How Lithium Batteries Become a Workplace Hazard

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Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры

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Кафедра иностранных языков


Контрольные работы

по дисциплине "Иностранный язык"


Специальность/ направление: 20.03.01 Техносферная безопасность

Профиль подготовки: Безопасность жизнедеятельности в техносфере

Форма обучения: заочная

Второй курс, второй семестр

Составитель: старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков, ИГОиС Николаева А.А.


Сургут 2015

Контрольная №2

Вариант 1

1. Перепишите предложения и определите функцию глагола to have, to be. Переведите предложения.

1. Lithium batteries are well suited for a variety of electronic applications.

2. Lithium-ion batteries have a limited shelf life.

3. They should be kept in a climate-controlled environment

4. Specialists have designed courses for employees who handle and store lithium batteries at work.

5. Employees who handle lithium batteries in the workplace have to follow certain safety guidelines.


2. Выберите требуемую форму глагола и переведите предложения.


1. If you (buy, will buy) a modern electronic device, you (will see, would see) a lithium battery inside.

2. If all workers (follow, followed) basic handling guidelines, they (would avoid, will avoid) short circuits, fires and injuries.

3. If a short circuit (will occur, occurs), it (causes, will cause, would cause) overheating of the cells within the battery.

4. If they (had used, used) water to extinguish the lithium fire, they (wouldn’t have succeeded, won’t succeed).

5. You (are not allowed, wouldn’t be allowed) to handle lithium batteries at work if you (hadn’t completed, didn’t complete) the special course.


Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильную видо-временную форму (Passive voice).

1. Last month my laptop (to damaged) by the battery leakage.

2. Lithium batteries (to use) in a wide range of electronic equipment.

3. Safety guidelines should (to follow) by all the employees who handle lithium batteries at workplace.

4. If batteries (to keep) in ventilated areas in future, the chance of fire (to minimize).

5. The production date of these batteries (to check) already.


Дополните таблицу требующимися частями речи. Переведите полученные формы.

noun verb adjective/adverb
  to increase  
  to manufacture  

Сопоставьте английские словосочетания с их русскими эквивалентами.

high energy density batteries to pose safety hazards mechanical damage to the battery to be susceptible to high temperatures handling and storage guidelines relatively uncommon быть подверженным воздействию высоких температур относительно редкий представлять угрозу безопасности механическое повреждение батареи указания по использованию и хранению батареи с высокой энергоемкостью

Прочитайте текст и установите соответствие между заголовкамиА -G и абзацами 2 - 8.

A. Drawbacks of Lithium Batteries

B. Short Circuits

C. Expert Lithium Battery Safety and Training

D. Putting Out a Lithium Battery Fire

E. Advantages of Lithium Batteries

F. Lithium Battery Fire Occurrence

G. Preventing Lithium Battery Fires and Incidents

How Lithium Batteries Become a Workplace Hazard

July 7, 2015 by Lee Ann Coniglione


1. The rising popularity of lithium batteries makes it crucial that manufacturers, shippers, and consumers who handle and use lithium-battery-powered devices know the safety hazards these products pose. By following some basic handling and storage guidelines, everyone who comes in contact with lithium batteries can avoid short circuits, fires, and injuries.

2. Today, lithium batteries are well suited for a variety of electronic applications because of their small size, their light weight, and their energy storage capacity. Lithium batteries are considered high-energy density batteries, which means they have a high energy storage capacity. Their longevity directly influences the usefulness of our devices.

3. Lithium-ion batteries have a limited shelf life. From the time of manufacture, they start to degrade. Lithium batteries are also susceptible to high temperatures and should be kept in a climate-controlled environment and out of direct sunlight. The most significant drawback of lithium batteries, though, is their unique fire hazards.

4. Although lithium battery fires and explosions are relatively uncommon, when such an event occurs, it has the potential to be serious. You may recall recent news stories involving laptops or cell phones that burst into flames. In most cases like this, a faulty or damaged lithium battery is to blame. Lithium batteries may also be damaged as a result of mechanical, electrical, or thermal mishaps. In some cases, the battery defect may originate with the battery manufacturer.

5. A battery can catch fire due to an internal short circuit. When a short circuit occurs, it causes overheating of the cells within a battery. The rise in temperature results in increased current, which in turn accelerates the cell's chemical reaction rate. As the chemical reaction rate increases, more heat is produced, again causing an increase in temperature. And the cycle continues, typically only ending when the battery explodes or erupts into flames.

6. Lithium fires are very unique in that they are not typically extinguished in the same manner as ordinary fires. Depending on the type of battery, non-traditional extinguishing agents, such as copper powder, may be needed. Whatever the situation may be, only trained professionals are equipped to handle a large lithium battery fire, which involves molten metal and toxic smoke.

7. A few simple safeguards can help protect the batteries in electronic devices. For consumers, it's crucial to avoid mechanical damage to the battery as a result of crushing, puncturing, dropping, or excessive vibration or shock. In addition, the following guidelines are applicable to workplace environments where lithium batteries are stored:

Keep batteries in their original packaging;

Store in areas with adequate ventilation;

Avoid non-uniform stacking of boxes containing batteries, which could lead to tipping;

Place larger, heavier boxes on bottom of a stack to avoid crushing.


8. Employees who handle lithium batteries in the workplace must know the hazards these batteries pose and how to protect themselves and co-workers. There are special courses designed for employees who handle and store lithium batteries at work.


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