write(' unsatisfactory')

Case x of

5: write('excellent');

4: write(' good');


Else write(' unsatisfactory')


Case x of

5: write('excellent');

4: write(' good');

3: write('satisfactory');

write(' unsatisfactory')


<-> both -s are written correctly

<-> none of the -s are written correctly

<-> the first - is not written correctly

<-> the second - is written correctly

<-> there is no correct answer



<question> Keywords are


<-> English words that indicate the need for the compiler to perform certain actions;

<-> these are program units for placing program fragments;

<-> object fields;

<-> retrieves a specially prepared program that contains information and subprograms for processing;

<-> is an indivisible small part of a program that has a specific meaning for the compiler.



<question> Identificators...


<-> are the words in which the programmer can denote any element of the program except the keywords;

<-> are special language structures, the compiler uses them as models to create program elements such as variables, constants, functions;

<-> define a portion of memory that does not change its value during program execution;

<-> the names of the program operators;

<-> are fragments of a specially designed program.


<question> Types...


<-> are special language structures, the compiler uses them as models to create program elements such as variables, constants, functions;

<-> are the words in which the programmer can denote any element of the program except the keywords;

<-> define a portion of memory that does not change its value during program execution;

<-> are the name of the program operators;

<-> are fragments of a specially designed program.


<question> Constants...


<-> define a portion of memory that does not change its value during program execution;

<-> are the words in which the programmer can denote any element of the program except the keywords;

<-> are special language structures, the compiler uses them as models to create program elements such as variables, constants, functions;

<-> are the names of the program operators;

<-> are fragments of a specially designed program.



<question> Signs...


<-> are the names of the program operators;

<-> are the words in which the programmer can denote any element of the program except the keywords;

<-> are special language structures, the compiler uses them as models to create program elements such as variables, constants, functions;

<-> define a portion of memory that does not change its value during program execution;

<-> are fragments of a specially designed program.



<question> Subprograms…


<-> are fragments of a specially designed program.

<-> are the words in which the programmer can denote any element of the program except the keywords;

<-> are special language structures, the compiler uses them as models to create program elements such as variables, constants, functions;

<-> define a portion of memory that does not change its value during program execution;

<-> are the names of the program operators;


<question> Components…


<-> are built-in elements that are built into a running program;

<-> are the words in which the programmer can denote any element of the program except the keywords;

<-> бағдарламаның орындалу барысында әр түрлі мәндерді қабылдай алатын шамалар;

<-> define a portion of memory that does not change its value during program execution;

<-> are methods of data storage and processing in a computer system.



<question> Variables…


<-> are the measures that can take different values when the program is executed;

<-> are the words in which the programmer can denote any element of the program except the keywords;

<-> define a portion of memory that does not change its value during program execution;

<-> are built-in elements that are built into a running program;

<-> are methods of data storage and processing in a computer system.



<question> Data types…


<-> are methods of data storage and processing in a computer system.

<-> are the words in which the programmer can denote any element of the program except the keywords;

<-> are the measures that can take different values when the program is executed;

<-> define a portion of memory that does not change its value during program execution;

<-> are built-in elements that are built into a running program;



<question> How to write a short integer data type


<-> Byte;

<-> Real;

<-> Integer;

<-> Boolean;

<-> Longint.



<question> How to write a real number of data:

<-> Real;

<-> Byte;

<-> Integer;

<-> Boolean;

<-> Longint.



<question> How to write an integer data type:


<-> Integer;

<-> Real;

<-> Byte;

<-> Boolean;

<-> Longint.



<question> How to write a long integer data type:


<-> Longint.

<-> Real;

<-> Byte;

<-> Integer;

<-> Boolean;


<question> How to write logical data type:


<-> Boolean;

<-> Real;

<-> Byte;

<-> Integer;

<-> Longint.


<question> What is the name of an excerpt of a specially prepared program that includes data and a subprogram for processing:


<-> object;

<-> program elements;

<-> modules;

<-> data;

<-> keywords.



<question> What are the object fields called

<-> data;

<-> program elements;

<-> modules;

<-> object;

<-> keywords.



<question> How to name software units for posting program snippets:

<-> modules;

<-> program elements;

<-> object;

<-> data;

<-> keywords.



