Headline media press bulletin comment communication news flash article communicate


Nouns bulletin commentator journalist newsflash view a) Press advertisement (= advert, = ad) article broadsheet circulation columnist comic strip content feature front page gossip glossy magazine newspaper headline heading publicity quality press tabloid b) TV announcer cartoon documentary game show (= quiz show) programme reporter satellite series sitcom soap opera talk show weather forecast Adjectives cable (TV) computer-literate daily/weekly/monthly user-friendly Verbs broadcast communicate convince (= persuade) cover edit publish Phrasal verbs look through — to read, examine a group of things so that yo* can find the one that you want look up — to try to find out information in a book or list, etc make up — to invent an explanation, excuse, create a story put forward — to suggest run across — to find by chance stand for — to be an abbreviation of or symbol for stand out — to be easy to see because of being different turn down — to reduce the amount of sound turn over— to turn a page so that the other side is towards you turn up — to increase the amount of sound, heat Word patterns ^ according to sb on the Internet to comment on sth to correspond with sb/sth to do crosswords to inform sb about/of sth  


Phrases and collocations

a means of gaining popularity Scandal is one of the simplest means of gaming popularity in the celebrity world.

to give a description of sth/sb A film reviews gives a critical description of a film.

live broadcast There will be a live broadcast of the concert on TV today.

to reflect one’s dreams/fears/ stereotypes Advertising usually reflects our stereotypes about life and success.

to surf the Internet Surfing the Internet is a great time waster.

to take sth/sb for granted We should no longer take the truthfulness of a printed word for granted.

Word formation

to announce announcer, announcement, announcing to edit edition, editorial, editor, edited, editorship to irritate irritation, irritable, irritated, irritative
to argue to explain journal
arguable, explaining, journalist,
arguing, arguer, explanation, journalism,
argument, explanatory, journalistic
argumentative (im)explamable  
to communicate harm digit
communication, harming, digital(ly),
communicative, harmful, to digitalize,
communicator harmless digitalization
to describe to help to respond
describing, helping, respondent,
description, helper, response,
descriptive, (un)helpful, (irresponsible,
indescribable helpless responsibility
to provide to inform to use
provider, informed, useful,
provided, information, useless, user,
providing, provision informative misuse, misused


Nouns bulletin [ bulitin] сводка новостей
commentator [kamanteita] комментатор (на радио, те­левидении)
journalist [ 'd30:n(3)list] журналист, корреспондент
newsflash [nju:zfleej] экстренное сообщение
view [vju:] точка зрения, взгляд

a) Press

advertisement [sd'vatismant] (= advert [aedva:t], = ad) объявление, реклама, анонс, извещение
article [a:tikl] статья (в газете, журнале)
broadsheet ['bro:d/i:t] газета большого формата (обычно солидное, респек­табельное издание)
circulation [^sa&ja'leij^n] тираж (газет, журналов)
columnist ['kolammst] корреспондент, обозрева­тель (ведущий постоянную рубрику)
comic strip комикс, рассказ в картин­ках
content ['kontent] содержание, суть
feature ['frtja] сенсационный материал (о сообщении в СМИ), ста­тья, очерк (в периодиче­ском издании)
front page первая страница, полоса (в газете)
gossip сплетня, слухи
glossy magazine [,maega'zi:n] красочный журнал (на глянцевой бумаге, со мно­жеством иллюстраций и реклам)
headline заголовок, рубрика, но­вости, расположенные на первой странице газеты
heading ['hedir)] заглавие, заголовок, руб­рика
newspaper [nju^peips] газета
publicity [pAb'hsati] огласка, известность, сла­ва, реклама
quality press ['kwobtij солидные издания
tabloid ftaebbid] таблоид (малоформатная газета, обычно бульварно­го содержания)

