Образование глаголов путем присоединения послеглагольных словообразовательных элементов

Методическое пособие

Сборник упражнений для практических занятий



для специальности СПО 050303 «Иностранный язык»


Составитель Федотова Е.В.






Введение …………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Раздел 1. Семантический анализ слова …………………………………………………………...4

Раздел 2.Семантические отношения между словами…………………………………………..10

Раздел 3.Пути пополнения словарного состава языка………………………………………….20

Раздел 4.Фразеология современного английского языка………………………………………46

Раздел 5.Лексические пласты современного английского языка……………………………...54

Список литературы ….…………………………………………………………………………….60




Предлагаемый сборник упражнений составлен в соответствии с требованиями к минимуму содержания и уровня подготовки студентов по специальности СПО 050303 «Иностранный язык», а также программой учебнойдисциплины «Лексикология английского языка».

Целью данного сборника является систематическая практическая работа по основным разделам курса «Лексикология английского языка».

В соответствии с данной программой сборник состоит из пяти разделов. В него включены упражнения, рассчитанные на практическую работу студентов во время занятий и самостоятельную внеаудиторную работу дома. Программой предусматривается проверка домашнего задания в начале каждого занятия, что обусловлено структурой теоретического курса.

Разделы сборника соответствуют теоретической дисциплине «Лексикология английского языка», изучаемой студентами в рамках данной специальности. Приводимые упражнения разделяются на группы А и В. Упражнения типа А построены на материале, взятом из адаптированной литературы, характеризуются более низким уровнем сложности и предусмотрены для работы в аудитории после освоения теоретических вопросов. Упражнения типа В – на материале английской и американской художественной литературы XIX – XX вв., а также газет на английском языке. Упражнения типа В могут быть либо предложены студентам в качестве домашней работы, либо проанализированы во время занятий под руководством преподавателя, в зависимости от общего уровня лингвистической культуры учащихся. Материал данных упражнений способствует развитию навыка самостоятельного анализа текста с точки зрения лексического состава английского языка и усвоению тем, рассматриваемых в ходе изучения дисциплины.

Раздел 1. Семантический анализ слова


Слово и его значение. Мотивировка слова. Народная этимология. Этимология слова


Упражнение 1.

Вскройте мотивировку выделенных слов:


A. 1) I have got all my creepers to nail up, and all my flowers to water. 2) We distinctly saw the flashes through the curtains and shutters and heard the thunder. 3) Amelia showed Rebecca over every room of the house and everything in every one of the drawers. 4) The days of the week are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 5) She decided in her heart to ask her mother’s permission to give her white cashmere shawl to her friend. 6) Wegot a big suitcase for the clothes. 7) So Louisa, who was nearly sixteen, sometimes tried to help her. 8) We marched downstairs to the cold badly-lit school-room. 9) The classes were marched into another room for breakfast. 10) I couldn’t stop crying and she put me on the sofa with a shawl under my head and the handkerchief from her own head under my feet. 11) You went out in the rain last night in your beautiful new overcoat. 12) I shall always be your friend, and love you as a sister – indeed I will. 13) It has just occurred to me that it would be much better if you went instead of me.

B. 1) Indeed you shall do nothing of the sort. 2) She is very up-to-date. 3) A chop for breakfast rather underdone, is sometimes very helpful. 4) Hard porcelain was invented by the Chinese, and has therefore been called china. 5) The master affirmed that he would do very well if he had fewer cakes and sweetmeats sent him from home. 6) You’ve dropped your handkerchief, sir. 7) He is dressed in a blue serge jacket suit with an unbuttoned mackintosh over it. 8) The crowd swayed round them, ate sandwiches and dropped crumbs. 9) Val, try a little of the Madeira with your ice. 10) “Nonsense,” said Mr. Pickwick hastily. 11) What are you going to have, my dear fellow? Cold beef, pickled walnuts, and gooseberry tart.



Изменение значения слова. Полисемия

Упражнение 2.

Переведите следующие предложения и обратите внимание на многозначность слов.

A. 1) At last they decided to ask the old man to settle their quarrel. Why do you ask sucha question? 2) Once as I came back with some pieces of wood and iron, my raft turned over, and I and my boat were thrown into the sea. A girl in the laundry set down a hot iron on my hand this afternoon. 3) Nobody is allowed to cross the line between North and South Korea. I saw many stockings which were drying on the line in the kitchen-garden. I can’t bear fishing. I think people look like fools sitting watching a line hourafterhour – or else throwing and throwing, and catching nothing. He comes from a long line of actors. The recruits were standing in line to be examined. Hold the line, please. The main line from London to Leeds has been reconstructed recently. The old man’s face is covered with lines. 4) High above the city, on a tall column, stood the statue of the Happy Prince. Her arms and back could stand the work no longer. I’m not going to stand for parliament here, Sir. 5) The rich Miller never gave little Hans anything in return, though he had a hundred sacks of flour stored away in his mill. And when his master, Mr. Hunter, suddenly failed, and all hands in the mill were turned off, he often had to go to bed without any supper but a few dried pears or some hard nuts. 6) "It has certainly been a hard day," said little Hans to himself. The sunlight in this damned town was very strong, very hard on seams. It certainly was a terribly hard frost. Reed-drawing is fearfully hard work. She does not know that the master for whom they work is hard and cruel. 7) A coach drove up to the garden-gate, and he went out to receive the visitor. Tess waited till the group of work-folk had received their wages. 8) I want the money to-day. I stayed in the garden, for I wanted to plant some flowers. 9) He remembered, if he did not get his money, there was no way for him to go back to Oakland. We had no boots, the snow got into our shoes. I wanted to get to the ship where I hoped to find some food. I found three barrels of powder, two of them dry and good. Those two I got to my raft with the arms. I can perhaps get her talk. You will get into parliament because you want to get into it. I tried to get into the little book-closet. 10) I had nothing about me but a knife, a pipe and a little tobacco in a box. I took some boxes full of bottles of wine. His mother came out and struck him violently a couple of boxes on the ear 11) I set to work to make a raft of the boards of the' ship. I got on board by means of a piece of rope which hung over the side. Others were the sons of widows, anxious, as Kipps' mother had been, to get something a little "superior" to a board school education as cheaply as possible. Its "principal" was a tall thin man, whose name, as a board on the front door stated, was George Garden Woodrow. 12) He drew a picture of the town pump with a prominent citizen passing it hastily. "But that's at night," said Mr. Dombey, drawing his own chair closer to his son's. They seized the empty ears of corn, drew out the straw, gathered it under their arms, and cut off the ears. He wrote from morning till night, and late at night, except when he broke off to go to the reading-room, draw books from the library, or to call on Ruth. 13) I drank some water and put a little tobacco in my mouth. At the mouth of the Volga there is a broad delta, cut up by a great number of channels. He tried to go away but at the mouth of the cave he was met by a great lion.

