Tell your groupmates about the types of research and their methods used in your thesis.

Section 7. WRITING

Studying abroad gives students the chance to live overseas, in­tegrate themselves into a totally foreign culture, meet other stu­dents, and travel. If you have decided on the country and pro­gramme, it is time to apply. This will usually involve your writing letters.

33. Read and translate the letters regarding study abroad, a) A letter requesting a leaflet of the programme.

Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University Department of Architecture 46, Kostyukov street 308012 Belgorod Russia

12th May, 2011

The Admission Office

University of Bath

Department of Architecture

Bath, BA2 7AY


Dear Sir/Madam

I am currently studying at Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University, Russia (Department of Architecture). I would like to apply for the PhD programme at your university

Please send me a description of your PhD programme in Architecture 1 would also like to have all the necessary application forms and any additional information necessary to arrange my stay.

Thank you in advance for your kind assistance


Boris Klimov

b) A letter requesting a supervisor.

Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University Department of Architecture 46, Kostyukov street 308012 Belgorod Russia

20th June, 2011

University of Bath

Department of Architecture

Bath, BA2 7AY


Dear Dr David Craig

I am Boris Klimov. I am from Russia I have recently graduated from the Depart­ment of Architecture (M Arch programme) of Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University (Belgorod, Russia). Soon I am planning to apply for University of Bath in order to perform PhD research there

As my intention is to perform research in the field of Landscape Architecture and I am familiar with some of your books I would like to ask you to become my future supervisor. You can find my CV in the attachment of this letter. I hope it will help you to make a decision

Please let me know your opinion. I really hope that your answer will be posi­tive

1 look forward to hearing from you at the earliest opportunity


Boris Klimov

Encl: CV

c) A letter requesting financial assistance.

Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University Department of Architecture 46, Kostyukov street 308012 Belgorod Russia

22nd August, 2011

The Admission Office

University of Bath

Department of Architecture

Bath, BA2 7AY


Dear Sir/Madam

I have recently applied for the PhD programme in the Department of Architecture of University of Bath 1 am from Russia and would like to be considered for financial assistance to cover my costs at your university Please send complete information about funding openings for students from Russia, Central Europe or the former Soviet Union or any other categories for which I may be eligible

Thank you for your consideration 1 look forward to hearing from you


Boris Klimov

Use the Internet to find the information regarding PhD programmes abroad. Choose one and write similar letters. Present them to the class.

Unit 5.




1. Before you read Text 5A “The Role of Computers in Research”, discuss these questions with your groupmates or teacher.

a) How have computers changed the world?

b) What do you know about the first computers?

c) What are modern computers like?

d) What can you say about such uses of computers as data storage and analysis, scientific simulations, instrumentation control, and sharing knowledge through the Internet?

e) What other computer applications in scientific research do you know?

Read and translate Text 5A. The Active Vocabulary List following the Text may be helpful. Find out if your answers are right or wrong. Use the introductory phrases given in Unit 1.


Computers play a major role today in every field of scientific research from genetic engineering to astrophysics research. This text is a brief overview of the role that computers have played in research and the ways in which they are helping unravel several scientific mysteries. While they are still far away from that supreme ideal of being able to think for themselves as artificially intelligent machines, the brute force of their ability to calculate and process information at phenomenal speeds powers research in every field of human endeavour. In fact, computers have changed the way in which information, or more precisely, knowledge is disseminated around the world.

The first computers developed were mere calculators, with the ability to carry out simple arithmetic operations. Advancement in electronics, the development of the vacuum tube-based transistors and the devising of digital logic gates led to the development of the

first digital computer which could perform more advanced logical operations.

These early machines took up whole multistorey buildings and were operated through punch cards. All this changed after the development of semiconductor-based transistors which led to the extreme miniaturization of integrated circuits, which made the development of the first personal computers possible.

Since then, computer technology has advanced by leaps and bounds to bring extreme computing power into the hands of the common man. Today computers are ubiquitous, with applications in every field of human endeavour. To no field have computers contributed as much as scientific research. From predicting weather to running astrophysical simulations, computers are the scientist’s prime analytical tool in unraveling the mysteries of nature.

It is truly impossible to capture the whole range of computer applications in scientific research. Here is a bird’s-eye view of the role of computers in scientific research, where four of their most important applications are discussed.

Data storage and analysis. Experimentation is the cornerstone of scientific research. Every experiment in any of the natural sciences generates a lot of data which need to be stored and analysed to derive important conclusions, to validate or disprove hypotheses. Computers attached with experimental apparatuses directly record data as they are generated and subject them to analysis through specially designed software. Analysing tons of statistical data is made possible using specially designed algorithms that are implemented by computers. This makes the extremely time-consuming job of data analysis to be a matter of a few minutes. In genetic engineering, computers have made the sequencing of the entire human genome possible. Data from different sources can be stored and accessed via computer networks set up in research labs, which makes collaboration simpler.

Scientific simulations. One of the prime uses of computers in pure science and engineering projects is the running of simulations. A simulation is a mathematical modelling of a problem and a virtual study of its possible solutions. Problems which do not yield themselves to experimentation can be studied through simulations carried out on computers.For example, astrophysicists carry out structure formation simulations, which are aimed at studying how large-scale structures like galaxies are formed. Space missions to the Moon, satellite launches and interplanetary missions are first simulated on computers to determine the best path that can be

taken by the launch vehicle and spacecraft to reach its destination safely.

