Watch the full video session.

Channeled Messages by Disdoo; Tekkrr and Lakesh – 2013-11-09

By Max (November 10th, 2013)

Thanks to Pamela for transcribing.

Channeled Messages by Disdoo; Tekkrr and Lakesh - 2013-11-09

Watch the full video session.

Disdoo: Welcome everyone. I am Disdoo from the vessel from North America. We have the vessel that comes around in North. American and in the northern hemispheres. We control the severity of weather, seismic activity, solar flare activity – that meets the earth and we try to keep it within satisfactory levels, although, some are so strong even we cannot fully contain them. At this time there are several solar flares around your planet. They interrupt the energy. Have you noticed that you have not been feeling quite the same the last few days? This would be an interruption of your energy pathways by solar energy. However, right now, I was going to ask you all to bear with me a little because I would like to explain a little bit about the colonies. I think it’s important that the earth knows about these. Max has been very instrumental in helping us form these colonies. We have tried to do this several times before without success and the reason for that was telepathy versus human condition, we could not possibly understand you in a way that we should.

We do have some human telepaths in our first colony. There are six which we speak to daily. We are starting to understand human emotions and patterns, spirituality in the way that you see it. Your physicalities, the intensity of your thought. We were never able to do this and, therefore, other colonies have failed. Also, we do it a different way now. We used to abduct – take people without them knowing they were being taken and, this was wrong. We have to apologize for that because now we know how humans really feel about that sort – action – on our part - and now we ask permission before we take them to our colony. There is so much more to tell but, I think I should ask you if you have any questions to this point? You can ask anything – it does not have to be about the colony.


Q: You mentioned the possibility of holographic interface with groups here versus visiting the colonies?


Disdoo: Yes.


Q: We have a group that meets that would be very interested. How would we go about doing that?


Disdoo: We have not organized that sort of group yet, but we are working on that because we feel that there are some that cannot come through our teleportation methods to be with us. They have to remain on earth because of health issues or physiological problems that we cannot fix with our technology, therefore, we are planning to come meet with groups of people – perhaps three aliens to a group of 50 or 60 – but, it would start smaller. Does that? We will be doing that. And other channelers around your planet have taken note from their sources. We were the first to tell the earth about this and now others are speaking about it.


Max: Any specific channelers you can name?


Disdoo: I am not to speak of…but they do exist and they are genuine.


Q: How many other realities, planets that communicate strictly by color?


Disdoo: There are those species that have color as a language. Yes. There are two in particular.


Q: Can you name those?


Disdoo: We do not name them.


Q: Are they humanoid?


Disdoo: Not really. No.


Q: I have been told that our group would be able to see a specific alien. I was told spiritually that our group would be able to see an alien. Do you know if that’s true and what type of aliens that would be?


Disdoo: You have a name? Was there a name given at that time?


Q: There was but I don’t remember what the name was given?


Disdoo: I would be able to know if I had heard of the name. There are many beings making contact with humans at this time. Those of you who have abilities to channel or be psychic in some way are being contacted. Now there are some that are not of good will. Be careful. Make sure that you protect yourself before calling on any entity to come in – and if someone comes calling to you, make sure that you ask if they are of the light or, if they are good. You may ask several different questions that can be interpreted by your, this being, to know what your intents are and their intents are.


Q: Would they lie?


Disdoo: You will know if they lie because you will not feel right. Does that make sense? Because if your intent is aligned with purity,and their intent is not, you will know.


Q: I can tell you what they look like. Tall – thin -


Disdoo: Do they have human-like faces?


Q: Some characteristics.


Disdoo: It could be an Orion. But, there are other species that could fit the description – especially some of the reptile species can look humanoid. They have that capacity to change their facial parts and they are usually very thin.


Q: Can you tell us whether a solar flare will take out the electric grid?


Disdoo: We will guard against that. We have ways to guard against severe solar flares – and the ones lately have been moderately severe – but you have not had any major blackouts or electrical interference at this time.


Q: So – you put a shield in a way of the flare after it happens?


Disdoo: There are ways to deflect the energy and also we are interdimensional. We can go back several hours and help things. We are not permitted to move in time a great deal because it is dangerous but, we can move several hours at a time. And so, if we see that something is going to be potentially fatal, deadly, we will go back and try fix that within several hours before it happens.


Q: Our scientists and people who watch the skies and things like that – are they aware of these solar flares that is going on and all of the sudden it’s fixed – or you fix it before they are aware?


Disdoo: They have awareness of us in some ways because there are miracles that happen they cannot explain – and they have seen our ships. They conclude, by logic, that we have interfered.


Q: Can I ask why you would do it?


Disdoo: We want to preserve this society, species – whatever you want to call yourselves. We know that there are several things that are coming to you that are very fatal – the weather due to global warming – the toxins in the air – the shift in the axis – the solar flares – the seismic grandeur of the tilt of the axis is one of our great concerns because your earthquake that struck Japan could have been even worse – if that is imaginable.


Q: Have there been aliens who have been here for 20, 30, 40 years?