B. 1) Several gentlemen were drinking and smoking in the different boxes. The travellers' room is divided into boxes, for the solitary confinement of travellers. Such was the morning, when an open carriage, in which were three Pickwickians on the box beside the driver, pulled up by a gate at the road-side.The little box in the third tier of the Opera was crowded with heads constantly changing. 2) She was to get work and pay her board. May I present the President of Board of Trade, Mr. B.? He never missed a Board. 3) Lanny stepped into the fresh morning air and took a deep breath. The pipers struck up a favourite air. She quickened her steps and assumed an air of indifference. "It is a pity you take on so, Miss Briggs," the young lady said, with a cool, slightly sarcastic air. 4) The elephant put one foot continuously on the bridge. She stood at the foot of the twisted old bed. She waited at the foot of the stairs. He went into Fatty's at the foot of Dtstrict Six. The troop, who were to the number of forty, all well mounted and armed, came to the foot of the rock. I saw the print of a man's foot on the sand. 5) Castleford has the largest glass works in England. So the stout gentleman put on his spectacles, and Mr. Pickwick pulled out his glass. She sat there a long time before her glass, fingering her rings.Against the pale was a face, the forehead pressed against the glass. Later over a glass of cold tea with lemon and a straw in it, he took the malicious resolution to go and dine at her Hotel. 6) He just came in this morning with fourteen trunks and four servants. A bend in the road could be seen from where they lay between the trunks of the trees. The elephant looked at the child, and picked it up with his trunk.



Упражнение 3.

Переведите следующие предложения, выпишите омонимы с переводом на русский язык.

A. l) And then came the great idea. He would write. He would be one of the eyes through which the world saw, one of the ears through which it heard, one of the hearts through which it felt. 2) As a matter of fact you are right. 3) They seized the empty ears of corn, drew out the straw, gathered it under their arms and cut off the ears. 4) My (Robinson's) next care was to find some ammunition and arms. 5) In Egypt the sun is warm. His little son, the apple of his eye, fell ill with scarlet fever. 7) He told his mother countless stories every night about his school companions. 8) There are now large apartment houses, several storeys high. 9) They were dressed in velvet, silk and furs. 10)The silvery stream flows under tall birches and firs. 11) She brought me my coffee and a piece of bread. 12)The peace camp, with the support of lovers of peace all over the world, works for world peace and international cooperation. 13)There were two guns in the great cabin and two pistols. 14)She made Rebecca accept a sweet white dress, which was too small for her now.

B. 1) The old dog looked up and wagged his tail. 2) "I don't believe a word of it," he said, "it's some old woman's tale. "3) He went to the dining-room to wait for dinner. 4) He lost seven pounds in weight. 5) Old Jolyon stepped out and, in paying the cab- fare, gave the driver a sovereign in mistake for a shilling. 6) "Vanity Fair " is a novel without a hero. 7) The place-names Chester, Lan-caster, Clou-cester, Man-chester, etc., show that these places occupy the site of a Roman camp. 8) He saw a most wonderful sight. 9) It so happened a week after the birth of his son and heir. 10) He was too weak to move. 11) What I want is sea air. 12) I hope my dress will be ready in time for the ball. 13) Two of three Dingley Dellers, and All-Mug-gletonians, were amusing themselves with a majestic air by throwing the ball carelessly from hand to hand. 14) He gives Bilton the box of matches. 15) Two international football matches played yesterday demonstrated a change in world football ratings. 16) In the reign of the emperor Claudius, that is to say, in tile middle of the first century of our era the Romans invaded and occupied a part of Britain. 17) There is too much rain and too little sunshine allover Ireland for wheat to grow well. 18) I felt some blood on my neck, and a great pain. 19) Against the pane was a face, the forehead pressed against the glass.

Упражнение 4.

В списке, приведенном ниже, найдите омонимы к выделенным в примерах словам и переведите их. Обратите внимание на их написание.

A. deer – олень,to dye - красить, fare – плата за проезд, flower - цветок, gait - походка, hare - заяц, hoarse - хриплый, plane - плоскость, sale - продажа, sow – сеять и sew - шить, steel - сталь, whether - ли.

