Слова-заместители и их перевод

Перевод форм, отсутствующих в переводящем языке: артикли


Вопросы для самоподготовки:

Какие функции выполняет определенный, неопределенный и нулевой артикль в английском языке? Какими средствами, синтаксическими и лексическими, эти функции могут быть переданы в русском языке? Приведите примеры.


Рекомендуемые источники:

1. Дмитриева, Л.Ф. Английский язык. Курс перевода / Л.Ф. Дмитриева, С.Е. Кунцевич и др. – М.: ИКЦ МарТ, 2005. – 304 с. (с.290 – 293)

2. Слепович, В.С. Курс перевода (английский-русский): учебное пособие / В.С. Слепович. – Минск: ТетраСистемс, 2004. – 320 с.

3. Федоров, А.В. Основы общей теории перевода / А.В. Федоров. – М.: Высшая школа, 1983. – 303 с. (с.176 – 180)



Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на передачу функции артикля.

A) группа А-51

1. He had hardly spoken a word since they left Riccardo’s door…

2. You told me before you wished to be a governess; but, my dear, if you remember, I didn’t encourage the idea.

3. Grey conveyed some of his love of the beautiful to Cowperwood.

4. A pleasure to give a good wine to a young woman who looked so well.

5. How clever you are, Mr. Hopper. You have a cleverness quite of your own.

6. “Florence will never, never, never be a Dombey,” said Mrs. Chick.

7. You’re not the Andrew Manson I married.

8. Swithin smiled and nodding at Bosinney said, “Why, you are quite a Monte Cristo.”

9. Miss Trotwood came on the Friday when David was born.

10. I wonder why she took a fancy to the little girl.

11. She has a cold and will have to keep the house for a couple of days.

12. Surely Bolla isn’t fool enough to believe that sort of stuff?

13. A woman came up to me and asked what time it was.

14. The woman came up to me and asked what time it was.

15. A man is waiting for you downstairs.

16. – Do you know Ann? – Yes, I do. I like the girl.

17. Don’t waste the little time you have.

18. His father and a number of his cronies were in the dining room.

19. The number of mistakes he makes is startling.

20. There’s a Linda Jones to see you.

B) группа А-52

1. This is the very story I spoke about.

2. All I knew about the people was they were a Mrs. Elisabeth Bright Murdock and family.

3. The Clyde whom Samuel met in Chicago was different from the Clyde who had fled from Cansas City three years before.

4. The grandmother asked her to play the piano; she played Shumann. “Now a Beethoven,” called Cecil.

5. The Goya bought by Soames was a copy.

6. – Who is she? – She is a Mrs. Erlynn.

7. I know an old woman who can be a baby-sitter for you.

8. He decided to solve the problem at a blow.

9. A woman was loudly complaining about a pain in her back.

10. This was a Guernica, a Coventry, a Lidice perpetrated in part by a British ship in the service of the Americans.

11. What is your objection to the hour? I think the hour is an admirable hour.

12. Miss Prism, more is restored to you than the handbag. I was the baby you placed in it.

13. Nobody understands England today, and nobody will understand England tomorrow, least of all the Englishman.

14. There has been talk of a coalition to solve the nation’s difficulties, but a coalition is useless without a common purpose and a shared philosophy.

15. Spain’s Public Order Court today sentenced Gonzalo Arias, a 42-year-old writer to seven months imprisonment for parading in a Madrid street with placards calling for non-violent protest.

16. Even when the General Assembly is in recess, the United Nations Headquarters is one of the relatively few buildings in New York where work goes on 24 hours a day.

17. The opponents of gun controls argue that no amount of legislation could have prevented a determined assassin from acquiring a weapon and killing a Kennedy.

18. – Do you think it will really make a difference to us? – A difference? It will make the difference.

19. The assumption that there is a special relationship between London and Washington irritates the French.

20. I cannot identify anyone. But I could testify that a woman came out of that particular room at that particular time.



Слова-заместители и их перевод


Вопросы для самоподготовки:

Чем вызвано широкое употребление слов-заместителей в английском языке? Какие части речи выступают в роли слов-заместителей, и какие части речи они замещают? Как переводятся слова-заместители на русский язык? Приведите примеры. Что такое десемантизированная лексика и каковы особенности её перевода?


