Пример клише для анализа литературного текста

Требования к написанию анализа текста

1. Каждый студент создает личный документ в папке “Analysis of the texts”. Требуется создать документ и назвать его своим именем и фамилией на кириллице,например, “Иван Иванов”.

2. Анализы текстов могут быть представлены строго по текстам текстам, которые были предоставлены преподавателем. Все тексты можно найти в папке “00 Extracts For Analysis”

3. На первой странице Вашего личного документа должны быть представлены клише для интерпретации текста составленные в соответствии с планом анализа текста (см. ниже стр 1). Все тексты должны быть написаны в соответствии с Вашими л ично составленными клише. Пример клише представлен на стр. 2 данного документа. Список клише для реферирования на стр 3-5.

4. На последующих страницах Вашего личного документа будут представлены 3 анализа текста, по текстам из папки “00 Extracts For Analysis” и соответственно из папок “#1”, “#2” и “#3”. Вы выбираете по одному тексту из каждой папки. Все анализы проходят проверку в системе антиплагиат. Интернет может быть использован только в качестве источника идей для написания анализа текста.

План анализа литературного текста

1. Speak of the author in brief.

- the facts of his/her biography relevant for his/her creative activities

- the epoch (social and historical background)

- the literary trend he/she belongs to

- the main literary pieces (works)

2. Give a summary of the extract or story under consideration

The gist, the content of the story in a nutshell. The composition of the story. Divide the text logically into complete parts and entitle them. If possible choose the key-sentence (the topic sentence) in each part that reveals its essence. The compositional pattern of a complete story (chapter, episode) may be as follows:

- the exposition (introduction)

- the development of the plot (an account of events)

- the climax (the culminating point)

- the denouement (the outcome of the story)

3. State the problem raised (tackled) by the author.

4. Formulate the main idea conveyed by the author

The main line of the thought, the author's message.

5. Give a general definition of the text under study.

- a 3rd person narrative

- a 1st person narrative

- narration interlaced with descriptive passages and dialogues of the personages

- narration broken by digressions (philosophical, psychological, lyrical, etc.)

- an account of events interwoven with a humorous (ironical, satirical) portrayal of society, or the personage

6. Define the prevailing mood (tone, slant) of the extract.

It may be lyrical, dramatic, tragic, optimistic / pessimistic, melodramatic, sentimental, unemotional / emotional, pathetic, dry and matter-of-fact, gloomy, bitter, sarcastic, cheerful, etc.

7. Give a detailed analysis of each logically complete part.

Follow the formula-matter form. It implies that firstly you should dwell upon the content of the part and secondly comment upon the language means (Expressional Means and Stylistic Devices) employed by the author to achieve desired effect, to render his thoughts and feelings.

8.Sum up your own observations and draw conclusions.

Point out the author's language means which make up the essential properties of his individual style.

Пример клише для анализа литературного текста

1. The extract under analysis is written by _______ an American/ a British author, known internationally for his unique works and taken from one of his famous novels/short-stories “…”. + Information about the author, epoch, literary trends he belongs to, main pieces

The text vividly represents author’s typical features as a sharp observer of life, a subtle [ˈsʌtl] psychologist with a great gift of penetrating into the minds of his characters at crucial moments of their lives, a skillful writer. The story describes a (couple of words)

2. The Title of the story gives us a hint on the problem, the idea and the theme of the abstract/ of the book…

3. The story takes place in:

● Time

● Place

4. The general atmosphere of the text is tense/relaxed/…

5. The theme of the text/extract is

The problem of the text/extract is

The idea of the text/extract is

6. The genre of the story is novel/short-story.

This text represents the functional style of fiction.

It can be divided into 3 logical parts, so the plot structure concludes all parts: the exposition, the story itself and the outcome:

1) The 1st part depicts….

2) The 2nd part explains…

3) The 3d part of the extract describes…

7. The main character of the story is…. The minor characters of the story are….

8. The story is the first/third person narration.

The form of narration is mainly represented in direct/indirect speech

However, in the exposition/the story itself /the outcome we may find some Dialogues, which are marked with inverted commas.

The author used them to stress the changes of emotional atmosphere of the text. In the beginning the atmosphere is full of doom and fear, in the middle it is tense and in the end is an atmosphere of freedom, enjoyment and satisfaction

9. In general, there are simple sentences in the text, but we can also find composite. Most of them joined together by asyndetic coordination to create the certain effect of speeding up/boredom/relaxation…of a passage and making a single idea of….more memorable.

To achieve desired effect in describing characters and environment the author uses different stylistic devices

10. The author touches upon very important secondary-themes, such as:(Psychological types of people, Cheating, Discrimination of women)

The author reveals the realities of the disintegration of the manners and morals of society, where bright surfaces conceal tensions, disorders, anxieties and frustrations of life.

11. To make a conclusion I should say that I enjoyed the text written by…

It is not easy to read, but it is very interesting and impressed me very much, mostly because of theme of the extract.

Every life in my opinion has it crucial and critical moments, and these moments determine the future of the person. I’m not talking about the career only, I mean everything has its ups and downs thus if we want to succeed in life the key is to learn how to temper the character in bad situations, to view hardships as test opportunities to improve the character. Life is not always sweet and not always bitter, but if we add some sweetness in our bitter life, it will be balanced.



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