<question> Specify the indivisible small part of the program that has certain value for the compiler:


<-> program elements;

<-> modules;

<-> object;

<-> data;

<-> keywords.



<question> What are the English words that indicate the need for the compiler to perform certain actions:


<-> keywords.

<-> program elements;

<-> modules;

<-> object;

<-> data;


<question> What are the words in which the programmer can denote any element of the program except the keywords:


<-> identificators.

<-> constants;

<-> signs;

<-> subprograms;

<-> types;


<question> How to name special language structures, that are used by compiler as models to create program elements such as variables, constants, functions:


<-> types;

<-> constants;

<-> signs;

<-> subprograms;

<-> identificators.



<question> How to name the symbols which define a portion of memory that does not change its value during program execution


<-> constants;

<-> signs;

<-> subprograms;

<-> types;

<-> identificators.



<question> What are called the names of the program operators


<-> signs;

<-> constants;

<-> subprograms;

<-> types;

<-> identificators.



<question> How to name the fragments of a specially designed program:

<-> subprograms;

<-> constants;

<-> signs;

<-> types;

<-> identificators.



<question> How to name the built-in elements that are built into a running program:

<-> components;

<-> constants;

<-> signs;

<-> data types;

<-> variables.



<question> What are called the measures that can take different values when the program is executed:


<-> variables.

<-> constants;

<-> signs;

<-> components;

<-> data types;


<question> What are called the methods of data storage and processing in a computer system


<-> data types;

<-> constants;

<-> signs;

<-> components;

<-> variables.



<question> How does the function of a string expression IntToStr(Value:Integer):String work:


<-> converts the value of an integer expression into a string;

<-> converts the string S to integer;

<-> converts date to string S;

<-> converts a value of a real type expressionto a string;

<-> converts the string S to real number.



<question> How does the function of a string expression FloatToStr (Value:Extended): String work:


<-> converts a value of a real type expression to a string;

<-> converts the string S to integer;

<-> converts date to string S;

<-> converts the value of an integer expression into a string;

<-> converts the string S to real number.



<question> How does the function of a string expression StrToFloat (const S: string): Extended work:


<-> converts the string S to real number.

<-> converts the string S to integer;

<-> converts date to string S;

<-> converts the value of an integer expression into a string;

<-> converts a value of a real type expression to a string;


<question> How does the function of a string expression DateToStr (Date: TDateTime): String work:

<-> converts date to string S;

<-> converts the string S to integer;

<-> converts the value of an integer expression into a string;

<-> converts a value of a real type expression to a string;

<-> converts the string S to real number.



<question> How does the function of a string expression TimeToStr (Time:TdateTime): String work:

<-> converts the value of Time expression into a string;

<-> converts the string S to date and time;

<-> converts date to string S;

<-> converts the string S to time;

<-> converts the string S to date;



<question> How does the function of a string expression StrToDateTime (const S: string): TDateTime work

<-> converts the string S to date and time;

<-> converts date to string S;

<-> converts the string S to time;

<-> converts the string S to date;

<-> converts the value of Time expression into a string.



<question> How does the function of a string expression StrToDate (const S: string): TDateTime work:

<-> converts the string S to date;

<-> converts the string S to date and time;

<-> converts date to string S;

<-> converts the string S to time;

<-> converts the value of Time expression into a string.



<question> How does the function of a string expression StrToTime (const S: string): TDateTime work:

<-> converts the string S to time;

<-> converts the string S to date and time;

<-> converts date to string S;

<-> converts the string S to date;

<-> converts the value of Time expression into a string.



<question> What groups are operators divided into:

<-> simple and structured;

<-> simple and composite;

<-> compound and complex;

<-> complex and simple;

<-> one-dimensional and two-dimensional.


<question> Which operators are the simplest ones:

<-> assignment, transition, empty;

<-> transition, movement;

<-> movement, transition, assignment;

<-> empty, full, mixed;

<-> assignment, full, transition.



<question> Which operators are structured ones:

<-> compound, conditional, selection, loop;

<-> compound, transition, loop, search;

<-> assignment, transition, empty, loop;

<-> conditional, transition, assignment;

<-> assignment, full, transition, selection.



<question> Compound operator...

<-> is a group of operators that are separated by semicolons and restricted to operator parentheses (begin and end).

