Повествовательном предложении

Content – Содержание

Порядок слов в английском повествовательном предложении … 4

Имя существительное ……………………………………………… 5

Артикль ……………………………………………………............... 6

Местоимение ……………………………………………………….. 7

Some, any, no …………………………………………....................... 8

Many, much, few, little ……………………………………………… 9

Прилагательное ……………………………………………………. 10

Числительное ………………………………………………………..12

Предлоги ……………………………………………………………..12

“to be” ………………………………………………………………...14

‘There+be’ ……………….……………………………………………15

“to be, to do, to have” …………………………………………………15

“have/have got” ……………………………………………………….17

Времена глагола в активном залоге ………………………………...18

Времена глагола в пассивном залоге ……………………………… 26

Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты ……………………………. 28

Типы вопросительных предложений ……………………………… 32

Причастие …………………………………………………………… 33

Причастные обороты ……………………………………………….. 35

Герундий. Герундиальный оборот ………………………………… 36

Инфинитив. Инфинитивные обороты …………………………….. 37

Согласование времен ……………………………………………….. 39

Прямая и непрямая речь ……………………………………………. 40

Условные предложения ……………………………………………. 42

STOP & CHECK YOURSELF………………………………………. 44

К таблице 1:Порядок слов в английском

повествовательном предложении

Задание 1. Составьте предложения из следующих слов, соблюдая порядок слов в английском предложении.

1. Is, a, table, book, on, there, the. 2

2. Library, very, is, good, our.

3. Are 35, pupils, class, our, in, there.

4. Like, I, read, to, books.

5. She, to, goes, Pete, with, school.

6. Study, in, we, winter.

7. In, room, is, there, telephone, my, a.

8. Visit, uncle, to, went, to, his, Pavel, Moscow.

9. They, with, play, Saturday, every, basket ball, friends, their?

10. He, fond, always, English, he, because, is, well, language, of, this, knows.

11. Datum, blackboard, was, this, on, formula, the, of, there, this.

Задание 2. Составьте предложения из следующих слов, соблюдая порядок слов в английском предложении.

1. Usually, it, me, to get, takes, my, an hour, to, office.

2. There, any, are, on, the blackboard, figures.

3. A picture, there, over, the bookcase, is?

4. Countries, the, metric system, European, use, most, now.

5. This, the, to, have, no, I, to, time, gym, go, afternoon.

6. Winning, players, a lot of, among, team, has, of, friends, he.

7. Farmers, club, built, last, students, new, for, year, collective.

8. See, cinema, time, to, go, I, new, the, have, when, free, the, the, film, to, I.

9. There, are, United, situated, the, Atlantic, States, the Pacific, between, Oceans, and.

10. Will, a, be, laboratory, in, there, this, next, room, year.

11. Had, our, finished, we, experiment?

12. Are of, full, news, newspapers, our, interesting, USA, about, the.

Задание 3. Составьте предложения из следующих слов, соблюдая порядок слов в английском предложении.

1. In winter, study, we, and, in summer, rest.

2. A library, we, at, have, very, school, good, our.

3. Many, factories, are, at, there, town, our.

4. Friend, Donetsk, studies, my, at, University, the, in.

5. Is, for, friend, this, letter, your, I, which, received, yesterday.

6. To, Victor, four, wrote, days, a, his, letter, ago, friend.

7. See, often, we, library, them, our, at, local.

8. Morning, at, o’clock, in, usually, up, woke, the, six.

9. Group, will, students, the, of, go, State, to, Museum, tomorrow, History, the.

10. The, is, the best, famous, one, museums, world, the, in, British, of, museum.

К таблице 2: Имя существительное

Задание 1. Выберите правильную форму множественного числа существительного

1. a school (A – schooles, B – schools, C – school); 2. a sheep (A – sheep, B – sheeps, C – sheepes); 3. news (A – newes, B – newses, C – news); 4. a child (A – childs, B – children, C – childrens); 5. a baby (A – babys, B – babies, C – babis); 6. money (A – money, B – moneys, C – moneis);7. A goose (A – gooses, B – geeses, C – geese); 8. advice (A –advice, B – advices, C – advicis); 9. a handkerchief (A –handkerchiefs, B – handkerchieves, C – handkerchievs); 10. foot (A – foots, B – feets, C– feet); 11. sugar (A– sugas, B – sugares, C – sugar); 12. hair (A–hairs, B – hair, C – haires); 13. A box (A – box, B – boxes, C – box); 14. information (A – informations, B – information, C – informationes); 15. a housewife (A – housewifes, B – housewifs, C – housewives).

Задание 2. Выберите форму существительного в притяжательном падеже..

1. The tooth of my little brother 2. The toys of my sister
A. My brother's little tooth; A. My sister's toys

B.My little brother's tooth B. My sisters' toys

C. My tooth's little brother C. The toys' my sister

3. The wages of my father 4. The text-book of my friend

A. Father's my wages; A. My friends' text-book

B. Wages' my father B. My friend's the textbook

C. My father's wages C. My friend's text-book

5. The people of this country. 6. The goods of that office.

A.This country's people; A. That office's goods;

B.These people's country; B. That offices' goods

C. Country's these people. C. The goods' that office

7. The instruments of his father. 8. The children of my aunt.

A. His father's instruments; A. My aunts' children;

B. His instrument's father; B. Children's my aunt;

C. The father's instruments. C. My aunt's children.

9. The geese of my Granny. 10. The trousers of those boys.

A. Geese's my Granny; A. Those boy's trousers;

B. My Granny's geese; B. Those boys' trousers;

C. My geese's Granny. C. The trousers' those boys.

К таблице 3: Артикль

Задание 1. Поставьте неопределённый, определённый или нулевой артикли перед следующими существительными и словосочетаниями.

... House,... Petrovs, my... sister,... butter,... knowledge,... Asia,... Caucasus,... Apennines, much...water, by... tram,... Transvaal, any... pen,... sugar,...

Bermudas,... milk, in... morning, at... school, on... right, by day, to go to ... bed, to tell... time,... sun, at... time, to have... cold,... tea,... Azores,... Black Sea, .... snow,... British Channel,... Australia,... Doctor Brown, that... boy,... Professor Pavlov,... coal,... Titanic,... I Geography, some... books,... music,... Pacific Ocean, this I... dictionary,... Rostov (hotel),... Paris, little... milk,... moon,... best boy,... second lesson,... United States of America,... Scotland,... Appalachians,... America,... Florida,... Bahamas,... Rocky Mountains,... Alaska,... Sunday Times.

