Занятие № 13
Тема занятия: История развития железнодорожного транспорта.
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1. The word ‘transport’ (or ‘transportation’) means to carry people or goods from place to place. Henry Ford, the American motor-car manufacturer, said that “transportation is civilization”.
The history of rail transport dates back nearly 500 years and includes systems with man or horse power and rails of wood. They were used especially for moving coal from the mines. But the earliest prototype of the railways was found in Greece in 600 ВС. In was Dialkos wagon way which transported boats across the Isthmus of Corinth and was about 8.5 km long.
2. The first horse power wagon ways also appeared in ancient Greece, and then they spread on Malta and the Roman Empire.
In 1556 in Germany, Georgius Agricola illustrated the operation of the wagon ways utilizing primitive wooden rails. The technology spread across Europe and the Wollaton wagon ways (Britain) obtained the intensive installation.
James Watt, a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer, developed a reciprocating engine capable of powering a wheel. Day by day he was improving his invention and patented a design as a steam locomotive in 1784.
3. One of the first attempts to put a steam engine on wheels was made by Richard Trevithick, a British mining engineer. In 1804 he demonstrated the first successful railroad steam locomotive.
The world’s first common carrier railroad to use steam power was the Stockton-Darlington railway in England. It was designed and built by George Stephenson and opened for public service in 1825. On the day when it was opened, a man on a horse went in front of the engine and shouted that the train was coming. People on horses and in carriages were driving near the train. When they had gone for some time, Stephenson, who was running his locomotive, asked the horseman to go away. He put steam on and ran his locomotive at a speed of 12 miles per hour (about 20 km per hour). It was a success.
4. But the British Parliament did not want to construct railways. The members of the parliament did not believe that steam engines could run against a strong wind. Then Stephenson built a new locomotive and called it the Rocket. This locomotive was faster and stronger than the first one; it could draw a 13-ton train at an “unheard-of speed” of 29 miles per hour (46 km per hour). In 1829 the Liverpool-Manchester Railway was built, and the railway company offered a prize of £500 for the best steam loco. The prize was won by George Stephenson with his famous train. Though not the first such locomotive, it was the beginning of the effective use of steam power for passenger and freight transportation. At first many people were afraid of the railways; nevertheless in 1842 the steam-powered railways were already in wide use in Britain.
5. Since that day millions of kilometers of rails have been linking villages, cities, towns and countries. A huge network of long distance railways was arranged and is applied in everyday life by millions of people nowadays.
The prototype of the modern sleeping car appeared in the middle of the 19th century. Its inventor was George M. Pullman, an American publisher.
The first steam locomotives in Russia were built by the Cherepanovs, father and son. So thanks to them Russia was among the first countries to use steam traction.
6. The first Russian passenger 28-km railway was built between St. Petersburg and Tsarskoye Selo. It was proposed and built by a Bohemian engineer, Frantisek Gerstner, in 1836.The railway was used by the Tsar's family for travelling to the countryside. In 1891 the building of the world’s longest Trans-Siberian Railway began; it was put into operation in 1905.
Rail transport nowadays is one of the most extensive means of transport. Due to its various benefits it is not only a means of carrying cargoes but a major form of public transport in many countries. In Asia, for example, many millions use trains as regular transport in India, China, South Korea and Japan. It is also widespread in European countries.
2.Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих русских слов и выражений: (в тетрадь записываем как обычно, русское выражение тире английское, обязательно через клетку!!!!!!)
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Один из самых распространенных видов транспорта