1) I thought I should die of cold. 2) I'm sorry, dear - I'm truly sorry. I never meant to act so. 3) He ordered his horse and big boots. 4) The weather was fine and the storm was over. 5) She hurried into the house and left me standing at the garden gate. 6) To the west lies the wide plain. 7)He was a fine open-faced boy, with blue eyes and fair hair. 8 ) He thought it would be no crime to steal. 9) He sold the sack of flour for a very good price. 10) I had neither sail, oar nor rudder.

B. heal - излечивать, knight - рыцарь, lie - лгать, light - легкий, maid - девушка, pupil - зрачок, seam - шов, still - спокойный, strait – узкий.

1) He wrote from morning till night. 2) And, turning on his heel, he went out. 3) Her profile was still so youthful that it made her grey hair seem powdery, as if fancy-dressed. 4) His nose was straight. 5) I remained at school for eight years - six as pupil, and two as teacher. 6) The two younger girls had long light curls. 7) He had to stop in bed... and he would lie there and sob, because they wouldn't let him do Latin exercises.

Раздел 2. Семантические отношения между словами


Упражнение 5.

Переведите следующие предложения, выпишите синонимичные слова. Обратите внимание на трудность перевода синонимичных слов.

A. 1) Coldly the man stared at him, looked him up and down. 2)We soon came to a very pretty little cottage, with a small garden full of flowers in front of it. 3) He didn't say a word until I had shut the suitcase and fastened it... I opened the suitcase and packed the boots in, and then just as I was going to close it a horrible thought came into my head. 4) The Bushmen were a weak, feeble crowd who knew only their poison darts. 5) There came out of the house a lady with a handkerchief tied over her cap, wearing an apron with a big pocket and carrying a great knife.6) These rats were as big as the largest dog, but fiercer and quicker.7) She likes to stay at home, I love travelling. 8) On Wednesday there were such wonderful scents, as of cakes in the oven and hot jelly, mixed with the smell of roasting chicken.

B. 1) Waters on a starry night are beautiful and fair. 2) His garb was very quaint and odd - a long, long way behind the time. 3) A crew of pirates are driven by a storm they know not whither; they go on shore to rob and plunder. 4) These Australos do not understand about that. They do not realize it. 5) He was not sure of anything any more. He was not certain about what he was to do. 6) The calm, cool water seems to me to murmur an invitation to repose and rest. 7) Jack Cardigan called it "stunning, ripping, topping and corking." 8) He was cruel and ferocious in his disposition. 9) And then in splendour and glory, came the great idea. He would write. 10) It was too terrible and awful to be true. 11) She had got poor Caleb and his Bertha away, that they might comfort and console each other. 12) You are just foolish and stupid and selfish.13) You commit a mean and base action. 14) How would it be if he never came into this luxury, was never allowed to enter society, was never permitted to live as wealth was now living.15) His voice grew steadier and firmer as he repeated these words. 16) His pranks are really very amusing - very entertaining indeed. 17) As the "door opened easily, he peeped in, looked in, went in and soon came running out again. 18) People down the village heard shouts, and shrieks.


Упражнение 6.

Подберите синонимы к выделенным словам.

A. 1) Cardoso begged him to wait a moment. 2) He had stopped to talk to her. 3) She is such a queer girl. 4) Joe, dear, you are silly. 5) "Her hair curls naturally," answered Miss Temple quietly. (Br.) 6) I was so astonished I could hardly speak for a while. 7) He was certain that he recognized Ruth’s brother. 8) They shook hands, said good night, and he lifted his hat.9) He talked gaily and unceasingly. 10) You haven't injured the fish, have you?11) You ought to be ashamed to lie there and sleep so, and such an awful storm going on. 12) They were told to close their books and were questioned. 13) I wanted to save some things I needed. 14) Field labour was seldom offered now. 15) At last they were allowed to carry away a number of jam puffs.

B. 1) A rude fellow, treating on Miss Sharp's foot caused her to fall back with a little shriek into the arms of Mr. Sedley. 2) Of course Mr. Pickwick didn't say who was there. 3) They both decided to take a trip to the Chateau. 4) What if some Germans were hidden in the large dark house? 5) They received her most cordially. 6) I wish you luck. 7) She had left her purse at home, luckily, I had some money. 8) It 'is well known that he toiled hard for liberty. 9) The voice was singing now very merrily, “Lala –lilala”; no words, only a soft running melody. 10) The azaleas are so wonderful this year.11) It chanced that Winifred invited them to lunch and to go afterward to a most amusing little play.12) He lay awake for nearly half an hour. 13) He just sat here all evening and scarcely uttered a word. 14) She hastened to her 'bus.15) Mr. Bunting was worried. 16) He stared at him in astonishment. 17) He inquired hurriedly whether Mrs. Forsyte was at home. 18) I happened to see his face in the sideboard glass as I went out. 19) I desire to be your friend.

Упражнение 7.

Из следующих групп предложений выпишите слова-синонимы и составьте синонимические ряды.

B. 1) “Well!” he said, “I got the letter. I'm back.” She had received his telegram while at breakfast.His own knowledge of French had been obtained years ago.2) Erik looked at his watch. She glanced about her for some likely door at, which to apply. He eyed us curiously. Over the way stood a great six-story structure, labeled "Storm and King," which she viewed with rising hope. Mr. Pickwick stopped and gazed on each of his friends in turn. Once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading. My aunt sat on the path, staring at me, until I began to cry. Mr. Tupman advanced a step or two and glared at Mr. Pickwick. 3) “How shall I get out?” she questioned tearfully. “What can I do for you, miss?” inquired Mr. McManus.“Who is it you wish to see?” he asked. “Do you need any help?” “No,” he replied sharply and turned upon his heel. “Oh, you want to see Mr. McManus," he returned. “I need the money to-day,” Martin answered firmly. 4) Mr. Pickwick's eyes sparkled with delight. His white hair, still fairly thick, glistened in the lamplight. Their eyes shine. Everybody knows that spangles would glitter if there were lamps. 5) I am really very much hurt and annoyed and disillusioned. “You insult me by talking such nonsense!” – “I didn't mean it. But you are so easily offended, you know."


