Remember the following words and expressions:
Nightingale [ˈnaɪtɪŋgeɪl] Найтингейл; соловей To be born [bɔːn] родиться Decision [dɪˈsɪʒən] решение Nursing [ˈnɜːsɪŋ] медсестринское дело; уход за больными Salisbury [ˈsɔːlzb(ə)ri] Солсбери To go (past tense went) идти, отправляться To run a hospital управлять больницей Crimean War [kraɪˈmɪən wɔː] Крымская война medical supplies [ˈmɛdɪkəl səˈplaɪz] медицинское обеспечение rats and fleas [ræts ænd fliːz ] крысы и блохи improvement [ɪmˈpruːvmənt] улучшение drain [dreɪn] водосток sheet [ʃiːt ] простыня bandage [ˈbændɪʤ] бинт to be well fed/cared for [wɛl fɛd/keəd fɔː] быть хорошо накормленным/окруженным заботой heroine [ˈhɛrəʊɪn] нероиня expense [ɪksˈpɛns] расход marble cross [ˈmɑːbl krɒs] мраморный крест | Victim [ˈvɪktɪm] жертва Note [nəʊt] заметка charity and concern [ˈʧærɪti ænd kənˈsɜːn] благотворительность и забота admiration [ˌædməˈreɪʃ(ə)n ] восхищение mankind [mænˈkaɪnd] человечество award [əˈwɔːd ] награда honorable [ˈɒnərəbl ] почетный sister of mercy [ˈsɪstər ɒv ˈmɜːsi] сестра милосердия Selfish [ˈsɛlfɪʃ] эгоистичный Compassionate [kəmˈpæʃənɪt] сострадательный Lazy [ˈleɪzi] ленивый Cruel [krʊəl] жестокий Sympathetic [ˌsɪmpəˈθɛtɪk] сочувственный Courageous [kəˈreɪʤəs] мужественный Sociable [ˈsəʊʃəbl] общительный Rude [ruːd ] грубый Unreliable [ˌʌnrɪˈlaɪəbl] ненадежный Mean [miːn] подлый |
Упр. 1 Образуйте словосочетания.
1. To be born to 2. Helping 3. To make 4. Training 5. Rats and fleas 6. To walk 7. To install 8. In memory of 9. Notes on 10. Charity and concern | a) the sick soldiers b) a decision c) at the hospital d) were everywhere e) the hospital wards f) a marble cross g) the victims h) for people i) nursing j) a rich and wealthy family | ü родиться в богатой, состоятельной семье ü помощь больным солдатам ü делать решение ü обучение в госпитале ü крысы и блохи были везде ü обходить палаты ü устанавливать мраморный крест ü в память о жертвах ü «Заметки по уходу за больными» ü благотворительность и забота о людях |
Florence Nightingale - The founder of modern nursing
1. Florence Nightingale was born in Florence (Italy) on 12th May 1820 to a rich and wealthy family. When she was about 20 Florence began to take an interest in helping the sick people and becoming a nurse. Her parents were shocked and angry about her decision to study nursing at a Salisbury hospital. At the time nearly all nurses came from poor families.
2. Later in 1851 Florence and some of her friends went to Kaiserwerth (in what is now Germany) where they had three months training at the hospital. She returned home as a trained nurse and in 1853, when she was 33, she took a job running a small private hospital in London.
3. In 1854 the Crimean War started. Journalists reported that British soldiers were dying because there weren’t enough doctors, nurses and medical supplies. On 4th November 1854 Florence Nightingale and 38 other nurses arrived at Constantinople. Florence was shocked by the conditions in the hospital – it was dirty, rats and fleas were everywhere.
4. Florence made lots of improvements to the hospital in Constantinople. She cleaned the drains, filled the hospital stores with clean sheets and bandages, and made sure that the soldiers were well fed and cared for. The soldiers called her the ‘Lady with the Lamp’ because she used to walk the hospital wards at night to check on her patients.
The Crimean War ended in 1856 and Florence returned to England. Now she was a national heroine. At her own expense, she installed a white marble cross in the Crimea in memory of the victims of the Crimean War.
5. In 1859 Florence Nightingale wrote a book about caring for the sick called Notes on Nursing. She believed that all nurses should be properly trained, and in 1860 she set up the Nightingale Training School for nurses in London. Florence carried on writing reports about ways to improve health care and to develop the nursing profession.
6. Florence Nightingale died in 1910, aged 90. The work of the Nightingale School of Nursing continues today. Her book is still used at schools and considered as a classic introduction to nursing. In 1912, the International Federation of Red Cross established a medal named "For true charity and concern for people that cause admiration of all mankind". This award is the most honorable for the sisters of mercy anywhere in the world. There is a Florence Nightingale Museum in London and The International Nurses Day is celebrated on her birthday each year.
Упр.2 Найдите в тексте слова и выражения, связанные с медициной.
Упр. 3 Сопоставьте картинки и части текста.
a) ![]() | b) ![]() | c) ![]() |
d) ![]() | e) ![]() | f) ![]() |
Упр. 4 Расположите события в правильной последовательности.
1. Florence Nightingale was born in Italy in 1820. 2. Her parents were upset and angry when she told them that she wanted to become a nurse. 3. In 1851 she went to Germany and completed a nursing training. 4. She helped soldiers during the Crimean war. | 5. She became a famous person at home. 6. Florence wrote a book on nursing. 7. She established Nightingale Training School in London. 8. She died in 1910. |
Упр. 5 Скажите правдивы ли следующие утверждения.
1) In her early years Florence realized that she wanted to help sick animals. 2) Her family was against her decision. 3) Florence finished nursing training in Italy. 4) Florence helped soldiers during the Second World War. | 5) After the war she became a celebrity in Britain. 6) Florence established a training school for doctors. a) 7) She died when she was 80. |
Упр. 6 Какие из следующих прилагательных лучше описывают личность Флоренс Найтингейл? Переведите их на русский язык.
Helpful Kind Selfish Clever Determined Compassionate Hardworking | Attentive Weak Caring Lazy Cruel Brilliant organizer Ambitious | Sympathetic Courageous Sociable Rude Unreliable Mean |
Упр. 7 Выберите подходящее слово.
Mum: Have you made up your mind about the (future/past) profession, Ann?
Ann: Yes, I guess. I`d like to be a nurse at the (hospital/shop).
Mum: You will have to work around the (block/clock)! Do you volunteer to do (easy/hard) job every day?
Ann: Yes, I think it is a noble profession. I can help sick people.
Mum: Oh, yes, but a nurse sometimes has to clean the wards to (avoid/accept) unsanitary.
Ann: I know that I will also have to distribute (linen/medicines) and assist doctors.
Mum: You will have to communicate with (sick/poor) people and support them.
Ann: I am ready to do that.
Упр. 8 Заполните таблицу.
- Stressful situations
- Working opportunities
- Medical experience
- Low salary
- Gratitude from patients
- Infections in the hospital
advantages | disadvantages |