UNIT 7 Financial Control

UNIT 4 Feedback

Accomplish sth достигать to succeed in doing something
Allied (with) Объединенный, соединенный if something is allied to or with something else, it is connected with it or working together with it
Apathy Безразличие, апатия a feeling of having no interest in or enthusiasm about anything, or not being willing to make any effort to change things
Aspiring Честолюбивый hoping and trying to be successful at something, especially in your career
Be bang on (target/time) Быть Точно (в срок) to turn up at the fixed time.
Get bogged down in bureaucracy Увязнуть в бюрократии To be full of complicated rules, processes, and written work that make it hard to get something done (disapproving)
Be better off Быть лучше of a higher standard, or more suitable, pleasing, or effective than other things or people
In blindfolds С завязанными глазами, вслепую without a clear plan or definite insrtuctions
Bunch (of people) группа a group of (people)
buy into Поверить, соблазниться, «клюнуть» to believe something that a lot of other people believe
Dam Дамба a strong wall built across a river to stop the water and make a lake
Feasibility   Feasibility study Выполнимость, осуществимость Технико-экономическое обоснование the possibility that can be made, done, or achieved, or is reasonable.   an examination of a situation to decide if a suggested method, plan, or piece of work ispossible or reasonable.
Foundations Фундамент the structures below the surface of the ground that supporta building
Reach the next milestone Дойти до следующего этапа/вехи to achieve a certain target on the way to smth
Set/achieve a target Установить/достигнуть цель/и to establish, to decide a goal and get it
Stick to a budget Придерживаться бюджета to limit yourself to money you possess
Offend Обидеть, оскорбить to make someone upset or angry
Prevail Господствовать, превалировать to exist at a particular time or in a particular situation
Resettlement Переселение the process of people being moved by a government or other authority, and going to live in a different region or country
Scope Границы, рамки, пределы, возможности the range of a subject covered by a book, programme, discussion, class, etc
Silly Глупый not clever
Start from scratch Начать с нуля to start from the beginning again, not using all the work that you have done before
Touchy-feely панибратский kind and loving, especially by touching and holding people more than is usual, often in a way that makes other people uncomfortable
Appraisal interview Аттестация (сотрудников) an interview between a manager and an employee designed to evaluate how well the employee is doing their job
Bully Запугивать, хулиган someone who uses their influence or status to threaten or frighten someone else in order to get what they want
Hectic Беспокойный, лихорадочный full of busy activity
Loner Нелюдим, одиночка someone who likes to be alone and has few friends
Maverick Индивидуалист an independent person who has ideas and behaviour that are very different from other people’s
Pass the buck Сваливать ответственность to make someone else deal with something that you should take responsibility for
Pull your weight Честно выполнять свою работу to do your share of work
Downshift осуществить дауншифтинг (упростить свои ожидания или обязательства)   to change to a different job or way of life, so that you have less money and responsibility but more satisfaction and happiness
Impact Влияние, воздействие a powerful effect that something, especially something new, has on a situation orperson
Turn smth down Отклонить (приглашение) to refuse an offer, a job, or a request
Elicit   Mess up Допытываться, извлекать, вытягивать (ответ) Испортить, ошибиться to obtain information by encouraging someone to talk     to spoil or damage something, or to do something wrong or badly
Overdo Переусердствовать, перестараться to do something in a way that is too extreme
Praise Похвала, восхваление things that you say that express your admiration and approval of someone or something
Engage Нанимать, привлекать, вовлекать to employ someone to interest someone in something and keep them thinking about it
Foster (team spirit) Побуждать, стимулировать, воспитывать to encourage the development or growth of ideas or feelings
Team spirit Командный дух an enthusiastic attitude towards working or playing together with other people as a team
Touch on Касаться, упоминать to mention a subject quickly when speaking or writing about another subject
I could do with some help Мне не помешала бы помощь I need a help
Forecourt 1. Передний двор, 2. заправочная площадка АЗС, форкорт АЗС 1.a flat area in front of a large building 2.a petrol station
Handle someone with kid gloves Деликатничать, нежно обращаться to treat someone in a very careful or gentle way
Mess Беспорядок, кутерьма a situation in which a place is dirty or untidy
Put up with Мириться to accept someone or something unpleasant in a patient way
Sort out Решить (проблему) to deal in a satisfactory or successful way with a problem or situation
Top up Пополнить, долить (бензин, масло) to completely fill a container that is already partly full
Windscreen Лобовое стекло the large glass window at the front of a vehicle. The American word is windshield.
