Do you speak English? - Does he speak English?



I play do go

He plays does goes

She plays does goes

It plays does goes

You play do go

They play do go


Exercise 1. Write “she” form

read,push, repair, do, watch, think, listen, kiss, love, buy, have, go


Exercise 2. I have honey very often. – She has honey very often.

You have beautiful hair. 2. We have seven lessons on Friday. 3. I have a shower every morning. 4. We have three bedrooms in our house. 5. They have a cottage in the country.


Exercise 3. Boil close cost go cost have like

Meet open smoke speak teach wash


She is very clever. She ………….four languages. Steve…………..ten cigarettes a day.

We………………….dinner at 7 o’clock I…….films. I ….to the cinema every Sunday.

Water………… 100 degrees Celsius. In Britain the banks…… 9.30 in the morning.

The Museum ….at 5 o’clock every evening. Shoes are expensive. They……..a lot of money.

Food is expensive. It………..a lot of money. Tina is a teacher. She……………literature.

Your job is interesting. You…….a lot of people. Peter…………his hair every Thursday.


Exercise 4. Listen and retell the stories.

1. Sister Mary comes from Ireland. She is a nun. She lives and works at girl’s school in Cook. She teachers French and Spanish. She likes her job and she loves the green countryside of Ireland. She goes walking in her free time.

2. Huns Hurser is a ski instructor. He is Swiss and lives on Villar, a village in the mountains. In summer he works in a sports shop and in winter he teaches skiing. He speaks four languages: French, German, Italian and English. He is married and has two sons. He plays football with them in his free time.

Where do you work / study?

In: in the shop, in the airport, in commerce

At: at school, at the college, at the factory

On: on the pig-farm, on the poultry- farm

For: for the firm (company), for the newspaper



The List of things to consider when choosing a job.

- salary (how much money you make)

- hours (what hours you work)

- safety (how safe the work is)

- workplace (indoors, outdoors, in an office)

- interest (how much you like the work)

- demand (how easy it is to find a job)

- education (how much schooling you need for a job)

Demand When are winter coats in greatest demand? In what season is the demand for ice-cream perfectly great? Такие костюмы пользуются большим спросом осенью. Новая книга этого писателя пользуется большим спросом. Летом спрос на зимние вещи не особенно велик.


Exercise 6. I think salary is important because I need to make money for my family.


Exercise 7. Make up a plan of what you do at work.


Usually never every day

Seldom sometimes once a week

Often occasionally twice a week

Always rarely three times a week


Never on a Sunday

Vicar: Ah, good evening, Mr. Benson. I never see you in church nowadays.

Benson: Oh! NO, Vicar. But my wife always goes to church…She goes every Sunday.

Vicar: I know…but you never come.

Benson: Well, I sometimes come, Vicar. I come on Christmas day and at Easter.

Vicar: Hmm…but what about Sundays, Mr. Benson?

Benson: I usually wash my car on Sunday morning.

Vicar: I see. Why don’t you wash your car on Saturday next week, Mr. Benson?

Benson: Oh,…I can’t do this, Vicar.

Vicar: Why not?

Benson: It’s my son’s wedding next Saturday….I’m going to church.


Exercise 8. He / sometimes / football. He sometimes plays football.

They / often / potatoes. 2. She / usually / a skirt. 3. I / never / a hat. 4. He / occasionally / radio 5. We / rarely / vodka. 6. You / never / cigarettes.


Exercise 9 coffee I sometimes drink coffee.

tea a newspaper television cinema golf new clothes

spaghetti a tie wine cigarettes caviar pop music

Exercise 8. Preparing presentation of your company:

1) – I am here to talk about / give presentation on

2) – The subject of my talk is ….

3) – the first, the second, last

4) – Let’s get started

5) - Let’s look at

6) – finally


1. Этот магазин открывается в 9 и закрывается в 7. 2. Я навещаю своих родных в воскресенье и помогаю им готовить обед. 3. Он слушает радиопередачи по субботам и воскресеньям. 4. Я встаю в 7, чтобы не опаздывать и ложусь спать в 11. 5. Он говорить по-испански и по-итальянски, но делает много ошибок. 6. Она учит меня говорить по-испански. 7. Я оставляю свои книги на полке, и мой помощник пользуется им. 8. Урок испанского заканчивается в 5 часов. 9. Он встречает меня на автобусной остановке и провожает до института. 10.Алан ходит на стадион крайне редко. 11. Мои коллеги иногда любят ходить домой пешком. 12. Мы слушаем музыку на работе от случая к случаю. 13. Мы слишком часто останавливаемся.

Do you speak English? - Does he speak English?

Exercise 12. Make up questions

1. I work hard. And you?........................? I play tennis. And you…………….?

2. I play tennis. And Ann?..................? I know the answer. And you……….?

3. I like hot weather. And you…………..? I smoke. And your father?....................?

4. I do exercise every morning. And your children? I speak English. And your friends……?

5. I want to be famous. And you…………….? I live in London. Where……………..?

6. I wash my hair twice a week. (How often…?) I watch TV every day. (How often….?)

7. I have lunch at home. (what time……….? I get up at 7.30 (What time………….?

8. I go to the cinema a lot.)How often…….? I go to work by bus. (How…………..?




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