Задание 2. Подберите вместо пропусков необходимый артикль: А – а; В – аn; C – the, D – (нулевой артикль)


А. Имена существительные нарицательные
1. You've got... cold. Stay at... home and have... apple. 2. Give me your... pen, please. This... pen is bad. 3. What's... time? Oh, it's high time to train and play... piano. 4. To tell... truth, I am not ready for... lesson. 5. In... spring we like to go for... walk in... park. 6. Come to see me... day after tomorrow in... evening. 7. We had... good time on... board... ship this... summer. 8. As... result of our
... walk we've got... lot of beautiful autumn... leaves. 9. Don't be in... hurry, take your... seat and tell me about... school. 10. Take... care of your sister, she has... bad headache.

Б. Имена существительные собственные

1. On... Wednesday... Times published an article about the events in... Caucasus. 2.... United Kingdom includes... Great Britain and... Northern Ireland. 3.... English Channel is between... England and... France. 4. My father is from... Ukraine. He was born in the town of Cherkassy on... Dnieper river. 5.... USA is the fourth largest country in the world after... Russia,... Canada and... Republic of... China. 6.... Lena is... longest river in... Siberia. 7. My relatives live in... Crimea, not far from... Black Sea. 8. Sometimes on... Sundays we enjoy a wonderful journey on board... «Ivan Polsunov» along... Don. 9. Show me... Canary Islands and... Azores on this map. 10.... Browns speak... Russian very well because they often visit... Moscow and other cities of... Russia.


К таблице 4: Местоимения

Задание 1. Переведите на английский язык, стоящие в скобках притяжательные и возвратные местоимения.

1. This is (наш) Institute. 2. These are (их) drawings. 3. I don’t know where I have put (свой) pencil. 4. I don’t know where is (мой) pencil. 5.Give me (вашу) pen, please. 6. She must write (свой) translation. 7. He wants to read (свой) translation and they will read (свои) translation. 8. He has no idea where (его) ticket is. 9. I shall give him (свой) ticket as I don’t want to go to the cinema. 10. Here is the table I want to show you; one of (его) legs is broken. 11. I gave her (его) book. 12. We shall give them (свои) tools. 13. I’ll do this (сам). 14. The experiment (сам) was very important.

Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, выбрав правильную форму местоимения.

1. I often meet (his, him) in the reading-room. 2. Will you give (I, me) your text-book, please? 3. I received a letter from (she, her). 4. We saw (they, them) in the theatre. 5. Give me (you, your) ball-point-pen (шариковая ручка), please. 6. (Me, my) sister teaches (them, their) mathematics. 7. (Our, us) students were present at the lecture. 8. (Many, much) students were present at the lecture. 9. He reads (little, few). 10. She spends (many, much) time on this kind of work.

Задание 3. Раскройте скобки, выбрав правильную форму местоимения.

1. I used (her, hers) bicycle; (my, mine) is broken. 2. I recognize you but I have forgotten (your, yours) name. 3. (Your, yours) suitcase is bigger than (our, ours). 4. (Their, theirs) dog ate its dinner. 5. Is this bicycle (your, yours)? No, it’s John’s. 6. Is this one (our, ours)? I’m not sure. 7. This is (my, mine) typewriter. 8. That is (her, hers) problem. 9. Those glasses are (my, mine). 10. Are these (your, yours) shoes? No, they are (their, theirs). 11. Show (we, our, us) these pictures, we like (their, them, they). 12. Whose books are these? They are (we, us, our) books. 13. Look at the picture, (it, it’s, she) beautiful. 14. Come to see (my, I, me) today. 15. His sister likes to read (she, her, his) books on history. She reads (they, them, their) after classes. 16. Help (I, my, me) with this translation, please (he, it, his) is difficult. I cannot do it without (you, your) help. 17. Ivanova is (our, we, us) teacher of English. (She, her, it) is not old. 18. Read the text, please. (He, she, it) is easy. 19. This letter is from (his, he, him). 20. I am going to (he, him, his) sister.

Задание 4. Раскройте скобки, поставив предложенные ниже личные и притяжательные местоимения в правильной форме.

A. Местоимения в единственном числе: my, me, mine, his, his, her, hers, it, its.

1. Give (мнe) (ee) book to read. (Moя) - is not interesting. 2. Are these (eгo) text-books? No, they are (ее). 3. Show (мне) (его) magazine, please. 4. (Его) sister is here, and where is (моя)? 5. Give (ему) (его) pen. He likes to write with (ею). (Она) is always with (ним). 6. Please, help (мне) to write a report for (него). (Он) needs (в нём) for tomorrow. 7. (Это) is not (его) key. (Он) is (ее). 8. Give (мне) (ее) photo and I’ll give (тебе) (мое). 9. I asked (ее) to help (ему) to do (его) home-task. 10. Is (это) (ее) map? (Я) am not sure. (Я) think, (она) is (его).

Б. Местоимения во множественном числе: we, us, our, ours, you, your, yours, they, them, their, theirs.

1. (Мы) are (их) relatives, not (ваши). 2. Show (нам) (нашего) new teacher. 3. Whose girl is this? The girl is (наша). 4. Are the boys (ваши) friends? No, (они) are (их) friends. 5. All (ваши) suitcases are in (их) car. Take (их). 6. What is (ваш) address? (Их) is the same. (Они) live not far from (вас). 7. How long are (вы) waiting for (нас)? 8. (Мы) asked (их) to live with (нами) at (нашей) summer cottage. 9. Where are (их) glasses? Show (их) to (нам). 10. We know (их) very well. (Они) are the friends of (наши).

