Дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)

Группа 41 ТПП10.11.2021

Тема занятия: Кадровая структура в предприятиях общественного питания.

Цель занятия:


студент должен знать: лексические единицы и речевые образцы по теме, речевые формулы для ведения диалогической и монологической речи;

студент должен уметь: правильно использовать в устной и письменной речи лексико-грамматический материал занятия для выполнения поставленных коммуникативных задач; вести и поддерживать беседу на данную тему.

Воспитательная: воспитывать умение работать в коллективе, умение общаться; любовь к выбранной профессии.

Развивающая: развивать умение анализировать и обобщать полученный материал;повышать интеллектуальный уровень студентов.



Воробьева С.А. Деловой английский язык для ресторанного бизнеса. – М.: Филоматис, 2006 – 272 с.

Фотоотчет (либо документ Word Office) о выполнении присылать на электронную почту либо в личные сообщения в ВК

Задания для студентов:

Изучите лексику, запишите новые для вас слова. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Письменно ответьте на вопросы.


1. applicable ['æplikəbl] применимый, подходящий

2. merchandising торговля, деятельность предприятия по стимулированию сбыта

merchandising personnel персонал, отвечающий за сбыт

3. production people зд. руководители в сфере производства

4. cashier кассир

5. bookkeeper / accountant бухгалтер

6. purchasing agent агент по закупкам

7. storekeeper заведующий складскими помещениями

8. supervise, v наблюдать; контролировать

supervisor, n контроллер; надзиратель; инспектор

supervision руководство; надзор, заведование

9.captain (Аm.Е.) метрдотель

10. hostess, n старшая официантка

11.hierarchy[`haiəra:ki] иерархия

management hierarchy иерархия руководства

12. food purchasing закупки продуктов

13. salary заработная (ежемесячная) плата, оклад

14. wage, n заработная плата при сдельной оплате труда

wage-earner наемный работник

wage labour наемный труд

wage scale шкала зароботной платы

15. report to, v отчитываться, подчиняться (кому-либо)

16. executive, n руководитель (высшего звена) администратор

17. to take corrective action исправить недостатки (ошибки в работе)

18. chef, n шеф|шеф-кухар|-повар

assistant chef помощник шеф-повара

specialty chef шеф-повар фирменных блюд

executive chef повар администратор

19. dietitian, n диетолог

20. kitchen helper, n вспомогательный персонал на кухне

21. dishwasher, n посудомойщик

22. go into partnership формировать партнерство; вступать в договор о партнерстве

23. co-owner, n совладелец

24. headwaiter, n старший официант

25. busser, busboy/ busgirl помощник /помощница официанта, убирает грязную посуду со стола

26. advertising реклама

advertising space рекламное пространство; размещения рекламы; место для рекламы в СМИ

27. sales manager, n коммерческий директор


There is a wide variety of jobs in the restaurant and catering busi­ness. The categories used in a manufacturing industry are applicable here: management, production and merchandising. Management personnel set and carry out policies for the business. Production people are responsible for the product — in this case, the food that comes out of the kitchen. Merchandising personnel must sell the product: in a restaurant this includes creating an atmosphere pleasing enough so that customers want to return. The management jobs in a restaurant are essentially administrative. They include the owner or manager, the cashier, bookkeeper or accountant, purchasing agent and storekeeper.

The owner or manager establishes the overall policies and sees that they are carried out. Most restaurants are small enough so that the owner or manager plays a direct part in the daily operations in such matters as menu planning, purchasing, merchandising, and financial record— keeping and supervising the personnel.

Many owners or managers act as captains or hostesses in their own restaurants.

Although the restaurant business attracts many small, independ­ent operators, the large restaurants, chains and franchises have a more conventional management hierarchy.

One executive may handle only advertising, another only food purchasing and a third only beverage purchasing. Managers of the individual units in a chain of this kind work on a salary basis. Their authority is more limited than that of an independent owner-manager, since they must report to one of the executives in the cor­porate headquarters.

The chains also employ inspectors who make periodic visits to advise and help the managers when problems arise in the operation, or to take corrective action when it is necessary.

Inspectors are particularly important in franchise organisations. These companies are basically selling an image and name that de­pend on established standards. If the standards are not maintained by the franchisees, the corporation may feel the effects through a loss of business. Most large institutional catering companies follow the same corporate managerial methods.

Production jobs in a restaurant are those in the kitchen. The head of production is the chef, whose principal assistants are the assistant and specialty chefs, dietitians, kitchen helpers and dishwashers. Chefs in most restaurants are responsible not only for food produc­tion but also have management responsibilities. They play an impor­tant part in menu planning, purchasing, receiving and storage. They also supervise the entire kitchen staff. An executive chef is one whose duties are primarily managerial.

In many independently owned restaurants, the chef is the owner so the reputation of the restaurant often depends on his or her cook­ing and business skills. Many chefs go into partnership with some­one who has more management experience; the chef is then respon­sible for the back of the house while the co-owner supervises the front of the house. Very close cooperation between the two is neces­sary to ensure the success of the enterprise.

Merchandising jobs in a restaurant are those in the dining room, including employees who come into contact with the public. The headwaiters and hostesses, the waiters and waitresses, the bartend­ers, and the bussers are all responsible for providing the kind of ser­vice and atmosphere that will make the customer want to return.

Direct merchandising in the form of advertising or public rela­tions is a management responsibility. In an independently owned res­taurant the owner or manager ordinarily makes the decisions about advertising space and money. In larger organisations, one of the ex­ecutive positions is often for a sales manager who handles advertis­ing as an aspect of merchandising.

I. Answer the following questions:

1. What categories of jobs are applied in the foodservice industry?

2. What is management personnel in charge of?

3. What are the responsibilities of production people?

4. What are the tasks of merchandising personnel?

5. What jobs are included in the administrative side of restaurant business?

6. Why do chains employ inspectors?

7. What restaurant jobs are production jobs?

8. What are the responsibilities of the chef?

9. Who is responsible for the managerial functions in the kitchen?

10. What is necessary to do to ensure success of an enterprise?

11. How are jobs in the dining room classified?

12. What is direct merchandising?


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