Упражнение 8.

Вставьте пропущенные слова.

B. (to say, to tell, to speak, to talk)

1) “Well, good-bye, Mr. Kipps,” she ___. He shook her hand and ___, “Good-bye.” “I bought you a ring to-day” he ___, bending the book and ___ing for the sake of ___ ing something. I could ___ nothing in reply. Now I have forgotten what I was going to ___. And now ___ me who is the lady about whom he spoke. “How dare you ___ me a falsehood?” ___ Mr. Nupkins. I ___ her all the story of my sad childhood. Why should she ___ ill of her brother? “How very well you ___ French,” Lady Grizel ___, who herself ___ the tongue in an Edinburgh accent. She burst into tears as she ___. They, returned to the big room where the company was ___ ing loudly.

(to stay, to remain)

2) You must ___ and have dinner with us. He had ___ there several months. Rebecca did not speak but ___ed for a minute motionless. This letter ___ed in my drawer all day.

(to wear, to carry, to bear)

3) A very handsome man of fifty with ___ mousquetaire moustaches, ___ing a rather dandified curly-brimmed hat, and ___ing an elaborate walking stick, comes into the room from the hall. “Dear little Hans,” said the Miller, “would you mind ___ing this sack of flour for me to market.” This bearded man also ___ a moustache. Please, Sir, can you tell me which gentleman of your party ___ a bright blue dresscoat. “How stuffy it is here!” she said; “I can't ___ this scent.”I really cannot ___ the whole burden of our family affairs any longer.

(many, much)

4) Amelia had ___ charming qualities.He introduced him to ___ sergeants and others with Waterloo medals on their breasts. He had borrowed too ___ money of Steyne. Jos patronized him with ___ dignity.

(to go, to walk)

5) He ___ a hundred yards or more. It was a Sunday, and the workers with their wives and kids were ___ near the plant. A motor-car ___ past the window. She ___ to Europe. But he must ___ and see his sister. A few of these people had come by car; many had ___ to the picnic grounds from summer homes nearby.

(to do, to make)

6) Soon I began to look round me, to see what kind of place I was in, and decide what to ___ next. “I will see what I can ___ for you,” he said. ___ it as a favour to me. You sit down there while I ___ us a cup of coffee. Twice two ___ four. Somebody else had ___ the speech. She is ___ing a beautiful dress for a lady to wear at the next ball.


Упражнение 9.

Найдите синонимы к выделенным словам.

B. 1) A little hard-headed man was conversing with a fat old gentleman. 2) Mr. Pickwick found that his three companions had risen, and were waiting his arrival to commence breakfast. 3) Never had Mrs. Portonwaithe's spacious walls beheld such a spectacle. 4) “Mr. Pickwick, some wine, Sir?” Mr. Pickwick readily assented. 5) But I observed that during his oration, the gentlemen who report for the daily papers were occupied with their wine instead of their notebooks. 6) The waiter retired; the breakfast concluded and the travellers ascended to their respective bedrooms. 7) All the Plckwlckians were in most blooming array. 8) Thus attired, the master of the ceremonies planted himself in the rooms to receive the company. 9) Mr. Tupman rang the bell, purchased the tickets, and ordered chamber -candlesticks. 10) Let me narrate how it happened. 11) Mr. Pickwick stepped forward to greet Mr.Winkle and Mr. Snodgrass, as he encountered those gentlemen on his return from his early walk. 12) He endeavoured to amuse his master by anecdote and conversation. 13) "It's quite O. K.," said George.14) Shut up, I say what's the game. 15) He must go back to Little Hampton on the morrow, and to Oxford on the twelfth - to that beastly exam! 16) He might risk a bob or two and win some money. 17) I say, old chap, don't think me a beast. 18) Stop that motorbike, will you? 19) Desert and he were no longer pals. 20) “ Surely,” she said,“ you enjoy yourselves?” 21) “I'll meet you here. S'long,” Quayle said to both of them and went out to catch a taxi.


Упражнение 10 .

В следующих предложениях подчеркните эвфемизмы и определите, какие слова они заменяют.

B.1) Her father wrote a letter to Miss Pinkerton recommending the orphan child to her protection, and so descended to the grave. 2) He is the comfort of my life, and he is the image of – of him that is gone. 3) Many years after her ladyship's demise Sir Pitt led to the altar Rosa. Old Timothy; he might go off the hooks at any moment. 4) They won't date. Won't they? My gum! 5) The driver was stationed thus early in hopes that some young buck might need the aid of his vehicle, and pay him with the generosity of intoxication. 6) He would mutter: “Gad! Get on with it!” or: “Cripes!”7) 'I hope I shall kick the bucket long before I'm as old as grandfather, 'he thought. 8) Mr. Forsyte has passed away, sir – in his sleep the doctor says. 9) Mr. Reed had been dead nine years; it was in this chamber he breathed his last.


Упражнение 11.

Переведите следующие предложения и подчеркните антонимы.