К таблицам 4.2-4.4: SOME, ANY, NO и их производные

Задание 1. Заполните пропуски местоимениями SOME или ANY.

a. 1. There are ____ photographs in the cupboard. 2. Here are ____ lines from a poem by Wordsworth. 3. There aren’t ____ good films on this week. 4. Don’t take ____ tablets this evening. 5. They’re building ____ new houses in the next street. 6. I don’t have ____ clean shirts. 7. Please buy ____ stamps for me on your way to work. 8. I met ____ old friends at the station yesterday. 9. I won’t leave ____ windows open tonight. 10. She hasn’t written ____ interesting books recently.

b. 1. We wanted to make ____ sandwiches but we found we hadn’t got ____ bread. 2. I left ____ meat on the table and the dog ate it while I was out. 3. He got out his pen to sign the cheque but there wasn’t ____ ink in it. 4. Please fetch me ____ dry wood to get the fire started. 5. The expansion plans sounded wonderful, but unfortunately the company didn’t have ____ money to pay for them. 6. Don’t leave ____ food in the fridge when you go away on holiday. 7. At the concert last night they played ____ music I had never heard before. 8. To try to save money, the firm bought ____ secondhand machinery at a sale. 9. You haven’t done ____ work so you can’t expert ____ pay. 10. ____ French wine is quite sweet.

c. 1. Let me give you ____ advice about learning a language. 2. Try to do ____ studying every day. 3. Even when you think you don’t have ____ time, try and find ten minutes, and learn ____ words. 4. ____ people think that learning a language is something we can do without ____ difficulty. 5. We know that there isn’t ____ truth in that idea. 6. You have to do ____ hard work, or you won’t make ____ progress. 7. With the linguaphone course we’ve tried to make even the hard work enjoyable. 8. So you won’t forget ____ of the exercises, will you?

d. 1. I see … bread. Why haven’t you bought …, Nick? – I had … time to do it. 2. Have … soup, Helen. – No, thank you. I had … soup at dinner. I don’t want … more. 3. Were there … mistakes in your paper? – Yes, there were…. (No, there weren’t ….). 4. Will there be … concert after the meeting? – No, there won’t be … concert. 5. Why didn’t they give us … postcards to send?

Задание 2. Выберите правильный вариант.

For example:

I’d like some /any tea please.

1. I’m sorry, Sir, but we haven’t got any/no fish. 2. Natalya ate some toasts/toast but I didn’t have any. 3. There’s/There are some cheese on the table. 4. I didn’t give Fiona an/any apple. 5. We had some/any hot chocolate last night before we went to bed. 6. They didn’t see some/any bread in the market. 7. Oh dear, there’s no/any milk. 8. I haven’t got some/any money for new clothes.



Задание 1. Вставьте MUCH или MANY в следующих предложениях.

1. … people want to study foreign languages. 2. It’s not good to drink … water. 3. There was not … rain last month. 4. How … money did pay for your watch? How … did you pay for your coat? 5. How … time does it take you to get to the university? 6. How … times did you go to the seaside last year.

Задание 2. Заполните пропуски, употребляя little, a little, few, a few.

1. There is... smoke in the room. 2. Give me... sheets of paper. 3. I see... clouds in the sky. 4. She needs... new dresses. 5. There is... gas in the kitchen. 6. There are... beautiful streets in our town. 7. For dessert I usually take... apples. 8. There are... bridges across the river. 9. I have... trouble with my spelling. 10. I want to drink... water. 11. Only... pupils know how to do it. 12. My brother has... English books. 13. You eat... bread, don't you?

Задание 2. Составьте предложения, используяоборот «there is/are». Добавьте much/many в значении «много».

1. (cakes / on the dish) – There are many cakes on the dish.

2. (milk / in the cup) –

3. (apples / on the apple-tree) –

4. (jam / on the saucer) –

5. (water / in the kettle) –

6. (knives and forks / on the table) –

К таблице 5: Имя прилагательное

Задание 1. Поставьте прилагательные в скобках в сравнительной или превосходной степени. Переведите предложения.

1. John’s room looks (comfortable), Mary’s room looks (comfortable), but Jack’s room looks (comfortable). 2. The Soviet Union is (large) country in the world. 3. This is (good) film of all the films I have seen this year. 4. The Moscow underground is (beautiful) underground in the world. 5. This exercise is (difficult) than that one. 6. This book is (easy) than the last one I read a month ago. 7. I think Edward is (lazy) pupil of the group. 8. Your theatre is as (good) as ours. 9. I am, maybe, (hungry) than you are. 10. Peter was late for his lessons, Jack was (late), but Nick was (late). 11. Kate speaks English (good) than her sister. 12. Today’s hometask is (easy) than yesterday’s one. 13. This ground is as (black) as coal. 14. She is as (brown) as a berry.

Задание 2. Образуйте от прилагательных, стоящих в скобках, сравнительную или превосходную степень.

1. His plan is (practical) than yours. 2. London is the (large) city in England. 3. Silver is (heavy) than copper. 4. This exercise is (good) than the last one. 5. Iron is (useful) of all metals. 6. The Neva is (wide) and (deep) than the Moskva River. 7. The 22nd of December is the (short) day in the year. 8. Her report is (bad) than yours.


Задание 3. Откройте скобки, поставив прилагательные в нужную форму.

1. This mountain is the (high) in Europe. 2. This piece of homework is as (bad) as your last one. 3. This piece of homework is (bad) than your last one. 4. Richard is not as (tall) as Tom. 5. Tom is (tall) than Richard. 6. Tom is the (tall) boy in the class. 7. Athens (Афины) is (far) from London than Rome is. 8. Jack is (rich) than Richard, but I don’t think he is (happy) than Richard. 9. Our neighbors have (many) hens than we have, but they get (few) eggs.

Задание 4. Откройте скобки, поставив прилагательные в нужную форму.

1. Summer is the (warm) of the four season. 2. Winter in London is (foggy) than in Paris. 3. These are the (bad) cigarettes I have ever smoked. 4. I think I am the (bad) dancer in the world! You are not (bad) than I am. 5. Your work is much (good) than I thought. 6. London is (big) than Manchester. Manchester is (small) than London. 7. A train goes faster than a ship but not as (fast) as an airplane. Which is the (fast)? Which is the (slow)? 8. This is the (wonderful) and (beautiful) film I have ever seen.

Задание 5. Откройте скобки, поставив прилагательные в нужную форму.

1. He doesn’t look a day (old) than forty. 2. What (nice) present is there then a box of chocolates? 3. What (good) present is there than a box of cigarettes? 4. Jack and Peter are exactly as (old) as each other and exactly as (tall) as each other. 5. Susan is (old) than Mark; she is the (old) of the family. 6. Summer is (warm) than winter. 7. Robert and Paul are the (noisy) boys that I know. 8. Boys are always (noisy) than girl.

Задание 6. Выберите правильное слово.