Work your fingers to the bone работать на износ to work very hard, especially doing something that involves a lot of physical effort



UNIT 5 Selling more

bundle Большое количество, комплект a group of things that are sold or offered as a set
dodgy Хитрый, нечестный dishonest, criminal or not reliable
Vertical market Вертикальный рынок a business market focused on a particular industry sector or niche
Social media marketing (SMM) Маркетинг в социальных сетях A form of internet marketing that utilizes social networking websites as a marketing tool. The goal of SMM is to produce content that users will share with their social network to help a company increase brand exposure and broaden customer reach.
Show up Появиться, объявиться to arrive somewhere in order to join a group of people, especially late or unexpectedly
Pick up on keywords Отслеживать ключевые слова to notice something that is not very obvious
Stack up to the competition Соответствовать конкурентам, соотноситься to compare with another thing of a similar type
Repeated gripes and praise Повторяющиеся жалобы и похвалы complaints and appreciations happening again and again
Sit on the sideline Оставаться в стороне If you stay on the sidelines, you are not an important part of what is happening
Be clueless Быть в неведении, без понятия having no knowledge of something, or of things in general
Take on smth Браться за (работу) to accept a particular job or responsibility
Tackle smth Энергично браться за (решение задачи) to try to deal with something or someone
thrive процветать to become very successful, happy or healthy
Use trickery and deception Использовать хитрость (надувательство) и обман the activity of using tricks and hiding the truth to deceive or cheat people
Indignant Возмущенный, негодующий angry because of something that is wrong or not fair
Variable (сущ) Переменная (величина) a number, amount, or situation that can change
Mix coherency Связность микса How well the different elements of the mix blend together to accomplish the desired impact
Mix dynamics Динамика микса How the mix must be adapted to suit the changing business environment, changes in company resources, changes in product life cycle stages.
Undercover marketing Скрытый маркетинг Marketing in which customers do not realize they are being marketed to
e-marketing   Using electronic media like email or SMS to promote products
Direct marketing Прямой маркетинг Promoting products to target customers, for example, through addressed mail
Product placement Размещение продукта (в кинофильмах) Скрытая реклама Putting products or references to products in media like films or video games
Viral marketing Вирусный маркетинг Marketing that spreads form consumer to consumer, often online
Capture market share Захватить (завладеть) долю рынка to succeed in getting a part of the market when you are competing with other businesses
Declining market Сужающийся рынок shrinking, getting smaller market
Custom-made product товар, изготовленный по индивид заказу a product tailored to a customer’s order
flood the market with… Наводнить рынок to fill or enter a market in large numbers or amounts
Enter a new market Выйти на новый рынок to come to a new market
BOGOF Покупаешь один-второй бесплатно buy one get one free
Loss leader Убыточный лидер products sold at a low price to encourage sales of another product
Tying навязывание making sales of one product depend on the customer buying another
Cashback   money return after the customer has paid for something
Bundling Примотка, пакетирование, объединение нескольких товаров в набор selling several products together as one combined product
Premium price Премиальная (высокая) цена a price of an amount that is more than usual
Diversify into new markets Диверсифицироваться в сторону новых рынков If a business diversifies, it starts making new products or offering new services in new markets
Saturated market Насыщенный рынок completely filled with things or people market
Mature market Сложившийся, полностью сформировавшийся рынок completely or almost completely developed, usually because of having existed for a longtime
Masculine audience Мужская (целевая) аудитория people having characteristics that are traditionally thought to be typical of or suitable for men
Stealth tactic Скрытая тактика (метод) a quiet and secret way of behaving so that no one sees you or hears you
Word of mouth advertising «Сарафанное радио», реклама из уст в уста communication that consists of comments that people make to each other in an informal way, not formal communication such as news reports and advertisements
Cold-calling «холодный обзвон» unexpected telephone calls or visits by someone trying to sell something
