Match the two halves of the sentences

1. If I were rich a) I'll drink a glass of white wine with it.
2. If I hadn't eaten so much b) I may arrive on time.
3. If I had won the competition c) I wouldn't smoke so much!
4. If I don't miss the train d) I’d invest in property.
5. If I could swim e) I can have a shower before the meeting.
6. If I move house f) I wouldn't feel so sick now!
7. If I hadn't lost the keys g) I would have got a new sports car!
8. If I arrive on time h) I would be watching TV by now!
9. If I eat fish for dinner tonight i) I'll buy an old cottage in the countryside.
10. If I were you j) I would go to a Greek island.

13. Write sentences beginning I wish...

1. It's raining, and you hate the rain. I wish it wasn't raining.

2. You live in a big city and you don't like it. I wish I lived in a village.

3. You're poor, but you'd like to be rich!

4. You haven't got a car and you need one.

5. You would like to own a dog.

6. You can't speak a foreign language.

7. A friend hasn't arrived and that's a pity.

8. You have eaten too much and feel ill.

9. You have lost your purse.

10. You have missed the last bus home.

11. You failed your exam because you didn't work hard enough.

12. You have just watched a terrifying horror film and regret it!

Choose the correct tense form in the following sentences

1. If we meet at 9:30, we …….................. (to have) plenty of time.

2. Lisa would find the milk if she ………… (to look) in the fridge.

3. The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she…. (to feed) the animals.

4. If you spoke louder, your classmates ………… (to understand) you.

5. Dan …………………………… (to arrive) safe if he drove slowly.

6. You … (to have) no trouble at school if you had done your homework.

7. If you ……………… (to swim) in this lake, you'll shiver from cold.

8. The door will unlock if you …………… (to press) the green button.

9. If Mel …….. (to ask) her teacher, he'd have answered her questions.

10. I …………………. (to call) the office if I was/were you.


Problem-solving. Work in pairs. Read the following abstract and express your point of view. Then discuss the problem with your partner


Nanotechnology has witnessed four generations

1. First generation of nanotechnology. It is called passive nanostructures. Some applications are: dispersed and contact nanostructures.Example Aerosols, colloids, coatings, nanoparticle reinforced composites, nano structured metals, polymers and ceramics.

2. Second generation of nanotechnology. It refers to active nanostructures. Some applications are: Bio- active, health effects, physicochemical active (e.g 3D transistors, amplifiers, actuators, adaptive structures).

3. Third generation of nanotechnology. It is called systems of nanosystems. Someapplications are: robotics, guided assembling: 3D networking and new hierarchical architectures.

4. Fourth generation of nanotechnology. It is called molecular nanosystems. Some applications are: molecular devices by design, atomic

design and emerging functions. Fourth generation of nanotechnology basically deals with the manufacturing and development of nanocomputer.


Read and memorize the following words and word combinations


Health здравоохранение
Prevention предотвращение, профилактика
Alleviation облегчение
Curing лечение
Physics физика
Chemistry химия
Expansion расширение, распространение
Therapeutic approaches терапевтические подходы, методы
Treat and eradicate лечить, искоренять
Life-threatening diseases опасные для жизни заболевания
Resolving pain боль в стадии разрешения
Improving medical techniques улучшение медицинских методов
Bone repair репарация костей
Surgical techniques хирургическая техника
Diverse researchers разные ученые

Read and translate the text


Innovations in medicine


Medicine has developed throughout time but has remained forever concerned with the maintenance of health and thus the science of prevention and alleviation, and ultimately curing, of disease. To continue its development in new directions, medicine is now looking to nanomedicine, an emerging scientific specialty born from nanotechnology, which has grown up in the fields of engineering, physics, chemistry and biotechnology, and is now moving into medicine, with huge potential for expansion and development over the next decade and beyond.

As our knowledge of the human body continues to improve, nanotechnology will be developed to monitor, repair and control human biological systems at the molecular level. This will offer unique opportunities for developing new therapeutic approaches to diagnose, prevent, treat and eradicate life-threatening diseases and conditions such as cancer and diabetes, as well as resolving pain and improving medical techniques such as bone repair and surgical techniques, through various novel nanotechnological approaches.

The nanomedicine field is still in its infancy, however, in the next few years, there are likely to be further exciting developments across medical science, engineering, chemistry and physics. Diverse researchers working together under the nanomedicine umbrella will produce findings with potential medical uses: preventing, diagnosing and treating human diseases as well as relieving pain.



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