Disdoo: Yes – and longer. Hundreds of years for some of them. A thousand years for even others – but some of them do not come back. We take a personal interest in you because we know that you are on the verge of your next evolution. It will happen in a day, a week or a year but we see that the energy of your brain has opened to telepathy. We are working with several humans to develop that telepathy even greater – so they can train others to speak to us directly. I have spoken before, not to you, but to Max about how we interact and telepathy is our most vital tool in helping you survive because this way we know things that we cannot know as a foreign species. You are like cylinders to us – you are closed off – but now that your telepathy is awakening, we have hopes of joining you as part of the galaxy – or you joining us.


Q: So they have integrated into our society physically?


Disdoo: Not as of yet. First contact – we are planning – there is so much to say about that. I am flooded with information. First contact is being planned very carefully with the help of telepathic humans and they will be part of first contact because they need to be an intercessor for your species. They cannot – not be there – because you would be overwhelmed if just an alien-looking species tried to make contact without humans coming first to turn _______________.


Q: Is there a timing for this? Are you allowed to tell us the timing?


Disdoo: There is much planning still to do. You are as a species not quite ready. There are too many deficiencies in some cultures that could not be overcome at this moment, however, your ascension of awareness and psychic abilities is bringing up the level of the earth. When this happens, fourth dimensional energy is released into the atmosphere from human beings – which is very interesting. You have the capacity for fourth dimension – 150 or 200 years from now perhaps – not quite yet but we see the beginnings of it.


Q: As before, I said we have a group – and we do try to practice telepathy. Is there something that you could tell us that would help us practice telepathy even more?


Disdoo: Yes. The very beginnings of telepathy are intention. Your intention toward another. When you are able to walk up to someone and know what they intend, then that is the beginnings of telepathy. The intentions between your group are all very high, therefore, you must find a way to camouflage your purity for a moment to see if someone can find evidence of a different intention.


Disdoo: You must find a difficult space in yourself for the intention is not good so that you can practice with each other – because you only know your good intention to each other. Now, you may go into the world and if you can feel the intention of those around you, do you think you can do that? There are many that can at this point – by facial expressions they know, by they can feel the energy of malintent. I believe you can do that. I believe your group would be able to feel malintent from a distance even. This is the beginning of telepathy. Practice these things when you go places before you speak to someone – before you know who they are or what they are doing. Make a judgment – but then, don’t be harsh with them; Just make a judgment to see if you were correct. That’s all. But do not judge them if their intent is not good because we are all perfect in the eyes of our creator. You must not judge – judgment will come to you before then.


Q: Are you saying that there is a part of me that sees not good stuff?


Disdoo: If you were to protect yourself in this day and age, there are those who would not be appropriate for you to be around because they could affect your vibration. Keep your vibration moving in a positive direction – and if you find that people are causing you great stress, look into yourself and find if it is you that is causing the negativity or, is it they that are causing the negativity? Because you must find a way to either calm that negativity – or, disconnect from that negativity. It is essential for earth at this time to heal the negative parts of your society – difficult times – but yet essential – essential – essential.


Q: Does our thoughts affect other realities?


Disdoo: No. But your thoughts affect this reality. Your intentions affect this reality. Your good natured, giving or taking – or whatever it is that you do affects your reality and everything around you – and, you already knew that. I can sense in you all the wonder of the future. The wonder of getting things right – the moving ahead – the knitting together of your species to be a whole and not just a part of who we are because we are a community – Yes? But we do not act like a community – telepathically, we can be a community – do you understand that? Because we can look at each other and know intention – we can know thoughts – share experiences – but, you are separate from each other and, therefore, you do not know the inner workings of another mind. Every mind here is different – it is the same with ________________ every mind is different – and if we didn’t have telepathy, how would we ever know each other as a community? Does that make sense to you? Because we have learned to love each other as a community. Not all of us are even good or great people but, there is a good part in every one of us and we tend to lift each other up when necessary to a level where we can communicate in a very ______________.


Q: How long have you been on this ship that is circling the earth? – for North America?


Disdoo: We have been 8.9 years. I’ve known of the earth for 11.7 years – but, I should say I’ve been aware of earth as a personality for that long – and you are a personality.


Q: How do you get that job? I mean – is it something you volunteered? – or, is it dictated – or?

Disdoo: I showed a special interest and _____________ dealing with foreign species and I studied earth for many years before I was in this particular position – but, if I have to be very honest, I’ve grown more in the last year than I have in many of my years because I am communicating with humans like Max and the telepaths. They are teaching me more than I could ever learn from any kind of curriculum – any kind of a holographic projection – visual aides – interacting is where one learns – we find that there is much good here. Some species would have you already eliminated – but we have not allowed that.


Q: Why would they want to eliminate us?


Disdoo: They would like to have your world for their own. They were on worlds that were not compatible with them_________________ because their misuse of it – also your minerals – your uranium – and radioactive materials – the core of your earth is very important to some of them. There are many things – your water systems – your actual human emotions were at one time tried to be stolen because they were so unusual and deep. There was a species that wanted to steal your emotions – that did not happen and I don’t know how they could have done that – but, they tried.


Q: Are you aware of any middle earth aliens?


Disdoo: There are some in the Pacific ocean deep at the bottom. Yes.


Q: But nothing in the core? Like in the middle of the earth?


Disdoo: There are life forms there but they are not from outer space.


Q: Agarthans? Have you heard that term – Agarthans? It’s from my understanding is- what’s in our inner earth?


