Выполните грамматические упражнения

1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Simple Tense. Переведите предложения:

1. I want to get a medical checkup. I (to go) to my doctor tomorrow.

2. He (to give) me a complete examination.

3. The doctor (to take) my pulse and blood pressure.

4. Then he (to take) some blood for a blood analysis.

5. After the checkup I (to go) home.

2. Переделайте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:

1. I shall go to the college tomorrow.

2. Students will have practice next week.

3. A doctor will examine patients.

4. We shall visit our grandparents next Sunday.

5. My mother will come back soon.

My future profession

Task 1. Запишите и выучите новую лексику:

health -здоровье

aid – помощь

care – уход, забота

treat – лечить

a disease/illness - болезнь

a physician - врач

a therapeutist - терапевт

a nurse – мед.сестра/брат

a doctor assistant - фельдшер

a sanitary doctor assistant - лаборант

an obstetrician – акушер(ка)

a pharmaceutist – фармацевт

an oculist окулист

a dentist - стоматолог

a surgeon - хирург

a pediatrician - педиатр

a gynecologist - гинеколог

a dermatologist - дерматолог

a cardiologist - кардиолог

a psychologist - психолог

a psychiatrist - психиатр

a veterinarian (a vet) - ветеринар

a biologist – биолог

a chemist - химик


Task 2. a) Подберите перевод качеств характера

1. a sharp mind a) творчество
2. ambition b) забота
3. creativity c) лидерство
4. literacy d) преданность
5. artistic ability e) физическая сила
6. dedication f) индивидуальность
7. professional skills g) острый ум
8. individuality h) трудолюбие
9. initiative i) профессиональные навыки
10. hard-working j) навыки коллективной работы
11. physical strength k) художественные способности
12. teamwork skills l) ответственность
13. leadership m) грамотность
14. responsibility n) инициативность
15. care o) честолюбие

б ) Укажите, какие из вышеперечисленных качеств соответствуют выбранной вами профессии.

Task 3. Прочитайте небольшие тексты и напишите, о каких профессиях идет речь. Следующие словосочетания помогут понять работу каждой специальности:

- provide preventive and rehabilitation measures – обеспечивать профилактические и реабилитационные мероприятия

- provide preventive, curative and diagnostic measures – обеспечить профилактические, лечебные и диагностические мероприятия

- the stations of emergency medical help - станции неотложной медицинской помощи

- country-side – сельский

- military - военный

- the pregnant women – беременные женщины

- prevent appearance and spreading of infections - предотвращать появление и распространение инфекций

- harmful influence of the surroundings - вредное влияние окружающей среды

1) She/he doesn't work in an office. She/he is not а teacher. She/he works

very lоng hours, and she/he often works at night – it's а hard job. She/he provides preventive and rehabilitation measures. She/he likes to take care of patients and she/he helps them. She/he can give injections. She/he is а(n)....


2) She/he doesn't work in a hospital. She/he is not а doctor. She/he doesn’t take care of patients. She/he works for eight hours every day. She/he doesn't work at night and at the week-ends. She/he prevents appearance and spreading of infections. She/he must be very careful in working with microbes. She/he is а(n)...


3) She/he doesn't work in an office. She/he is not а teacher. She/he works

very lоng hours, and she/he often works at night – it's а hard job.

She/he takes care of pregnant women and she/he helps patients with gynaecological diseases. She/he is a(n) ….


4) She/he doesn't work in an office. She/he is not а teacher. She/he works

very lоng hours, and she/he often works at night – it's а hard job. She/he provides preventive, curative and diagnostic measures. She/he can work at the stations of emergency medical help, in the country-side hospitals and in the military hospitals. She/he is а(n)....




1. The person who takes care of your teeth is called a …

a) nurse; b) biologist; c) dentist

2. The person who takes care of people in a hospital is called a …

a) chemist; b) nurse; c) dentist

3. The person who gives the first aid in accidents is called a …

a) oculist; b) biologist; c) doctor assistant

4. The person who works with pregnant women is called a …

a) obstetrician; b) veterinarian; c) dentist

5. The person who treats eye diseases is called a …

a) oculist; b) biologist; c) doctor assistant

6. The person who treats animals is called a …

a) obstetrician; b) veterinarian; c) dentist

7. In future all medical workers will be…

a) lazy b) rude c) qualified

8. A medical worker must have …

a) professional skills b) artistic ability c) physical strength

9. The person who works much is called …

a) much-working b) hard-working c) well-working

10. The person who works with microbes is called a …

a) surgeon b) nurse c) sanitary doctor assistant


Домашнее задание: стр.111 упр.2

Задание по самостоятельной работе: стр.153 Writing



Срок выполнения30.10.2020 до 08:00



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