<-> provides execution or non-execution of an operator that satisfies a condition;

<-> is a small program that is designed to solve a part of a common problem;

<-> allows to select from several actions;

<-> does not perform any action;



<question> Conditional operator...


<-> provides execution or non-execution of an operator that satisfies a condition;

<-> is a small program that is designed to solve a part of a common problem;

<-> allows to select from several actions;

<-> does not perform any action;

<-> is a group of operators that are separated by semicolons and restricted to operator parentheses (begin and end).



<question> Selection operator...


<-> allows to select from several actions;

<-> provides execution or non-execution of an operator that satisfies a condition;

<-> is a small program that is designed to solve a part of a common problem;

<-> it does not perform any action;

<-> is a group of operators that are separated by semicolons and restricted to operator parentheses (begin and end).



<question> Subprogram…


<-> is a small program that is designed to solve a part of a common problem;

<-> it provides execution or non-execution of an operator that satisfies a condition;

<-> allows to select from several actions;

<-> it does not perform any action;

<-> is a group of operators that are separated by semicolons and restricted to operator parentheses (begin and end).



<question> What types of loop operators do you know?


<-> with a parameter, with a precondition, with a postcondition;

<-> with a parameter, while, after;

<-> after, before, while;

<-> after, before, while, with a parameter;

<-> with a parameter, before.



<question> What keywords are used for a loop with a parameter:

<-> For, to, do, downto;

<-> For, to, do;

<-> While, do;

<-> While, to, do;

<-> Repeat, until.



<question> What keywords are used for a loop with a precondition:

<-> Repeat, until.

<-> For, to, do;

<-> While, do;

<-> For, to, do, downto;

<-> While, to, do;



<question> What keywords are used for a loop with a postcondition:

<-> While, do;

<-> For, to, do;

<-> For, to, do, downto;

<-> While, to, do;

<-> Repeat, until.



<question> How to write a function of a string expression for converting the value of an integer expression into a string


<-> IntToStr(Value:Integer):String;

<-> FloatToStr (Value:Extended): String;

<-> DateToStr (Date: TDateTime): String;

<-> StrToFloat (const S: string): Extended;

<-> StrToInt (const S: string):Integer.



<question> How to write a function of a string expression for converting the string S into an integer number:


<-> StrToInt (const S: string):Integer.

<-> FloatToStr (Value:Extended): String;

<-> DateToStr (Date: TDateTime): String;

<-> IntToStr(Value:Integer):String;

<-> StrToFloat (const S: string): Extended;


<question> How to write a function of a string expression for converting a value of a real type expression to a string:


<-> FloatToStr (Value:Extended): String;

<-> DateToStr (Date: TDateTime): String;

<-> IntToStr(Value:Integer):String;

<-> StrToFloat (const S: string): Extended;

<-> StrToInt (const S: string):Integer.



<question> How to write a function of a string expression for converting the string S to a real number:


<-> StrToFloat (const S: string): Extended;

<-> FloatToStr (Value:Extended): String;

<-> DateToStr (Date: TDateTime): String;

<-> IntToStr(Value:Integer):String;

<-> StrToInt (const S: string):Integer.



<question> How to write a function of a string expression for converting date to string S:


<-> DateToStr (Date: TDateTime): String;

<-> StrToDateTime (const S: string): TDateTime;

<-> StrToTime (const S: string): TDateTime;

<-> StrToDate (const S: string): TDateTime Extended;

<-> TimeToStr (Time:TdateTime): String.



<question> How to write a function of a string expression for converting the value of Time expression into a string:


<-> TimeToStr (Time:TdateTime): String.

<-> StrToDateTime (const S: string): TDateTime;

<-> DateToStr (Date: TDateTime): String;

<-> StrToDate (const S: string): TDateTime Extended;

<-> StrToTime (const S: string): TDateTime;



<question> How to write a function of a string expression for converting the string S to date and time:


<-> StrToDateTime (const S: string): TDateTime;

<-> DateToStr (Date: TDateTime): String;

<-> StrToTime (const S: string): TDateTime;

<-> StrToDate (const S: string): TDateTime Extended;

<-> TimeToStr (Time:TdateTime): String.