Instrumentation control. Most advanced scientific instruments come with their own on-board computer, which can be programmed to execute various functions. For example, the Hubble Space Craft has its own onboard computer system which is remotely programmed to probe the deep space. Instrumentation control is one of the most important applications of computers.

Knowledge sharing through the Internet. Lastly, in the form of the Internet, computers have provided an entirely new way to share knowledge. Today, anyone can access the latest research papers that are made available for free on websites like The sharing of knowledge and collaboration through the Internet has made international cooperation on scientific projects possible.

Through various kinds of analytical software programs, computers are contributing to scientific research in every discipline, ranging from biology to astrophysics, discovering new patterns and providing novel insights. When computers are granted with the ability to learn and think for themselves, future advances in technology and research will be even more rapid. If we survive human strife and manage not to self-destruct our civilization, future is going to be an exciting time [Phatak, 2011].


brief [bri:f] adj — краткий, сжатый, лаконичный

in brief— вкратце, в немногих словах

process ['preuses] п v — процесс; обрабатывать (данные)

disseminate [di'semineit] v — распространять (идеи/знания) precise [pri'sais] adj — точный, определенный; тщательный precisely [pri'saisli] adv — точно, определено; тщательно accurate ['askjurat] adj — точный, тщательный accurately ['aekjuratli] adv — точно; тщательно

advance [ad'va:ns] n v — продвижение вперед, успех, прогресс; продвигаться вперед, делать успехи, развиваться

advanced [ad'vainst] adj — передовой, прогрессивный

advancement п — успех, прогресс; продвижение

digit ['didjit] п — цифра, однозначное число, разряд

digital adj — цифровой

lead v— руководить, возглавлять; (to) приводить (к чему-л.), вызвать (что-л.), быть причиной (чего-л.), иметь результатом

contribute [kan'tribjuit] v — делать вклад (в науку и т.п); способствовать, содействовать

tool [tu: 1] п — инструмент; приспособление; средство

store [stD:] v — хранить, сохранять

storage ['st3:ridj] п — хранение

validate ['vaelideit] v— подкреплять, подтверждать

validate a hypothesis — подтвердить гипотезу

validate a conclusion — обосновать вывод

validity [va'liditi] п — обоснованность; правильность, верность

disprove [dis'pru:v] a hypothesis — опровергнуть гипотезу

time-consuming ['taimkan,sju:mitj] adj — трудоемкий, требующий много вре­мени

simulation [,simju'leif(a)n] и — моделирование

subject (to) ['sAbdjikt] adv— подверженный (чему-л.), склонный (к чему-л.); подлежащий (чему-л.), обусловленный (чем-л.)

be subjected (to) [sab'd3ektid] — подвергаться

share [1еэ] n v — доля, часть; делить, распределять, разделять

range ['reindj] п v — ряд, серия, диапазон, интервал, предел; колебаться в пределах, классифицировать, простираться

insight ['insait] п — проницательность, способность проникновения в сущ­ность, понимание

increase ['it)kri:s] п — возрастание, увеличение; [in'kri:s] v— возрастать, уве­личивать

decrease ['di:kri:s] п — уменьшение, снижение, падение; [,di:'kri:s] v — уменьшать, снижать, падать, убывать

equation [i'kwei3(o)n] п — уравнение

devise [di'vaiz] v — придумывать, изобретать, разрабатывать

3. Complete the following sentences with details from the Text.

1. Computers play an important part in the dissemination of and knowledge.

2. The first computers were operated through_________________.

3. The data obtained from experiments need and

4. One of he main applications of computers is________________.

5. Computers are contributing to in every discipline.

4. Locate the following details in the Text. Give the line numbers.

1. In which lines does the author discuss the subject of this text?

2. Where in the Text does the author first mention different computer applications?

3. At what points in the Text does the author explain the use of computers in genetic engineering and astrophysics?

4. Where in the Text does the author discuss the use of instruments in research?

5. Underline the detail that is NOT mentioned in the Text in each of the sentences below.

1. Advancement in electronics, logical operations, and the development of the vacuum tube based transistors led to the development of the first digital computer.

2. Data from different sources can be analysed, accessed, stored and implemented by using computer networks.

3. The sharing of knowledge, collaboration, and new ideas via the Internet has made international cooperation possible.

6. Answer the following detail questions.

1. According to the Text, computers are the scientists’ main analytical tool in

a) using integrated circuits.

b) developing punch cards.

c) contributing to scientific research.

2. According to the Text, experiments are the cornerstone in scientific research because they

a) store a lot of information.

b) produce a lot of data.

c) validate or disapprove hypotheses.

3. According to the Text, how can the problems which do not yield themselves to experiments be solved?

a) through mathematical modelling

b) through engineering projects

c) through designing algorithms

4. According to the Text, what can websites like provide?

a) a new way to share knowledge

b) an access to research articles

c) collaboration through the Internet

5. According to the Text, future progress in research will be more rapid due to

a) different types of analytical software programs.

b) technology development.

c) artificial intelligence advances.


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