The old woman has turned back and taken skirts to save herself from danger. The boy has jumped over a high fence one moment and gone.

Tom Sawyer’s adventures

Part 1

- Tom!

There is no answer.

- Tom!

There is no answer.

- It’s amazing, where this boy could disappear! Where are you, Tom?

There is no answer.

The Aunt Polly has bowed her glasses on her nose and looked around the room over her glasses than picked up them on her forehead and looked around from under her glasses.

She looked through her glasses at such triviality as boy very rarely almost never; it were her full glasses, her pride, which were bought for beauty and weren’t for benefit and to watch something through them was as difficult as through a pair of bake dampers.

She has been at a loss for a minute than said not very loudly but so that furniture could hear her in the room:

- Wait, just let me to get to you…

Not spoken to the end, she has bent down and begun to touch with a brush under a bed, taking a breath after every touch.

She has removed thence nothing except a cat.

- What’s a child, I haven’t seen such one on the Earth!

Coming up to the wide open door she has stopped on the threshold and observed her vegetable-garden – tomato rows which are loomed with datura. Tom hasn’t been here.

So she has raised her voice to she can been heard as farther as it can be she has shouted:

– Tom, where are you?

She has turned around when it has heard light rustle behind her back just in time to take the boy’s braces before he has darted through the door.

- So it is! I have forgotten about a store-room. What have you done there?

- Nothing.

- Just nothing? Look what have you spread your hands with? And your mouth too. What is it?

- I don’t know, my aunt.

- And I know. It is jam that’s what it is! I told you forty times: don’t touch jam or I will punish you! Give me a rod.

The rod has sounded in air, - it seems a trouble will be.

Oh, my aunt! What is it behind your back?!

The old woman has turned back and taken skirts to save herself from danger. The boy has jumped over a high fence one moment and gone.

Тетя Полли в первую минуту опешила, а потом добродушно рассмеялась:

– Вот и поди с ним!

The Aunt Polly has been surprised at one minute and after smiled good-naturedly:

- And what do I do with him?

Неужели я так ничему и не научусь?

Have I so really learnt nothing?

Мало ли он со мной выкидывает фокусов?

Has he done little tricks with me?

Пора бы мне, кажется, поумнеть.

I must it seems to become clever this time.

Но нет хуже дурака, чем старый дурак.

But there isn’t an idiot than an old idiot.

Недаром говорится: «Старую собаку не выучишь новым фокусам».

Speaking not simply: An old dog hasn’t learnt new tricks.

Но ведь, господи ты боже мой, он каждый день что-нибудь да придумает, где же тут угадать.

But Oh my God, he has new inspiring every day and where you can guess it.

И как будто знает, сколько времени можно меня изводить; знает, что стоит ему меня рассмешить или хоть на минуту сбить с толку, у меня уж и руки опускаются, я даже шлепнуть его не могу.

And he as if knows how much time he can tire me; he knows if he makes to smile me or diverts least one minute I can’t even slapped his.

Не выполняю я своего долга, что греха таить!

I haven’t done my duty it is truth.

Ведь сказано в Писании: кто щадит младенца, тот губит его.

It is spoken in the Holy Scripture: who regrets a baby one ruins his.

Ничего хорошего из этого не выйдет, грех один.

Nothing good from this won’t be and a sin is one.


Он сущий чертенок, знаю, но ведь он, бедняжка, сын моей покойной сестры, у меня как-то духу не хватает наказывать его.

I know he is a real fidget, but he is a poor boy too which is my died sister’s son and I haven’t got forces to punish him.

Потакать ему – совесть замучит, а накажешь – сердце разрывается.

If I ignore him I’ll be tormented by my conscience and if I punish him my heart pains.

Недаром ведь сказано в Писании: век человеческий краток и полон скорбей; думаю, что это правда.

the true is spoken in the Holy Scripture: a human age is short and full of grief; I think it’s true.

Нынче он отлынивает от школы; придется мне завтра наказать его – засажу за работу.

Now he is passing the school; tomorrow I must punish him to sit him to work.

Жалко заставлять мальчика работать, когда у всех детей праздник, но работать ему всего тяжелей, а мне надо исполнить свой долг – иначе я погублю ребенка.

I’m sorry to make him work when all children have a holiday but he doesn’t like working and I must do my debt.

Том не пошел в школу и отлично провел время.

Tom didn't go to school and spent his excellent time.

Он еле успел вернуться домой, чтобы успеть помочь негритенку Джиму напилить на завтра дров и наколоть щепок для растопки.

He almost was in time to return home to make a progress in helping to a black child Jum to chop firewood and pieces for firing for tomorrow.

Во всяком случаи, он yспел рассказать Джиму о своих похождениях, пока тот сделал три четверти работы.

Anyway he has time for talking Jim about his adventures meanwhile one has done three quarters of the work.

Младший брат Тома, Сид уже сделал все что ему полагалось (он подбирал и носил щепки): это был послушный мальчик, склонный к шалостям и проказам.

Tom's small brother, Sid has already done all work which he needed(he chose and carried pieces): he is an obedient boy which was inclined to do mischieves.

Покуда Том ужинал при всяком удобном случаи таская из сахарницы куски сахару




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