Name the grammatical features of modal verbs.


To reflect feelings and emotions – отражать чувства и эмоции

To boast cultural traditions – гордиться культурными традициями

Masterpiece – шедевр

Valuable collection – ценная коллекция

To admire – восхищаться

All over the world – по всему миру

Immortal – бессмертный

Outstanding – выдающийся

Astonishing – удивительный, поразительный

Items of art: виды (предметы) искусства















The Russian Art

Art reflects feelings and emotions and is connected with culture. Russia can boast cultural traditions. Russian museums have valuable collections of immortal masterpieces: paintings, potteries, weapons, sculptures. Outstanding Russian composers are famous all over the world. Russia is famous for architecture and outstanding literature too.

Answer the questions:

1. What does Art reflect?

2. What traditions can Russia boast?

3. What items of art do you know?

Find the equivalents:

1.Ценная коллекция -

2.Бессмертные шедевры -

3.Выдающиеся композиторы -

4.Знаменитый по всему миру –

Task 2

Name the grammatical features of modal verbs.



Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол (must / can / need)

  1. Sonia __ ___ practise so much if she wants to take part in the marathon.
  2. If you want to improve your English, you __ ___work very hard.
  3. You __ ___not come to help them tomorrow: the work is done.
  4. You ___ ___not change the whole text as the beginning is all right.
  5. John _____not tell us the rules of the game: we know them.
  6. We __ ___not afford to pay the bill.
  7. It is already six o’clock. We _ ____hurry if we don’t want to be late.
  8. She _____decorate a room nicely.
  9. You _ ___take care of your parents.
  10. We ______stay with my brother when we are in Paris.

Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол (can / may)

  1. __ ____ you see anything in this dark room?
  2. __ ____ I borrow your rubber, please? Yes, of course you __ ____.
  3. Kate___ ___ speak English.
  4. Mike has got many books so he__ ___ read them.
  5. __ ____ I borrow your pen?
  6. Only a person who knows the language very well __ ____ answer such a question.
  7. Most children___ ___ slide on the ice very well.
  8. You ___ ___find any kind of information on the Internet.
  9. British Parliament _ ___issue laws and form the budget.
  10. ___ ___ I try on this coat?
  11. You __ ___not talk loudly in libraries.
  12. He __ ____read and write in English.


Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол (must / can / should / may)

  1. I have some free time. I ______ help her now.
  2. I ______ drive Susan's car when she is out of town.
  3. ______ I have a glass of water?
  4. Anyone ______ become rich and famous if they know the right people.
  5. You ______ go to this party. It's very important.
  6. Bird ______ be known by its song.
  7. He is coming here so that they ______ discuss it without delay.
  8. It's late. You ______ go to bed.
  9. He ______ have told me about it himself.


A) Go to the link and write out the definitions of Art (выпишите из видео определения слова «Искусство»)

B) Write down your ideas on what television is: art or digital technologies. (напишите свои мысли о том, является телевидение искусством или цифровой технологи


Send the work on email: till the next lesson

Критерии оценки:

  1. Упражнения и задания как урока, так и домашней работы выполнены в полном объеме, 95% правильных ответов – «отлично»
  2. Упражнения и задания как урока, так и домашней работы выполнены в полном объеме, 75% правильных ответов – «хорошо»
  3. Упражнения и задания как урока, так и домашней работы выполнены частично, 55% правильных ответов – «удовлетворительно»

Good luck!



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