Change the verbs into the past simple or past continuous and join the sentences using as, when, or while, as in the example.

Дата: 21.05.2020

    21.05.2020 21.05.2020

Группа № 92 профессия тракторист - машинист с/х производства 1 курс

Тема: Повторение и обобщение по теме «Легко ли быть подростком»

Форма работы: индивидуальная, электронное обучение.

Тип урока: урок повторения пройденного материала

Цель урока: контроль лексического и грамматического материалов пройденных уроков

Используемая литература: Учебник Английский язык 10 класс: учебн. для общеобразоват. организаций: базовый уровень/ (О.В. Афанасьева, Д.Дули, И.В. Михеева и др.) – М.: Express Publisching: Просвещение, 2018.

Ход урока

Организационный момент. Обучающиеся записывают в тетрадях число, дату.

Выполнение контрольных упражнений

1. Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences below.

1. Computer a outdoors
2. Window b music
3. Horse с labels
4. Designer d riding
5. Great e shopping
6. Dance f game

Ребята, не переписывайте предложения.

1. I don't particularly like ….. they’re far too expensive.

Designer labels

2. Jack loves the....... He always goes hiking or camping at the weekends.
3. Emily loves...... so she's always going clubbing.
4. On Saturday afternoons she usually meets her friends in town to do some........
5........ is a great way to see and enjoy the countryside.
6. Tom bought a new....... last week and he stays up all night playing it!

2. Circle (обведите) the correct word.

1. I'll send you an email once I know how I did in my exams.
a send b post
2. My brother thinks that playing computer games is such a waste of time.
a rubbish b waste
3. Deborah is going to be late because she has to run an errand for her grandmother.
a walk b run
4. I don't fancy living in London. There's too much traffic.
a fancy b hate
5. I don't do anything in the evenings apart from watching television.
a separate b apart
6. Dance music and clubbing are my passion
a passion b romance
7. I think it's very important for the young and old to keep fit.
a mind b keep
8. I hate computer games. They're so annoying
a annoyed b annoying
9. She's a window-shopping fanatic; she does nothing else in her free time,
a fantastic b fanatic

3. Underline the correct word.
1. Matt and I always argue. We don't see eye/mind to eye.
2. He talks too much. He's a real pain in the neck/head.
3. Turn down the music! It's really getting on my ears/nerves.
4. After they found out that Soma had been saying mean things about them, they gave her the cold handshake/shoulder.
5. I'm not a morning person. I'm like a bear with a sore paw/ head when I wake up.
6 She's always telling me what to do. Why doesn't she get off my back/chair?

4. Translate.
Thieves broke into the Smiths' house last night. The police are dusting the house now for fingerprints but they haven't found any evidence yet. They have already questioned the neighbours but they haven't arrested any suspects yet. The police have released two artists’ impressions and hopefully they will find the thieves soon. When the police find them, they will interrogate them and maybe they will recover the stolen goods.

Fill in the gaps with the correct relative pronoun or adverb. (Where, which, that, whose, when, who.)

1. The viewfinder...little bit old, is cracked
2. 2005 was the year......... I bought my first mobile phone.
3. That's the shop........ I got a cheap MP3 player.
4. Toshiba... is Japanese, is one of the largest computer companies in the world.
5. Bob............ is my neighbour, sells laptops.
6. The digital camera............. I got for my birthday, is still under guarantee.
7. That's the is a computer programmer.
8. The iPod............ is on the table is Eileen's.
9. I was so happy............I won a camera in a competition last year.
10. Tim, a businessman, loves photography.

Ребята, тестовую работу выполняете в тетрадях, фотографируете и отправляете мне на электронную почту

Преподаватель Плотникова Ю.В.

Конспект урока английского языка

Дата: 21.05.2020

Группа № 92 профессия тракторист - машинист с/х производства 1 курс

Тема: Подготовка к контрольной работе

Форма работы: индивидуальная, электронное обучение.

Тип урока: урок контроля и учета знаний, умений и навыков

Цель урока: контроль лексического и грамматического материалов пройденных уроков

Используемая литература: Учебник Английский язык 10 класс: учебн. для общеобразоват. организаций: базовый уровень/ (О.В. Афанасьева, Д.Дули, И.В. Михеева и др.) – М.: Express Publisching: Просвещение, 2018.


Интернет- ресурсы:





Ход урока

1. Организационный момент. Обучающиеся записывают в тетрадях число, дату.

Выполнение контрольных упражнений

1 a. Match the words to form phrases.

1. energy a. peelings
2. power b. transportation
3. global c. station
4. excessive d. habitats
5. vegetable e. heap
6. compost f. consumption
7. conservation g. effects
8. negative h. warming
9. modern i. packaging
10. wildlife j. programme

1b. Use the phrases in Ex. 1a to complete the sentences below.
1. The invention of...........has created a lot of traffic congestion.
2. Temperatures are rising all over the planet because of............
3. My local zoo runs a...........for most of their endangered species.
4. Whenever I cook I always put the...........into a separate bin just for organic waste.
5. Tell me about the........... poisonous gases have on the environment.
6. There is more than one nuclear...........near where I live.
7. We should all try to protect the........... in the areas we live.
8. Do you know you can put eggshells on the...?
9. What is the...........level of this oven?
10. There is always........... when you buy electronic items.


Change the verbs into the past simple or past continuous and join the sentences using as, when, or while, as in the example.


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