESOL/TEFL Certification as methodological aid for English teachers. | |
21.12.2018 (пятница) | ||||
14.00 – 17.00 | СГУ корп. 2. Старовского, 55, ауд. 404 | First Steps into Science Moderator: O.I. Yepova | Цыканова Ксения Creating mini printer for the rapid printing "Los-print". Морокова Екатерина The usage of anglicisms in the modern Russian language. Васильева Алиса, Тимофеев Матвей The degree of dependence of the thickness and dissection of the hair shaft on the human head on age, gender and hair type Ксения Жирютина, Дарья Жирютина American school system: pros and cons. Турубанов Никита Tendencies in profession choice by youth: Russia vs. the USA. Веникова Екатерина The impact of social networks on the academic success of 5th-6th graders. Турубанова Светлана Brain architecture. Мир Солина Psychological profile of a primary school student in terms of school space gamification. Барбир Августин The Influence of John Tolkien on the Warhammer Universe. Терлецкая Ульяна. The ability of adult cats to be trained. Case study. Саффар Ниа Илья Dynamics of world records in swimming (1960–2018). Попович Илья, Столбовский Семен Methods of group work at the English lesson. | |
22.12.2018 (суббота) | ||||
13.00 – 15.00 | СГУ корп. 2. Старовского, 55, ауд. 414 | Entrepreneurship in the North Moderator: O.G.Minina | Дымова Е. С. Teachepreneur – what does it mean? Залесская С. И. Ecological children centre “Filin” Зыкова Е. Л. Social Entrepreneurship: how to combine business and philanthropy Лебедева Е. А., Лебедев А.А. Ecological farming in the North Некрасов А.А. Программы поддержки молодежных проектов | |