1. England is (less, smaller) than France. 2. I’ve got (less, smaller) time today than yesterday. 3. There’s (less, fewer) people at the stadium on weekdays than. At the weekend. 4. Don’t we spend (less, fewer) time at the stadium then in front of our tallies? 5. We’re going to do (larger, more) business with Brown and Co. in the near future. 6. (Larger and larger, more and more) companies in Greet Britain do business with Russian counterparts. 7. “Isn’t this exhibition a little (less, smaller, fewer) than the one we went to last Sunday?” “Yes, there are (less, smaller, fewer) pictures here, I think”.

Задание 7. Замените данные в скобках прилагательные на правильный вариант из числа предложенных.


1. Jimmy is (short) boy in his class

А — shorter, В — shortest, С — the shortest

2. Her eyes are (blue) as the sky

A — no blue, B — as blue, C — bluer

3. Polly is two years (old) than her brother

A — asold, B — oldest, C — older

4.Bul Polly is not so (tall) as her brother

A — tall, B — taller C — the tallest

5. This task is (difficult) than that one

A — as difficult, B — more difficult, C — the most difficult

6. Den’s dictation is (bad) than mine

A — much worse, B — worse, C — the worst

7. Lizzy is (young) in her family

A — the most young, B — the youngest, C — younger

8. Where is (near) post-office, please?

A — nearer, B — more near, C — the nearest

9. Ann’s wages are (little) than her husband's wages.

A — littler, B — more little, C — less

10. Pushkin is (famous) Russian poet.

A — more famous, B — the most famous, C – famouser

К таблице 6. Числительное

Задание 1. Напишите на английском языке следующие даты.


7 ноября 1917 г.; 21 января 1921 г.; 15 мая 1935 г.; 20 июня 1937.; 31 августа 1937 г.; 22 июня 1941 г.; 2февраля 1943г.; 8 мая 1945 г.; 31 мая 1952 г.; 5 декабря 1957г.; 12 апреля 1961 г.; 13 октября 1964 г.; 10 ноября 1970г; 20 января 1978 г.; 19 августа 1991 г.; 12 июня 1992г.; 11 декабря 1999 г.; 26 марта 2000 г.

Задание 2. Переведите на английский язык.


Тысячи книг; три тысячи рублей; трое моих друзей; пятьдесят килограммов; сотни ящиков; триста автомобилей; миллионы людей; двести тридцать пять долларов и тридцать центов; шесть ваших книг; тысячи сел; два миллиона тонн; двести солдат; сто пятнадцать учебников; двадцать один день; сотни студентов; 7 января 2000 года.

К таблице 7: Предлоги

Задание 1. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги и переведите предложения.

1. The man who spoke was standing … me. 2. Put the two books side … side. 3. Everyone was listening … the director of the school. 4. He lived here … 1956 and 1960. 5. That book was written … Dickens. 6. This is a book … the Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. 7. He who is not for us is … us. 8. He has bought ten pencils and there is not a single red one … them. 9. The mother divided the apple … the two boys. 10. Look … Pete, he is standing … the window. 11. He put his hands … his pockets. 12. What town are you going…? 13. They walked … the room and sat … … the table. 14. I shall come back … a year. 15. There are houses … both sides … … the street. 16. I bought a pen … one rouble. 17. A friend … mine went … me to the market. 18. Come to see us … Sunday the 10th … April. 19. I’ll stay … my friends. … the contrary, you must go home now.

Задание 2. Заполните пропуски предлогами.

1. You can see the plays … Shakespeare … our theatre. 2. The leaves … this tree are very nice. 3. Will you go … the cinema tonight? – No, I won’t. I’ll go … Tuesday night. 4. When I come … school I usually take my text-books and exercise-books … … the bag and put them … the table. 5. We live … a nice flat … a new house. 6. We do not swim … winter; … winter we skate and play hokey. 7. My father gets up … seven o’clock news … Moscow. 11. His sister does not go … the plant … bus or … tram, she walks there. 12. The lamp is right … my table. 13. – What time is it … your watch? - … my watch it is ten. 14. I play football … my school-mates. 15. The pupils are … a lesson now. 16. When the lesson is over the pupils go … … the classroom … the yard. 17. The village is … the forest, soon we shall get there. 18. They are going … the square. 19. Today you can go … the university … a coat, it’s quite warm. 20. Now the children are sitting … their desks, they are having a lesson.

Задание 3. Заполните пропуски предлогами.

1. Young people all over the world like to listen … music everywhere they go. 2. You shouldn’t depend … Tom, he’s always late. 3. I can’t open the door, I’m looking … the key. 4. Who are you waiting…? 5. I can look … your baby while you go shopping. 6. It took Tom five minutes to climb … the tree. 7. Look … this photo! Isn’t it nice? 8. Don’t laugh … my little sister! 9. Who has paid … the meal? 10. Jim is a person I can rely…. 11. The man was deeply absorbed … his thoughts that he didn’t notice me. 12. Do you really believe … ghost? 13. I feed my tortoise … cabbage leaves. 14. What size are these boots? May I try them…? 15. After Harry had failed his exams three times, he gave … trying to enter the college. 16. Why don’t you insist … his going in for sports? 17. How is she getting … at school?


Задание 4. Заполните попуски предлогами.

1. Barbara plays … the piano well. 2. … my mind, it was the most stupid thing he could do. 3. Translate these words … English … Russian. 4. My brother gave the money … me. 5. Learn this poem … heart. 6. At last I opened the can … a knife. 7. I go to school … foot, but yesterday I went to school … bus. 8. “Winnie-the-Pooh” is written … Alan Milne. 9. Give … him that book, please. 10. My aunt lives … the ground floor … a fourteen-storey block … flats. 11. What is that ring made…? 12. … general, they both think that they don’t have a bad life. 13. According … the forecast the weather will remain better than usual for this time of year. 14. … first she cried bitter tears, and then explained what the matter was. 15. What was the reason … his absence? 16. Why has he fallen … love … such a strange girl?


Задание 5. Заполните пропуски предлогами at, on, after, of, about.

1. Ben’s two sons are … school and his daughter is … Oxford (University). 2. Is your mother … home now? 3. Mr. and Mrs. Brown and their guests are sitting … table now. 4. Pete and Jane are asking their friend … his work. 5. Is your brother fond … mathematics? 6. Bill and Mary are going to play chess … classes. 8. Bill is writing a sentence … the blackboard.

Задание 6. Заполните пропуски предлогами from, into, till, through, in, for, at, up, to.

