Ex. 7. Complete the sentences according to the model.

Model: Where is the bank? – I’m afraid I don’t know where the bank is.

1. Could you tell me what …..? – It’s nearly half past six. 2. Where have I put my glasses? - You’re always forgetting ….! 3. What you are giving to your children for Christmas? – We haven’t decided … yet. 4. Did you post my letter? – I can’t remember … or not. 5. Whose pen is this? – I’ve no idea …. 6. Are you coming on the boat trip? – I’m not sure … 7. Do you know … Carol White …? – Yes, she’s the girl with the blond hair, talking to Bob. 8. How much does Jack weigh? – I haven’t a clue … 9. Where does David get all his money from? – No idea, but I’d love to know … 10. Have you any idea how much …. on clothes? – I don’t want to know how much I spend. I don’t care.


Ex. 8. Complete the direct questions.

A is Mrs. Smith who is talking to B, a bank manager, about getting a loan.

B Come and sit down, Mrs. Smith. B Now, you want to borrow some money. (1) …? B(2) …? B I see. Could you give me some personal details? (3) …? B And (4) …? B (5) …?   B(6) …? BI see you live in a flat. (7) …? B Well, that seems fine. I don’t think there’ll be any problems. (8) …? B All right. Let’s see what we can do. A Thank you very much. AFive thousand pounds. A Because I want to buy a car. A I’m a computer programmer. A Twenty thousand pounds a year. A Yes, I am. I’ve been married for six years. A Yes, we’ve got two children. A We’ve lived there for three years. A I’d like it as soon as possible, actually.

Report the bank manager’s questions

1. First he asked Mrs Smith …. 2. Then he wanted to know …. 3. He needed to know …. 4. She had to tell him …. 5. Then he asked …. 6. For some reason, he wanted to know …. 7. He asked her …. 8. Finally he wondered ….


Ex. 9. Put the words in the right order to make indirect questions about the newspaper headlines.

Example. Man wins record amount on Lottery. (he’ll away wonder give I if any) - I wonder if he’ll give any away.

1. Oldest man in the world celebrates birthday

a. (is don’t how he we know old exactly)

b. (birthday celebrate wonder going I how he’s his to)

2. Bank robber escapes from prison

c. (managed how get nobody out he knows to)

d. (helped escape wonder who I to him)

3. Actress marries husband number 7

e. (know didn’t many she’d I been so times married)

f. (went wonder I wrong last with marriage what her)

4. Shock defeat for Italian football team

g. (know what like to the I’d score was)

h. (doesn’t headline the say were they against playing who)

5. British man arrested at Bangkok Airport

i. (wonder where I going fly to he was to)

j. (wonder I he smuggle if to drugs trying was)



Приказания и просьбы в косвенной речи

(Reported Commands and Requests)

При переводе просьб и команд из прямой речи в косвенную выполняются следующие правила:

1. глагол в повелительном наклонении заменяется инфинитивом. Oтрицательная форма инфинитива образуется путем прибавления отрицания not;

2. указательные местоимения, наречия времени и места заменяются в соответствии справилом согласования времен;

3. просьбы и приказания вводятся глаголами to ask (по/просить), to order (приказывать), to tell (сказать, велеть, приказывать).

Direct Speech Reported Speech

She said to me “Please, help him with his homework. “Show me the shortest way to the library, please”. “Don’t stay there long!” “Don’t cross the street here!” She told me   She asked me     She ordered me to help him with his homework. to show her the shortest way to the library. not to stay there long. not to cross the street there.


При переводе предложений из прямой речи в косвенную в главном предложении кроме глаголов to say, to ask, to wonder, to tell, to want to know могут употребляться другие глаголы, например: to complain (жаловаться), to admit ( признавать ), to deny (отрицать), to suggest (предлагать), to refuse (отказываться), to promise (обещать), to offer (предлагать), to invite (приглашать), to advise ( советовать) и некоторые другие.

Alice said to Ann, “You shouldn’t spend so much money on clothes”. – Alice advised Ann not to spend so much money on clothes.

Helen said to Tom, “Come and spend the week-end with us”. –

Helen invited Tom to spend the week-end with them.

Ex 1. Turn the following requests and orders into Reported Speech using: asked, told, ordered, commanded.

1. Teacher to student a) Will you take this book to the library? b) Write down the following words.
2. Wife to husband a) Don’t turn off the television, please. b) Turn off the radio, please.
3. Manager to clerk a) Look through these papers. b) Don’t send these papers back today.
4. Mr. Brown to a visitor a) Take a seat, please. b) Won’t you have a cigarette?
5. Police officer to driver a) Don’t turn right. b) Don’t drive so fast.
6. Captain to his crew a) Get ready! b) Don’t leave the plane!
7. John to Mary a) Don’t be late for dinner. b) Come in time, please.



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