How to write the scientific research

10 pages, А4.

Times New Roman, the size of letters – 14, interval - single.

The page parameters: book orientation, fields: 2cm everywhere, numeration starts from the 2nd page.

1 page. Example

Ryazan State Medical University


The department of polyclinic therapy and prevention medicine


Occupational practical

The scientific research


Topic: __________________________________


Done by

student ________________


Course _____ group______


Checked by: _____________


Ryazan, 2019



2 page.


You write about the topicality (importance) of the problem that you study, including its scope (prevalence, incidence etc.), mediated effects (social, economic), and define solved and unsolved aspects of the problem with analysis of published data (articles, statistics data).

Example: you should write about the importance of your topic (the importance of analysis), not only about the importance of the disease you study.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 page (another sheet of paper)

The aim of the study.

You write the main purpose of the study, the research objective that you need to solve. 1-3 sentences. The purpose of the study usually corresponds to the topic.

The study tasks: (3-4 tasks). You divide the main purpose into several small parts.

Example: the purpose – to analyze the vaccination prescribed by the doctor during last year. Tasks: 1. To analyze vaccination against tetanus and diphtheria, 2. To analyze vaccination against flu etc.


4 page.

Materials and methods.

Short information about the hospital (address, amount and characteristics of population treated, amount of doctor’s districts, amount of specialists and so on). Information about the therapeutic district: (total population, location, population mix according to age, gender, social characteristics). You write what you have done yourself, what documents you have used in your work (ambulatory cards, doctor reports, etc.).

Then you describe the patient’s groups you formed (if needed), their characteristics (age, gender, social status etc.), criteria you used to divide patients into several groups (if needed).


5 – 8 pages.

Results of the study and discussion.

You give the detailed description of the patient’s group. For patients it should be the distribution according to diagnosis, characteristics of the disease (for example, functional class, stage etc.), methods of diagnostics used, treatment. If you analyze some report, you give the data from that reports. The information should be given not only in text, but also in tables and graphics. After every table / graphic you comment/discuss the results, compare it with normal ranges, with guidelines, statistics reports, the results of previous years etc.. You guess (if possible) what is the cause of the difference. You write the number and title above every table and graphics.



9 page (a separate page)


You represent it as several numbered sentences.

The amount of sentences corresponds to the number of tasks: it is the result of solving the task. You totalize the results of the study.

For example: the task is “To find who the patient’s treatment corresponds to the guidelines”. The conclusion is: “The treatment corresponds to the guidelines in whole but there are some deviations: the drug combination is prescribed only in 45% patients, thiazides are prescribed as the third drug only in 70% patients”.

You are not allowed to write your recommendations how to improve the doctor’s work.


10 page.


Including the internet. It is guidelines, orders of the Ministry of Health, articles from journals, etc. NOT including medical records and doctor’s reports (they are mentioned in Material and Methods chapter).

The list of references should be written according to general rules (look how it is done in scientific journals).

When you mention the information from references in your work (for example, you write that according to the guidelines the patient should be treated like that…. OR according the Order #345 every patient should be vaccinated against tetanus once in 10 years), you write the sequence number of that reference (like that: [4])




The documents the student should bring on zachet:


1. The diary (signed by the doctor at the end of every day, stamp at the end of every day in polyclinics).

2. Individual task signed and stamped by the head of practice from polyclinics.

3. The joint plan-schedule signed and stamped by the head of practice from polyclinics.

4. The characteristics from the polyclinics signed and stamped by the head of practice from polyclinics.

4. The scientific research.

5. For those who have practice at home: The letter of referral (Направление) signed by the head of the hospital with the stamp (the same stamp that the one used for contract, the most official stamp of the hospital).

For those who stay in Ryazan: the head of practice from polyclinics is not the doctor you work with! It is the person who met you at the first day of practice and told you to what doctor to go.

Stamp of the hospital (if possible) If you stay in Ryazan, the document is in Russian


Студент ___________________ группы ___ курса ______,


факультета ____________ФГБОУ ВО РязГМУ Минздрава России


Вид практики: Производственная практика

тип: клиническая практика

(помощник врача амбулаторно-поликлинического учреждения)

тип: научно-исследовательская работа

на базе _________________________________________________________________________________

(указать место прохождения практики)

с _________________________ по __________________________

За время прохождения практики зарекомендовал себя



Указывается объем выполненной работы, уровень теоретической подготовки и умение применять на практике полученные знания, степень освоения практических навыков, овладение материалом, предусмотренным программой, выполнение основ деон­тологии, дисциплинированность, инициативность.


Поведение в коллективе, отношение к пациентам, сотрудникам



Дополнительные сведения (соответствие внешнего вида, трудовая дисциплина)


За период прохождения практики студентом освоены и сформированы компетенции, согласно рабочей программе практики.


М.П. Непосредственный руководитель от базы практики:_____________________

круглая печать (должность, Ф.И.О., подпись)




Student ___________________ group ___ course ______,


faculty ____________Ryazan State Medical University

performed Occupational clinical practical: assistant of the out-patient doctor and occupational practical: Scientific research

in hospital________________


During practice he proved himself to be_________________________

You write about the volume of work performed, the level of theoretical knowledge and possibility to use it in practice, the level of practical skills, acquirement of the program, performing deontology rules, discipline, and initiative.

His behavior in collective, attitude to colleagues and patients

Additional information (external maintenance, working discipline).

During the practice the student mastered and formed the competences according to the working program of the practical (the mandatory sentence).


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