<question> How to write a function of a string expression for converting the string S to date:


<-> StrToDate (const S: string): TDateTime Extended;

<-> StrToDateTime (const S: string): TDateTime;

<-> DateToStr (Date: TDateTime): String;

<-> StrToTime (const S: string): TDateTime;

<-> TimeToStr (Time:TdateTime): String.



<question> How to write a function of a string expression for converting the string S to time:


<-> StrToTime (const S: string): TDateTime;

<-> StrToDateTime (const S: string): TDateTime;

<-> DateToStr (Date: TDateTime): String;

<-> StrToDate (const S: string): TDateTime Extended;

<-> TimeToStr (Time:TdateTime): String.



<question> What operator represents a group of operators that are separated by semicolons and restricted to operator parentheses (begin and end):


<-> compound operator;

<-> conditional operator;

<-> array operator;

<-> selection operator;

<-> loop operator.



<question> What operator provides execution or non-execution of an operator that satisfies a condition:


<-> conditional operator;

<-> compound operator;

<-> array operator;

<-> selection operator;

<-> loop operator.



<question> What operator allows to select from several actions:


<-> selection operator;

<-> conditional operator;

<-> compound operator;

<-> array operator;

<-> loop operator.



<question> What functions does the ShowMessage procedure perform?

<-> displays a message box with the Ok button;

<-> displays a message box in the center of the screen and allows to receive a user response;

<-> displays a dialog box for entering a string text;

<-> displays a message box to one side of the screen;

<-> displays the screen communication window.



<question> What functions does the MessageDlg procedure perform?

<-> displays a message box in the center of the screen and allows to receive a user response;

<-> displays a dialog box for entering a string text;

<-> displays a message box to one side of the screen;

<-> displays a message box with the Ok button;

<-> displays the screen communication window.



< question> What functions does the InputBox function perform:

< -> displays a dialog box for entering a string text;

< -> displays a message box in the center of the screen and allows to receive a user response;

< -> displays a message box to one side of the screen;

< -> displays a message box with the Ok button;

<-> displays the screen communication window.


<question> Which function displays a message box in the center of the screen and allows to receive a user response

<-> MessageDlg;

<-> DlgMessage;

<-> ShowMessage;

<-> BoxInput;

<-> InputBox.



<question> Which function displays a dialog box for entering a string text:

<-> InputBox.

<-> DlgMessage;

<-> MessageDlg;

<-> ShowMessage;

<-> BoxInput;



<question> Delphi 7 integrated development environment is a multi-window system and initially includes the following Windows:

<-> Main window, Object TreeView, Object Inspector, Form window, Code editor window, Code manager window.

<-> Main window, Object TreeView, Object Inspector;

<-> Main window, Object Inspector, Form window, Code editor window, Code manager window;

<-> Main window, Object TreeView, Object Inspector, Form window, Code editor window;

<-> Main window, Object Inspector, Form window, Code editor window;



<question> Component is...

<-> any control element that has a specific property that can be placed by the user in a form window;

<-> quick execution of pictographic buttons;

<-> control buttons located in the main menu;

<-> elements for building program modules;

<-> buttons located in the code editor window.


<question> Each component consists of:

<-> Name and serial number;

<-> Name and properties;

<-> Method to respond to an event;

<-> Button with image;

<-> Name and copy.



<question> What properties are automatically changed when developer resizes a form with a mouse button:

<-> Width, Height

<-> Top;

<-> Left;

<-> BorderStyle;

<-> Font.



<question> Which window do we change the properties of a form or component in:

<-> Object Inspector;

<-> Main window;

<-> Form window;

<-> Code editor window;

<-> Object TreeView.


<question> A method that is used for creating a form:

<-> Create

<-> New

<-> Show

<-> Release

<-> Hide



<question> A method that is used for hiding a form:

<-> Hide

<-> Create

<-> New

<-> Show

<-> Release



<question> A method that is used for showing a form:

<-> Show

<-> Create

<-> New

<-> Release

<-> Hide


<question> What action do we need to take for adding a form to the application:

<-> Select File-NewForm menu item;

<-> Invoke Form Editor with Context Menu;

<-> Select Project-Options menu item;

<-> Selecting a new form in the Object Inspector;

<-> Select menu item Project-Add to Project.



< question> What do we call the file that binds all files (includes additional files):

< -> Project

< -> Program code

< -> Forms

< -> Resources

< -> Library



<question> Object TreeView is...

