ImpulseRC Driver Fixer

A) Download and install the STM32 Drivers:

Download the Impulse RC Driver Fixer:

B) Запустите программу Impulse RC Driver Fixer ImpulseRC Driver Fixer

C) Закройте все другие окна на вашем компьютере, программа Driver Fixer работает в небольшом окне, которое обычно прячется за всеми другими открытыми окнами.

D) Окно драйвера Fixer должно показывать 'Поиск устройства'

E) Держите кнопку "Boot" на удаленной доске USB и подключите USB от FC к вашему компьютеру. Вы можете выпустить кнопку "загрузка" после подключения USB.

F) Водитель Fixer должны найти FC и сказать: "Установка драйверов"

G) Подождите, пока программа Driver Fixer не укажет, что драйверы были установлены.

H) Теперь вы можете отключить FC от вашего компьютера. Теперь у компьютера должны быть драйверы, необходимые для подключения FC в режиме 'DFU', необходимом для мигания.


Ardupilot Basic Setup

The Ardupilot Wiki has some very good information in setting up your Arduxxxx firmware from
beginning to end. I'm not going to try and recreate setup instructions here. Instead I will
highlight my normal initial steps and where to find/adjust those items. First things first, here's
the Wiki links for:
Basic Matek H743 and Ardupilot info:

The following steps can be done before mounting the FC in you aircraft. You will need to connect
your receiver to the FC and connect to Mission Planner via USB connection.

RC Input Mapping:
Different radios map their channels differently. You need to tell the firmware what your basic
first four channel order is. Ardupilot default it Pitch, Roll, Throttle, Rudder.

1. Start Mission Planner and connect the FC via USB (remember to wait for the second USB chimes
before clicking the CONNECT icon). Wait for it to finish retrieving the parameters from the FC.
2. Click on the CONFIG/TUNING icon, then select the 'Full Parameter List' from the left side bar
3. Scroll down the menu window until you find the 'RCMAP_Pitch/Roll/Throttle/Yaw'listing. A faster
way is typing RCMAP in the Search box in the right menu side bar and hitting enter. Only items
that contains RCMAP will show in the menu window.
4. Reassign the RCMAP channels to match your transmitter's channel order.
5. Click 'Write Params' in the right menu side bar when done.
Another way of doing it:

Let's change some other basic items while we're already in the Full Parameter List.
A) Search for BATT
Verify/Set BATT_MONITOR to 4 (analog Volt/Current Sensor)
The following BATT settings are specific to the F765 Wing FC. They may not show if you had to
change the BATT_MONITOR setting. In this case, Write Params and then Refresh Params and they
should show. Disconnect, unplug then plug in the USB and Connect again.
Verify/Set BATT_VOLT_PIN to 10
Verify/Set BATT_VOLT_MULT to 11.0
Verify/Set BATT_CURR_PIN to 11
Verify/Set BATT_AMP_PERVLT to 40
B) Find OSD1_Enable and verify/set to 1. Do the same with OSD2/3/4_Enable if you plan on using
multiple OSD screens.
C) Search for OSD_CHAN, set it to whatever channel you wish to use for your OSD screen change
D) Search for TERRAIN. Verify/Set TERRAIN_ENABLE and TERRAIN_FOLOW to 1. This enables Terrain
following IF you wish to use it:
E) Search for ARMING. Verify/Set ARMING_Required to 1 and ARMING_RUDDER to 2.
F) Search for FLTMODE_CH, change it to whatever channel you wish to use for you flight mode switch.
G) Search for RSSI_TYPE, Set to 0 to Disable, 1 for Analog, 2, for Digital RSSI in the PPM/SBus
stream. You will have to Write Params and Refresh to get/set other RSSI
H) Search for TKOFF and set as desired for Automatic Takeoff capability:
Write Params once done with the above changes.

Initial Setup Steps

1, You must perform some initial setup/calibration steps before Ardupilot will work. You will need
to have your Rx bound to your Tx and connected to the FC prior to proceeding.
2. With the FC Connected to Mission Planner, select the INITIAL
SETUP Icon on the top menu bar.
3. Select Mandatory Hardware.
4. Perform the following steps:
A) Accel Calibration:
Click on the (top) 3 axis 'Calibrate Accel' button. The screen will tell you what position
to place the FC, (flat, left side, right side, nose up, nose down, up-side-down) and click the
button after each step. It's easiest to do this before the FC is mounted in the plane/copter.
Sometimes it takes up to a minute for it to start the calibration steps. Let it sit and see if it
starts. If not, double check in the Full Parameter List that Arming Required is set to 1 and try
B) Compass:
Compass is not required for fixed wing. Still, click on the Compass and make sure all the
'Use This Compass' check boxes (there are three of them) are unchecked. For multirotors, you will
have to perform this step after the FC and GPS/Compass module is mounted in the frame.
C) Radio Calibration:
Here you will verify the range and stick/switch/channel movements between your Tx and FC.
Click the 'Calibrate Radio' button and follow the on-screen instructions. Your four basic channels
MUST move in a specific direction, reverse throws in your Tx if/as needed. The ROLL bar should move
right with right aileron stick, throttle bar should increase with increased throttle stick, Yaw bar
should move right with right yaw stick, Pitch bar should move DOWN as you move the elevator stick
Up (yes, that's opposite of what you'd expect, but this is what Ardupilot expects).
D) Servo Output
You assing the FC channel output functions and Min/Max throws here. They do not have to
match the RC input channel mapping, so assign them to whatever works best for you. Default throws
are 1100-1900 with a 1500 (mid) trim. All of these are adjustable to your liking/needs. Click the 'REVERSE' box if the servo is moving in the wrong direction.
E) ESC Calibration
I don't calibrate my ESC via the FC. If you do, make sure your prop is off first.
F) Flight Modes
Up to six selectable flight modes. Move your flight mode switch and assign that position
(green box) to the flight mode of choice. Click SAVE when done.
Fixed wing flight modes:
Multirotor flight modes:
G) FailSafe
It's a good idea to set your FC failsafe...just in case.

Hardware Connections:
With Ardupilot, certain items are defaulted to be connected to certain pin positions. Some can be
moved, some can't. To avert problems I find it easiest to just use the FC's defaults. For the H743 Wing:
PPM/SBus Rx - RX6
GPS - TX2/RX2 or CAN plug for CAN GPS/Mag sensor
Telem - TX7/RX7
Digital Airspeed Sensor/Compass - Any I2C CL/DA/3.3v/Gnd on CAN for CAN Airspeed Sensor.
Analog Airspeed Sensor - AirS/5V/Gnd


I got some neat info from Matek on the M8Q-CAN GPS unit and the latest 'LATEST' Ardupilot firmware. The M8Q firmwared can be updated via TTL or by CAN connection to the FC via Mission Planner. The firmware and update info can be found here: With this the M8Q can be connected to the FC via a single 3-wire connection, 4v5, Gnd and Tx3 from the M8Q to Rx2 on the FC. Set the GPS_Type to '19' (MSP). Now the M8Q GPS/Compass/Baro info is sent to the FC over the single Tx signal wire. This will work on other FCs running the LATEST Ardupilot firmware. Cool. With this setup I can now power the GPS via USB power connection.
Serialx_PROTOCOL = 32 MSP
COMPASS_TYPEMASK 0, MSP compass autodetected.



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