Disdoo: Yes. Something similar to that – they are fire species that can move within fire?


Q: Are they humanoid?


Disdoo: No. They are almost fourth dimensional in some respects – but, they are not.


Q: Is it like between three and four?


Disdoo: Yes. But they are – it’s very – there is no words in your human language to describe to you what they are really – you are going to have to understand there are us species that we find in the core of planets with volcanic centers – with hot centers – they’re not all planets have that – but many do.

Q: Do you have a name of a magical animal in the fire called salamander?


Disdoo: Yes.


Q: But I think maybe this species has a name – or you don’t have a name that you can say?


Disdoo: Yunkan-shefkar.


Q: Can you repeat?


Disdoo: Yunkan-Shefkar. Yes. That is our language – by the way.


Q: Are they in communications with any of the alien species?


Disdoo: No, they are isolationists for several thousand centuries –


Q: And YHVH is not one of those?


Disdoo: No.


Q: Can you speak a few sentences in your language?


Disdoo: What would you like?


Q: Oh – can you do a blessing and then translate?


Disdoo: Ok. Diryekash ondorovorkoti arrendat tabasakasho yeskukah krion tipayar nutta toturr semtikirar rondakolala sukatah patah wakah yanealar morenori.


The translation would be: I call out to you blessings. Let the earth surround you with joy. Let the things you lift up lift back. Let the awesome power of mother nature and the universe be with you. May you always be proud of the perfection that you attained. May you know that you are loved eternally and let us be blessed together in our unity.


Q: Amen – thank you much.


Q: How old are you?


Disdoo: In earth years? 137.


Q: So, you are very young?



Disdoo: Yes.


Q: I think you live about 500 – 600?


Disdoo: Yes. But I moved quickly up the ranks because of my ability to communicate.


Q: What’s your IQ for that of Yahyel? Which percentage would this respond to?


Disdoo: I do not understand the question.


Q: Are you representative of a typical Yahyel? Your race?


Disdoo: I am not considered typical but, I consider myself more typical than they do. Intelligence – ah – we are all intelligent.


Q: Thank you – I know that you are very diplomatic – you cannot say that you are exceptional – right?


Disdoo: I would not want to.


Q: I was curious about those of us humans that may be hybrids of sorts. Is there a purpose for us – or we just an accident? or what?


Disdoo: There is always a purpose for what has happened here on the earth. Hybrids were experimental – but not in a chemical or scientific way – but in a spiritual way. They wanted to develop a higher spiritual realm for earth. They wanted to develop it quickly because they saw that your axis was going to flip over in so many hundred thousand years and you would be extinct again. But we are stopping that.


Q: When is it happening?


Disdoo: It’s already happening.


Q: The axis is already flipping? Getting ready to flip?


Disdoo: We stopped it at 3%. That’s why you are experiencing such weather change, seismic reactions – we’re trying to calm that down. We can’t move it back that would be even worse. We can stop it. Going backwards would cause twice the damage that going forward does. If you can understand that – just because of the way your earth is in orbit around the sun.


Q: Back in the 1950s, the Roswell incident in New Mexico? Can you tell us a little about that?


Continuation Transcription of Disdoo channelling (part 4)


Q: Can you tell us a little bit about that?


Disdoo: I can tell you a little but not a lot because your government knows everything about that and they were Yahyel (???) in that accident. They were greys – they were friendly.


Q: Were they greys or Yahyel?


Disdoo: Greys are Yahyel – but a different species than Yahyel – but they look very much the same. There are five different grey species. They were mistreated, unfortunately, and their technology was uncovered through reverse engineering. So, there are, on display, in some prominent places on your planet – alien technology. You may not know that what they are exactly because they will tell you that the’re alien technology – but they are.


Q: Can you tell us?


Disdoo: I am not permitted to point those things out at this time. I’m sorry. But, I will tell you one is in New York City and one is in Washington, DC.


Q: And what were these? (???)


Disdoo: They are alien technology. There is a spaceship in Washington, DC that was made by aliens. Or, I should say, made by earthlings with alien technology.


Q: And is it true that our military has picked up technological secrets from off planet people?


Disdoo: Yes – it is well known.


Q: Is it fully secret to us still? Like free energy and scalar weapons and such?


Disdoo: Yes. If you go to your Internet and there are places on the Internet where they openly discuss alien technology and interaction – and most people think that because it’s so open, it can’t be real. That’s what they want you to believe. They actually are hiding in front of your face. There’s a – oh this is fictitious – this is awful - you know – but, it’s an actual conference with press, newscasters, people – and government officials – and army officials that are actually telling you what kind of technology they found but, yet, people think it’s a hoax – and that’s what they like. They are happy that you think it’s a hoax, but, it’s actually real. If you pay attention to it, it’s way too boring to be anything but real.


Q: Can you tell us why the government is so reluctant to let us know the aliens are out there?


Disdoo: Yes. Because it gets rid of their control. If they realize that you realize that aliens are protecting the earth, what do we need an army for? Do you understand this? What do we need military for if there’s – your people will say to themselves, what do we need that for? We have aliens protecting us – they are 10 times the ability that all our … so, stay in control while politicians – your politicians – your people… keep…. they want to keep the control. That’s the big issue. And, also – there are portions of the earth that are not ready for this kind of information.


