Оборот «Объектный падеж с причастием I »

(Objective with Participle I)

Этот оборот представляет собой сочетание существительного или местоимения в объектном падеже с причастием I. Он употребляется после глаголов: to feel, to find, to hear, to listen, to look, to notice, to see, to watch.

I hear the bell ringing in the next room. – Я слышу, как звенит звонок в соседней комнате.

She watched the children playing in the yard. – Она смотрела, как дети играют в парке.

Этот оборот аналогичен обороту «Объектный падеж с инфинитивом», но причастный оборот показывает действие в процессе его совершения, а инфинитивный оборот только указывает на действие.

I saw some children crossing the street. – Я видел, как дети переходили улицу.

I saw some children cross the street - Я видел, что дети переходили улицу.



Оборот «Объектный падеж с причастием II»

(Objective with Participle II)

Этот причастный оборот представляет собой сочетание существительного или местоимения в объектном падеже с причастием II. Он употребляется после глаголов: to have, to get, to want, to wish, to watch, to hear, to see, to find.

You must have your hair cut. – Вы должны подстричься.

I want it done now. – Я хочу, чтобы это сделали сейчас.

Этот оборот с глаголами to have (to get) означает, что действие совершается не самим подлежащим, а другим лицом для него или за него.

I had my photo taken. – Я сфотографировался (в значении: меня сфотографировали).



Независимый причастный оборот

(The Absolute Participial Construction)

Необходимы 3 условия для того, чтобы в предложении был независимый причастный оборот:

1. чтобы в предложении было причастие;

2. чтобы перед причастием стояло подлежащее;

3. чтобы весь оборот отделялся запятой.


Having lost the key we couldn’t enter the house. (зависимый причастный oборот, так как перед причастием нет подлежащего). My sister having lost the key, we couldn’t enter the house. (независимый причастный оборот, так как перед причастием стоит подлежащее).

На русский язык независимый причастный оборот переводится:

1. в начале предложения – придаточным предложением с союзами так как, если, когда, после того, как

Great Britain being an island, its climate is rather mild. – Так как Великобритания – остров, ее климат довольно мягкий.

2. в конце предложения – самостоятельным предложением с союзами а, и, причем или без союза.

We had three lectures yesterday, the last being on History. – Вчера у нас было три лекции, причем (a, и) последняя была по истории.



Ex. 1. Form Participle I and Participle II.

To talk, to come, to leave, to pay, to know, to be, to turn, to change, to hear, to pass, to listen, to show, to arrive, to drink, to bring, to find, to spend, to understand, to call, to lose, to make, to go, to invite, to open, to build, to read, to write.


Ex. 2. Translate the sentences and define the function of the Participle.

1. The New Opera House built two years ago is one of the finest buildings in our city. 2. Having nothing to do, she sat down in the armchair. 3. The man sitting opposite the window was a famous scientist. 4. There is no time left. 5. They spent a week there visiting art galleries and museums. 6. When leaving don’t forget to shut all the windows. 7. Taking a book from the shelf he sat down to read it. 8. She left the room seen by no one. 9. He looked at the dancing girls. 10. The man washing his hands is her father. 11. He stood thinking about something. 12. The man called Peter came up to us. 13. The letter received yesterday is very important. 14. The translated text was very long. 15. Having passed the exams he went to the Crimea. 16. I heard somebody walking in the hall. 17. Where did you have your coat made? 18. A minute later she found all the pupils working at their tasks. 19. The old woman watched the children playing in the yard. 20. I want all exercises done by tomorrow morning. 21. The conference held in Novosibirsk was on the problems of ecology. 22. The committee had all the necessary documents prepared before the first sitting. 23. They watched the rising sun from the balcony of the hotel. 24. Writing a letter he seemed to forget everything. 25. Leaving the cinema the people were talking about the film. 26. Having seen so little of the country, I’m afraid I can’t answer all your questions. 27. They brought us some cut flowers.


Ex. 3. Change the following sentences using:

A) Participle I

1. When he was walking up the street, he met a strange elderly man. 2. The offices who stood before him asked him to show them his things. 3. The hostess came up to each guest and offered cocktails. 4. The street which runs east is called Columbus Avenue. 5. As he had no sense of humour he couldn’t enjoy the joke. 6. When he was leaving school he worked a great deal at his English. 7. Which of the four men who are smoking by the fireplace is John? 8. We came up to the man who stood at the corner and asked him the way.

B) Participle II

1. The things, which are left behind, by passengers are taken to the Lost Property office. 2. The audience, who were greatly impressed by the acting, repeatedly called the actors. 3. The new job, which has been offered to me, seems more interesting. 4. I could hardly recognize the street which was reconstructed while I was away. 5. The exploration work, which is carried on in this region, is of great importance for science. 6. Food which is served in this restaurant is usually very good. 7. He is a man whom everybody likes. 8. It was a small house which was built just a few years ago.



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