A. 1) The Union of French Women, for example, did splendid work in organizing relief for striking miners, and all along it has actively supported the fight for higher wages and lower prices. 2) He was beginning to understand that certain circles preferred dark clothes to the bright gay colours some of the delegates wore. 3) He is more afraid of the cold than of the heat. 4) Large and small steamers with Swedish flags come and go all year round. 5) While I was lying here two rats climbed up on the bed and ran smelling backwards and forwards. 6) Who helps them to dress in the morning and undress at night. 7) I tried him with light jokes, then with heavy jokes; I told him bad jokes and I told him good ones; I fired old jokes at him, I fired red-hot new -ones; I warmed up to my word, and attacked him on the right and left, in front and behind; I talked until I was hoarse and sick and angry; but I never moved him once - I never saw a smile or a tear on his face. 8) Take off your clothes and put on mine, and I shall put on yours. 9) I found three barrels of powder, two of them dry and good. The third was wet. 10) Far away across the city I see a young man in a small room under the roof of a big house. 11) Every good story teller nowadays starts with the end, and then goes on to the beginning, and concludes with the middle.

B. 1) There were two figures walking in a side path; one was rather short and stout; the other rather tall and slim. They were Mr. Tupman and Mr. Jingle. (D.) 2) They were very different – one tall and blond, the other small and dark. 3) I had grown taller and he had grown shorter and smaller and rounder. 4) He took his seat in a far corner of the dining-room whence he could see all entrances and exits. 5) Between him and the four other brothers there was much difference, much Similarity. 6) But whereas the girl was so dark-eyed and dark-haired that she seemed to receive a deeper and more lustrous colour from the sun, when it shone her, the boy was so light-eyed and light-haired that the self-same rays appeared to draw out of him what little colour he ever possessed. 7) There were also those who had wonderful tales of the goodness of the white man to tell, and those who had horrible tales of the badness of the white man to tell. 8) And June stood before him, her resolute small face raised from her little height to his great height, and her hand outheld. 9) In the few hundred yards before he reached his Square, he was chiefly conscious of the tallness of houses, the shortness of men. 10) Am I so very thin, Tony? I do so want to get fat. 11) I'd nothing to gain and everything to lose. 12) It was the work of an architect whose dream was a new house perfectly old, and an old house perfectly new. 13) Who should sit on her right and who on her left? 14) She avoided unnecessary greetings or farewells. 15) The sun comes up from the east and goes down to the west. 16) Every day is a day of adventure with its cold and heat, its light and darkness, its cycles of exultant vigour and exhaustion of hunger and satiety. 17) I stand midway between youth and age like a man who has missed his train: too late for the last and too early for the next. 18) But how can they differ about right and wrong? 19) “Well, Mr. Danby,” he said, “your generation may like the soft in literature, but you're precious hard in life.” 20) You cannot have power for good without having power for evil too.

Упражнение 12.

Напишите антонимы к выделенным словам.

A. 1) There was much learning of long passages of poetry from a “Poetry Book”. 2) The lessons seemed to me long and difficult. 3) In summer we play together and we fight to see who is the strongest and we run to see who is the fastest. 4) Miss Miller ordered the monitors to put away the books and bring the supper trays. On each tray there were small pieces of thin, dry oat-cake, a jug of cold water and one glass. 5) She chose a cheap restaurant and entered, but was disturbed to find that the prices were too high for the size of her purse. 6) As the interpreter finished translating, Little Wolf said something to the Wild Hog. 7) It wasn't so clever of me bringing you into this, was it? 8) Their house is old and ugly, with dirty walls and black ceilings. 9) He was tall and strong and his clothes were made of rich material. 10) I believe he has a very large income. 11) You are strong and quite well. 12) She made Rebecca accept a sweet white dress, which was too small for her now. 13) He was a fine open-faced boy, with blue eyes and fair hair, strong in limb, but generous and soft in heart. 14) That teacher, Miss Scatcherd, is so cruel to you.15) They were all dressed alike in ugly brown dresses. 16) The coach was empty of passengers by this time. 17) He shut the door quickly. 18) "No one knows I am here," Ruth said in a faint voice. 19) The room was long, low and gloomy. 20) When he went away, I was sad again. 21) If he had been humble the man probably would have been kind to him. 22) Round the garden ran a very high wall. Miss Miller led me into a wide long room with large tables. He was large and fat for his age. 25) The book looked dull. There were no pictures in it. 26) They were eating very slowly. 27) I cut a thick stick for a weapon. 28) They decided to ask the old man to settle their quarrel. 29) You went out in the rain last night in your beautiful new overcoat. 30) It's too good a coat for me, that bright blue coat with its shining buttons. 31) "Are you singing?" says a rough voice. 32) Still those hostile eyes stared at him.

B. 1) How nice and slim he looked in his white waistcoat, and his dark thick lashes! 2) She was rather short, with a deliciously round figure and a thick plait of hair. 3) In front of a big bookcase, in a big chair behind a big table, and before a big volume sat Mr. Nupkins, looking a full size larger than anyone of them, big as they were. It was quiet in the big hall. 4) There were many similar men, owners or part-owners in small factories, small businesses, and small industries - small capitalists, in short. 5) He' had very little - money to spare. 6) I like everything that's old: old friends, old times, old manners, old books, old wine; and I believe Dorothy you'll own I have been pretty fond of an old wife. 7) Presently I stood within that clean bright kitchen. 8) They have set me up here so high that I can see all the ugliness and all the misery of my city. 9) This room was chill, because it seldom had fire. 10) It is your place to be humble and to try to make yourself agreeable to them. 11) I should not like to belong to poor people. 12) He doesn't look well. 13) She was a horrid selfish girl, always ill and complaining, and never satisfied no matter how much you did for her. 14) Little Tom Stubble held out his hot and feeble hand. 15) No wonder she felt unhappy. 16) She was, in fact, clever. 17) I'm sure those are not the right words. 18) He is very kind and good, but he scarcely ever speaks to me. 19) The parlour was rather a small room, very plainly furnished; yet comfortable, because clean and neat. 20) The road got narrow and bad. 21) I went to the post-office and then came back through the heavy rain with wet clothes but with a light heart.


