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Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан


по специальности: «Переводческое дело (0832002)

квалификации: «Переводчик - референт» (0832012)

Вариант 0005

Астана- 2009
Переводчик - референт Вариант N 1 0832 26.03.2009


1. Russian equivalent to the word "introduce" in the sentence "Like other things, it is sometimes said to have been introduced by the Romans"

A) знакомить

B) привозить

C) вводить

D) представлять

E) устанавливать


2. Give Russian equivalent to the word "aggressive" in the sentence "We are developing a more aggressive program" says Prince"

A) стремительный

B) интенсивный

C) агрессивный

D) напористый

E) нападающий


3. Коммандитное товарищество - это:

A) Counter-inquiry

B) Withdrawal of the order

C) Unlimited Partnership

D) Master limited Partnership

E) Limited Partnership


4. Как называется налог, облагаемый на прибыль корпорации и компании с ограниченной ответственностью

A) Written inquiries

B) Corporation tax

C) Curriculum vital

D) Charter

E) Advertising


5. Translation is...

A) a means of interlinguas communication

B) a means of international operations

C) a means of communicative values

D) a means of international co-operations

E) a means of interrelated activities


6. Факс, который является наиболее популярным и самым простым приложением позволяющим сократить расходы на доставку писем и отправку факсов.

A) Fax machine

B) Modem

C) Written inquiries

D) Modem, dial - up, host

E) E - mail


7. The way of translation is used in translating "The fish begins to stink at the head"

A) equivalent

B) antonymous translation

C) explicatory translation

D) word for word translation

E) analogous translation


8. Какой термин соответствует термину "Private Limited Company"

A) Частная компания

B) Открытое акционерное общество

C) Открытое коммандитное общество

D) Госудрственая компания

E) Общество с ограниченной ответственностью


9. Клише и выражение письма отзыва заказа: К сожалению, мы не в состоянии продать товар на стороне.

A) We are sorry to inform you that our client becomes insolvent

B) Your offer was disappointing

C) Unfortunately we have to withdraw our order of

D) Unfortunately we cannot sell the goods to another party

E) We have order, but unfortunately made a mistake


10. Создание какой организации является наиболее сложным и дорогостоящим путем организации бизнеса

A) Counter-inquiry

B) Company

C) Individual Entrepreneurship

D) Limited partners

E) Partnership


11. Official translation is…

A) a final variant of translation presented by a translation as a full-value reproduction of the original

B) translation of official documents.

C) a kind of translation providing pragmatic tasks of a translation event at the maximally possible level of equivalence without violating the norms and usage of TL.

D) a way of translating a lexical unit of the original by means of substitution of its constituents with their lexical correspondences.

E) preliminary translation the equivalence of which is limited to rendering the sense content at the level of identification of the situation while omissions and deviations from the norms of the original may be allowed.


12. One of the following kinds of translation does NOT belong to the informative one.

A) Poetry translation.

B) Judicial translation.

C) Newspaper translation.

D) Translation of official documents.

E) Technical translation.


13. День когда в Великобритании отмечают Boxing Day-

A) November 11

B) December 26

C) December 25

D) August 26

E) February


14. Полное товарищество - это:

A) Registered companies

B) Limited company

C) Partnership

D) Unlimited Partnership

E) Letter of Complaint


15. In the sentence "This building houses a fifty ton crane of the latest American make" the word houses is translated as:

A) обеспечивает

B) дома

C) расквартировывает

D) вмещает

E) поселяет


16. Merchant wholesalers- это:

A) оптовые торговцы

B) оптовые посредники

C) надежная команда

D) комиссионеры

E) деловые партнеры


17. Russian equivalent to the word "combination" in the sentence "The combination of circumstances might be taken as an indication that transition to turbulence was in progress"

A) куча

B) совокупность

C) сочетание

D) комбинация

E) замок


18. В США различия между компаниями с ограниченной ответственностью открытого и закрытого типа очень:

A) большие

B) значительные

C) средние

D) незначительные

E) малые


19. Dressing station is equivalent to:

A) переодевающая комната

B) перевязочный пункт

C) станция, где переодеваются

D) перевязывающий пункт

E) связывающая станция


20. Choose the right variant of the Participle We could not see the sun.... by dark clouds.

A) covers

B) covered

C) to cover

D) cover

E) covering


21. Choose the right form of Personal Pronouns:Where is my book? - … is on the shelf.

A) My

B) They

C) She

D) It

E) We


22. Choose the plural form of the noun:A match

A) match

B) matches

C) matches'

