The Federal Customs Service

The Federal Customs Service is a federal executive authority carrying out its duties and functions in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation. The FCS functions with regard to the customs issues: currency control, transport control and document check in specially equipped checkpoints on the state border of the Russian Federation as well as special functions of dealing with crimes and administrative violations.

The Federal Customs Service is being managed and directed by the Government of the Russian Federation. In conducting its activity, the Federal Customs Service shall be guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, acts, directives and resolutions by the President of the Russian Federation, directives and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, and regulatory documents of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The Federal Customs Service shall be headed by the Head appointed to and discharged from the post by the Government of the Russian Federation. The Head of the Federal Customs Service shall be personally responsible for exercising powers assigned to the FCS within the established scope of activities:

- bring to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation proposals on setting a draft federal budget as regards financing of FCS activities;

- appoint to and discharge from posts officials of the FCS Central Office, Heads of Regional Customs Directorates and Customs Office Administrators, and other officials and employees of customs authorities of the Russian Federation, including officials and employees of FCS Representative Offices abroad;

- approve the structure and manning table of the FCS Central Office;

- determine competences of customs authorities and officials thereof to resolve organizational, HR, finance and other issues.

The Head of the Federal Customs Service has Deputies appointed to and discharged from the post by the Government of the Russian Federation. Deputy Heads of the Federal Customs Service shall report to the Head of the Federal Customs Service in finance and economic activity issues, while in field operations issues, they shall be authorized to take independent decisions.

The Federal Customs Service has the right to set up, reorganize and liquidate regional Customs Departments, Offices and Customs Stations. Currently, there are eight regional departments (directorates): Central Customs Directorate, Siberian Customs Directorate, North Western Customs Directorate, Southern Customs Directorate, North Caucasian Customs Directorate, Privolzhsky (Volga) Customs Directorate, Urals Customs Directorate, and Far Eastern Customs Directorate.

The Federal Customs Service is an entity which has its duly approved heraldic symbols: an emblem, a seal, a flag and a pennon.

The Head Office of Federal Customs Service is located in Moscow.

(From: Regulations on Federal Customs Service)



Text comprehension

1. What duties does the FCS carry out?

2. What authority is the federal Customs Service managed and directed by?

3. What documents is the Federal Customs Service guided by?

4. Who appoints and discharges the Head of the FCS?

5. What is the Head of the Federal Customs Service personally responsible for?

6. What are the duties and responsibilities of Deputy Heads of the Federal Customs Service?

7. Do they take any independent decisions?

8. What customs regional departments or directorates can you name?

9. Does the FCS have its duly approved heraldic symbols?

10. Where is the Head Office of Federal Customs Service located?


Vocabulary and grammar acquisition

Read the words paying attention to the pronunciation of the bold-typed letters. Consult a dictionary if necessary.

Au thority, f u nctions, acc or dance, reg ar d, c u rrency, spe c ially, b or d er, d ea ling, administr a tive, v io lations, G o v er nment, cond u cting, l aw s, a cts, d i rect i ves, resol u tions, tr ea ties, c entral, H ea d, disch arged, p o st, p er son a lly, p ower s, ass ign ed, sc ope, Ministr y, prop o sals, dr a ft, b udg et, d i rector a te, offi c ials, abr oa d, appr o ve, det er m i ne, re s olve, whi le, f ie ld, auth or i zed, re g ional, cu rrently, dep ar tments, S i b e r ia n, S outher n, U rals, East er n, ent i ty, d u l y, s y mbols, s ea l, p enn on.

Underline the stressed syllables in the following words and pronounce the words correctly.

Executive, control, regulatory, within, exercising, finance, employees, competences, reorganize, liquidate, heraldic.



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