To exceed objectives Превышать цели to be greater, to go above planned targets
Quit smb’s job уволиться to leave a job  
Tax-deductible Не подлежащий налогообложению able to be taken away from the total amount of money on which you pay tax
Be on the clock На спидометре used for saying how many miles a vehicle’s speedometer shows
Make objections возражать to be opposed to something, or to express your opposition to it in words
To have a freeze on smth Заморозить (использование услуги) to stop using for a while
Insurance страхование an arrangement in which you regularly pay an insurance company an amount of money so that they will give you money if something you own is damaged, lost, or stolen, or if you die or are ill or injured
To bill smb for smth Выставить счет за… to give or send someone a bill asking for money that they owe for a product or service
To raise the point Поднять вопрос to highlight an issue
Postpone smb’s payment to next year Отложить оплату до след года to delay covering debts
To secure our cash flow Обеспечить безопасность движения наличных средств to make certain that money is protected from danger or risk
Keep up to date Держать(ся) в курсе to inform someone of all the most recent news and changes in a situation
Briefing Брифинг, планерка, инструктаж, сводка новостей a meeting or document in which people receive information or instructions
Credentials Рекомендации личные качества документы, подтверждающие квалификацию personal qualities, achievements or experiences that make someone suitable for something
Trawl through Прочесывать что-либо в поисках to look for someone or something, for example by searching through a large amount of information
Return on investment ROI Возврат инвестиций the profit from an activity for a particular period compared with the amount invested in it
Handle smth handling Управлять чем-то управление to take action in order to deal with a difficult situation the way in which someone deals with a particular situation, problem, or person
Price plan Тарифный план  
CRM – customer relationship management Управление взаимоотношениями с клиентами Управление взаимодействия с клиентами   system used by a business to organize and manage interaction with its customers, particularly sales, marketing, customer support, etc.
Flat battery Разряженная батарея a flat battery does not have enough power left in it
Keep up with Не отставать от to continue to find out about what’s happening



UNIT 6 New Business


Rub shoulders with Близко общаться to work closely with someone, to meet and talk to important or famous people
To mature into Преобразовать, трансформировать во что-то, дорастать до чего-то grow into smth
High-end (retail store) Лидирующий 1.of very good quality and usually expensive 2. used to describe a business that makes or sells expensive products
To emulate (a success story) Следовать примеру, подражать to try to be like someone or something else, usually because your admire them
To yearn for smth Стремиться к чему-то to want smth a lot especially smth that you know you may not be able to have
Get a big break Осуществить прорыв to make a breakthrough
Partner up Сотрудничать/чество, взаимодействовать/вие cooperate\cooperation collaborate\collaboration
Have a nose for smth Иметь нюх/чутье на to be good at finding things of the stated type
A knack for Талант, склонность, нюх a skill or ability
Ring up получить to make (or lose) a particular amount of money in sales, profit or losses in a period of time
Stake доля the part of business you own because you have invested money in it
Nurture Взрастить, воспитать, обучить, лелеять to help someone or something to develop
Sing smb’s praises Петь дифирамбы to talk about how good someone is
Underlying key to smb’s success Основной ключ к успеху  
A dog-eat-dog world Беспощадный мир when people do anything to be successful, even if it harms other people
Team up объединиться to act together to achieve something
Step back from smth Отступить от to temporarily stop being involved in an activity or situation in order to think about it in a new way
Day-to-day hassles Ежедневные склоки every day situations causing difficulty or trouble
Build a blockbuster brand Построить мощный бренд to create a very successful type of product made by a particular company
To stay on your toes   Быть наготове, брать дело в свои руки to make someone concentrate so that they are ready to deal with anything that might happen
Equity finance Долевое финансирование the finance that a company gets from selling shares rather than borrowing money
Leasing лизинг a financial arrangement in which a person, company, etc. pays to use land, a vehicle, etc. for a particular period of time