Упражнение 13.

Подберите антонимы к прилагательным.

B. 1) She was a little dark woman with vivid colouring. 2) She was a short, plump girl, pale, with daring, rebellious eyes. 3)He went up the short flight of stairs to his room. 4) He was hard but he was just. 5) With a large business there is always less waste and greater efficiency. 6) In one room we could see the stale light of candles burning. 7) The only gay things were the chintz coverings of the sofa and the arm-chair cushions bright red in the bare sombre room.

Упражнение 14.

Заполните пропуски словами-антонимами из приводимого списка.

B.1) low-high, 2) low-loud, 3) tall-short, 4) big-little, 5) old - young, 6) dim - bright, 7) dark –

fair, 8) upper -lower.

1) The houses on either side were ___ and large. His steps echoed through the ___ building with a hollow sound. If it was fashionable to wear ___ heels, everybody wore them. She wore the thinnest stockings and shoes with very ___ heels. Bing's ___ spirits had vanished. My mother was sitting by the fire very ___ in spirits. 2) “Don't turn your head,” she said in a ___ voice. Martin was brought to a sudden pause by a ___ voice from within. 3) She was not ___ like her mother, but - like her father. He was no' ___er than she and looked ___er, being strongly built. 4) He was a ___ strong man.One of his most popular personages was a ___ fat man.5) “You may think you're very ___,” he said, "but you strike me as extremely ___.”6) The large bonnet was revealing the glories by the light of a ___ lamp that swung from the roof. A little winding through some muddy alleys brought them to the ___ lamp of a Police Station. The stars grew pale and ___. She raised her eyes to the ___ stars. 7) The first was a tall lady with ___ hair. The boy had ___ hair which curled a little. 8) Dock-yard people of ___ rank don't know dock-yard people of ___ rank. Is there any water in the ___ part of our city? On the ___ floor several lights glowed with a soft radiance.


Раздел 3. Пути пополнения словарного состава языка



Упражнение 15.

В следующих словах:

а) выделите суффиксы лица, предмета, абстрактных существительных, прилагательных, глаголов и наречий; б) определите происхождение и степень продуктивности каждого суффикса; в) определите, какое значение придают суффиксы образованным с их помощью словам; г) выделите слова со «связанной» основой и укажите, в каких других словах встречается эта же «связанная» основа:

A. freedom, slowly, comforter, astonishment, gardener, princess, reddish, richness, captor, admiration, girlish, loosen, engineer, glassful, childhood, grateful, navigation, abolitionist, growth, threaten, steamer, mouthful, accuser, stenographer.

B. likelihood, suburbanite, evacuee, breadth, fighter, faithless, philosopher, authoress, understandable, profiteer, foundling, womanish, trickster, shortish, development, Chinese, nighty, geographer, auntie, soften, assignee, justify, teamster, westward, aggressor, leaflet, sympathize, dullard, televising, realism, manhood, resemblance, authorship, baronage, dandyism, auctioneer, de Gaullist, biographer.

Упражнение 16.

Сгруппируйте следующие слова по семантическому признаку; переведите на русский язык; установите значение, которое придает суффикс –er словам каждой группы:

A. driver, gardener, comforter, planter, singer, builder, defender, rider, teacher, worker, commander, steamer, speaker, treasurer, accuser, robber, listener, pursuer, keeper, sleeper, mourner, picker, stranger, foreigner, flier, lighter, swimmer, weaver, believer.

B. shutter, fighter, simplifier, joker, sweater, voter, gusher, clipper, sucker, climber, spinner, welder, tedder, loader, knitter, sower, giver, buyer, receiver, spender, learner, eater, slumberer, drinker, cracker, banker, supporter, poker, subscriber, bidder, reporter, Londoner, southerner.

Упражнение 17.

а) переведите на русский язык следующие слова; б) установите различные оттенки значения, которые суффикс – ish придает слову; в) разбейте все слова на группы в соответствии с их значением; г) выделите слова, у которых суффикс – ish соответствует русскому суффиксу – оват:

A. childish, foolish, girlish, womanish, reddish, greyish.

B. biggish, martinetish, snobbish, slavish, outlandish, fattish, poorish, devilish, Danish.


Упражнение 18.

а) переведите следующие слова на русский язык; б) определите происхождение префиксов и значение, которое они придают образованным с их помощью словам; в) определите морфологическую структуру основ, к которым присоединяются префиксы (непроизводные, производные); г) выделите слова морфологически нечленимые в современной их форме:

A. dishearten, antifascist, rebuild, dissatisfied, produce, enslave, enrich, repeat, international, encircle, obedient, reaction, distinguish, respect, re-write, endanger, remark, encourage; introduce, recount, coexistence.

B. transplant, prescribe, excite, preoccupation, readjustment, befriend, bemoan, submarine, recite, intercede, interpose, disagreement, transform, interchange, disobey, transmit, precede, subversive, report, exclaim, forbid, expell, subconscious, forgive, support, research, reduce, counterattack, rejoin, concede, counterpane, entreat, enlarge, outdo, belittle, mistake, misrepresentation.

Упражнение 19.

Переведите на русский язык слова с префиксом re-; поставьте ударения в зависимости от значения префикса и степени от значения префикса и степени слитности префикса с основой:

A. rearmament, reread, relate, remake, reenter, rehearse, relieve, remark, repair, replace, renew, refer, return, recognize.

