Reading: VoIP phone systems

Учебно-методическое пособие

по дисциплине: Профессионально - ориентированный иностранный язык

для специальностей: РЭТ, Физика, АиУ




Составители: Балгабекова Р.Н.

Рахимова Ю.С.


Тараз 2015

Unit I Telecommunication

Ex.1. Work in small groups. List as many ways as you can to send and receive messages.

Example: 1. by phone 2. writing


Ex. 2. Identify the devices used in telecommunications in pictures A-F.

Ex. 3. Work in pairs. Choose one device each and explain to your partner what it does.


A I’ll choose the space satellite.

В OK. What does it do?

A It follows an orbit in space. Some satellites help communication and others provide information...


It’s my job

Ex.1. Listen to Todd McArthur, a Telecommunications Technician. Note the following things.

1. the number of years he has worked for his company

2. as many items of telecommunications equipment as you can

3. as many country names as you can

4. the meaning of VoIP


Ex. 2. Listen again and answer the questions.

1. Where did he first learn about telecommunications?

2. Name a change he has experienced in telecommunications.

3. Why is his job now much more about brain than muscle?

4. What does he like most about his job?

5. What does he not like?


Grammar: Past Simple v Present Perfect


Study these examples from It's my job. Why is the Past Simple used for sentences 1-3 and the Present Perfect for sentences 4-6?

1 I was in the army for four years.

2 I joined when I left school.

3 I travelled quite a lot.

4 I've been with the company for eight years.

5 I’ve been to Norway, Kenya, and Belize.

6 I've seen quite a few changes in phone systems.


• We use the Past Simple for things that happened at a particular time in the past or during a period that ended in the past:

I travelled a lot when I was in the army.

• We use the Present Perfect to talk about past experiences but not when they happened:

I've been to the USA.

• We use the Present Perfect for actions which happened during a period from the past to the present:

He’s worked as a technician for eight years. (He’s still a technician.)

• We often start a topic using the Present Perfect and then switch to the Past Simple:

A Have you ever been to Norway?

В Yes, I went there in 2001.


Ex. 1. Complete the text about developments in radio and television. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form: Past Simple or Present Perfect.

In just over a hundred years, radio _______1(develop) into a major form of entertainment and communication. Marconi ______2(invent) a wireless telegraph system in 1896. This _______ 3(be) the birth of radio.Voice transmission _______ 4(start) in 1909 following the invention of the valve.

Semiconductors ________ 5(make) it possible to develop much smaller, portable radios. The introduction in recent years of digital radios _______ 6(allow) us to enjoy much better sound quality.

There ________7 (be) many changes in television too. In the UK, the BBC _______ 8(start) daily TV broadcasts in 1936.Colour broadcasts _______9 (begin) in the late 1960s. Since the 1970s satellite broadcasting _______ 10(allow) viewers a wider choice of programmes. The recent introduction of digital TV _______11(mean) better picture and sound quality. Manufacturers now ________12(develop) entertainment systems which include television, radio, DVD recorder / player, and computer. The Internet ________ 13(make) it possible to enjoy radio and television from around the world on our PCs.


Ex. 2.Choose the correct alternative.

Interviewer How long have you been / were you a Telecommunications Technician?

Todd About ten years. I have trained / trained in Signals when I was in the army.

Interviewer How long have you been / were you in the army?

Todd I have served / served for four years. Then I have joined / joined this company about eight years ago.

Interviewer Have you seen/Did you see many changes during this time?

Todd Yes, we've replaced / we replaced copper lines with fibre-optic cables and we've introduced / we introduced VoIP phone systems.


Ex. 3. Study these pairs of sentences. You are going to hear one of each pair. Tick (/) the one you hear.

1. a They’ve spent time in the army,

b They spent time in the army

2. a I've texted him an invitation,

b I texted him an invitation.

3. a He faxed me a reply,

b He's faxed me a reply.

4. a Todd’s phoned the office,

b Todd phoned the office.

5. a She emailed me twice,

b She’s emailed me twice.


Reading: VoIP phone systems


Ex. 1.Work in pairs and answer the questions. Then read the text and check your answers.

1. What does VoIP stand for?

2. What is a packet?

3. What is a wireless hotspot?


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