D) matcheses

E) matchs


23. Give the right English equivalent: искусственный

A) natural

B) essential

C) artificial

D) important

E) global


24. The way of translation is used in translating "Enough is as good as a feast"

A) word for word translation

B) equivalent

C) partitioning

D) analogous translation

E) explicatory translation


25. Choose the right Antonym: Appearance

A) pearance

B) unimportant

C) tropical

D) enable

E) disappearance


26. Choose the right Antonym: Warm

A) dark

B) harmful

C) salty

D) blue

E) cool


27. Choose the verb in Past Perfect Tense On my way to the University I remembered that I... my report at home.

A) left

B) has left

C) leave

D) had left

E) has left


28. Give the right English equivalent: Получать

A) to drill

B) to mill

C) to give

D) to give

E) to obtain


29. Choose the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice Many new houses for farmers... in my village.

A) is built

B) are being built

C) built

D) building

E) to build


30. The example "I packed my two Gladstones. - Я упаковал свои два чемодана" illustrates using such an operation in translation as…

A) Blue-print translation.

B) Transcription.

C) Generalization.

D) Specification.

E) Modulation.


31. Choose the plural form of the noun:A Shelf

A) shelf

B) shelves

C) shelves'

D) shelfes

E) shelf's


32. Interlingua communication is…

A) the branch of the theory of translation concerned with the operations required for passing over from ST to TT

B) the major factor in assessing the quality of translator's performance

C) an exchange of between two users of different languages

D) rendering into the target language non-literary texts

E) is a general theory of translation


33. Give the right English equivalent: сопротивление

A) detector

B) resistance

C) fault

D) friction

E) accurate


34. Transformational model of translation is …

A) a model of translation, presenting the process of translation as a process of describing the same situation which was described in the original by means of TL.

B) A kind of translation providing pragmatic tasks of a translation event at the maximally possible level of equivalence without violating the norms and usage of TL.

C) translation using one of translation transformations.

D) a conventional description of asset of mental operations by performing which one may do the process of translating the whole original or some of its part.

E) a model of translation, presenting the process of translation as a set of transformations with the help of which a translator goes from SL units to TL units.


35. Give the right variant of the verb " to be": History … the first lesson tomorrow

A) was

B) will be

C) were

D) is

E) Are


36. Give the right English equivalent: Азот

A) cast iron

B) copper

C) carbon

D) nitrogen

E) oxygen


37. Choose the right form of the Modal verb: You... not see the ship from here.

A) can

B) might

C) may

D) must

E) could


38. Give the right English equivalent: движение

A) traffic

B) safety

C) speed

D) degree

E) accident


39. Choose the right form of the Modal verb:I... translate this text today.

A) must

B) may

C) could

D) might

E) can


40. The coldest season of the year is…

A) autumn

B) season

C) summer

D) winter

E) spring


41. Choose the right variant of the Numeral: 3.21

A) thirty two and one

B) three and two first

C) three hundred and twenty one

D) three point two one

E) three and twenty one


42. He thinks life is more difficult in … country than in a town.

A) an

B) these

C) a

D) to

E) -


43. I often do my homework with…

A) her

B) us

C) his

D) their

E) mine


44. Give the Russian variant of the word: chess

A) Шахматы

B) Шашки

C) Бокс

D) Борьба

E) Теннис


45. Choose the right variant: the most famous clock of the world is…

A) Big Ben

B) Big Charles

C) Kremlin

D) Big Thomas

E) Big Arthur


46. This article has … information..

A) other

B) many

C) lots

D) a

E) little


47. Choose the right form of the Perfect Tense: When I came home, mother already … dinner.

A) cooked

B) had cooked

C) did cook

D) was cooking

E) was cooked


48. Choose the right form of Personal Pronouns:Where are … from?

A) Their

B) He

C) Him

D) You

E) I


49. Give the Russian variant of the word: a reference

A) Увлекательный роман

B) Научная фантастика

C) Писатель-романист

D) Комедия

E) Справка


50. Choose the verb in Future Simple Tense She... all the arrangements about it before she flies.

A) shall make

B) to make

C) made

D) will make

E) making


51. Choose disjunctive question: I was at home…

A) was I

B) weren't we

C) am I

D) were I

E) wasn't I


52. Choose the verb in Present Perfect Tense.We have already... a lot of English words.

A) learning

B) learned

C) has learnt

D) learnt

E) learn


53. Choose the right variant of the Degrees of adjective comparison Where is... post-office, please?

A) most nearer

B) Nearest

C) the nearest

D) the nearest

E) more nearer


54. Does your son read…?

A) many

B) little

C) a few

D) much

E) some


55. Choose the question to the word "France". He is going to visit France

A) How

B) Why

C) Where

D) When

E) What country


56. Choose the verb in Past Continuous Tense We... down the street in the direction of Mike's house, when we saw him in the window of a bus that... by.

