VI. Укажите правильный перевод подчеркнутой части предложения.

1. Every student of mathematics meets the remarkable subject called Analytic Geomenry.

a) называемый b) назывался

c) называется d) будет называться

2. This is the task of proving a theorem in geometry.

a) доказывать b) доказательства

c) доказывающая d) докажут

3. There is no unanimity of opinion among historians of mathematics concerning who invented analytic geometry.

a) интересующихся b) интересуются

c) для интереса d) интерес

4. In the history of mathematics much will be said about far-reaching concepts as of “function’ and “dimension”.

a) сказать b) сказали

c) скажут d) сказали бы


I. Найдите в тексте интернациональные слова, переведите их. II. Выберите в колонке В эквиваленты к словам колонки А.
A 1.applied mathematics 2.axiomatic deductive construction 3.conclusion 4.coordinate geometry 5.mathematical theory of probability 6. theory of number   B a)аксиоматическая дедуктивная конструкция b) вывод c) прикладная математика d) теория чисел e) геометрия координат f) математическая теория вероятности

III. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами.

1. The conclusions of theorems will be derived from ….

a) axioms b) definitions

c) laws d) proofs

2. P. Fermat and R. Descartes founded the ….

a) general method b) applied mathematics

c) theory of numbers d) coordinate geometry

3. The method of Descartes will be … for all thoughts.

a) conclusion b) rule

c) axiomatic deductive construction d) code

4. P. Fermat shared with Pascal the honour of creating the ….

a) applied mathematics b) pure mathematics

c) solid mathematics d) mathematical theory of


Text II

Applied mathematics in the modern sense of the term was not the creation of the engineer or the engineering-minded mathematician. The two great thinkers who founded this subject one was a profound philosopher, the other was a scientist in the realm of ideas. The former Rene Descartes devoted himself to critical and profound thinking about the nature of truth, and the physical structure of the universe. The latter Pierre Fermat, lived an ordinary life as a lawyer and civil servant, but in his spare time he was busy creating and offering to the world his famous theorems. The work of both men in many fields will be immortal. R. Descartes proposed to generalize and extend the methods used by mathematicians in order to make them applicable to all investigations. In essence, the method will be an axiomatic deductive construction for all thoughts. The conclusions will be theorems derived from axioms. Guided by the methods of the geometers Descartes carefully formulated the rules that would direct him in his search for truth. His story of the search for method and the application of the method to problems of philosophy was presented in his famous "Discourse on Method". The method Descartes abstracted from mathematics and generalized he then reapplied to mathematics; with it he succeeded in creating a new of representing and analyzing curves. This creation, now know as coordinate geometry, is the basis of all modern applied mathematics.

P. Fermat, despite the brief amount of time he was able to spend on mathematics and the pleasure-seeking attitude with which he approached it, established himself as one of the truly great mathematicians of all times. His contributions to the calculus were first rate though some what overshadowed by those of Newton and Leibnits. He shared with Pascal the honour of creating the mathematical theory of probability and shared with Descartes the creation of coordinate geometry, and founded the theory of numbers. In all these fields this "amteur" produced brilliant results. Though not concerned with a universal method in philosophy, Fermat did seek a general method of working with curves and here his thoughts joined company with those of Descartes’s.

IV. Выберите правильный ответ на вопрос в соответствии с содержанием текста.

1. What creations did Fermat share with Pascal?

a) coordinate geometry b) theory of numbers

c) mathematical theory of probability d) calculus system

2. What method in philosophy did Fermat seek?

a) method of approximate calculation.

b) general method of working with curves.

c) simplex method.

d) Euclid’s synthetic method.

3. What was R. Descartes?

a) а profound philosopher.

b) аn engineer.

c) a astronomer.

d) a physicist in the field of mechanics.

4. What is the basis of all modern applied mathematics?

a) methods of geometry b) the coordinate geometry

c) applied mathematics d) famous theorems

5. What method of Descartes is for all thoughts?

a) axiomatic deductive construction b) rule

c) code d) conclusion

V. Выберите заголовок для текста, в соответствии с его содержанием.

a. R. Descartes and P. Fermat as great founders of coordinate geometry

b. The famous work of R. Descartes “Discourse of method”

c. Immortal works of R. Descartes and P. Fermat


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