Overdraft овердрафт an amount of money that a customer with a bank account is temporarily allowed to owe to the bank, or the agreement that allows this
Self-funding самофинансирование  
Business angel=angel investor     a person who invests money in a new business to help it get started
Venture capitalist Венчурный капиталист a person or financial organization that invests in new businesses, especially ones that involve risk
Draw on personal savings Опираться на личные сбережения  
Asset актив something such as money or property that a person or company owns
Guarantor гарант someone who makes an official agreement to be responsible for money that someone else owes, or for someone else’s behaviour
Interest rate Процентная ставка the percentage that an institution such as a bank charges or pays you in interest when you borrow money from it or keep money in an account
Interest-free loan Беспроцентный заем not charging you any interest on the money you borrow or the credit you are given
Put stain on relationships Осложнять отношения to spoil the relations
Get expertise Получить опыт to gain experience
To provide matching funds Обеспечить встречное финансирование to supply the same amount of money
Buy outright Покупать сразу, открыто purchase without hiding your feelings, directly
Turn smb\smth down Отклонить/отказать кому-то to refuse an offer, a job, or a request
Come up возникать to appear, to happen, usually unexpectedly
Put forward a business plan for consideration Выдвигать/предлагать бизнес план на рассмотрение to offer a plan for examination and assessment
Work out Разработать Разобраться figure sth out to understand something or to find the answer to something by thinking about it
Check out проверить to examine something or get more information about it in order to be certain that it is true, safe, or suitable
Go through Быть принятым to be officially accepted or approved
Weed out отбирать to get rid of unwanted things or people from a group
Draw up составлять to prepare something in writing, especially a plan or formal document
Set out излагать formal set sth forth to give the details of something or to explain it, especially in writing, in a clear, organized way
Get through Выдержать, справиться to finish something
Due diligence Юридическая экспертиза, комплексная проверка the detailed examination of a company and its financial records, done before becoming involved in a business arrangement with it
Financial forecast based on assumption Финпрогноз, основанный на предположении a statement of what a company's financial position is likely to be in the future, for example what its costs, income, and profits will be and which is based on something that you accept as true without question or proof
Lack of market awareness Недостаточная осведомленность о состоянии рынка not enough knowledge and understanding of market
Clear exit route Четкая стратегия выхода из (компании венчурного инвестора)  
track record Достижения, послужной список all the achievements or failures that someone or something has had in the past
To do smb’s homework Тщательно подготовиться to study a subject or situation carefully so that you know a lot about it and can deal with it successfully
What a coincidence! Какое совпадение!  
bluff Блеф, блефовать to deceive someone by making them think either that you are going to do something when you really have no intention of doing it, or that you have knowledge that you do not really have, or that you are someone else
Put yourself in smb’s shoes Поставить себя на чье-то место to imagine that you are someone in a difficult situation, and imagine how that person feels  
Field questions Отвечать на вопросы to answer questions
Maintain eye contact with Поддерживать зрительный контакт to keep a visual contact
Get the point across Выразить свое мнение to express your opinion about smth
Awkward question Неудобный вопрос a question which is difficult to deal with and embarrassing
Irrelevant question Вопрос не по существу a question which is not important or not relevant to what you are discussing or doing
To put it into perspective Представить в более широком контексте/в перспективе to compare something to other things so that it can be accurately and fairly judged
Company profile Краткая информация о компании, деятельность компании a description of a company containing all the most important or interesting facts about it
Keep your pitch short and snappy Делать презентацию краткой и энергичной to make your presentation brief and energetic
Just-in-time production system Производственная система «точно в срок» a just-in-time system of manufacturing (= producing goods) is based on preventing wasteby producing only the amount of goods needed at a particular time, and not paying to produce and store more goods than are needed.