Mike is a university student. He goes … the university every day. … the morning his mother wakes him…. He gets …, washes and shaves. Then he has breakfast. He often has bacon and eggs, coffee and toast … breakfast. He does not look … newspapers … the morning, he look them … … the evening. Mike usually leaves … the university … a quarter … eight. He lives … Taganskaya Underground Station and it takes him ten minutes to get there. Mike often has lunch … the University canteen. He often stays … the library … 8 p.m. He translates texts … French … Russian and does exercises.

Задание 7. Вставьте вместо пропусков предлоги in, on, under, about, for, with.

1. Where is my exercise book? – Is it … your schoolbag? – No, it isn’t. – Is it … the table? – No. Look … the table. – Oh, here it is. 2. Tell us … your holydays. 3. I have a latter … you. 4. They went out … a walk.

К таблице 8.2: «to be» в настоящем времени

Задание 1. Вставьте глагол to be в Present Simple.

1. What... your name? — My name... Shirley Frank. 2. What...your address? — My address... 175 Grand Central Parkway. 3. What... your phone number? — My phone number... 718-1930. 4. Where... you from? — I... from New York. 5. I … a pupil. 6. My father... not a teacher, he... a scientist. 7.... your aunt a doctor? — Yes, she.... 8.... they at home? — No, they... not at home, they... at work. 9. My brother... a worker. He... at work. 10.... you an engineer? — Yes, I.... 11. … your sister a typist? – No, she … not a typist, she … a student. 12. Helen … a painter. She has some fine pictures. They … on the walls. 13. Where … you? – I … in the kitchen. 15. Where … Liza and John? – They … at college.

Задание 2. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в Present Simple.

1. Как тебя зовут? — Меня зовут Аня. 2. Какой твой адрес? — Мой адрес: Оксфорд Стрит, 45. 3. Откуда ты родом? (... приехала?) — Я из Лондона 4. Кто он (на фотографии)? - Это мой отец. 5. Как его зовут? — Его зовут Джон. 6. Где он? — Он в Лондоне. 7. Я Лена, а это Коля. Он мой брат. Ему 10 лет, а мне 12 лет. Мы из Петербурга. 8. Я ученик. Я в школе. 9. Мой брат – художник. Он не инженер. 10. Моя сестра на работе. Она врач. 11. Вы студент? – Нет, я врач. 12. Мы не в школе, мы дома. 13. Мой дедушка – ученый. 14. Моя мама – не учительница. Она – врач. 15. Твой папа на работе? – Да.

К таблице 8.3: Оборота «There+be»

Задание 1. Вставьте оборот «There+be» в соответствующей форме и времени.

1. There ____ some pens in the pencil-box. 2. There ____ 25 students in our group last year. 3. There ____ a party at my place next week. 4. Which book ____ on the table? There ____ an English book on it. 5. There ____ nothing interesting in her letter. 6. There ____ one Institute and many schools in our town. 7. There ____ many old buildings in my town when I was a child. 8. There ____ a skyscraper (небоскреб) in this part of the city in two years. 9. ____ there a book on the table when you came in? 10. There ____ 10 tape-recorders (магнитофоны) in this classroom last year. Now there ____ only 6. 11. There ____ a book-shelf, a cupboard, a table and four chairs in the hall. 12. There ____ a new monument in our town next year. 13. ____ there a park near your house ten years ago? 14. ____ there a museum in the centre of the city? 15. There ____ many apple-trees in our garden when I was a child. 16. There ____ an interesting film over TV the day after tomorrow. 17. There ____ a bad, a newspaper and 2 magazines in my hand now. 18. There ____ three mistakes in your dictation.

Задание 2. Вставьте оборот «There+be» в соответствующей форме и времени.

1. There……..many cakes on the dish.

2. There……..an interesting film over TV the day after tomorrow.

3. There……..a bag, a newspaper and 2 magazines in my hand now.

4. There……..three mistakes in your dictation.

5. There……..very many people at the stadium two days ago.

6. There……..a picture and many flowers in this room.

7. There……..some pens in the pencil-box.

8. There……..25 students in our group last year.

9. There……..a party at my place next week.

10. Which book……….on the table? There……..an English book on it.

К таблице 8.4: Глаголы «to be, to have, to do »

Задание 1. Поставьте глагол to have в нужной форме и времени.

1. We (to have) a chat last Friday. 2. We (to have) a rest abroad next summer. 3. John (to have) a two-room flat? 4. How many classes _____ you _____ on Monday? 5. I usually (to have) dinner with my family. 6. She (to have) many beautiful flowers at home, soon she (to have) even more. 7. John (to have) a problem yesterday. 8. A good teacher (to have) some of the gifts of a good actor.

9. We (to have) lecture in History next Monday. 10. The University (to have) a good library and a reading hall. 11. She (to have) a bath every day. 12. What time does Ann usually (to have) lunch? 13. When she was a child she (to have) long fair hair. 14. She (to have) a new job next month. 15. I can’t get into the house. I (to have) no key. 16. They (to have) a lot of friends when they lived in London. 17. He (to have) a swim in the river in a month. 18. Did you (to have) a car when you lived in London? 19. He usually (to have) a big breakfast in the morning. 20. They (to have) a Party next weekend. 21. I (to have) a nice time yesterday with my friends. 22. (To have) you any money? Yes, I (to have), but little. 23. Usually Nell (to have) breakfast at 8 o’clock. But yesterday she (to have) it at 7.30. 24. Alex and Tom (to have) many photos soon. They bought cameras. 25. It is a big wooden table. It (to have) four legs. 26. I (to have) a beautiful lamp on my table when I was a girl

Задание 2. Поставьте глагол to be в нужной форме и времени.

1. He (to be) in London on holiday last year. 2. They (to be) in Italy two years ago. 3. London (to be) famous for its green parks. 4. She (to be) a teacher in a year.

5. We (to be) doctors next year. 6. I (to be) sure, you (to be) the best student of the group. 7. She (to be) back in an hour or two. 8. There (to be) six faculties at our Institute. 9. They (to be) in the reading hall two hours ago. 10. There (to be) a hostel, a reading hall and a library in the second building. 11. It (to be) cold.