A) were walking; is passing

B) was walking; were passing

C) were walking; was passing

D) was walking; was passing

E) were walking; were passing


57. It's the first time he … a car.

A) had drive

B) had drove

C) have drove

D) has drive

E) has driven


58. It will be ready…two weeks.

A) on

B) in

C) at

D) to

E) for


59. Choose the right variant of the Degrees of comparison:The … you get up, the more you can do.

A) Early

B) more early

C) Earlier

D) the early

E) Earliest


60. They … letters two days ago.

A) is written

B) wrote

C) write

D) will write

E) was written


61. Choose the right variant of the Degrees of adjective comparison This is... building in the city.

A) more beautiful

B) Beautiful

C) Beautifulest

D) Beautifuler

E) the most beautiful


62. While there is life, there is__ hope

A) no

B) an

C) the

D) -

E) a


63. Choose the verb in Past Continuous Tense When I went out into the garden, the sun... and birds... in the trees.

A) was shining; was singing

B) was shining; are singing

C) were shining; were singing

D) were shining; was singing

E) was shining; were singing


64. Where is Tom? - He … a bath now.

A) are having

B) has had

C) has been having

D) was having

E) is having


65. The cake was baked ……my granny

A) in

B) on

C) with

D) by

E) to


66. She wants to be a …… - distance runner.

A) arm

B) length

C) bat

D) long

E) leg


67. Choose the right variant of the Gerund The doctor told her to avoid.... in the sun.

A) to sit

B) sitting

C) is sitting

D) sit

E) sat


68. Do you get … with your teacher? Isn't it difficult?

A) on

B) off

C) over

D) out

E) together


69. We didn't buy … flowers.

A) any

B) anywhere

C) anything

D) some

E) somewhere


70. I couldn't answer the phone because I ___________(have) a shower

A) were having

B) had

C) was having

D) have had

E) have


71. If I … ten years older, I … into computer science.

A) am, will break

B) were, would break

C) was, will break

D) am, would break

E) will, will break


72. Choose the correct form of the demonstrative pronoun Is... his bag?

A) Them

B) Those

C) That

D) These

E) Their


73. We … to a party on last Saturday.

A) went

B) are go

C) are going

D) is going

E) was going


74. Karen … stop buying things on the Internet.

A) should

B) can

C) needs

D) ought

E) need


75. Choose the correct form of the verb: George … to the hospital because he had a heard attack.

A) was taking

B) took

C) will be taken

D) had been taken

E) has taken


76. The earlier you get up __ __ you can do

A) much more

B) the much more

C) the much

D) more much

E) the more


77. Regular..... will help you to remember words

A) context

B) grammar

C) revision

D) lexis

E) repeating


78. He … hours … to repair the clock.

A) spent, trying

B) spent, tried

C) spend, try

D) spending, trying

E) spent, to try


79. Fill in preposition: A doctor prescribed her a good medicine … the flu.

A) for

B) on

C) at

D) by

E) in


80. Choose the sentence in Future Simple Tense:

A) You should go to the doctor at once.

B) Scientists have discovered a new planet.

C) Would you like to visit our Granny?

D) The pupils will go on an excursion next week.

E) My mother has never invited her friends to her birthday party.


81. Tom would love to ask her out but unfortunately he doesn't have her telephone number. If Tom …

A) had had her telephone number he would ask her out

B) had her telephone number he will ask her out

C) will have her telephone number he would ask her out

D) had her telephone number he would ask her out

E) will have her telephone number he will ask her out


82. … consists in organizing smaller units into bigger ones: intonation groups -> into phrases -> into phonopasseges -> text.

A) Delimitation

B) organizing function

C) semantic.

D) Unmarked

E) Integration


83. A ………… man has no hair on his head.

A) moody

B) patient

C) bald

D) sensitive

E) sociable


84. Дифференциальная информация переводимого слова указывает …

A) количество предметов мысли

B) одушевленность или неодушевленность субъекта действия

C) стилистическую окраску слова

D) место нахождения субъекта действия

E) лицо и пол субъекта действия, количество предметов мысли, время и последовательность действий, модальные значения


85. The phonological analysis of English consonant sounds helps to distinguish …

A) 30 phonemes

B) 23 phonemes

C) 24 phonemes

D) 22 phonemes

E) 21 phonemes


86.... is the larger units of connected speech: syllables, words, phrases and texts.

