Уважаемые студенты, напоминаю Вам, что мы работаем в дистанционном режиме.

Следующая тема для изучения «Описание местоположения аграрного техникума».





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Тема «Описание местоположения аграрного техникума».

Good day my students!

Have a nice and wonderful day!

Добрый день мои студенты! Хорошего вам и прекрасного дня!


Read and translate this text.

(Прочитайте и переведите текст).

My technical school.


After finishing nine classes of secondary school the young people can continue their education at different kinds of vocational or secondary schools or colleges. You can not only learn general subjects, but receive a speciality there. After finishing a secondary or vocational school, the young people can start working or they may enter a university. Professional training makes it easier to get a higher education.

The aim of vocational education is primarily to prepare the students for a job. But if you want to get a good job you should to be an educated person. But every educated person, every good specialist has to know English, because it is absolutely necessary nowadays.

Well, learning a foreign language is not an easy thing. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. Why should we learn English? We should learn English because ….

· It is the most efficient means of information exchanging between the people of our planet.

· It is the major language for communication of the world.

· It is the language of computer software, literature, education.

· It is the language of business, commerce and technology.

Today our technical school is a modern educational institution. It is situated in Mayakovskyi Street. There is a large and light hall, a sport gym with sport heavy equipment on the ground floor. Many subject classrooms, a rich library and a reading hall are situated on the ground floor too. We can find any book or any magazine we need there. Our technical school is well-equipped and uses computing training system in educational process: we have a big computer class, which is usually opened for students and teachers. All classrooms are large and light and have modern equipment: TV-sets, players, notebooks, one class with an interactive board. There are day-time and correspondence departments. The academic session lasts 10 months. Our studies begin at 8. 30 a.m. Every day we attend lectures and have practice. We have a lunch break at 11.20 o’clock.

Our technical school trains specialists in many branches of knowledge. There are four departments in it. There are 32 teachers in our technical school. The teacher in our technical school knows how to organize classwork in more efficient and right way, he is able to maintain discipline and order, to present her- or him- self so that it would be interesting to all to conduct lessons, using a lot of different materials, equipment and teaching methods and attempts, and spend time obtaining of knowledge at an occasion with entertainment. They are clever, high-educated, experienced. They are always friendly and helpful to his or her students, and that is as well important keeps in contact with the parents of his or her students and lets them participate in the life of the technical school. All the teachers are sociable, attentive, helpful to the students.

The students of our technical school are the best in our town. There are 247 students in day-time department. Our students are from 15 till 20 years old.

Many of them try to study well to get a scholarship. Our students have no time to be bored. They carry out research work every year! They don’t only study successfully but take an active part in non-academic activities. The study of our technical school gives the students pleasure and they try to make good progress, because they want to be good specialists.


Дополните предложения по тексту:


1. After finishing nine classes of secondary school the young people can continue their education at________

2. You can not only learn general subjects, but receive______

3. The aim of vocational education is primarily to prepare the students for_________

4. We should learn English because__________

5. All classrooms are large and light and have modern equipment__________

6. All the teachers are______

7. The study of our technical school gives the students pleasure and they try________


Thank you for the lesson. All the best, goodbye!

(Благодарю вас за урок. Всего доброго, до свидания!).


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