B. resurrect, recapture, resist, rehouse, rejoin, rehear, relent, re-lay, reduction, retrace, re-examine, refuse, regret, re-echo, recreate, re-create, recast, recant.


Упражнение 20.

а) переведите следующие слова на русский язык; б) определите происхождение префиксов, их продуктивность и значение, которое они придают словам, образованным с их помощью; в) сгруппируйте слова по характеру основ, к которым присоединяются префиксы (непроизводные, производные); г) выделите слова морфологически нечленимые.

A. unhappy, indifference, inevitable, independent, impossible, inhuman, immediate, incorrect, undisciplined, unimportant, invade, unusual, impress, improve, untruth, unmarried, unexpected, unseen, undress, invite, insure, indefinite, improper, immoral, indecent.

B. unthrift, incredible, inartistic, unreasonable, illiterate, impoverished, unimpeachable, unbend, implant, unbroken, ingenious, unpretentious, irresistible, induce, unbutton, insensibly, unbosom, unrest, unnerve, unpleasantness, unconscious, immaculate, immoderate, integrity, indefatigable, unjustly, uncork, unforgivable, inexorable, invader, inscribe.



Упражнение 21.

В следующих предложениях встречаются глаголы, образованные путем конверсии; определите, с какими однокоренными прилагательными или существительными они соотносятся; переведите на русский язык и глагол, и исходное слово.

A. 1) But at last, after much care and pain I had two large clay jars which I dried hard in the sun. 2) This letter remained in my drawer all day. After tea I asked for permission to go and post it.3) Two great streets cross and divide the city into four quarters.4) Such a conclusion would have satisfied the philosophers of Europe, who reason in the same way. 5) You may remember that I lectured in Newark not long ago for the young gentlemen of the society. 6) I've told you forty times not to touch that jam or I would whip you. 7) Sighing he dipped his brush and began to whitewash. 8) I did what I could to show him how I made the gun go off, and let him see I would not harm him with it.

B. 1) I picture myself taking courage to make a declaration to Miss Larkins.2) In her breast was something which wanted to flood her. 3) She might come and room with her. 4) Whenever he met a great man he groveled before him, and my-lorded him as only a free-born Briton can do. 5) This club was housed comfortably on Twelfth street near Fifth Avenue. 6) We'd better have him shadowed when he lands. I’ll cable at once. 7) If I idled for a day, no one except my fellow-students remarked it. 8) The skin was striped almost like the shirt, but in red. 9) They valued their lives. 10) The windows were blacked with cardboard from ration boxes. 11) Most strikers are employed at Singapore naval base on the northern coast of the island, where about 300 men manned pickets.


Упражнение 22.

В следующих предложениях выпишите образованные путем конверсии глаголы и существительные; сгруппируйте их, исходя из их семантических отношений с исходным словом. Выделите группы глаголов, образованных от названий частей тела, животных и др.


A. 1) I was afterwards told by a friend, a person of high rank that the court was faced with many difficulties because of me. 2) The bed, chairs and tables were all screwed to the floor to prevent them from falling and overturning, because of the movement of the horse or carriage. 3) He put the bark quickly in his pocket; then he bent over, kissed her gently, and went away, latching the door behind him. 4) She makes me get up just at the same time every morning; she makes me wash and comb. 5) The call echoed down the empty passages like a mocking laughter. 6) “What is money after all!” said Mr. Dombey backing his chair a little... 7) The Congress of American Women issued leaflets exposing the criminal aggressive nature of the North-Atlantic pact; it sent delegations to the Senate and campaigned energetically against the pact in various other ways. 8) I have got, all my creepers to nail up, and all my flowers to water, and all the grass to roll. 9) By God, you're going to have a feed, my boy. 10) The rejection slip was so tactfully worded that he felt kindly toward the editor. 11) However, I now end the second Part of my unfortunate voyages. 12) But I was suddenly awakened by a violent pull.

B. 1) The Frenchman fingered the dollar. 2) He had sense enough to radio back for armoured reinforcement. 3) A speechless colonel faced Pettinger. 4) She cocked her head and twisted and turned and buried one small ear in the fur, while Mr. Rubenstein stood by eyeing her with not a little admiration and almost rubbing his hands. 5) We'd just cornered the old fox; and then Amanda must have her silly laugh and lets him out of it. 6) Laborde ducked inside the tank. 7) She took out the clipping and handed it to him. 8) I phoned the office of Delacrois. 9) Captain Crawley of the Life Guards rode up from Knightsbridge Barracks the next day,
his black charger pawed the straw before his invalid aunt's door. 10) DeWitt and Willoughby closeted themselves.11) So intolerable did this seem to him that he was very near to telegraphing an excuse and staying up. 12) For as Rebecca was shawling her in an upper apartment Amelia said, “Rebecca, I see it all.” 13) All persons in society, all cliques in society - or, rather, nearly all persons and cliques ape their betters. 14) She had wired that it would be Friday. 15) Abramovici craned his neck around Yates's arm to read. 16) It is needless to particularize the number of
the vehicle, or to state that the driver was stationed thus early in the neighbourhood of Swallow street... 17) D'you think you're the man to head it? 18) Perhaps the span bridging this moment and that haze covered morning when his boat edged its way down the Hudson was so vast that he couldn't see he had reached its end. 19) Yates's eyes focused and he asked sharply. 20) Laborde eyed them despairingly. 21 ) From the first Soames had nosed out Dartles's nature.

Упражнение 23.

