I want you to listen to my stories. I’ll describe different sights of America. You will use the cards with the numbers of sights.


План-конспект внеклассного мероприятия по Английскому языку.

Провел: Студент 4 курса ФФМК Группы Нт-401о-ИА Шестериков Вячеслав Дмитриевич

Дата проведения: 1 Октября 2019 года

2. Тема: Англоговорящие Страны Мира

3. Форма проведения: Викторина

4. Возраст и состав участников: 7Б Класс (13-14 лет) (учащиеся, класс)

5. Оснащение: Компьютер, интерактивная доска, магнитная доска, раздаточный материал, награды за участие(ластики, карандаши, конфеты и т.д.)

6. Цели: - обобщение изученного материала по темам «»

- совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков

- расширение кругозора

- поддержание интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка

6. Ход внеклассного мероприятия

1) Организационный момент

Приветствие участников викторины. Пояснение правил. За каждый правильный ответ ученики получают баллы.

2) Вводная часть

Ведущий начинает свою речь:

«Hello, dear children! Today we will play a little quiz. Our topic is “English Speaking Countries”. You’ll be answering my questions and completing tasks on topic of texts “Malta”, ”New Zealand” and “South Africa”. You still remember them, right? Let’s work together and revise all of it!»

3) Основная часть

I тур.

Ok, lets start our game! I now will ask you questions about Malta, New Zealand and South Africa

I want you to answer these questions taking turns:”

1. Where is New Zealand situated and what does the country consist of? (Pacific ocean, Two large islands and several small ones)

2. What's the capital of New Zealand? (Wellington)

3. What is the official name of South Africa? (Republic of South Africa)

4. Where is Republic Of Malta situated? (On the island in the Mediterranean sea)

5. When Malta became independent?(In 1987)

6. What can you say about the political system of New Zealand? (New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy with the Queen of Great Britain as the head of the country.)

7. Who lived on the island of Malta in 9th century? (Arabs)

8. What helped the order of Malta to defend the island from attackers? (Numerous fortifications on the islands shore)

9. What can you tell about the government system of South Africa? (Republic)

10. Are there any natural resources in South Africa? (Gold and Diamonds)

11. Why can New Zealand be called as Green Paradise? (Because of its nature: green hills, clean water and air)

12. What attractions of Malta you can name? (numerous amount of beaches, diving agencies and docks)

13. What can you say about the relief of New Zealand? (Hilly and mountainous)

14. What unusual things can be seen in New Zealand? (Animals and birds, for example Kiwi)


II тур.

You’ve handled my questions very easily. Now it’s time we played one game of mine. You will make up the English words using the parts of the words.

Pret chy

Fortifi fall

Monar ual

Besie ure

Architect oria

Rain ge

Ann cation

(Pretoria, Fortification, Monarchy, Besiege, Architecture, Rainfall, Annual)

And now I want you to make up your own sentences using these words. Im giving you 5 minutes, and then we are going to listen to each one of you.


III тур.

I want you to listen to my stories. I’ll describe different sights of America. You will use the cards with the numbers of sights.

1) Apartheid.

2) Big Hole Cave of South Africa

3) The Island Of Malta

4) Mdina.

5) Auckland


1) In the 9th century the island was inhabited by the Arabs. Later, in the 16th century it became the property of the Order of Malta. The island was besieged many times by Ottomans but the knights successfully drove back all attacks. By the time Turks started their siege Knights had already managed to heavily fortify the island. In 1798 the land went under the control of France. The Order, however, survived and remained on the island. (3)

2) It used to be a prominent diamond mine until it ran out. It is similar with caves of Kango, a series of grottoes that are 4 km long. They were found during mining operations and since were a famous attraction. (2)

3) It is the largest city-port in New Zealand. It is a big commercial and business centre of New Zealand. The city is full of parks and gardens. Most of them are situated on hills and give a beautiful view on the city.

4) This city is a capital of Malta and it attracts huge amounts of foreigners to visit its museums, palaces and prestigious modern night clubs. There are many churches to be found as well. The most famous of them are Mdina and Rabat that treated nowadays as monuments of ancient architecture. (4)

5) This used to be a regime in the Republic Of South Africa. It’s policy treated people unequally, taking their freedom based on the color of their skin. This policy ended only in 1994, by that time it caused some major conflicts. Today there is museum devoted to this period in South Africa’s history, with its social value of revealing the truths about the infamous regime. (1)

4) Заключительная часть

You all have done very well. You’ve managed to finish my tasks unbelievably fast. I suppose you all deserve a reward.

(Момент награждения участников)

Congratulate yourself with this wonderful little victory and don’t forget what we had talked about today. Good bye everyone.

Дети свободны и могут бежать домой.

7.Список используемой литературы:

В основу составления викторины легли тексты “Malta”, “New Zealand” “South Africa” составленыне с помощью интернет источников:


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