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Vocabulary Notes on the Text:

1. toast – хлеб, нарезанный ломтиками и подрумяненный на огне;

2. marmalade – густое повидло, джем, обычно из апельсинов и лимонов;

3. strong (weak) tea – крепкий (жидкий) чай;

4. round about eleven = at about eleven – около одиннадцати часов

elevens – небольшой перерыв около 11 часов утра для легкого завтрака;

1. the factory bench or the office desk – рабочее место на заводе или в офисе;

2. say, from 1 till 2 – приблизительно, от часу до двух;

3. meat – мясо; различные сорта мяса: beef – говядина; veal – телятина; pork – свинина; mutton – баранина;

4. steak – кусок мяса или рыбы для жарения, бифштекс;

5. chop – отбивная котлета (из свинины или баранины);

6. cutlet – отбивная котлета (из телятины или баранины);

7. rissoles – колеты (биточки);

8. roast – жарить (на вертеле, в духовке);

roast beef – ростбиф;

to fry – жарить (в масле, жире на сковороде);

1. Yorkshire pudding – йоркширский пудинг (взбитое тесто, запеченное в форме и подаваемое с жареным мясом);

2. It doesn’t leave sufficient room for the more important meat course. – Он (суп) не оставляет места для более важного мясного блюда.

3. high tea – плотный ужин (холодные закуски и чай);

4. Tastes differ. – О вкусах не спорят.

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English Meals.

An Englishman’s day begins when he sits down to breakfast with his morning paper. As he scans the headlines there is nothing he likes better than his favorite breakfast of cornflakes with milk and sugar or bacon and eggs, toast and marmalade, tea or coffee.

Round about 11 in the morning some Englishmen who work have their tea or coffee break. They never call it a meal, of course. Tea or coffee is usually brought to the factory bench or office desk.

Then at mid-day, everything is stopped for lunch. Most offices and small shops are closed for an hour, say from 1 till 2, and the city pavements are full of people on their way to cafes. Factory workers usually eat in their canteens.

The usual mid-day meal consists of two courses. First a meat course is served with plenty of vegetables. It may be potatoes, peas, beans, cabbage or cauliflower.

This is followed by a sweet dish, perhaps fruit pudding with tea to follow.

Most Englishmen like what they call “good plain food”. They must be able to recognize what they are eating. Usually they like steaks, chops, roast-beef, Yorkshire pudding and fish and chips.

They are not over-fond of soup remarking that it doesn’t leave sufficient room for the more important meat course.

Those who eat at home usually call their mid-day meal dinner and make it the chief one of the day. It consists of three or four courses and is cooked by the mother of the family.

The first course is soup. Then comes fish or meat served with various vegetables; as a change they sometimes eat chicken or duck.

Then the table is cleared and the dessert is brought in. This is jelly or fruit – apples, pears, oranges, plums and nuts.

Afternoon tea is taken at about five o’clock, but can hardly be called a meal. It is a cup of tea with bread-and-butter and cake or biscuits. It is often not served at a table; each person has a cup and a saucer, a spoon and a small plate in his hands. Even Englishmen themselves don’t find it convenient themselves.

The evening meal, when all the family gathers round the table after their working day, goes under various names – tea, high tea, dinner (depending upon its size). It is usually a meat course followed by tinned fruit or cake and tea. But certainly it is not the same in every English home. Tastes differ.



At Dinner.

Mother: The table is laid. Come along, both of you, and let us begin. It’s high time to have dinner.

Father: I’m ready. I feel quite hungry.

Alec: So am I. I could eat a horse.

Mother: Well, we haven’t a horse for you, but what we have got is quite nice. Our favorite dishes will be served today.

Alec: What are they? I’ve got so many.

Mother: For the first course we shall have chicken soup, and rissoles with mashed potatoes for the second.

Alec: And for dessert?

Mother: I’ve got stewed fruit with cake.

Alec: Oh, that’s wonderful! May I go and have it now?

Father: Don’t be so impatient. Wait till we’ve finished the second course. Where is the salt, please?

Mother: Alec, pass the salt-cellar to Father, please.

Alec: Here you are, Dad.

Father: Thank you, son.

Mother: Why don’t you help yourself to some salad, Alec?

Alec: You know I don’t like salad of any kind.

Mother: Here is your soup.

Alec: Thank you, Mother. May I trouble you for a piece of bread?

Mother: Brown or white?

Alec: Brown, please. The soup is delicious today. May I have another helping?

Mother: Certainly, dear. I want you to have a good meal. Any more soup for you, Father?

Father: No more, thank you. Where are the napkins?

Mother: They are in the sideboard drawer. I always forget to put them out.

Father: Never mind. Alec will fetch them, won’t you?

Alec: Here are the napkins, Dad.

Mother: Hand me your plate, dear, I’ll give you some rissoles. Will two rissoles do?

Alec: Yes, Mum… And now may I have stewed fruit with cake which has been promised?

Mother: Take it from the fridge. I put it there to cool.

Alec: Oh, apricots and cherries!

Father: Thank you, dear, for the most delicious dinner.

Mother: Now, Alec, I want you to help me clear the table. These plates, spoons, knives and forks must be taken to the kitchen. This bread-basket, the salt-cellar and mustard-pot must be put into the sideboard.

Alec: I’ve done all that, Mum. What else?

Mother: Take the table-cloth and fold it neatly. Then put the chairs straight and sweep the room. That’s a good boy!


Phonetic Exercise.

Найти эти слова в тексте и диалоге. Выписать предложение с этим словом. Перевести.

Dessert, fruit, course, vegetable, meals, cauliflower, bacon, porridge, potatoes, mustard-pot, various, oranges, favorite, salt-cellar, trouble, delicious, stewed, apricot, table-cloth, cornflakes, pavement, recognize, sufficient, remark, convenient, rissoles.



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