Определите, в каком случае глагол употреблен в значении, наиболее близком к значению исходного существительного. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

B. I. 1) The man facing her looked pale and exhausted. 2) We're faced with a practical problem. 3) The room faced the backwater of traffic and was very silent.

II. 1) Some tree trunks, lying across the road, blocked the way. 2) He alone blocked the riot that was due. 3) DeJeannent had blocked him - but DeJeannent had nobody behind him, no real government, no country, no industry.

III. 1) It is advisable to air the room before going to bed. 2) A man and a woman airing their children went by strung in Sunday fashion.


Упражнение 24.

Найдите однокоренной глагол к каждому из следующих существительных. Употребите глаголы, образованные по конверсии в предложениях.

B. 1) back; 2) shoulder: 3) top; 4) collar; 5) line; 6) dress; 7) pause; 8) park; 9) ape; 10) flood; 11 ) seal; 12) pen; 13) cotton; 14) cloud; 15) brave.



Упражнение 25.

а) переведите следующие сложные существительные на русский язык; б) сгруппируйте их по структурным типам; в) выделите слова с переносным значением.

A. pocket-book, slave-trader, man-of-war, woodland, kitchen-garden, teapot, armchair, water-mill, slave-owner, hide-and-seek, wheel-barrow, school-room, newspaper, table-cloth, washstand, night-fall, earthquake, window-sill, blackboard, looking-glass, birthday, drawing-room, starlight, schoolchildren, bedroom, housemaid.

B. sawbones, make-believe, money-making, cry-baby, daughter-in-law, coal-heaver, makeshift, merry-making, prisoner-of-war, caretaker, rank-and-file, story-telling, coffee-room, watch-maker, frying-pan, fault-finder, handshake, deerskin, laughing-stock, windmill.


Упражнение 26.

а) переведите следующие сложные прилагательные на русский язык; б) сгруппируйте их по

структурным типам; в) выделите группу сложнопроизводных прилагательных; г)

подберите сложные слова с одинаковым первым или вторым компонентом.

A. quick-mannered, horror-stricken, ordinary-looking, noble-hearted, newly-healed, broad-chested, tongue-tied, ill-used, good-natured, open-faced, rough-looking, dark-eyed, golden-brown.

B. heart-breaking, military-looking, snake-headed, shame-stricken, gold-green, rose-shaded, medium-sized, oft-hearted, world-wide, ill-suited, light-blue, hard-won, breath-taking, low-hanging, left-handed, pear-shaped, high-healed, curly-haired, cold-blooded, fast-yellowing, ill-fitting, oak-panelled, trust-worthy, dark-skinned, blood-thirsty.


Упражнение 27.

а) переведите на русский язык следующие слова; б) выделите слова, обозначающие профессию, занятие, принадлежность к определенному месту, национальность и т.д.

A. workman, footman, foreman, policeman, Englishman.

B. tradesman, cabman, yeoman, keyman, clubman, salesman, townsman, newspaperman, Irishman, Yorkshireman, churchman.


Упражнение 28.

а) подберите группы сложных существительных, вторым компонентом которых являются

основы следующих слов; б) переведите их на русский язык:

A. -room, -maker, -yard, -looking, -corner, -tree, -light, -keeper.

B. -finder, -holder, -dealer.

Упражнение 29.

а) переведите на русский язык следующие сложные слова; б) выделите слова, значение которых не может быть выведено из суммы значений составляющих их компонентов:

A. work-folk, newcomer, cowslip, middle-class, lady-bug, turtle-catching, sweet-william, ladysmock, turnip-field, honeysuckle.

B. 1) dog-hole, dog-lead, dog's ear, dog Latin, dog-rose, dog-sleep, dog-skin, dog-days, dog-cheap; 2) wall-flower, wall-eye, wall-paper, wall-pier, wall-painting; 3) guinea-fowl, guinea-pig; 4) hare- brained, hare-lip, harebell; 5) pigeon-English, pigeon-hole, pigeongram; 6) lady-killer, lady-bird, lady-chair.

Образование глаголов путем присоединения послеглагольных словообразовательных элементов

Упражнение 30.

A. I. Глагол to get + послеглагольный элемент.

1) Tom's mother gets up early because she has much work to do. 2) "Hey you! Get off! This car 'is for white people," he shouts. 3) Then I made a wall round it so that if any wild man or beast should come they would find it hard to get in. 4) Six of the crew, of whom I was one, got into a small boat, and so were able to get away from the ship and the rock. 5) The emperor and his lords got down from the horses, and the empress and her ladies came out of their carriages.

II. Глагол to look + послеглагольный элемент.

1) One day while Tom is riding his bicycle, he suddenly sees a white man. The white man is crossing the street… Tom cries: “Look out!” 2) The woman had stopped crying and was looking up at Tom with hope. 3) I went to my window, opened it and looked out.

III. Глагол to put + послеглагольный элемент.

1)... the next time I went to sea we had not been gone many days when a very bad storm came on. We gave the ship up for lost and all we could do was to put out the boat and hope for the best. 2) Take off your clothes and put on mine, and I shall put on yours. 3) That same day there came a storm. It was so rough that we felt sure the blacks who had put off in their boats could not have got to land, but must have been lost. 4) Therefore he begged His Majesty not to give the order to put you to death, but to give an order to put out both your eyes. 5) Sometimes I would put up my sail; and then my business was only to steer...

IV. Глагол to go + послеглагольный элемент.

1) One day my master told me to take a gun and go out in a boat, with two other slaves, a man and a boy, and catch some fish for him. When all was ready I went off with these two.2) Those on board the ship must have seen it, for I then heard five or six


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