A) Practical phonetics

B) Segmental phonetics

C) Normative phonetics

D) Theoretical phonetics

E) Suprasegmental phonetics


87. В комплекс знаний, необходимых переводчику, входят…

A) профессиональные и непрофессиональные знания

B) простой английский язык

C) обязательные и необязательные знания

D) базовые и фоновые знания

E) необходимые и второстепенные знания


88. I don't need your help. I …………. myself.

A) may manage

B) manage

C) am managing

D) am going to manage

E) will manage


89. Семантическая модель перевода предполагает, что

A) в процессе перевода в тексте оригинала

B) в процессе перевода в тексте оригинала вычленяются все корневые морфемы и им подбираются в языке перевода равнозначные или сходные по содержанию единицы

C) в процессе перевода в тексте оригинала вычленяются все элементарные синтаксические структуры и их компоненты и им подбираются в языке перевода равнозначные или сходные по форме единицы

D) в процессе перевода в тексте оригинала вычленяются все лексические единицы и им подбираются в языке перевода равнозначные или сходные по содержанию единицы

E) в процессе перевода в тексте оригинала вычленяются все элементарные содержательные единицы и их компоненты (семы) и им подбираются в языке перевода равнозначные или сходные по содержанию единицы


90. The aim of the phonological analysis is…

A) to distinguish the meanings

B) to consider the methods applied in investigating the sound matter of the language.

C) to show considerable phonetic differences.

D) to teach a foreign language to any type of learner.

E) to establish distinctive differences between sounds.


91. Russian phoneticians classify according to the following principles: 1) degree of noise; 2) place of articulation; 3) manner of articulation; 4) position of the soft palate; 5) force of articulation.

A) Vowels

B) Phonetic context

C) Consonants

D) Sonorant

E) The closure


92. The features which can't be changed without a change of meaning are called …

A) Irrelevant

B) a phoneme

C) phones

D) Relevant

E) Distinctive


93. Для перевода научных терминов используются приемы …

A) трансляции, транскрипции, гипотетического перевода, буквального перевода и калькирования

B) трансляции, гиперболического перевода и калькирования

C) транскрипции, транслитерации, перифрастического (описательный) перевода и калькирование

D) гипо - гиперонимического перевода и калькирование

E) транскрипции, транслитерации, уподобления, гипо - гиперонимического перевода и калькирование


94. Экстралингвистическая информация переводимого слова отражает …

A) понятия и представления о морфологической структуре слова

B) понятия и представления о синтаксической системе

C) понятия и представления о синтаксической системе языка

D) понятия и представления о звуковом строе языка

E) понятия и представления о явлениях, фактах и объектах реальной действительности


95. She started to feel dizzy and …………. lie down.

A) was able

B) could

C) couldn't

D) were able

E) had to


96. The worst thing about Kate's previous job was that she …….. a uniform.

A) was able

B) couldn't

C) had to

D) were able

E) could


97. Прагматическая адаптация перевода - это…

A) изменения, вносимые в текст перевода с целью сократить его объем

B) изменения, вносимые в текст перевода с целью упрощения его понимания переводчиком

C) изменения, вносимые в текст перевода

D) изменения, вносимые в текст перевода из - за сложности перевода отдельных частей оригинала

E) изменения, вносимые в текст перевода с целью добиться необходимой интеллектуальной или эмоциональной реакции со стороны определенного типа рецептора перевода


98. Составляемые лексические единицы относятся к одной части речи у …

A) эквиразрядных эквивалентов

B) неэквиразрядных эквивалентов

C) эквивокабульных не эквивалентов

D) неэквивокабульных эквивалентов

E) эквивокабульных эквивалентов


99. Would you like to ……… these jeans on? The changing rooms are over there.

A) take

B) get

C) put

D) look

E) try


100. It's getting dark. ………….. the light, please.

A) turn off

B) turn on

C) turn over

D) turn away

E) turn up


Переводчик - референт Вариант N 2 0832 26.03.2009


1. Give Russian equivalent to the word "mode" in the sentence "A new mode of political thinking preserves the supreme value of life peace for the people"

A) метод

B) тональность

C) стиль

D) обычай

E) способ


2. The way of translation of the phraseological unit is used "Make hay while the sun shines - куй железо, пока горячо"

A) equivalent

B) explicatory translation

C) analogous translation

D) antonymous translation

E) word for word translation


3. Письменная сводка предназначенная для кандидатов на высокие должности или для работы за границей

A) Sample letter of offer

B) Resume

C) Curriculum vitae

D) Public corporation

E) Merchant wholesalers


4. Give appropriate translation to the word in the sentence "We shall discuss three basic scheduling strategies commonly used by stored program controlled systems"

A) случай

B) режим

C) вариант

D) методология

E) способ


5. Письмо которое не относится к письму- предложению...

A) Please send the copy of this order to us, duty signed, as an acknowledgement

B) We would appreciate if we get the order from you as soon as possible

C) Please, let us know what quantities you are able to deliver till

D) We confirm that delivery will be made by

E) The model will meet most of your requirement


6. Give Russian equivalent to the word "make up" in the sentence "By working hard you can make up for the time lost"

A) набирать

B) приготовить

C) наверстать

D) мириться

E) составлять


7. Несколько человек соглашаются обьединить свою собственность и создают....