12. - Where (to be) my books? - One (to be) on the table, the other (to be) on the shelf. 13. Tom (to be) put in the hospital tonight. 14. My friend (to be) in London last year. 15. He (to be) at home in two hours. 16. We (to be) at the library after classes the day after tomorrow. 17. She (to be) a student of the Civil Engineering Faculty. 18. We (to be) in the village last summer. 19. There (to be) a picture and some flowers on the wall. 20. There (to be) many children in this hall yesterday. 21. I (to be) married. My wife (to be) a pretty girl of 22 years old. 22. They (to be) tired yesterday, because they worked a lot. 23. I (to be) glad to see you tomorrow. 24. I (to be) late for the train two days ago. 25. She (to be) glad to see you next month. 26. There (to be) no entrance there. There (to be) an entrance here several years ago. 27. (to be) there any through trains (прямые поезда) now? 28. (to be) there a concert of this popular singer next week? 29. There (to be) no good instruments in the old days. 30. There (to be) a window, a door, two mirrors and no furniture in this room. 31. I (to be) very glad to see you soon. 32. You (to be) busy tomorrow? 33. Steve and Nick (to be) student. 34. There (to be) a big wooden table and four chairs in our kitchen. 35. Bob and Jane (to be) in the same class next year. 36. We (to be) at home in the evening the day before yesterday 37. Cat (to be) not near his milk. He (to be) near it 10 minutes ago. 38. We (to be) in the street in an hour. 39. Pete (to be) seventeen years old, he (to be) eighteen year old next month. 40. It (to be) autumn a week ago. And now it (to be) winter.41. It (to be) not a station, the station (to be) far from this place. Station (to be) here long ago. 42. Children (to be) in the house, because the weather (to be) bad today.

Задание 3. Поставьте глагол to do в нужной форме и времени.

1. What you ____tomorrow? 2. She ____this work last week. 3. What your brother ____next summer? 4. She ____this work about the house every day. 5. How ____you like it here? 6. What ____you see at the cinema last week? 7. She ____cooking every week. 8. ____you study English at the Institute? 9. ____ you ____this work tomorrow? 10. ____you want tea or coffee? 11. She ____her morning exercises every day. 12. They ____not speak French, they speak English. 13. I ____well at all my exams. 14. What ____ you ____tomorrow at 5 o’clock? 15. ____you go to the Institute the day before yesterday? Yes, I ____. 16. He ____ it every day. 17. ____ you like these photos? 18. I ____ the exercise in 10 minutes. 19. What ____ you want? 20. When ____ you come to the Institute last Monday? 21. Where ____ you ____ this task next month? 22. How well ____ she know English? 23. How often ____ you go to the library this week? 24. What ____ he ____ at the University in the evening?


К таблице 8.5: «Have/have got »

Задание 3. Употребите «Have/have got » в нужной форме и времени.

1. They ____ no television-set last year. 2. I ____ 5 examinations next winter. 3. She ____ a cold now. 4. How often ____ you ____ English classes last month? 5. Which of you ____ a sister? 6. ____ he ____ any English books last year? No, he ____ not ____. 7. Who ____ this article at home? 8. I ____ a lot of interesting games at home. 9. ____ you ____ a test next Monday or Wednesday? I ____ it next Monday. 10. She ____ her breakfast at 7 o’clock yesterday. 11. ____ he ____ a test last week? 12. ____ you ____ many books at home? 13. I ____ breakfast early today. 14. ____ you time to go to the concert tonight? 15. He ____ only one child. 16. I ____ a family. 17. My friend ____ a brother, but he ____ not any sisters. 18. ____ you ____ a test last week? 19. ____ she ____ time to go to the theatre tomorrow? 20. Her child ____ a cold now. 21. When ____ you usually ____ time to go to the cinema? 22. ____ you ____ any friends here? 23. When ____ you usually ____ time to go to the cinema? 24. He ____ a sister, but he ____ any brothers. 25. She ____ not ____ English next week because her teacher is ill. 26. She ____ new skates. 27.____ you ____ a large family? 28. He ____ not ____ a computer at home. 29. I ____ classes in the morning. 30. ____ you ____ your musical lesson yesterday? 31. I ____ much work to do now. 32. ____ you ____ a car two years ago? 33. I ____ any English books at home. 34. He ____ some interesting photos in his album. 35. Who ____ any question? I ____ one question.


К таблице 8.6: Времена глагола в активном залоге

Задание 1. Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в Present Perfect или Past Indefinite (Simple) в зависимости от смысла.

1. You (to reed) that book yet? – No, Sonly just (to begin) it. 2. Comrade D. (to leave) Moscow? – No, he is still in Moscow. 3. When the delegation (to arrive) in Moscow? – It (to arrive) yesterday. 4. I not (to see) Comrade A. at the lecture. 5. I not (to see) this film yet, but I (to hear) a lot about it. 6. He isn’t here, he just (to go) out. 7. I (to have) no news from him since he (to leave) home. 8. We (to discuss) the matter during supper.

Задание 2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужном времени. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. If everybody (to read) this new novel, let us discuss it. 2. The girl (to find) Lanny lying on the road motionless. 3. She (to be ill) the whole week. You ought to go and help her in her studies. 4. “You (to book) the tickets?” “Yes, I have. I (to book) them several days ago”. 5. “I (to warn) twice”. 6. “I am glad that you (to follow) my instructions,”- my uncle (to say). 7. When they (to enter) the kitchen she (to give) him a bowl fuul of water to wash his face and hands. 8. I can hardly recognize you. I (not to see) you since you (to leave) for Odessa. And you (to change) so much. 9. The children (to decide) to play in the garden because the day day was warm and the sun (to shine) brightly. 10. “You (to travel) never, therefore you (not to know) anything about the dangers of travel,”- my uncle said to me.


Задание 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.

1. I (not to know) what to give my brother for his birthday. 2. They (to want) to publish this book in July? 3. She (to think) he (to drive) dangerously. 4. He (to understand) that he (to eat) noisily, but he always (to forget) about it. 5. Who that man (to be) who (to stand) in the doorway? — You (not to recognize) him? It (to be) John, my cousin. 6. I (to have) no time now, I (to have) dinner. 7. Your family (to leave) St. Petersburg in summer? — Yes, we always (to go) to the seaside. We all (to like) the sea. Moth­er (to stay) with us to the end of August, but father (to return) much earlier. 8. Where Tom and Nick (to be) now? — They (to have) a smoke in the garden. 9. What you (to do) here now? — We (to listen) to tape recordings. 10. You (to want) to see my father? -Yes, I.... 11. In the evening I often (to go) to see my friends. 12. On Sundays we sometimes (to go) to the cinema or to a disco club. 13. Where Boris (to be)? I (to look) for him. – He (to have) dinner. 14. It (to be) six o’clock in the evening now. Victor (to do) his homework. His sister (to read) a book. His mother and father (to talk). 15. I (to write) a letter to my grandmother who (to live) in Novgorod. I (to write) her very often. 16. Hello, Peter! Where you (to go)? – I (to hurry) to school. 16. When your lessons (to begin) on Monday? – They (to begin) at nine o’clock.

