Организационный момент. Речевая зарядка


-Научить давать оценку мнению автора к проблеме молодежи;

-Развивать умение читать с целью извлечения конкретной информации;

-Совершенствовать лексические навыки говорения;

-Практиковать учащихся в аудировании;

-Воспитывать у подростков здоровый образ жизни.



Ход урока.

Организационный момент

Речевая зарядка

Чтение значения слова «Teenage» из Oxford Dictionary.

Teenager is a person in his or her teens.

Teens is the time of life between 13 and 19 years of age.

What can you say about the word “Youth”?

Ответы учащихся

Which things are you complaining?

Ответы учащихся

Continue “Being a teenager is ….

Изучение материала.

Работа по учебнику.

In the early 90s, British television had a series of discussions on the problems of teenagers in a programme called “Crosstalk”. Young people shared their opinions on what it means to be young.

Now, you are going to listen to three teenagers.

1)Which of these teenagers thinks that being young

-brings a lot of serious problems?

-allows you to do exciting and wonderful things?

-is a kind of duty and makes you feel responsible for what you do?

После прочтения текстов отвечают на вопросы

2) How John, Estelle and Bart feel about the life of today’s teenagers? Do teenage years bring luck to them? What do they say about it? (John thinks that the world is becoming a scary place. The life of a teenager is difficult for him. He thinks that grown-ups are indifferent to what happens to their children. Teenage years do not bring him luck.)

Estelle thinks that being a teenager isn’t fun. It’s a chore.

Bart thinks that being a teenager is great fun. Teenage years bring him luck.)

3) What problems facing young people do Estelle and Bart usually discuss with their friends? Which of the problems do they find serious? (Estelle discusses serious things like abortion, sex and politics. Bart discusses politics, plans for weekend, boyfriends, girlfriends.)

4) Do their mates influence these teens’ lives much? How do they spend time together? (Estelle doesn’t do anything exciting with her friends. They usually have fun just being around each other. When she goes out on weekends there is a lot of pressure to drink and smoke.

Bart and his friends go out. There is a bunch of them, both boys and girls. The people he hangs about don’t pressure him.

5) Name the reasons that make John call the world “a very scary place”? (Violence, teen pregnancy, AIDS cases are increasing. More and more teens turn to drugs and alcohol.)

6) Why does Estelle think that being a teenager is a “chore”? (She thinks that being a teen is a chore because she has to go to school, her parents want her to get good grades.)

7) What do the teenagers think about adults’ attitude towards teens’ problems? Do they approve of it? (Estelle’s parents want her to get good grades.

John thinks that grown-ups are indifferent to what happen to their children.)

2.The following task is:

Agree or disagree with the following statements. Read them on the slide, please.

· Bart is optimistic. He doesn’t make much problem out of nothing and can see good sides even in things that seem sad at first.

· John is pessimistic. He sees only bad points in being a teenager. All he can think of is his problems. He seems to forget how to enjoy life.


Read, translate this passage and choose the best answer for the question below.


Today’s Youth

…And one of the most important factors is that the children of today differ from previous generations, and differ a lot. They grow up quicker – physically and mentally. They sometimes lack knowledge, but they know what they want in this life. They are personalities even at the age of 14-15. Unfortunately some grown-ups don’t understand this and try to show teens “the right way of life”. It’s stupid for children don’t want to listen to them; very often grown-ups loose contact with teens.

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A the children of today differ a lot from previous generation

B very often grown-ups loose contact with teens because the young are personalities even at the age 14-15

C very often grown-ups loose contact with teens because they try to show teens “the right way of life”

D the teens of today know what they want in this life.

4. At the end of our lesson let’s make the conclusion if being a teenager is easy or difficult and why.

(Учащиеся высказывают свои точки зрения, аргументируя их).

Подведение итогов урока.

We have discussed all the problems of our theme. Thank you for the lesson!


Домашнее задание: ответить на вопросы:

They are from the Convention.

1. What right means that every child can go to school?

2. What right means that every child must get a name?

3. What right means that every child can have a chance to develop his abilities?

4. What right means that every child can get true information?

5. What right means that every child can have personal letters and things?

6. What right means that every child can get medical care?

7. What right means that every child can rest and play?



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