A) Individual Entrepreneurship

B) Collaboration

C) Company

D) Partnership

E) Team


8. Remembrance Day - это

A) День Халуина

B) Хэлоуен

C) День памяти героев

D) День Матери

E) День ветеранов


9. Give appropriate translation to the word in the sentence "specific responsibilities"

A) точные

B) характерные

C) видовые

D) частные

E) конкретные


10. Russian equivalent to the word "perform" in the sentence "Friendliness and a warm smile perform miracles"

A) представлять

B) исполнить

C) творить

D) выполнять

E) сыграть


11. The way of translation is used in translating "A burnt child dreads the fire"

A) antonymous translation

B) analogous translation

C) explicatory translation

D) equivalent

E) word for word translation


12. Документ, который, необходимо подтвердить в письменной форме:

A) Counter-inquiry

B) Letter of offer

C) Withdrawal of the order

D) Letter of Complaint

E) Answering a Complaint


13. Translation is...

A) a means of interrelated activities

B) a means of international operations

C) a means of communicative values

D) a means of interlinguas communication

E) a means of international co-operations


14. К какой организации относятся данные преимущества: -потенциальные дополнительные источники капитала; -каждый из основных партнеров может действовать от имени товарищества;

A) Partnership

B) Individual Entrepreneurship

C) Company

D) Registered company

E) Public Limited Company


15. Письменная сводка личных образовательных и профессиональных данных качеств называетс

A) Curriculum vital

B) Resume

C) Public corporation

D) Sample letter of offer

E) Curriculum vital


16. Даннoе клише относится к письму-We accept your offer and have pleasure in placing an order with you for..

A) inquiry letter

B) refusal of order

C) letter of order

D) letter of conformation

E) letter of acknowledgement


17. В такой организации предусмотрен ограниченный срок и неограниченная ответственность, по крайней мере, одного из партнеров: -потенциальные дополнительные источники капитала-каждый из основных партнеров может действовать от имени товарищества

A) Individual Entrepreneurship

B) Private Company

C) Limited Partnership

D) Partnership

E) Company


18. Розничная торговля-это:

A) Retailing

B) Wholesaling

C) Prodversting

D) Advertising

E) Partnership


19. Equivalent - lacking words are…

A) lexical units of SL that have no regular correspondences in TL.

B) an absence of translation.

C) grammatical forms and structures of SL having no correspondences of the same type in TL.

D) words of SL having many equivalents in TL.

E) lexical units of SL that have many regular correspondences in TL.


20. Choose the necessary article:… weather is fine today.

A) that

B) 0

C) A

D) the

E) an


21. Give the right English equivalent: Развитие

A) drilling

B) development

C) accurate

D) improvement

E) achievement


22. Give the right English equivalent: мастерская

A) mill

B) store-room

C) tool

D) shop

E) trend


23. Give the right English equivalent:сжигать, гореть

A) to burn

B) digging

C) improvement

D) definition

E) windmill


24. Give the right variant of the verb " to have":John … a good friend.

A) has

B) shall have

C) have

D) had

E) will have


25. Give the right variant of the verb " to be":There … a lot of sheep in the field.

A) will be

B) are

C) is

D) Am

E) were


26. The choice of grammatical units in TT depends on the:

A) similarity and substation of its meaning

B) structure and originality of the sentence

C) proximity and repetition of the lexical meaning

D) semantics and combinability of its lexical elements

E) identity and necessity of the context


27. Choose the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice. In Greece the Olympic Games … once in four years.

A) are held

B) was held

C) is held

D) were being held

E) were held


28. Give the right English equivalent: форма

A) shape

B) beam

C) fluid

D) amount

E) shear


29. The way of translation is used in translating "to be armed to the teeth"

A) analogous translation

B) equivalent

C) word for word translation

D) explicatory translation

E) transliteration


30. Choose the right form of the Passive Voice: The postbox … yesterday.

A) were emptied

B) emptied

C) is emptied

D) was emptied

E) have emptied


31. Choose the right Synonym: Breathing

A) assistance

B) transpiration

C) respiration

D) cut

E) air


32. Give the right English equivalent: коленчатый вал

A) adjust

B) crankshaft

C) attach

D) gear

E) flywheel


33. The way of translation is used in translating "cry one's eyes out"

A) word for word translation

B) equivalent

C) generalization

D) analogous translation

E) explicatory translation


34. The way of translation of the phraseological unit is used "To enter the House - стать членом парламента"

A) context - bound words

B) word for word translation

C) analogous translation

D) equivalent

E) explicatory translation


35. Choose the right form of Personal Pronouns:… am from Uralsk.

A) We

B) You

C) I

D) He

E) Their


36. The way of translation is used in translating "It is a good horse that never stumbles"

A) explicatory translation

B) word for word translation

C) antonymous translation

D) equivalent

E) analogous translation


37. Choose the right form of the Modal verb:I... translate this text today.

A) could

B) may

C) must

D) might

E) can


38. The semantic identification of the translation with ST has to have:

A) the controversial meaning

B) quite different meaning

C) the same meaning

D) the possible meaning

E) the opposite meaning


39. Put the following statement into Reported Speech: The writer said: "I have just finished my new novel."

A) The writer said that he finished his new novel

B) The writer said that he is just finished his new novel

C) The writer said that he was just finishing his new novel

D) The writer said that he had just finished his new novel.

