Words and word combinations


Useful tips

Plan your topic as follows:

First, let me introduce myself.

My name is…

I am a master degree student at the department of …

My scientific advisor is Prof….

I work under the guidance of professor...

My tutor is....

The field which you major in and the title of your future thesis

I work in the field of....

My major interest is in the field of....

I am currently doing my masters degree in ……. studies

I major (specialize) in the field of …

The title of my future thesis is....

The subject of my research is …

The object of my research is the operation (behaviour/ processes) of ….

(Объект исследования - это носитель проблемы, на который направлена

исследовательская деятельность. Предмет исследования - это конкретная

часть объекта, внутри которой ведётся поиск (явления, отдельные их

стороны, некоторые аспекты и т.д.))

Let me now go into some detail regarding the subject I have mentioned.

I began with the study of literature on the subject including some basic works

written by…

I have used many different sources of information, such as...

These problems … are widely discussed (treated) in literature.

There are many papers discussing the state of the art in the development of…

The theory of ….. was constructed and developed by ….

The immediate aim (goal/purpose) is to examine the function (behaviour/

dynamics) of …

The main aims of your research work and the tasks to fulfill

The main purpose/goal/aim of it is...to find out/to define/to characterize/explore/ to

investigate/to analyse/to gain/.....

It is aimed at.....

A current study in our laboratory is addressing the question of ….

The focus of my research is on the relationship between …. and ….

It is very important and interesting to examine (analyze/ evaluate/ describe) the

complex interaction between … and …..

I set myself a task/ objective to/of...

the tasks that face us /that we are faced with/are as follows....

Its objectives are the following:

The methods and techniques we apply in this research include experiments

(observations, laboratory tests, field and pilot plant study ….)

The experimental part of my research will mostly consist of tests to be conducted

on …

It is therefore quite encouraging that these methods may be used to solve a number

of problems in this instance and get an insight in …

This work is devoted to an important problem into which too few scientists have

researched until now.

The most challenging problems I have faced with are...

My study deals in the problems of.../is devoted to the investigation of...

It touches upon the problems of...

Earlier studies of this subject show that the problem has not been yet properly


I consider my work to be relevant nowadays because...

Some of most recent results of the research in … make use of the …. and the

theory of….

The results may be constructed into a theoretic framework that I am going to

describe by systemizing the data obtained in the experiments (observations).

I think they will be of considerable practical significance, because …

I expect to obtain the following results...

In the future I’m going to continue my studies and take a postgraduate course

In conclusion I would like to say that...

Words and word combinations

analysis - анализ, исследование

critical analysis — критический анализ

advanced research — перспективные исследования

basic research — фундаментальные исследования

to be engaged in research — заниматься научно-исследовательской работой

This researches cover a wide field —исследования охватывают широкую


after the study of the matter — после изучения этого вопроса …

humane studies — гуманитарные науки

history and allied studies — история и родственные ей предметы

a new study of Shakespeare — новая работа /книга/ о Шекспире

pilot study - предварительное, экспериментальное исследование

desk study - чисто теоретическое исследование

thorough examination — а) всестороннее исследование; б) тщательное

изучение (материала)

to carry on an investigation — проводить исследовательскую работу

the scientific method of inquiry — научный метод исследования

we must apply.... to find a solution — мы должны применить...., чтобы решить

comparative [experimental] method of investigation — сравнительный

[экспериментальный] метод исследования

his method is to compare different versions — его метод состоит в

сопоставлении разных вариантов

there are several methods of doing this — существует несколько способов

сделать это

ampliative inference — индуктивный метод

a method that is attended by some risk — метод, связанный с некоторым риском

convenient method — подходящий метод

to approximate to a solution of the problem — подходить к решению задачи

To use... approach(to) - подход

interdisciplinary approach — подход с точки зрения различных наук

We began the work by collecting material —Мы начали работу со сбора


we have two problems before us — перед нами две задачи

data for study — материал исследования

laboratory data — данные лабораторных исследований

adequacy of data — достоверность данных

acceptance of a theory — согласие с какой-л. теорией

application of a theory in actual practice — применение теории в практической


the backbone of a theory — основа теории

to back up a theory with facts — подкрепить теорию фактами

to construct a theory — создать теорию

the results of the experiment contradicted this theory./agreed with the theory —

результаты опыта шли вразрез сэтой теорией/согласовывались с теорией


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