Рекомендуемые источники:

1. Дмитриева, Л.Ф. Английский язык. Курс перевода / Л.Ф. Дмитриева, С.Е. Кунцевич и др. – М.: Ростов-на-Дону: МарТ, 2008. – 304 с.

2. Левицкая, Т.Р. Теория и практика перевода с английского языка на русский / Т.Р. Левицкая, А.М. Фитерман. – М.: Изд-во литературы на иностранных языках, 1963. – 124 с.

3. Левицкая, Т.Р. Пособие по переводу с английского языка на русский / Т.Р. Левицкая, А.М. Фитерман.. – М.: Высшая школа, 1973. – 136 с.

4. Левицкая, Т.Р. Проблемы перевода (англ. яз.) / Т.Р. Левицкая, А.М. Фитерман. – М.: Междунар. отношения, 1976. – 208 с.


Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения. Используйте прием конкретизации для перевода глагола “to be” в зависимости от контекста употребления. группы А-51, А-52


1. She’ ll be here all the day.

2. Kitty was here for the holidays.

3. John was at the meeting too.

4. It was only last year.

5. How much is the hat?

6. The trouble was we didn’t know her address.

7. I hear you’ ve been to Switzerland this summer.

8. Has anyone been?

9. I’ ve been for a walk.

10. Mr. Black and Mr. White were at school together when they were boys.

11. Stay where you are. Don’t move!

12. The “t” was for Tanya – Tanya Livingstone, a special friend of Mel’s.

13. There were some posters on the walls.

14. There was an old manuscript on the table.

15. There was an old man in the armchair.

16. There was an exquisite Victorian style mahogany cupboard on the left.

17. There was a heap of old dusty newspapers on the floor in the corner.

18. He was just being rude.

19. 32 divided by 8 is 4.

20. There was a loud explosion.

21. Sue is at university.



Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая особое внимание на десемантизированную лексику и слова-заместители. Определите, что они замещают в каждом конкретном случае.

A) группа А-51

  1. Immediately there was a burst of applause from all parts of the audience. Never in my lifetime has applause done me the good that did.
  2. He believed the war made a man stronger as well – deepened his commitment to God and Christianity and helped him through prayer to master the fears he sensed in himself and saw in other men. “I asked Him not to let me be a coward,” Roger says, and God did not.
  3. The last experiment gave us much better results than did the previous ones.
  4. We do realize what great importance this discovery has for the future work.
  5. When it has seemed that drinking is becoming too much of a habit I have given it up for a few months – if only to check that one can. One can.
  6. You can take my backpack. But let me take my stuff out of it first.
  7. There’s a lot of interesting stuff in this book.
  8. Those great foreign orchestras were always on the alert for interesting novelties. Why, even New York might want his compositions for their next winter season. Things were going to improve; he could feel it in his bones. And sure enough they did.
  9. He raised the stone and hit Geofrey on his head,” she said with eyes full of tears. “This thing will never get out of mind.”
  10. “You poor old thing,” she said.
  11. It means a lot to her to have a fresh, pretty young thing like Mary about the house.
  12. I want to look into the thing myself.
  13. Things look promising.
  14. How are things?
  15. The forces of peace are more powerful than those of war.
  16. The industrial output of Austria in 1952 was nearly 10 per cent below that of 1951.
  17. One can never be too careful.

B) группа А-52

1. The wages of the Europeans in South Africa are usually ten times as great as those of Africans.

2. One of Korea’s acutest problems for centuries was that of water for irrigation purposes.

3. The vegetation of valleys is richer than that of mountains.

4. The earliest squatting places of man in our country are those discovered in the Caucasus and Crimea.

5. This radio set is much better than the one you showed me last time.

6. Marconi repeated Popov’s experiments in London and built a radio apparatus which was an exact replica of the Russian one.

7. An inert gas is the one which does not enter into chemical combination with other substances.

8. The most distant planets as well as the nearest ones are beyond the atmosphere of the earth.

9. I’ve got so much stuff to do this week.

10. How do you think you’re going to fit all that stuff into the car?

11. I’ve got some sticky stuff on my shoe.

12. Where’s all the camping stuff?

13. What kind of stuff do you like to read?

14. I felt sorry for the ones who had to eat the awful stuff.

15. The baby is a nice little thing when he’s not screaming.

16. By the end of 1942 things were starting to change.

17. So now you know as much as I do.



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