E) The writer said that he has just finished his new novel


40. The traveller crossed … Pacific Ocean in a canoe.

A) a

B) the

C) -

D) an

E) on


41. He can't speak to you at the moment. He … a shower.

A) was taking

B) were taking

C) is take

D) will take

E) is taking


42. Choose the right variant of the following: "брать книги в библиотеке"

A) To give books from the library

B) To join books from the library

C) To take books from the library

D) To bring books from the library

E) To follow books from the library


43. Choose the question to the word "French": they study French at school.

A) When

B) Who

C) What language

D) Where

E) Why


44. Choose the verb in Present Perfect Tense. You have just... tomorrow's weather forecast.

A) to hear

B) has heard

C) hear

D) heared

E) heard


45. Give the Russian variant of the word: diving

A) Плавание

B) Стрельба из лука

C) Парусный спорт

D) Прыжки в воду

E) Купание



46. Я собираюсь прочитать эту интересную книгу

A) we are going to reed this interesting book

B) I reed interesting book

C) I an reading an interesting book

D) I am going to read this interesting book

E) we is reeding a book


47. Give the Russian variant of the word: an index

A) Физическая карта

B) Изобретение

C) Событие

D) Алфавитный указатель

E) Содержание


48. Give the Russian variant of the word: Library stuff

A) Записываться в библиотеку

B) Публичная библиотека

C) Посетитель библиотеки

D) Сотрудники библиотеки

E) Требование библиотеки


49. I don't have to add … salt to this soup.

A) large

B) many

C) much

D) little

E) small


50. Nurlan is looking forward … several days in the mountains.

A) in spending

B) by spending

C) on spending

D) to spending

E) from spending


51. Give the Russian variant of the word: cycling

A) велоспорт

B) фехтование

C) гимнастика

D) лодочный спорт

E) конькобежный спорт


52. I usually go home…the weekend.

A) for

B) in

C) on

D) to

E) at


53. Choose the right form of Personal Pronouns:Are … busy now?

A) Their

B) I

C) You

D) She

E) My


54. … chairs do we need?

