Choose the correct word.


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Запишите число в своих рабочих тетрадях. Вспомните, как вы это делали на уроках английского языка (пример:

Monday, the fifteenth of November)

Если вы забыли, как пишутся дни недели, порядковые числительные и названия месяцев, вот вам памятки. Занесите их в свои тетради для правил или словарики.

17. 11. 2021

Тема: В магазине. Письмо личного характера.

Цель: Развитие лингвострановедческой компетенции и совершенствование коммуникативных компетенций.

Задачи: совершенствовать лексическо-грамматические навыки по теме модуля «Еда и покупки»;

- использовать язык для повыше­ния общей культуры, расширения кругозора, знаний о стране изучаемого языка;

Запишите тему урока:

Charity Begins at Home


1. Проработайте с учителем видеоурок по ссылке:

начните просмотр с 2 мин 35 сек. до 7 мин. 48 сек

Слушая чтение обязательно следите по тексту.

Выполните задания:

Match the words to their equivalents in Russian.

Write them down into your dictionary. (photo)






Charity shop

волонтер, доброволец

благотворительный магазин


делать пожертвование

вести дела


Fill in the gaps.

Established, run, shopping, profits, bargain

Most of the from the sales go towards the charity.

There’s nothing you can’t find at Camden Market, all at prices.

Oxford Street is a really good place for.

A lot of British charity organisations charity shops.

This charity shop was by Oxfam.

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Match the words with their definitions.

(определения переписывать не надо)



Raise money

For free


1. money that you make by selling something or from your business

2. to collect money so that you can use it to help people

3. money given to a charity

4. you don’t have to pay money for something

5. helping poor and sick people, giving them money and things

Choose the correct word.

1) Charity shops sell goods at high / tall prices.

2) You can find costumes for special / difficult occasions in this charity shop.

3) The people who work at thrift shops are often volunteers / sellers.

4) I bought second-hand / brand new jeans at the Oxfam store.

5) All shops in Russia pay taxes / taxis to the government.

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It is said that charity begins at home, and people in the UK seem to have put these words into practice. Their enthusiasm for helping othersshows in the 187,000 charity organizations that exist in the country. Some of the most famous ones are Oxfam, Age Concern, the RSPCA, the British Heart Foundation and Marie Curie Cancer Care.

People donate money to charity organizations or volunteer to help them raise money. Many of these organizations run charity shops. The first charity shop in the United Kingdom was established by Oxfam in Broad Street, Oxford. Oxfam has the largest number of charity shops in the UK with over 800 stores.

Charity shops sell goods at very low prices. The items for sale are usually second-hand and donated by members of the public. These include books, records, CDs, clothes, accessories, household items, furniture and costumes for special occasions such as Halloween. There are bargains for everyone! Some charity shops also sell new goods that are somehow related to the cause they support. In Oxfam stores, for example, you can find fair trade food and crafts.

The staff who work at charity shops are volunteers, so most of the profits from the sales go towards the charity. In the US, where charity shops are called thrift stores, this kind of shopping is so popular that it has got it’s own word, it’s called thrifting.

Выпишите все подчеркнутые слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом. Укажите, чем является –s в конце каждого слова (окончанием множественного числа существительного или окончанием глагола в 3 лице единственного числа).

Например, shop s – магазины, -s – окончание сущ. во мн.ч.;

work s – работает, -s – окончание глагола 3л., ед.ч.


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