Detection and characterization of highly invasive cancer cells sub-populations.

Today cancer is third cause of death worldwide, while the major cause (more than 90%) of all cancer related deaths is metastasis. Metastases are currently predicted by lymph-node status, tumor size, histopathology and genetic testing, however, all these are not infallible and getting results may require weeks. The tumor samples usually characterized by especial heterogeneity in individual outcomes; cancer tumor consists of many disease subgroups that vary considerably with respect to microscopic appearance, molecular profile, and clinical behavior, therefore the metastasis prediction very complicated. The identification new potential prognostic factors, will be an important source of risk information for the practicing oncologist, potentially leading to enhanced patient care through the proactive optimization of treatment strategies.


Metastatic invasion through tissue is critical and essential step in formation of metastases. Highly invasive cancer cells significantly differ from lowly and non-invasive cells: they are more dynamic and their cytoskeleton is sparser. The new techniques, based on mechanical invasiveness of cancer cells (microfluidic, gel indentation assays, migration assays etc.) demonstrated high success rate for metastasis detection in research labs, although due to complexity they are still far away from clinical implementation.

The aim of the proposed project is to separate highly invasive cancer cell sub-populations by migration/invasion assays and characterize the separated cells by bio-markers. Commonly used in research labs Boyden’s chambers assay, will be optimized (extraction time, pores size etc.) for the project needs. The extracted cell sub-populations will be characterized by molecular and genetic markers, and will be tested for endocytosis ability. The results of the project, the extensive characterization of the separated highly invasive cancer cells will help to develop novel bio-markers for metastasis prediction. During the project students will study bio-chemical experimental methods, will learn sterile work with cancer cells, will use molecular and genetic markers, will utilize flow-cytometry methods, will analyze the obtained results and actively participate in experiments planning. Requirements: high motivation, basic knowledge of cell biology.


Планируется публикация в международных рецензируемых журналах. Планируется выступление на международных конференциях. Результаты работы будут также освещены в СМИ.

Научными руководителями выступят Мерхер Юлия Борисовна, Ph.D., старший научный сотрудник лаборатории разработки инновационных лекарственных средств и агробиотехнологий МФТИ и Леонов Сергей Викторович, Ph.D., M.D., заведующий лабораторией.

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