<-> Tree (branch) of objects

<-> Objects controller window

<-> Main window

<-> Form constructor window

<-> Code editor window



<question> Object Inspector is...

<-> Objects controller window

<-> Main window

<-> Form constructor window

<-> Tree (branch) of objects

<-> Code editor window



<question> Form1 is...

<-> Form constructor window

<-> Objects controller window

<-> Main window

<-> Tree (branch) of objects

<-> Code editor window



<question> What is Unit1.pas:

<-> Code editor window

<-> Objects controller window

<-> Main window

<-> Form constructor window

<-> Tree (branch) of objects



<question> What defines the FormStyle property:

<-> defines the style of the form

<-> defines the background color of the form

<-> defines the border type

<-> specifies the name of the form used in the program

<-> defines the title of the form window

<question> What defines the BorderStyle property:

<-> defines the border type

<-> defines the background color of the form

<-> specifies the name of the form used in the program

<-> defines the title of the form window

<-> defines the style of the form



<question> What defines the Caption property:

<-> defines the title of the form window

<-> defines the background color of the form

<-> defines the border type

<-> specifies the name of the form used in the program

<-> defines the style of the form



<question> What defines the Color property:

<-> defines the background color of the form

<-> defines the border type

<-> specifies the name of the form used in the program

<-> defines the title of the form window

<-> defines the style of the form



<question> What defines the Name property:

<-> specifies the name of the form used in the program

<-> defines the background color of the form

<-> defines the border type

<-> defines the title of the form window

<-> defines the style of the form



<question> What defines the Enabled property:

<-> defines form activity

<-> form window visibility

<-> specifies the font of the text displayed in the form

<-> defines the size of the form and its location

<-> defines the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the form by pixel



<question> What defines the Font property:

<-> specifies the font of the text displayed in the form

<-> form window visibility

<-> defines form activity

<-> defines the size of the form and its location

<-> defines the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the form by pixel



<question> What defines the Visible property:

<-> form window visibility

<-> specifies the font of the text displayed in the form

<-> defines form activity

<-> defines the size of the form and its location

<-> defines the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the form by pixel


<question> What defines the Height, Width property:

<-> defines the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the form by pixel

<-> form window visibility

<-> specifies the font of the text displayed in the form

<-> defines form activity

<-> defines the size of the form and its location


<question> What defines the Position property:

<-> defines the size of the form and its location

<-> form window visibility

<-> specifies the font of the text displayed in the form

<-> defines form activity

<-> defines the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the form by pixel



<question> What defines the Top, Left property:

<-> top and left coordinates of the form window

<-> form window visibility

<-> specifies the font of the text displayed in the form

<-> defines the size of the form and its location

<-> defines the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the form by pixel



<question> What defines the Hide property:

<-> Hides a form

<-> Shows a form

<-> Closes a form

<-> Deletes a form

<-> Creates a form instance


<question> What defines the Free property:

<-> Deletes a form

<-> Hides a form

<-> Shows a form

<-> Closes a form

<-> Creates a form instance



<question> What defines the Close property:

<-> Closes a form

<-> Hides a form

<-> Shows a form

<-> Deletes a form

<-> Creates a form instance



<question> What defines the Show property:

<-> Shows a form

<-> Hides a form

<-> Closes a form

<-> Deletes a form

<-> Creates a form instance


<question> What defines the Create method

<-> Creates a form instance

<-> Hides a form

<-> Shows a form

<-> Closes a form

<-> Deletes a form


<question> In Delphi 7 (in Lazarus) the window which is similar to tree (branch) of objects is called…

<-> Object TreeView

<-> Object Inspector

<-> Delphi 7 - Project

<-> Form1

<-> Unit1.pas



<question> In Delphi 7 (in Lazarus) the window which controls objects is called...

<-> Object Inspector

<-> Delphi 7 - Project

<-> Object TreeView

<-> Form1

<-> Unit1.pas



<question> In Delphi 7 (in Lazarus) the form constructor window is called...

<-> Form1

<-> Object TreeView

<-> Object Inspector

<-> Delphi 7 - Project

<-> Unit1.pas



<question> In Delphi 7 (in Lazarus) the code editor window is called...

