Выпишите и выучите новые слова. Список английских слов по теме «Ecological Problems»
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I. General Words
1. environment — окружающая среда
- a healthy environment
- to protect the environment
- to spoil the environment
2. pollution — загрязнение
- reduce pollution
- Land pollution, air pollution, water pollution
- Many scientists think about serious changes in the climate because of the pollution of the atmosphere.
3. protection — защита
- protection of the environment
4. environmental — связанные с окружающей средой (=ecological)
- environmental problems
- environmental protection
- Environmental pollution is becoming worse.
- The main environmental problems are
5. to protect the environment — защищать окружающую среду
- to protect the environment from pollution
6. to pollute / to be polluted by — загрязнять / быть загрязненным чем-то
- to pollute the environment
- to pollute the water, air, atmosphere means to make it dirty and dangerous for people and animals to live in or to use
- The air in the cities is polluted by car fumes (выхлопными газами).
7. An influence = an effect — влияние (воздействие)
- to have a strong influence (effect) on
- TV has a strong influence on people.
- Climate has a very important influence on plants, animals and humans.
8. to influence smth (greatly) — влиять (сильно)
- What influenced his decision?
- His speech influenced me greatly.
- Humans influence Nature.
9. human influence — влияние человека
- Human influence on nature is negative.
10. to destroy / to be destroyed — разрушить, уничтожить / быть уничтоженным
- to destroy buildings, to destroy hopes
- to destroy wildlife, countryside beauty
- The house was destroyed.
- Fires often destroy forests.
11. a destruction — разрушение
- the destruction of environment
- the destruction of wildlife & countryside beauty
- destruction of ozone layer
- destruction of rainforests
- Pouring oil into the water will cause pollution and the destruction of our seas and rivers.
12. damage — ущерб
13. to damage / to be damaged — нанести ущерб / быть поврежденным
- to damage nature
- to be damaged by fire
- The house was so badly damaged.
14. fragile — хрупкий
- fragile health
- Our fragile planet needs protection
- Name 3 things that are fragile.
15. to cause / to be caused — вызывать / вызван
- to cause illness
- to cause decease
- to cause death
- to cause destruction
- to cause troubles
- to cause pollution
- A burning cigarette caused the fire.
- Smoking causes lung decease.
16. a disaster — катастрофа
- a terrible disaster
- nuclear disaster
- ecological disaster
- Fire is a disaster.
17. to survive — выжить
- Do you know that camels can survive for many days without eating?
18. safe — безопасный
- a safe place to live
19. safety — безопасность
- be sure of safety
20. global — глобальный
- global problems
- global warming
21. crisis [`kraisis] — кризис
- ecological crisis
- global crisis
22. to prevent — предотвратить
- to prevent an ecological disaster
23. to take actions — принимать меры
- to take actions to prevent an ecological disaster
24. to prohibit / to be prohibited — запретить / запрещено
- to be strictly prohibited
- Feeding animals in zoos is strictly prohibited.
II. Pollution
25. to produce — производить
- to produce goods
- Name makes of cars produced in Russia.
26. energy — энергия
- Energy is the power from electricity, wind, etc. that helps machines work.
27. nuclear — ядерный
- nuclear energy
- nuclear power stations
- nuclear tests
- nuclear weapons
- a nuclear waste
- Nuclear waste endangers people’s lives.
- People all over the world protest against nuclear tests.
- Nuclear power stations can go wrong and cause nuclear pollution.
28. a dump — свалка
- town dump
- This town is a real dump.
- Take all this litter to the town dump.
29. litter — мелкий мусор
- to drop litter
- to clear litter away
30. cans of coke/ beer — банки от колы, пива
31. packaging — упаковка
32. packed goods — упакованные товары
33. rubbish / garbage – крупный мусор
- to throw rubbish
34. throw away — выбрасывать
35. waste — отходы
- waste paper
- nuclear waste
- industrial waste
- chemical waste
- radioactive waste
- A lot of waste from factories and plants goes in to the rivers.
- The scientists try to solve the problem of radioactive waste.
36. to dump / to be dumped — сбрасывать в большом количестве / быть выброшенным
- They dumped a lot of rubbish in the river.
- All the countries protest against dumping acid wastes in the seas and oceans.
37. poison — яд (fertilizes — удобрения)
38. to poison / to be poisoned — отравлять / быть отравленным
- People can be poisoned by industrial waste.
III. Destruction of the Environment, Nature and the Wildlife
39. greenhouse effect — парниковый эффект
- the problem of greenhouse effect
- Greenhouse effect is the problem of a rise in temperature in the earth’s atmosphere.
40. source [so:s] — источник
- source of information
- What are the main sourses of land pollution?
41. resources [ri`so:siz] — ресурсы
- natural resources
- The country is rich in natural resources. They are……
42. to waste — тратить понапрасну
- not to waste water, electricity
43. a shortage — нехватка
- a shortage of water
- a shortage of natural resources (gas, oil, clean water)
- a shortage of food
44. to run out of – заканчиваться
- We will run out of oil.
45. extinct — вымерший
- extinct birds
- What extinct animals do you know?
- Dinosaurs are extinct animals.
46. to endanger / to be endangered — подвергать опасности / быть в опасности
- to endanger animals
- to endanger people’s lives
47. endangered animals — исчезающие животные
- Endanged animals are in danger.
- Nowadays tigers have become endangered animals.
48. to die out — вымирать
- Endangered animals can easily die out.
- Why do some animals die out? People kill animals for the sake of their skins and destroy their habitats, cutting down forests and polluting water.
49. a species [`spi:ʃi:z] (мн.ч. species) — вид (виды)
- plant species
- insect species
- a species of flowers, a species of animals, different species of trees
- The Black Tulip is an unusual species of tulips.
50. a habitat — место обитания
- a habitat of plants
- a habitat of animals
- A habitat is a place where a certain animal usually lives.
51. to include / to be included — включать / быть включенным
- to include in the Red Book
52. disappearing = (rare) — исчезающие (редкие)