Q: So, you’re saying it’s a fear test?


Disdoo: Yes, it would become chaotic in some areas as well.


Q: I would have believed that many years ago – but, in the current time, I don’t believe it’s fear because there’s too many now that believe in the (???)


Disdoo: Go to your Bible Belt in the South and you will find fear beyond your imagination. And this is what I speak of in your continent. But the Bible Belt is tight – fear control – and


Q: Superstition.


Disdoo: It is spiritual – but it does not reach God the way that goodness and love and traits that are pure - reach God. They must unshackle themselves from the debris of dogma – if you want to call it that. It is a bondage on them and we see more hate there than we see love.


Q: Is it more difficult for you to deal with religious leaders or, politicians?


Disdoo: They are the same.


Q: Is the vibration of the planet increasing – at a greater rate than it has in the past?


Disdoo: Yes – let me explain something quickly – which I explained to this group before – not all of you were here though. The ascension has begun – but, it starts small – very, very, very small - but, as we gather people, like new people are here tonight, it gets wider like a beam of light shoots out – and it collects – when you come into contact with pure love, honesty, joy and people that are happy to be here and are moving in a way that is positive – how could you not want to be part of that? How? There are those that don’t – but they will be overcome – not in a forceful way – but they are in the shadow and the light kills shadows.


Q: There has been a lot stories about the earth separating when the ascension time comes and then some of us will stay on earth and there will be a new earth – for some of the people that?


Disdoo: People that are confusing the ascension with the rapture. They are two different things. I am not sure that I can explain the basic difference – but, ascension does not make people rise off the earth and go into a spiritual body. The ascension is an evolutionary process – it causes man to move to the next level of expanded thought – and process and telepathy. This is what the ascension does. Your so-called rapture from Revelations in your Bible is not echoed nearly the same by any other religious book – but, it is a semi truth about there will be a time when many people will exit the earth at the same time into a spiritual body – that’s all I can relate that to.


Q: Earlier, you talked about abduction? There’s no more – that was a while back – re: abductions – can one become abducted in the dream state?


Disdoo: Yes – but our species are a species - that we are in alliance with – do not do any form of abduction any more. There are species that still do abduction – but, we are not of that species or alliance – but they still do that – yes.


Q: Do you know if they are benevolent – or no?


Disdoo: There are two species that still do abduction that – one is benign and the other is not. One is purely scientific and one is malevolent. They want the things that you have – your minerals – your water – your sky – your planet.


Q: Back to the ascension – when is the first wave of ascenders to go?


Disdoo: They don’t go anywhere. The first wave of ascenders will become the first telepaths on earth – they will be feared – but, once they let themselves be who they really are, no one will fear them at all. They will not want to seek information that they shouldn’t have – they will want to connect in a positive way. Now, that’s not to say that at the beginning, there will be those who seek to do harm as a telepath – but you will know them by their intention – and other telepaths will find them. They could not hide it. They will not be able to hide because of their intention. If another telepath comes across them, they are exposed.


Q: Would you consider this telepathic – or, just intuition? You’re a person that has lots of love for everyone – but yet - sometimes you run across somebody and you start to go near them – and you want to back away?


Disdoo: That’s the first part of telepathy – knowing the intent of somebody that wishes to cause negativity in the area – or, with you – that is the first part of telepathy. You will be able to sense their energy before they’ve even released it. This is the first beginning.


Q: Can we change their energy by sending them lots of love?


Disdoo: You cannot change their energy without their will being changed. Their will has to change by your will being of the light and love – then, if they see you – the things in you that they want,- their will will change – but, it has to be their will – your will cannot control them.


Q: I know that you are limited in what you can tell us about the future – I just have a concern about our government – and this could be conspiracy theory – and I want to know if your species is also protecting us to some degree from our own politicians and government from maybe some malevolent design to?


Disdoo: Well – yours – where do I even start with that? Let me tell you this - there is a group of spirit beings named El and they’re in charge of your finances – commercial – well being – I don’t know if I am saying that correctly. Your money situations – as a world - and they find it unusable. They cannot use the way that you have done so. They are planning to crash the economic systems. I can tell you that because no one would believe that. I mean the government were too strong – I mean I am imitating a politician that I saw on your website – he was certain that everything will stay just the way it is – or worse (???) When it falls apart, El will be there to build it back up – they will be our leaders to help you rebuild your society – because they know how to do it – they have done it in several worlds – that are now working very (???)


Q: So, they are spiritual beings then – not aliens – right?


Disdoo: Yes – El is more spiritual than alien – or, is spiritual – I should say.


Q: So, is this financial realignment likely to happen? As – some sources say – very soon?


Disdoo: 2027.


Q: That’s a 2027 date with the (???)


Q: Is it finalized – or it’s flexible?


Disdoo: El is very superstitious – in some ways. 27 – 2 and 9 is a final number – it’s an end number – but if you add the 2 on to it, it’s an 11 – which is two beginning numbers – so, they double begin and final – they have a finality which is the 27 and then they add the 2 to it to make a double beginning.


Q: Count it 11 and 11 then?


