Complete the sentences with the appropriate forms of the phrasal verbs given in the box.

depend on be suited for push off slow down rely on combine with get involved in


1. His decision … how soon he meets the committee.

2. The town … the seasonal tourist industry for jobs.

3. The car … as they passed the Customs.

4. He … being a CEO.

5. When rising prices … a lack of jobs, many people suffer.

6. The manager wants to … a new project.

7. No people like when somebody tries to … their work on them.

13. Study the meanings of the underlined compound words with the hand- element. Translate the sentences into Russian.

· hands-off =not involving or requiring direct control or intervention;

· hands-on =involving or offering active participation rather than theory; practical;

· hands-free =designed to be operated without using the hands.


1. This hands-off approach is the most frequent style of management practiced in the company.

2. Most managers prefer hands-off work to the dictate of their bosses.

3. Please plan to attend a hands-on seminar on computers next week.

4. Hands-on training in the use of special equipment should not be neglected by future customs managers.

5. Devices that are typically used for hands-free communication use Bluetooth as its wireless technology.

6. Drivers can use a hands-free phone.

Render the text in English and entitle it.

Существуют разные стили управления. Автократический (диктаторский) стиль приводит к утрате мотивации персоналом, лишенным права голоса.

Демократический подход к управлению предполагает совместную работу и делегирование некоторой ответственности коллективу, хотя иногда сотрудники считают, что на них просто перекладывают работу. Кроме того, это приводит к замедлению принятия решения, т.к. команда ожидает мнения руководителя, прежде чем перейти к следующему этапу работы.

Консультативный стиль управления опирается на обратную связь с персоналом, хотя сотрудники часто считают, что их мнение не учитывается. С другой стороны, данный стиль хорошо работает во время так называемого «мозгового штурма».

Еще одним стилем управления является подход, основанный на невмешательстве в действия команды, что способствует развитию инициативы и лидерских качеств у подчиненных, однако это может привести к конфликтам в том случае, если какой-то сотрудник возьмет на себя роль лидера и начнет диктовать другим, что им следует делать.




You are working for a company with a newly appointed CEO. His management style is totally different from that of his predecessor. Discuss with your colleague what the differences are and whether the CEO will bring good or bad changes to your organization.




Consider the cases described below. Discuss with you partner which of the four management tactics would work best in each case. Supply your opinion with sufficient argumentation.

Situation 1   The employees in your program appear to be having serious problems getting the job done. Their performance has been going downhill rapidly. They have not responded to your efforts to be friendly or to your expressions of concern for their welfare. 1. Reestablish the need for following program procedures and meeting the expectations for task accomplishment. 2. Be sure that staff members know you are available for discussion, but don’t pressure them. 3. Talk with your employees and then set performance goals. 4. Wait and see what happens.
Situation 2   During the past few months, the quality of work done by staff members has been increasing. Record keeping is accurate and up to date. You have been careful to make sure that the staff members are aware of your performance expectations. 1. Stay uninvolved. 2. Continue to emphasize the importance of completing tasks and meeting deadlines. 3. Be supportive and provide clear feedback. Continue to make sure that staff members are aware of performance expectations. 4. Make every effort to let staff members feel important and involved in the decision making process.
Situation 3   Performance and interpersonal relations among your staff have been good. You have normally left them alone. However, a new situation has developed, and it appears that staff members are unable to solve the problem themselves.   1. Bring the group together and work as a team to solve the problem. 2. Continue to leave them alone to work it out. 3. Act quickly and firmly to identify the problem and establish procedures to correct it. 4. Encourage the staff to work on the problem, letting them know you are available as a resource and for discussion if they need you.
Situation 4   You are considering a major change in your program. Your staff has a fine record of accomplishment and a strong commitment to excellence. They are supportive of the need for change and have been involved in the planning. 1. Continue to involve the staff in the planning, but direct the change. 2. Announce the changes and then implement them with close supervision. 3. Allow the group to be involved in developing the change, but don’t push the process. 4. Let the staff manage the change process.



Self-assessment grid

Tick (✓) “Yes” or “No” answers in appropriate columns and lines to self-assess your knowledge and skills. Yes No
I know:
- the topical vocabulary “Management styles”;    
- four main styles of management;    
- the meanings of quantitative adjectives (a) few, many, much, more, less, least;    
- the meanings of compound nouns with the element hand-.    
I can:    
- match words from the text with their definitions;    
- use noun+noun word combinations;    
- use the pattern I feel/don’t feel like+Ving;    
- compare positive and negative features of different styles of management;    
- use collective nouns staff, team in countable/uncountable meanings;    
- form abstract nouns with the suffix –ship;    
- use some phrasal verbs in appropriate contexts;    
- render a Russian text in English;    
- speak on different styles of management;    
- consider different situations (cases) and choose the best style of managing them.    
Total number of positive/negative answers:    

Module 5

Pre-reading issues


1. What in your opinion are the real challenges in managing people?

2. Where do you see the actual contribution of HR management in achieving organizational goals?

3. Which individual characteristics will give you a competitive edge in the global business environment?

4. How do you think your future employment will be affected by the changing nature of work?

5. If you are looking for work or working, what do you expect from your employer? What do you think your employer expects from you in return?


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