b) TV

announcer ведущий новостных про­грамм; диктор
cartoon [ka:'tu:n] мультфильм
documentary документальный фильм
game show (= quiz show) [kwiz] телеигра, телевикторина
programme ['prsugraem] (телевизионная или радио-) программа, передача
reporter [ri'po:ta] репортёр; корреспондент, обозреватель
satellite ['saet(s)lait] спутник
series [si3ri:z] Многосерийная телепередача
sitcom [sitkom] комедия положений
soap opera мыльная опера
talk show [ to:k /зu] ток-шоу
weather forecast прогноз погоды


cable (TV) [keibl] кабельное телевидение
computer-literate умеющий пользоваться компьютером
daily ['deili] / weekly ['wi:kh] / monthly ['тлпвк] ежедневный / еженедельный / ежемесячный
user-friendly удобный для пользователя


broadcast ['bro.'dkcust] передавать по радио или телевидению, вещать, транслировать
communicate сообщать, общаться, сообщаться
convince = per­suade [ps'sweid]) убеждать, уверять (в чём- либо), доводить до чьего- либо сознания
cover ['k/\va] освещать в СМИ
edit [edit] редактировать, готовить к печати
publish [ pAbliJ] издавать, публиковать

Confusing words

canal [ka'nael] канал (искусственный, вод­ное сооружение)
channel телевизионный канал
home news новости страны
local news местные новости
magazine журнал
journal специализированное изда­ние
advertisement рекламное объявление
advertising реклама, рекламный биз­нес
commercial телевизионный (радио) ролик

Word patterns

according to sb [a'ko:dirj] согласно (чьему-либо) заяв­лению, по (ч-л) сло­вам
on the Internet в интернете
to comment on sth высказывать своё мнение по поводу чего-либо
to correspond with sb/sth вести переписку с к-л / соответствовать чему-либо
to do crosswords разгадывать кроссворды
to inform sb about/of sth информировать кого-либо о чем-либо

Confusing words

canal / channel

A canal is a passage dug out of the ground, either to connect two areas of water so boats can travel between them, or to bring or remove water from somewhere. The Panama Canal appeared in the twentieth century.

A channel is a television station and all the programmes broadcast by it. We watched the news on Channel 4.

advertisement / advertising / commercial

An advertisement is an announcement in a newspaper, on television, or on a poster about something such as a product, event, or job. Jane placed an advertisement in the local newspaper.

Advertising is the activity of creating advertisements and making sure people see them. Movie audiences are receptive to advertising.

A commercial is an advertisement that is broadcast on television or radio. The government has launched a campaign of television commercials and leaflets.

magazine / journal

A magazine is a periodical publication containing articles and illustrations, often on a particular subject or aimed at a particular readership. A women’s weekly magazine.

A journal is a newspaper or magazine that deals with a particular subject or professional activity, medical journals, (in names) the Wall Street Journal.

home news / local news

Home news is news relating to your own country. The BBC reports on both international and home news.

Local news is news coverage of events in a local context which would not normally be of interest to those of other localities, or otherwise be of national or international scope. We talked for hours and they told me all the local news.

I. Complete using the appropriate words from the box.

headline media press bulletin comment communication news flash article communicate

1.I generally trust what I hear on the news, but rarely believe anything I read in the..

2. There is an interesting... in the paper about the Constitution of the European Union.

3. The... involve print journalism, TV, radio and even electronic forms of commu-nication such as the Internet.

4. We interrupt this programme to bring you an urgent....

5. How many means of….. do you use on a regular basis?

6.... can tell us something about what a paper is like.

7. The main function of the media is to... to society what its members do, feel and think.

8. A newspaper should be the maximum of information, and the minimum of...

9. And we’ll be back with our regular... at six o’clock.

2. Match the words with their definitions.

1. tabloid 2. the Internet 3. convince 4. heading 5. news 6. circulation 7. broadsheet 8. reporter 9. user-friendly 10. advertisement a)a person who reports news or conduct interviews for the press b)an announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service or event c)information about a recently changed situation or a recent event d)a title at the head of a page or section of a book e)a newspaper that has small pages, short articles, and lots of photographs g)easy to use computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities h)the number of copies that are sold each time it is produced i)a newspaper with a large format regar­ded as more serious and less sensatio­nalist than tabloids j) make somebody believe that something is true or that it exists


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