Disdoo: No – 2027


Q: Can you tell me what you know about Jesus? Was he a telepathy?


Disdoo: Yes – Jesus was a great telepath. He channelled many times – many of his parables are channelled from other aliens because their planet had undergone many things of the same nature and – so, he was aware of God, his father – and, in many ways, he was the son of God – many ways – his purity was very, very bright. But he was a channeller. He taught his people how to become prosperous without having anything – and even they were prosperous still when they had nothing. They went from home to home – they were lacking for nothing – but, yet, they were given everything they needed by the law – what is it you call that? the law of attraction – because they prayed. Prayer is so powerful – they prayed for what they needed and God interceded for them and they got everything they needed. Now, of course, some of them were martyrs - that couldn’t be helped – he could not step in and do miracles when he is not there. He was there in spirit, but, he could not interact with the physical at that time.


Q: Would you tell us about the Bilderberg group?


Disdoo: I don’t know this group – what is it?


Q: The group that runs the world.


Disdoo: Oh – MIC. We know them as a different name – they have their finger in a little bit of everything – they have…. you may think that you are safe – you are in many senses – but they know everything about you at this day and age unless you live on the plains of Siberia. They know who you are – what you do – how much money you make – where you go – if you watch pornography. They know all these things – how many calls you make a day. They have their hands and control in politics - religion – every possible thing you can imagine – and it has taken them a while to do this but, they have been in power for many years now. Is that what you meant?


Q: Yes


Disdoo: They even know how long every phone call you have made – who it was to – and what source of the information was -


Q: Is that through the Internet? or, other methods that you do not know about?


Disdoo: Other methods that you are not aware of because – like I said – they know Verizon, AT&T, Time Warner – they have operatives everywhere – and these people are doing this for the good of the world – they are convinced that this is what they should do to save the world – is to spy on everybody and make sure that everybody is within the control of MIC. They were told that – that was the propaganda – if you will – that has seized so many of their people. There are a few that have left – and if they leave, their lives are in danger


Q: Where is their propaganda coming from?


Disdoo: Everywhere their operatives are – because their operatives are the ones that are spreading them. They are in the Bible Belt – keeping them tightly aware that Jesus will come back any second and they can’t love anybody because judgment is what they have to do – but, it’s all gone through such a twisted mentality – that we see that is many – many places on your world. But, this thing is – that you are a cylinder – you cannot understand some things that are celestial – esoteric – because you are a cylinder – but, we’re breaking that cylinder with the light that is growing. Do you understand? The light will come through and telepathy will break through the cylinder – because you can’t stay there.


Q: Can you tell about your religion – your connection to God – your religious practices?


Disdoo: We do much meditation when we can – but, even our work is our religion because we are helping move people up into a greater vibration. We are working at a spirit level with humanity. We are also working in a physical – in a natural level – but, our intention started when it was spirit – so, therefore, our religion is helping you – as if, perhaps you needed help – which you do at this point – but, then you help us as well. With your prayers – with your thoughts – with your positive actions – you also encourage us to do our job better.


Q: Are you praying using words? Are you in contact with the Angels and – maybe some higher consciousness which you also know?


Disdoo: Angels choose when they want to come into your reality. It is the same with us. If they want to be in our reality, they make themselves available. They give us the message, they let us know what they want us to know.


Q: Are you using words and prayers?


Disdoo: Yes – words are very powerful. There are some words that have great vibrations. The om is a great vibration – you know why? If it’s gone long enough, you all become a part of it. You all become a part of the om. It is not separate from anyone – you all hear it the same way – you all perceive it in a peaceful way – you all love it and it becomes a higher vibration in you bringing you up – knitting you together – bringing you to a higher place. So the om is one example of one word with a high vibration – and prayers have high vibrations – the word Jesus resonates very high in the universe. Emanuelle – El – some of these words have great resonation in the universe and, therefore, connect you to even other planets and galaxies and peoples off world because they know those words to. There are some words known throughout the galaxy – like Max. Max is known throughout the galaxy at this point but, because of his writings – they have taken many of his thoughts and translated them into other languages and – but in….


Q: You mentioned El and Jesus – which you know about – are there any other Gods which are historic deities from our past which you also are dealing with and in contact with?


Disdoo: Mohammed – Buddha – Ghandi. Ghandi was actually a hybrid spirit being – no one could have that much strength in a human body. Do you realize what he went through? He was unhuman – he was not fully human – but he taught humanity what humanity should be like.


Q: Do your Gods or your higher consciousness – do we have something in common so we know their name – and you are in connection with them – and praise them?


Disdoo: Oh – yes – God would be your name – Allah is known in the universe. Yes, we pray to God and Allah and Ra -


Q: Is Ra a separate being than Allah?


Disdoo: Yes – but slightly underneath – that’s all.


Q: Are you in connection with Ra?


Disdoo: Correct


Q: Ra Material is very much correct – right?


Disdoo: Yes


Q: Many on earth are taught from Ra Material and respected very much – it’s maybe one of the step stones – another teaching is Messages by the Nine – are you in connection with the Nine? The Books of the Nine – which were channelled to the earth.


Disdoo: Ray ha boch



Q: Tekkrr?