Unbeatable prices Лучшие цены the best prices
Exceed expectations Превзойти ожидания to go over the feeling of expecting something to happen
added value Добавленная стоимость Economics an increase in the value of a resource, product, or service as the result of a particular process
Supply chain Цепь поставок PRODUCTION, COMMERCE the system of people and organizations that are involved in getting a product from the place where it is made to customers  
Lean, on-demand supply chain Бережливая (по требованию) система поставок a lean business spends as little money and employs as few workers as possible so that it will make a good profit
No quibble Без уловок without a complaint or criticism about something that is not very important
Make a faux pas Допустить оплошность (ляпсус) to make a remark or action in a social situation that is a mistake and causes embarrassment or offense
Stand out from the crowd Выделяться из толпы to be much better than other similar things or people
Be emotionally resilient Быть эмоционально устойчивым able to return quickly to a previous good condition after problems
To think laterally Мыслить нешаблонно a way of solving a problem by thinking about it in a different and original way and not using traditional or expected methods
Executive summary Резюме бизнес плана, пояснительная записка a document that gives the main points of a detailed report, usually provided at the beginning of the report
Boost morale Поднять дух to increase the amount of confidence felt by a person or group of people, especially when in a dangerous or difficult situation
Be upbeat about smth Быть оптимистично настроенным full of hope, happiness, and good feelings
Recap суммировать to repeat the main points of an explanation or description
Be up for Быть готовым к, быть заинтересованным в be ready for be interested in



UNIT 7 Financial Control


Accountancy Бухгалтерское дело he work or profession of an accountant
Accountant бухгалтер someone whose job is to prepare financial records for a company or person
Balance sheet Балансовый отчет a written statement showing the value of a company at a particular time
Profit and loss account Отчет о прибыли и убытках Отчёт о финансовых результатах Отчет о прибылях и убытках с 2012 года называется отчетом о финрезультатах   a document that shows how much money was received and spent by a company during a particular period of time, and whether or not it made a profit     ACCOUNTING, FINANCE a document that shows a company's profit or loss in a particular period:
Cash flow statement Отчет о движении денежных средств\наличности ACCOUNTING, FINANCE a document that shows the money coming into and going out of a company during a particular period:
Steady job Стабильная работа work that is likely to continue for a long time and for which you will be paid regularly:
risk-taker Рисковый человек, авантюрист someone who often takes risks
Female-friendly profession Женская профессия a profession common for women
Put smth behind Оставить в прошлом to forget something unpleasant that has happened to you, or to stop being affected by it
Change in perception Изменение в восприятии changes in the way that someone thinks and feels about a company, product, service, etc
At the forefront of smth В авангарде to be in the most important or leading position
Forensic accountancy Судебно-бухгалтерская экспертиза a process of examining a person's or organization's financial records to help find out whether a crime has been committed, or to help with a legal case
Litigation Тяжба, судебный процесс use of the legal system to settle a disagreement
Law enforcement agency Судебный исполнительный орган the police or other officials who stop crime or catch criminals
Fraud мошенничество the crime of getting money by deceiving people
Bribery взяточничество the act of giving someone money or something else of value, often illegally, to persuade that person to do something you want:
Charge обвинение a formal police statement saying that someone is accused of a crime:
Testify свидетельствовать to speak seriously about something, especially in a law court, or to give or provide proof:
High-profile criminal case Резонансное уголовное дело  
Pivotal evidence Основное доказательство\улика central and important objects, documents, official statements, etc. that are used to prove something is true or not true, especially for legal or insurance purposes:
Tax evasion Уклонение от уплаты налогов ways of illegally paying less tax than you should
To work undercover Работать тайно\секретно  
Scam афера an illegal plan for making money, especially one that involves tricking people
White-collar crime Должностное преступление crime in which an office worker or someone in business illegally takes money from theiremployer or the people they deal with in their business