A) How far

B) How many

C) How often

D) How long

E) How much


55. English is … than Danish.

A) less important

B) more important

C) far important

D) much important

E) many important


56. The sun … when I woke up.

A) was shining

B) will shine

C) was shine

D) were shining

E) is shining


57. Question to: " 50 min": Our English lessons usually last 50 min

A) How long

B) Where

C) When

D) Why

E) What


58. They … letters two days ago.

A) will write

B) wrote

C) was written

D) is written

E) write


59. Choose the negative variant: He translate many letters into English

A) Not translates

B) Isn't translates

C) Don't translate

D) Isn't translated

E) Doesn't translate


60. For breakfast we usually have … coffee and toast.

A) a

B) the

C) in

D) an

E) -


61. Give the Russian variant of the word: reference works

A) Справочная литература

B) Доклад

C) Справка

D) Предисловие

E) Статья


62. Choose the right form of the sentence in the Passive Voice:Имя было написано печатными буквами.

A) The name was written him block letters

B) The name were written him block letters

C) The name are write him block letters

D) The name is write him block letters

E) The name had wrote him block letters


63. The auxiliary verb in Present Simple Tense is…

A) Have

B) Had

C) Did

D) Does

E) Are


64. The auxiliary verb in Present Perfect Tense is…

A) Was

B) Has

C) Have

D) Is

E) Were


65. Do you get … with your teacher? Isn't it difficult?

A) off

B) on

C) over

D) together

E) out


66. Choose the correct form of the demonstrative pronoun... is his latest novel.

A) Them

B) They

C) This

D) Those

E) these


67. Give the right English equivalent: побороть,преодолеть(бағындыру)

A) to lubricate

B) to overcome

C) to injure

D) to lubricate

E) to replace


68. I had to shout because the …… was too loud.

A) background

B) background music

C) chamber

D) room

E) country


69. Choose the right variant of the Gerund I have no hope of... him soon.

A) see

B) sees

C) to see

D) seeing

E) is seeing


70. I didn't stay at your place longer because you didn't make me feel welcome. If you …

A) made me feel welcome I would have stayed at your place longer

B) would made me feel welcome I stayed at your place longer

C) had make me feel welcome I would stayed at your place longer

D) had made me feel welcome I would have stayed at your place longer

E) have made me feel welcome I would have stayed at your place longer


71. Schools and many businesses … always … on Thanksgiving Day and the day after.

A) are, close

B) are, closed

C) was, closed

D) is, closed

E) were, close


72. Give the right English equivalent: поршень

A) invention

B) range

C) piston

D) ray

E) tool


73. Choose the right variant of the Gerund The doctor told her to avoid.... in the sun.

A) sit

B) sitting

C) sat

D) to sit

E) is sitting


74. He takes his …… everywhere and records ehat he sees.

A) fax machine

B) button

C) camcorder

D) video recorder

E) blender


75. I was very nervous when the letter finally came, because I …a long time for it.

A) have been waiting

B) has been waiting

C) did not waiting

D) had been waiting

E) will not wait


76. Choose the sentence in Past Simple Tense:

A) They were playing in the yard at that time.

B) He doesn't go to school on Saturdays.

C) Some editors refuse to employ smokers.

D) He had done all his exercises.

E) It was my favorite film.


77. When Sarah arrived at the party, Paul wasn't there. He … home.

A) have went

B) have gone

C) had gone

D) has gone

E) had went


78. A taxi is really you're only …… of transport after midnight.

A) way

B) lump

C) item

D) clump

E) means


79. Choose the verb in Past Perfect Tense He opened his eyes, looked around and tried to remember what... to him.

A) happened

B) have happened

C) had happened

D) happen

E) has happened


80. Thanksgiving … a legal holiday by Congress in 1941.

A) were make

B) were made

C) was made

D) is make

E) was make


81. Choose the verb in Past Continuous Tense When I went out into the garden, the sun... and birds... in the trees.

A) were shining; was singing

B) was shining; was singing

C) was shining; were singing

D) was shining; are singing

E) were shining; were singing


82. My son first ………… up basketball last year.

A) looked

B) took

C) put

D) booked

E) gave



83. … study the system of sound units and their function.

A) the chain of events

B) linguistic/ psychological level

C) the process of speech production

D) an allophone

E) Phonology


84. When one person is speaking and the other one is listening it is…

A) the chain of events

B) The process of speech production

C) Relevant

D) Segmental phonetics

E) an allophone


85. The worst thing about Kate's previous job was that she …….. a uniform.

A) had to

B) were able

C) couldn't

D) could

E) was able


86. … sciences are connected with phonetics.

A) Medicine, physics, psychology (pshychophonetics), mathematics, statistics, computer technologies, biology, engineering.

B) mathematics, statistics, computer technologies

C) computer technologies

D) Medicine, physics, psychology (pshychophonetics), linguistics, rytorics, mathematics, statistics, computer technologies

E) medicine


87. Определите способ перевода метафорического выражения: a beast of a car - зверь - машина

A) калька

B) калькирование

C) уподобление

D) описание

E) традиционное соответствие


88. I can't drive. I wish I ………………. around Europe instead of hitchhiking.

A) could drive

B) could have driven

C) can have driven

D) can drive

E) could has driven


89. The branch of phonetics that studies the way in which the air is set in motion, the movements of the speech organs and the coordination of these movements in the production of single sounds and trains of sounds is called …

A) Articulator

B) Experimental

C) Normative phonetics

D) Acoustic

E) Practical phonetics


90. My elder brother _______________ me to sit down and keep quiet.

A) ordered

B) promised

C) announced

D) claimed

E) said


91. Возникновение лингвистической теории перевода было стимулировано …

A) великими географическими открытиями XV - XVII вв

B) информационным взрывом после второй мировой войны

C) научно - технической революцией XX в

D) появлением компьютерных технологий

E) ХХ веке



92. Характерной чертой Лейпцигской школы переводоведения является

A) денотативный подход к переводу

B) сопоставительный подход к тексту

C) структурно - семантический подход к переводу

D) сопоставительный подход к переводу

E) коммуникативный подход к переводу


93. The types of speech

A) formal, informal

B) monologuing, dialoguing

C) prepared, half-prepared, spontaneous

D) political speech, sermons, debates.

E) phonopasseges, phrases, intonation groups


94. I'm writing my diploma project now.' My boyfriend said

A) that he was writing his diploma project then

B) that he is writing his diploma project now

C) that he is writing his diploma project then

D) that he was writting his diploma project then

E) that he was writing his diploma project now


95. Термин "рецептор перевода" означает …

A) получатель

B) редактор

C) отправитель

D) редактор

E) конструктор


96. Для перевода научных терминов используются приемы …

A) трансляции, гиперболического перевода и калькирования

B) транскрипции, транслитерации, уподобления, гипо - гиперонимического перевода и калькирование

C) трансляции, транскрипции, гипотетического перевода, буквального перевода и калькирования

D) гипо - гиперонимического перевода и калькирование

E) транскрипции, транслитерации, перифрастического (описательный) перевода и калькирование