Tekkrr: Yohoshomhoch tooka


Q: Tekkrr – welcome here


Tekkrr: Thank you – Disdoo must leave


Q: Thanks Disdoo – you were extraordinary. It was highly spiritual – high information – what was … it’s hard to describe – thank you very much.


Tekkrr: I’m sorry he had to leave quickly


Q: He did an extraordinary job.


Tekkrr: Fooqua boheha meldashendair taka shakar


Q: So, Tekkrr, welcome – Tekkrr is a Lyran – feline – humanoid – working in the colonies – and, what’s your position?


Tekkrr: There is no name for it on your planet.


Q: You are in charge of information gathering?


Tekkrr: You would call me an executive, administrative secretary with several different tasks


Q: Thank you.


Tekkrr: There is no word for my position here – but I assist Disdoo much.


Q: Do you have a message for today?


Tekkrr: Yes – Disdoo can’t talk anymore.


Q: Is that the message?


Tekkrr: Yes


Q: How long are you planning to being here? Can you talk to us?



Tekkrr: One moment. Waaya neher bohoch tyochoya hua weah. I can stay for a few minutes


Q: I think the best thing that you could do – can you give us a blessing in your language and translate it? I think it is so incredible.. or a prayer?


Tekkrr: Mohach yashanda rotoho hotekeshunma dondoyondoho randemyaer koshonhoh. You are of the most high power. You stretch beyond my imagination. I cannot retrieve your thoughts. Bless you in praise and infinity.


Q: Amen – thank you much. Can you give us the numbers from the colonies and use that date?


Tekkrr: I cannot stay.


Q: That’s ok – thank you very much I appreciate your visit.


Lakesh: I’m here.


Q: Hey, Lahesk old friend! Nice to have you around.


Lakesh: They used up all my time.


Q: Yes – but you still can give us a spiritual message – or whatever you like – welcome here.


Lakesh: I just wanted to say greetings. Greetings to everyone. I just …


Q: Do you have a second to read your poetry? Your poems are very nice.


Lakesh: Oh – thank you. He’s a strange one. He likes my poetry – nobody else does. I’m serious, on my planet they are like eee???? day job – I took that from something I saw on your internet


Q: Can you tell us a bit about your planet?


Lakesh: Yes – I’m a blue – I think I’ve done this before. I’m about five foot two and, I’m blue – I have one big toe and three little toes and one thumb and three little fingers. I’m sort of bulbous looking – sort of like a gingerbread man. But I like that look. Really, really, my women are all….


Q: (lots of laughter) Lucky you!



Lakesh: Yes – but what was it? You made me think something else…ok – and I glide. In my society, I am a glider – some choose to walk – some choose to run – or sit – but I am permitted to glide. That is a privilege that I have gained. I’m allowed to speak to Earth and that is a privilege that I gained – our planet is a planet of – we move up from level to level of learning. That’s how we move as a planet. There’s a belt around the middle of our planet – there’s four of them – that actually keeps the planet moving and all the different things and place in our cultures – and once we’ve finished our level of that, – say, we wanted to be a nano biologist, or, a quark specialist – we then have to spend 100 days helping the planet live. And this gives us time to re-evaluate what our next job will be – and, give us appreciation for the fact that we don’t have to work every day – we just have to work that 100 days after we achieve a level. And then we can think about what we want to do for the next level.


So, it’s really quite a wonderful thing – and then when you achieve a level, we have celebrations. There’s always celebrations on our planet. Always – it’s a wonderful thing – we have … when a child is born, there is a celebration – when someone achieves a level, there is a celebration – when they have a??? day, that would be their birthday – then we have a celebration. When their auric level is at seven, and we have a celebration. An auric level is your vibrational level by the way. Whenever they attain certain things, certain levels, we have celebrations – and – it’s a wonderful place to be. And that’s why we are so interested in Earth, is - you have some wonderful things that happen here. Very wonderful – we like your celebrations – we like your intensity of emotion – we like that your thought processes are muddled. I love that because they are not something that you can just say – I know they’re going to do this today because I don’t know that. There are a few of you that are creatures of habit – but still, you go outside??? now and then – right? I mean I was watching this one human and every day for 26 days, they did exactly the same thing – on the 27th day, they did something totally different – I was totally going why? – why? - why did you do something totally different when you did the very same way for all that time? I don’t know. See, that’s why you are interesting. I like that. So, then I find out later why – but, I found out why – you know -


Q: Do you experience emotion?


Lakesh: Yes, but not in the intensity that you do. Your emotional intensity is probably three times greater – and that’s why I try to experience everything through the body – when I’m in the body – there are things they won’t let me experience – but, I’ll get there some day. I will – I’m determined.


Q: How do you reproduce?


Lakesh: We reproduce very similarly to the way you reproduce except – without noise.


Q: (lots of laughter) What noise?


Lakesh: Well, there is noise, but it’s not like what humans I thought some of you were dying – I was ready to resuscitate – no – I’m not allowed to do that.


Q: If I were to describe an alien – this is a different one?


Lakesh: Than what?


Q: From before.


Lakesh: Oh, I wasn’t here for that.


Q: That’s right. Would you be able to tell me what species it is?


Lakesh: If you describe it well enough.


