federal state funded educational institution of higher education
«Irkutsk State University»
Institute of Philology, Foreign Languages and Media Communication
Faculty of Foreign languages
Department of Oriental and Asia-Pacific Regional Studies
8, Lenin St., Irkutsk, Russia, 664025
Call for papers
Department of East Asian and Asia-Pacific Regional Studies of the Faculty of Foreign languages of Institute of Philology, Foreign Languages and Media Communication of Irkutsk State University hosts an international research-to-practice conference
on September 20-23, 2020.
The conference aims at the development of the academic heritage of the outstanding domestic Sinologue Oleg Markovich Gotlib (10/20/1951 — 6/8/2016) by the exchange of scientific achievements and research experience in the modern context of a problem statement and the means of its solution in the sphere of fundamental and current aspects of Oriental and Asia-Pacific regional studies.
The main work areas of this conference:
1. Theory, methodology, and practice of Oriental and Asia-Pacific Regional Studies.
2. Development potential of area, country, and regional studies, regionology.
3. History, geography, culture, philosophy, political science, sociology, ethnology, economics, law of Asia-Pacific countries.
4. Burning challenges of linguistics of Asia-Pacific countries.
5. Modern challenges of linguodidactics and methods of language teaching of Asia-Pacific countries.
6. Migration processes in the Asia-Pacific region: history and the current state.
7. The historical experience of Baikal development. The formation of national conglomerate.
The working languages of the conference are Russian, English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and French.
Form of meeting: face-to-face / remote with the publication in the Collection of articles after the conference.
Bibliographic entry of the collected articles will be published in the scientific electronic library: (Russian science citation index of the web of science).
The international research-to-practice conference “The IVth Gotlib’s Readings” is held on September 20-23, 2020 in Institute of Philology, Foreign Languages and Media Communication: 8, Lenin St., Irkutsk, Russia.
The Head of the Organizing Committee:
M. B. Tashlykova, Candidate of Philology, associate professor, director of Institute of Philology, Foreign Languages and Media Communication;
The Head of the Programming Committee:
E.F. Serebrennikova, Doctor of Philology, professor, professor of Romano-German Philology Department
The members of the Organizing and Programming Committee:
O.V. Kuznetsova, Candidate of Philology, dean of the Faculty of Foreign languages;
E.V. Kremnyov, Candidate of Sociology, head of Department of East Asian and Asia-Pacific Regional Studies.
A.D. Kalikhman, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor;
T.P. Kalikhman, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor;
O.Yu.Verbitskaya, Candidate of Philology;
Ye Hui (Jiangxi University Of Finance And Economics, China);
E.V. Lesnikovskaya, Candidate of Sociology;
E.V. Lee, Candidate of Philology;
S.B. Makeeva, Candidate of History;
S.V. Stefanovskaya, Candidate of Philology;
I.V. Shalina, Candidate of History;
T.E. Shishmareva, Candidate of Philology.
Deadline for the submitting materials and applications: March 20, 2020.
Please submit to the organizing Committee
1) Your application (Appendix 1).
2) Your abstract (article) (Appendix 2).
Send two attachments: Application (Last name_name_Application.doc), an article for publication (Last name_name_Article.doc). You indicate in the panels "Conference_Your Last name”. Make sure your materials are received. The Organizing Committee will inform you about it within 5 (five) working days. If you do not receive the confirmation, please send the application form, the article, and the license agreement to the Organizing Committee again.
The Organizing Committee retains the right to reject submitted materials which fail to meet the content and technical requirements. Confirmed participants are expected to pay the arranging fee and e-mail the Organizing Committee a scan of payment within 5 (five) working days. Without confirmation of payment the article will not be published. The Organizing Committee undertakes to confirm the payment within 5 (five) working days. If there is no payment confirmation, please send a scan of payment to the Organizing Committee again.
The arranging fee for the participants of the Conference including publication and postal expenses of the collected articles and certification of the participant by Russian Post makes 900 rubles (for participants from Russia) and 1100 rubles (for participants from CIS, Near and Far Abroad). Payment options will be sent to the Conference participant after the article is accepted by the Programing Committee.
The collection of scientific articles will be published in September 2020. The authors will be sent one free copy of the collected articles and one certificate of the participant. The price of an additional collection is 350 rubles (do not forget to mark down the need for an additional collection!).
Submission requirements
· The size of the article is limited to 4-10 pages of typescript text.
· It should be Times New Roman 14, 1-line spacing, all margins – 2 cm, paragraph indent – 1,25 cm. Display by semibold, bold, italics.
· Place the Universal Decimal classification, the full name of the author, city (in brackets), university name on the first page above the title of the article. The title of the article is center aligned and emphasized in capital letters; if there is a subtitle – lower-case.
· For characters you use only one font throughout the text. Recommended fonts for characters are SimSun, Batang, Mincho, MS Mincho, MS PMincho.
· Abstract is to be at least 500 symbols.
· The keywords are not more than 10.
· The full name of the author, the title of the article, abstract, keywords are also given in English. The font size of the abstract and keywords is the same as in the main text.
· References are put inside square brackets, for example, [Иванов, 2008, с. 41], [Петрова, 2006, с. 120–122];
· Hyphenation, page break, irrelevant spaces and intervals are not allowed.
The sample is enclosed (Appendix 2).
The Organizing Committee’s contacts:
The moderators:
S.V. Stefanovskaya
I.N. Solsoyev
Appendix 1
Application form for the participants
Full name of the participant | |
Full name of the co-author (if you have) | |
Institution, department, position (Undergraduate students, postgraduates put down the supervisor’s full name, academic degree, academic title, position.) | |
Academic degree, academic title(if you have) | |
Mailing address and postcode | |
Contact phone number | |
Focus area of the conference | |
Title of the article | |
Form of meeting: face-to-face / remote with the publication in the Collection of articles after the conference | |
Do you need an additional collection? (yes / not) | |
Do you need a room in a hotel? (yes / not)The accommodation variants will be sent after the application forms are recieved |
Appendix 2
УДК 81