Задание 4. Поставьтеглаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Perfect. Объясните необходимость употребления именно этого времени.

1. Jill was afraid she (forget) her key at home, but she found it in her handbag. 2. Dad wasn’t at home when I came back. He (go) out twenty minutes before. 3. I wasn’t hungry because I (just/have) breakfast. 4. Peter saw an urgent message on his table. Somebody (leave) it the day before. 5. I apologized I (not/phone) her. 6. He told me that he (come back) a fortnight before. 7. I knew him at once though I (meet) him many years before. 8. We spent the night in Klin, a town we (often/hear of) but (never/see). 9. They couldn’t believe he (give up) his job in the bank. He (make) a good living there. 10. Mr. Jackson said that he (already/buy) everything for lunch. 11. Alice asked her brother where he (arrange) to meet his friends. 12. We had no car at that time because we (sell) our old one. 13. They (finish) painting the ceiling by two o’clock. 14. Hardly… I (go) to bed when the telephone rang. 15. I kept silence for a while thinking of what he (tell) me. 16. Bob tried to find a job after he (serve) a five-year sentence.

Задание 5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous.

1.Where you (to be) yesterday? — I (to be) at home the whole day. — How strange. I (to ring) you up at two o'clock, but nobody (to answer). — Oh, I (to be) in the garden. I (to read) your book and (not to hear) the telephone. 2. What you (to do) at five o'clock yesterday? — I (to work) in the library. — I (to be) there, too, but I (not to see) you. 3. Nina (to celebrate) her birthday yesterday. Her room looked beautiful, there (to be) many flowers in it. When I (to come) in, somebody (to play) the piano, two or three pairs (to dance). 4. Listen! Somebody (to play) the piano. 5. I (to like) music very much. 6. When I (to look) out of the window, it (to rain) heavily and people (to hurry) along the streets. 7. What you (to do) at seven o'clock yesterday? — I (to have) supper. 8. When I (to come) home yesterday? I (to see) that all my family (to sit) round the table. Father (to read) a letter from my uncle who (to live) in Kiev. 9. Yesterday I (to work) at my English from five till seven. 10. It (to rain) the whole day yesterday.

Задание 6. Поставьтеглаголы, данные в скобках, в Present Perfect. Объясните необходимость употребления именно этого времени.

1. I (not get) the grant this year. 2. The settlers (leave) the bay forever. 3. He (not answer) my letter yet. 4. You ever (eat) caviar? 5. She recently (become) a student. 6. They (travel) all over the world. 7. How long you (be) here? 8. I saw her in May but I (not see) her this month. 9. My friend (buy) a new car. 10. I (lose) my gloves. 11. I never (ride) a camel. 12. They never (behave) like this before.

Задание 7. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1. Helen speaks French so well because she (to live) in France. 2. She (to live) there last year. 3. The rain (to stop) and the sun is shining in the sky again. 4. The rain (to stop) half an hour ago. Mary (to buy) a new hat. 6. I (to buy) a pair of gloves yesterday. 7. The wind (to blow) off the man's hat, and he cannot catch it. 8. The weather (to change), and we can go for a walk. 9. The wind (to change) in the morning. 10. We (to travel) around Europe last year.

Задание 8. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1.Last night I (to feel) tired and (to go) to bed very early. 2. Where you (to spend) your holidays? You ever (to spend) your holidays in the Crimea? 4. While travelling in the Crimea I (to meet) your friend. 5. I never (to visit) that place. 6. He (to visit) that place last year. 7. I just (to get) a letter from Тоm. 8. You (to take) any photographs while travel­ling in the south? 9. He (to be) abroad five years ago. 10. You (to be) in the Caucasus last year?

Задание 9. Поставьтеглаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Perfect или Past Indefinite (Simple). Объясните ваш выбор.

1. I (wake up) early and got out of bed.

A. woke up B. had woken up

2. I got out of bed an hour later I (wake up)

A. woke u B. had woken up

3. We were late. The meeting (start) an hour before.

A. started B. had started

4. She was the most delightful person I (ever/meet).

A. ever met B. had ever met

5. That morning she (dress), (phone) somebody, went out.

A. dressed B. had dressed; A. phoned B. had phoned.

6. That morning she went out after she (phone) somebody.

A. phoned B. had phoned

7. He was tired because he (work) hard in the garden all day.

A. worked B. had worked

8. The sun (set), it (get) dark, and we went home.

A. set, got B. had set, got

9. The Hills were in a hurry, but they (take) a taxi and managed to arrive exactly on time.

A. took B. had taken

10. The Hills managed to arrive exactly on time because they (take) a taxi.

A. took B. had taken

11. He said he (break) the lamp post.

A. broke B. had broken

12. We asked Peter to come with us, but he refused. He (already/promise) to play football with his friends.

A. already promised B. had already promised

13. I saw a nice kitten when I (open) the basket.

A. opened B. had opened

14. After I (write) all my letters, I went to the kitchen to make coffee.

A. wrote B. had written

Задание 10. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Perfect.

1. Tom (to return) from the cinema at five o'clock. 2. Tom (to return) from the cinema by five o'clock. 3. I (to finish) my homework at seven o'clock. 4. I (tо finish) my homework by seven o'clock. 5. He (to think) that he (to lose) the money. 9. Ann (to tell) me that she (to see) an interesting film. 7. When I (to come) home, mother already (to cook) dinner. When father (to return) from work, we already (to do) our homework. 9. When the teacher (to enter) the classroom, the pupils already (to open) their books. 10. Kate (to give) me the book which she (to buy) the day before.

Задание 11. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Рast Simple или Past Perfect.