Q: I would say – maybe – this tall – like this big – arms, legs – short – am I describing it right Sharon? (Sharon? just about)


Lakesh: Was it a grey color? There is a species of greys that would fit into that description. They are very short – sort of bulbous…


Q: Yup.


Lakesh: Yes – and they’re not often seen on your world – not often – but, they do exist – and, if you saw one of those, that’s a rare – that’s very rare.


Q: Was it in the summer time?


Lakesh: Can I ask where this species was when you saw them?


Q: They actually came to our group in – Sharon’s apartment – yeah


Lakesh: You all saw them?


Q: No.


Lakesh: In your heads?


Q: Yes.


Lakesh: Ah – they projected themselves


Q: I saw them with my eyes – in my mind’s eye – could see them…


Lakesh: So, they projected themselves in your brain?


Q: They came with the tall one also -


Lakesh: They came with a tall one? That was a disguised Pleiadian – because they travel with Pleiadians – definitely.


Q: So – it’s???


Lakesh: Yes – they do travel with Pleiadians – I know that for a fact -


Q: Are they good or bad?


Lakesh: Neutral – they would probably be what you consider good because even though they don’t do anything to really help humanity, they’ll help certain people do things – and, if they came to your group, they must have thought it was interesting – what you were discussing – or, what you were feeling – or what you were entitling at that moment – and they do travel with Pleiadian – were they there at the same time – correct?


Q: Yes


Lakesh – Yes – they do travel together.


Q: What about the ones that look like huge grasshoppers?


Lakesh: Oh – the antoids – perhaps


Q: And what planet are they from?


Lakesh: Yes – they look like big ants – or, praying mantises – sort of. They could be one of two different races – but – the other race doesn’t come around Earth – so I would think that they are those.


Q: Can they translate into our language the same way you do? Those praying mantis types, they be communicating with us like the way you are right now?


Lakesh: No. They have technology just like we do – that interprets your language – but, they don’t speak to Earthlings – they only listen.



Q: Are they the founders???


Lakesh: No.


Q: Do we look strange to you?


Lakes: You’re funny. But you know, I like that about you too. So, it’s like – oh, I can see other species in your faces – some of you. You know what I mean? I can see that some of you are possibly hybrids – or, at least there is a chance that you are – - I can point you out if you want – but -


Q: Yes – could you?


Lakesh: Kim is a hybrid – she knows that – and Arian – that’s a whole story right there – Arian is actually a human alien – so, we’ll pass that by – and Mary has a little bit in - and you have quite a Pleiadian in you. Oh, my magic wand is not working.


Q: I’m always in trouble – no problem.


Lakesh: Yes – you are definitely hybrid. And you are as well.


Q: Hybrid with what?


Lakesh: You know – this gentleman might have some hybrid in him as well.


Q: That’s from my mother’s side.


Lakesh: I see – I knew – Lakesh knows. But anyway – and there might be some hybrid that I didn’t pick up


Q: But – you are talking about ancient historical ….


Lakesh: I pass you by because I don’t even want to talk about it – but anyway


Q: I just wanted to comment that – you know – you are not the child of your parents


Lakesh: Right


Q: But, historically through generation –???


Lakesh: Right – historically through time there was some – something –???



Q: Does that have anything to do with… I’m a twin – is that a???


Lakesh: Well, you’re not really telepathically connected – so – some twins are very telepathically connected. In your case,??? but you have more of the alien blood that your other half – yes – I understand that now – ok – talk to me later – I wish – yeah -


Q: It’s a great question to ask – if anybody is brave enough – if you are having children up there? – hybrid children up there?


Lakesh: There are only – in the past there were quite a few – right now there’s not as many hybrid children - and there is a reason for that and I cannot go into – but ah – it’s a safety precaution – there was a hybrid problem about 20 years ago – and something happened that was unpleasant.


Q: What species has the most highest knowledge about the future and about God?


Lakesh: Well, that’s a hard question because I don’t know all of the species that well – but, I can tell you that as a society, we embrace God every day – every moment – we try as much as possible, of course that’s impossible – but, we like to consider ourselves a very spiritual society. We know that the Pleiadians, the Lyrians, Yahyel – are all very spiritual – El – the Sirius people – I could go on – but, as far as the most – that would be very difficult to say -


Q: Who has the clearest vision of our future?


Lakesh: Well, considering the fact that they are not allowed to move into the future more than a few days, I’d say not very many – because it’s very dangerous to move quickly into the future – and, it’s very dangerous to move quickly into the past. You are only limited to a few days at the most because it’s a whole discussion about how time works and how reality intermingles with linear time, circular time, chaotic time and folded space – which is actually a form of time change as well, I call it folded time, but it’s actually folded space – and it changes. If you bring this part of space over here, then you change time – so, it is folded time.


Q: How does that work in the time travel?


Lakesh: We use the folded – it’s much easier – it does not damage space, it does not damage anything in the galaxy – so, to fold it and have it go back is fine – chaotic time, you will find in black holes – or something of that black matter – black holes and it’s very…you would be disassembled immediately in contact with it. You don’t want to get anywhere near that – and, circular time is – it’s a loop – but, some species learned how to use that loop and move in time that way – but, other species that got caught in it, continue to go and have the same day – over and over again – like some – it’s not a good thing – but, as you don’t realize it – it’s like your deja vu – deja vu -


Q: Is it Einstein’s Theory of Relativity?