Protection racket Вымогательство (под предлогом защиты), крышевание an illegal system in which criminals threaten to harm you or your property if you do not give them money
Makeover формирование нового имиджа; создание нового облика; преображение; модернизация; реконструкция a set of changes that makes a person or thing look better
Cash receipt Денежные поступления an amount of money received by a company for goods or services
Net cash flow Чистые свободные средства the amount of money moving into and out of a business
Gross profit Валовая прибыль a company’s profit from selling goods or services before costs not directly related toproducing them, for example interest payments and tax, are subtracted
Operating profit Прибыль от основной деятельности a company's profit from its normal business activities, not including any earned frominvestments or sales of assets, calculated by taking operating expenses away from gross income
Current assets Текущие оборотные активы FINANCE, PRODUCTION an asset such as cash, raw materials, parts, or products that are still being made, which a company will use up or sell during the same year:
Fixed assets Постоянные активы внеоборотные активы;   in business, buildings, equipment, and land owned by a company
Liabilities Пассив, долги, обязательства ACCOUNTING, FINANCE the amount of money that a person or organization owes
Taxes payable Задолженность по налогам Taxes to be paid
Payroll Платежная ведомость, фонд заработной платы HR a list of the employees of a company showing how much each one earns
Owner’s equity Собственный капитал the value of a company’s shares belonging to an owner
Accounts payable Кредиторская задолженность по счетам ACCOUNTING the amounts in a company's accounts that show money that it owes, for example to suppliers (= companies that havesold them things):
Depreciation Износ, амортизация the process of becoming less valuable
Extraordinary income Внереализационные доходы, дополнительные доходы different in type or greater in degree than the usual or ordinary profits
Snapshot Краткая характеристика, описание a short explanation or description that tells you what a particular situation or place is like at a particular time
Spreadsheet Электронная таблица a chart produced on a computer that shows numbers in a way that makes them easy to compare
Health and safety guidelines Нормы по охране и безопасности труда official instructions or advice about how to keep health and safety
Bring about Приводить к, вызывать to make something happen, especially to cause changes in a situation
Stem from Происходить, возникать из to be caused by something
Spiralling costs Снижающиеся(или увеличивающиеся) расходы (см по контексту) costs that increase or decrease
Knock-on effect Эффект домино, цепная реакция when an event or situation has a knock-on effect, it causes other events or situations, but not directly
Exchange rate Обменный курс валют the rate at which the money of one country can be changed for the money of another country
To do a bit of tweaking Подрегулировать, подправить make fine adjustments, to make small changes to improve something
To iron out улаживать to deal successfully with a disagreement or problem, especially by removing the last remaining difficulties
Take stock of things Обдумать, изучить (что-то) to study or to think smth over
venue Место проведения мероприятия, встречи the place where something happens, esp. an organized event such as a concert, conference, or sports event
Open-plan office Офис с открытой планировкой an open-plan room or building has few or no walls inside, so it is not divided into smaller rooms
Accounts receivable Дебиторская задолженность the amounts in a company's accounts that show money that is owed to the company by its customers
Chase up Отслеживать, разыскивать to ask someone to do something that they promised to do but that have not yet done
assertive Напористый, настойчивый Someone who is assertive behaves confidently and is not frightened to say what theywant or believe
Embezzle Присваивать\растрачивать чужие деньги to steal money that people trust you to look after as part of your work
sickie прогул a day when a worker says they are ill when they are not, in order to stay at home and not go to work
Throw a sickie Отпроситься с работы, притворившись больным  
Petty cash Представительские расходы, «малая касса» a small amount of money in coins or notes that an organization or company keeps available to pay for small things
reprimand выговор strong official criticism of a person or their behaviour
Outstanding bill Неоплаченный счет FINANCE an outstanding bill has not yet been paid:
Temporary suspension Временное отстранение (от работы) a punishment in which someone is removed from a team, job for a short time



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