1. By two o'clock the teacher (to examine) all the students. 2. On my way to school I (to remember) that I (to leave) my report at home. 3. All my friends (to be) glad to hear that I (to pass) all the examinations successfully. 4. Poor Oliver (to lie) unconscious on the spot where Sikes (to leave) him. 5. He (to open) his eyes, (to look) around and (to try) to remember what (to happen) to him. 6. All the passengers (to see) at once that the old man (to travel a great deal in his life. 7. By the time we (to come) to see him, he (to return) home. 8. During the holidays my friend (to visit) the village where he (to live) in his childhood. 9. When they (to enter) the hall the performance already (to begin). 10. When I came home, my mother (to tell) me that she (to receive) a letter from grandfather.

Задание 12. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола, данного в скобках) и переведите предложения.

1. He … much (to read). 2. She … to Moscow last year (to come). 3. I … to him tomorrow (to speak). 4. They … English well (to know). 5. Yesterday he … much (to work). 6. Next year we … to the Crimea (to go). 7. I … to go the cinema (not to want). 8. He … me many questions at the lesson yesterday (to ask). 9. He … this book from the library tomorrow (to take). 10. 11. 12. We … basketball in summer (to play). 13. I … this place many years ago (to visit). 14. She … her music lessons next week (to begin).

Задание 13. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или Past Continuous.

1. I (to write) an English exercise now. 2. I (to write) an English exercise at this time yesterday. 3. My little sister (to sleep) now. 4. My little sister (to sleep) at this time yesterday. 5. You (to eat) ice-cream now? 6. What your father (to do) now? 7.What your father (to do) from 8 till 9 yesterday? 8. Why she (to cry) now? 9. Why she (to cry) when I saw her yesterday? 10. She (to read) the whole evening yesterday. 11. She (not to read) now. 12. Now she (to go) to school. 13. What you (to do) now? – I (to drink) tea. 14. You (to drink) tea at this time yesterday? – No, I (not to drink) tea at this time yesterday, I (to eat) a banana. 15. My sister is fond of reading. She (to read) the whole evening yesterday, and now she (to read) again. 16. Look! My cat (to play) with a ball. 17. When I went out into the garden, the sun (to shine) and birds (to sing) in the trees.

Задание 14. Выберите правильную временную форму глагола.

1. The river Nile flows/is flowing into the Mediterranean. 2. My parents are living/live in Moscow. 3. He usually stays/is staying at the Baltimor Hotel when he is in London. 4. Don’t forget to take your umbrella. It rains/is raining outside. 5. I am leaving/leave. Good night. 6. My dad is a teacher, but he doesn’t work/is not working at the moment. 7. The boy does/is doing his homework now. 8. They seldom quarrel/are quarrelling. 9. The Earth moves/is moving round the Sun. 10. Now they are crossing/cross the street. 11. Birds fly/are flying to warm countries in autumn. 12. The children often laugh/are laughing at their funny little friend. 13. She always talks/is talking to him on the telephone.

Задание 15. Откройте скобки и поставьте глаголы, смотря по смыслу, в Future Continuous или Future Indefinite.

1. The teacher (to ask) us at the lesson. He (to ask) us the whole lesson. 2. He (to return) home on Sunday. Please come and see us. 3. I (to work) in the library from six to nine o’clock. 4. They (to go) to the South at this time tomorrow. 5. She (to become) a doctor in two years. 6. At the beginning of the lesson one of our students (to show) us his pictures. 7. His daughter (to take) music lessons.

Задание 16. Выберите правильную временную форму глагола, данного в скобках. Объясните свой выбор.

1. I’m interested in what you … about yourself (says/is saying/are saying).

2. “I’m not going to take it, Herb.” “You … your time, really” (waste/wastes/is wasting/are wasting).

3. “I told them to get right out.” “And what?.. they…, Queenie?” (do … pack/does … pack/is … packing/are... packing).

4. “You mean Mr. Jackson’s nephew.” “Whose nephew?” “Mr. Arnold Jackson.” “I don’t think we … … of the same person,” – answered Bateman (speaks/is speaking/are speaking).

5. He laughed. She glanced quickly over: “Why … you …?” (does … laughing/do … laugh/is … laughing/are … laughing).

6. The wedding is set for May 21st. I … … you on May 21st (am marrying/is marrying/are marrying).

7. I say, listen! Someone … … a bath (is having/are having).

Задание 17. Выберите правильную временную форму глагола, данного в скобках. Объясните свой выбор.

1. He (is having, has) an examination twice a year. 2. They (are discussing, discuss) the new film now. 3. They (are discussing, discuss) every new film. 4. She went straight (прямо) to bed and (was sleeping, slept) till 8 o’clock. 5. Don’t speak so loudly! He (is making, makes) a report in the next room. 6. He usually (is making, makes) very interesting reports.

Задание 18. Откройте скобки и поставьте глаголы, смотря по смыслу, в Present Indefinite (Simple) или Present Continuous.

1. We (to gather) mushrooms in summer. 2. The children are in the forest now. They (to gather) mushrooms. 3. Where is Kate? She (to do) her homework. She always (to do) her homework in the evening. 4. The pupils (to write) compositions once a month. 5. Don’t shout. The pupils of the ninth form (to write) compositions. 6. Water (to boil) at 100 °C. 7. Turn off the gas. The milk (to boil). 8. Mary (to dance) all modern dances very well. 9. Look! Peter (to dance) with Jane. 10. Where you (to hurry)? 11. Helen usually gets up late. She always (to hurry) to school. 12. As a rule Paul (to prepare) his reports in time. 13. Don’t disturb him. He (to prepare) for his examinations. 14. Take along your umbrella. It (to rain). 15. It often (to rain) in England.

Задание 19. Present, Past, Future Indefinite (Simple) - Выберите (из скобок) правильную временную форму глагола.

1. It often … in winter. (snow, snowed, will snow, snows) 2. Mr. Brown … newspapers, he reads books. (doesn’t read, don’t read, didn’t read, won’t read) 3. He … football every day on his holidays last year. (plays, play, played, will play) 4. My brother … economics next year. (will study, studies, studied, study) 5. He always … a cigarette as he waits for the train. (smoked, will smoke, smoke, smokes) 6. They … us some red apples every week. (bring, will bring, brings, brought) 7. He remained (оставаться) in our city for a long time because he … it very much. (likes, liked, like, will like) 8. He … a doctor in a year. (will be, was, is, are) 9. She … well because she … every evening. (will sleep, slept, sleeps, sleep) 10. We … this example an hour ago. (discussed, will discuss, discuss, discusses) 11. Next June I … to the seaside. (will go, go, shall go, goes) 12. My sister


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