Lakesh: It encompases that – yes. His Theory of Relativity was far beyond his time – however, he got a few things wrong – but – hey, for a man at that era to be projecting out there, you know he had to have a little hybrid in himself.


Q: Is there a way that you can project yourself – or an image telepathically to us?


Lakesh: If it’s permitted – yes. If you could actually see inside Jim, there is actually an image of me there – because, when I come, I’m not like Disdoo, or, any of the other ones that come in – I actually project myself into him – I’m the only one that does that. But, we are a little more advanced for that – because I’m on a planet I can project myself all the way here. They can’t do it from their planet. So, I’m sort of special that way.


Q: Do you use their help – their technology to translate your signal to here? Are you using their ship as a???


Lakesh: No – I don’t use them – I am not connected. If I were to use them – that would be considered part of an alliance with them and I’m not in alliance with them at all.


Q: But they are in the power to prohibit you entering whether you wish to – right?


Lakesh: Yes – they do – have some jurisdiction over Earth since they’re helping it and I am really not. So, law would state that they have the upper hand that way because they’re actually helping you – whereas we’re just communicating – we’re not helping you. If I come there and if they let me come here and I do this, they can stop my communication at a blink of an eye if they choose to because this is their jurisdiction – if a storm is coming, if they need to do something with the nature – or, Earth – or, whatever it is, the seismic things, or the tilt of the axis – they can say “out” and I have to go – because they have the safety parameters


Q: What is the name of that law? Is it some universal law?


Lakesh: No – it’s a Disdoo law. But, it’s??? near – but Disdoo is the one who put it in place


Q: Are you familiar with The Nine? The channelling of The Nine? The Nine?


Lakesh: No.


Q: Ancient Gods?


Lakesh: Oh, I think they are probably called something else. I probably know them by something else. Every time somebody asks me something like that, – I usually go back and they call it something else on Earth than we call it – so, like the very first channelling session that I did, the law of attraction – we never heard of that and we call it something else.


Q: What do you call it?


Lakesh: We heard of it, but I didn’t know the???


Q: Synchronicity or something?


Lakesh: It was – attraction – what did we call it? I just blanked out.


Q: Are you familiar with the Ra Material? Ra Material - after the Ra God?


Lakesh: Well – yes – ok. Not the sun??? – yes.


Q: Is it also your God?


Lakesh: There is connections – yes.


Q: Are you familiar with Abraham Hicks as a channel?


Lakesh: I see all different kinds of channellers everywhere – I don’t learn all their names - but I do like to watch whenever they are channelling – because I get an idea of what kind of energy each alien has when they’re doing that and what kind of energy has to be in the human to do that as well – and it’s a very interesting study because some aliens cannot go into some people – whereas – I think Max picks up on this – the spirit world is a totally different frequency than the alien world – so, aliens and spirits in the same channel usually is very hard.


Q: That was my question – is – I was wondering is the Abraham group – or group of entities – whatever they are – would they be more of spiritual beings – or would they be from a planet?


Lakesh: I think they are planetary.


Q: What planet? Would you know?


Q: Are you sure?


Lakesh: What’s the name of their?


Q: Abraham Hicks – they call themselves Abraham.


Lakesh: Ok – those are spirit people.


Q: So, you mentioned that the spirit world and physical world – as I understand, we are now in third dimension and our spirits – when they die – go to the seventh dimension – and then come back – somehow – into a new dimension? And, I was asked by somebody else – are there aliens also going from fourth dimension to seventh?


Lakesh: Yes.


Q: Are they in the same space in the seventh dimension?


Lakesh: Yes – we all use the same dimensions – well, we all use the same seven dimensions – but we all have different linear dimensions that they are from that – do you understand? It’s quite like Disdoo works in ten dimensions – ten different linear time dimensions -


Q: Timelines.


Lakesh: Yeah – timelines. But we still all use the same basic dimensions.


Q: So, in the seventh dimension, our human dead – discarnate souls – and say – alien discarnate souls – are they living together? or, are they separate in different clusters? Are they talking to each other?


Lakesh: They are in their own realms of communication. They can if they choose to – but many times, most would just choose to go to their own place to decide if they are going to come back to their place – or, there are times when they decide to go back to someplace else – and that has happened to but they go first to their place, and then they can decide whether they want to go somewhere else or not because they are in the spirit realm and those spirit realms can connect – but, they are divided but you can still get to them. I mean, they are not divided by permanent walls or anything of that nature – they are divided by intention.


Q: Are you in communication normally – can you communicate, at will, to your discarnate spirits? Like your parents or something?


Lakesh: Not at will. We, like you, can meditate and get in contact with the spirit world. We are a little better at it than you are – but, we still have to use our meditations – because to get to the spirit world, is a very special way to communicate – and you can’t just travel there – you can’t just go there – you have to be in the right frame of mind – you have to be in the right vibrational space – and you have to know what your intentions are in that whole thing because if there is not a good intention for it, you won’t get there. Coming back to intentions – intentions are a very big part of that – because you can’t get to a spiritual level unless you have intentions and there is a purpose and it’s going to enlighten you – or bring you up or do something positive. You can’t just go there it’s not allowed.



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