97. Укажите правильный вариант грамматической трансформации предложения для перевода английского высказывания Europe is growing increasingly concerned about the escalation of tensions in the Middle East

A) В Европе растет озабоченность в связи с эскалацией напряженности на Ближнем Востоке

B) Европа все больше и больше обеспокоена эскалацией напряженности на Ближнем Востоке

C) Европа обеспокоена эскалацией напряженности на Ближнем Востоке

D) В Европе растет озабоченность

E) В Европе растет озабоченность в связи с эскалацией напряженности на ближнем Востоке


98. My elder brother Tom spends hours in front of a TV switching the …………..

A) shows

B) channels

C) magazines

D) newspapers

E) affairs


99. The Oscar ceremony ………… in the news last night.

A) was been reported

B) has been reported

C) was being reported

D) has reported

E) was reported


100. … is the linguistic function of individual sounds or segments of speech.

A) A voice.

B) Segmental phonetics

C) an allophone

D) Phonology

E) A sound,


Переводчик - референт Вариант N 3 0832 26.03.2009


1. Документ, который, необходимо подтвердить в письменной форме:

A) Letter of offer

B) Withdrawal of the order

C) Counter-inquiry

D) Answering a Complaint

E) Letter of Complaint


2. Торговля которая представляет собой систему сбыта для поставки товара на рынок:

A) Wholesaling; middlemen

B) Wholesale units

C) Retailing

D) Written inquiries

E) Wholesaling


3. Middlemen -это:

A) Оптовые торговцы

B) Торговый представитель

C) Комиссионеры

D) Банкиры

E) оптовые посредники


4. Russian equivalent to the word "work" in the sentence "If something must be solved immediately, excuse yourselves and go back to room. Then go back and work with the customer"

A) обрабатывать

B) эксплуатировать

C) работать

D) действовать

E) обслуживать


5. One of the following forms (categories) does NOT belong to equivalent-lacking grammatical ones.

A) Perfect Tense.

B) Gerund.

C) Absolute participle construction.

D) Article.

E) Infinitive.


6. Give Russian equivalent to the word "aggressive" in the sentence "We are developing a more aggressive program" says Prince"

A) агрессивный

B) нападающий

C) интенсивный

D) стремительный

E) напористый


7. Ассоциация двух или более лиц занимающаяся тем или иным бизнесом с целью получения прибыли:

A) Limited Partnership

B) Withdrawal of the order

C) Private Company

D) Registered company

E) Unlimited Partnership


8. Какой из данных высказываний не относится к причинам отправки писем-рекомендаций

A) Delay's in delivery

B) Substandard or wrong goods

C) E-mail

D) Damages of goods

E) Customs clearance


9. The way of translation is used in translating "From head to foot"

A) emphasis

B) word for word translation

C) analogous translation

D) explicatory translation

E) equivalent


10. Недостатком, какой организации является: -Права акционеров ограничены Уставом, интересы меньшинства часто ущемлены

A) Private company

B) Limited Partnership

C) Partnership

D) Individual Entrepreneurship

E) Company


11. Russian equivalent to the word "veteran" in the sentence "Veterans of the process control industry must view the current proclamations about the wonders of distributed control with a certain amount of amusement"

A) старейший

B) ветеран

C) многоопытный

D) опытный

E) специалист, давно занимающийся


12. Give appropriate translation to the word in the sentence "The synthesis activity generates a design at the next lower level of representation"

A) состояние дел

B) активность

C) этап

D) задача

E) исследование


13. Give Russian equivalent to the word "pattern" in the sentence "As he said events are following the usual pattern"

A) выкройка

B) образец

C) норма

D) модель

E) путь


14. Открытое коммандитное товарищество - это:

A) Limited company

B) Master limited Partnership

C) Private limited company

D) Changes in business

E) Counter-inquiry


15. Банк, который, примет вексель…

A) Remitting Bank

B) Britain Bank

C) Center Bank

D) Lloyd Bank

E) World Bank


16. Give appropriate translation to the word in the sentence "The preceding arguments are best substantiated by comparing the shear - layer thicknesses of the unexcited and excited conditions… "

A) довод

B) предположения

C) дискуссия

D) рассуждение

E) анализ


17. День который в Великобритании и США отмечается Рождество

A) April 5

B) July 4

C) December 25

D) June

E) January 1


18. Деятельность, каких товариществ в Великобритании регулируется законом о товариществах с ограниченной ответственностью 1907г

A) Public Limited Company

B) Limited Partnership

C) Sample letter of offer

D) Unlimited Partnership (General Partnership)

E) Individual Entrepreneurs


19. Клише которое не относится к письму-заказу- это...

A) We enclose (are enclosing) our order for...

B) We read your advertisement in

C) We are interested in buying (importing etc)

D) We look forward to your early reply


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