<-> Unit1.pas

<-> Form1

<-> Object TreeView

<-> Delphi 7 - Project

<-> Object Inspector



<question> The property defines the style of the form

<-> FormStyle

<-> Caption

<-> Name

<-> Color

<-> BorderStyle



<question> The property defines the border type

<-> BorderStyle

<-> Name

<-> Caption

<-> Color

<-> FormStyle



<question> The property defines the title of the form window

<-> Caption

<-> Name

<-> Color

<-> BorderStyle

<-> FormStyle



<question> The property defines the background color of the form

<-> Color

<-> Caption

<-> Name

<-> BorderStyle

<-> FormStyle



<question> The property specifies the name of the form used in the program

<-> Name

<-> Caption

<-> FormStyle

<-> BorderStyle

<-> Color



<question> The property defines form activity

<-> Enabled

<-> Font

<-> Height, Width

<-> Visible

<-> Position



<question> The property specifies the font of the text displayed in the form

<-> Font

<-> Enabled

<-> Visible

<-> Height, Width

<-> Position



<question> The property defines form window visibility

<-> Visible

<-> Height, Width

<-> Position

<-> Enabled

<-> Font



<question> The property defines the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the form by pixel

<-> Height, Width

<-> Enabled

<-> Visible

<-> Font

<-> Position



<question> The property defines the size of the form and its location

<-> Position

<-> Enabled

<-> Font

<-> Height, Width

<-> Visible



<question> The property defines top and left coordinates of the form window

<-> Top, Left

<-> Show

<-> Hide

<-> Free

<-> Visible



<question> Select the class type to which the button component belongs:

<-> TButton

<-> TEdit

<-> TPanel

<-> TLabel

<-> TRadioButton



<question> Select the property name that defines the component height:

<-> Height

<-> Caption

<-> Width

<-> Top

<-> Font



<question> Select the name of the "Click the mouse" event:

<-> OnClick

<-> OnMouseMove

<-> OnMouseUp

<-> OnMouseDown

<-> OnKeyPress



<question> What components do belong to control buttons?

<-> TButton, TBitBtn

<-> TBitBtn, TSpeedButton

<-> TButton, TSpeedButton

<-> TSpeedButton, TEdit

<-> TButton, TEdit


<question> Correct errors in the given code: i1:=125; Edit1.Text:=FloatToStr(i1);

<-> i1:=125; Edit1.Text:=IntToStr(i1);

<-> i1:=125; Edit1.Text:=IntToStr(125);

<-> i1:=125; Edit1.Text:=FloatToInt(125);

<-> i1:=125; Edit1.Text:=StrToFloat(i1);

<-> i1:=125; Edit1.Text:=StrToInt(i1);



<question> Correct errors in the given code: r1:=-3.1E-4; Edit2.Text:=IntToStr(r1);

<-> r1:=-3.1E-4; Edit2.Text:=FloatToStr(r1);

<-> r1:=-3.1E-4; Edit2.Text:=StrToInt(r1);

<-> r1:=-3.1E-4; Edit2.Text:=IntToStr(-3.1E-4);

<-> r1:=-3.1E-4; Edit2.Text:=IntToStr(r1);

<-> r1:=-3.1E-4; Edit2.Text:=StrToFloat(r1);


<question> The Lazarus project is a free rapid software development environment for compiler:

<-> Free Pascal

<-> Java

<-> С

<-> Visual Basic

<-> Python


<question> Cross-platform software is software that works:

<-> on more than one hardware platform and / or operating system

<-> on the same hardware platform and / or operating system

<-> on two hardware platforms and / or operating systems

<-> on more than two hardware platforms and / or operating systems

<-> on more than two hardware platforms


<question> What is the first step in creating an application:

<-> the formation of the program window

<-> code writing, description of element properties

<-> program debugging

<-> testing

<-> help system development


<question> List what goes into the main Lazarus project window:

<-> menu

<-> links

<-> design

<-> object inspector

<-> code editor window


<question> The visual and non-visual components of the program are located in the window:

<-> Component Palettes

<-> Code Editor

<-> Object Inspector

<-> Form Designer

<-> menu


<question> The object inspector contains pages:

<-> "Properties";

<-> "Menu";

<-> "Picture";

<-> "Procedures";

<-> "Functions";


<question> Properties common to most components are:

<-> name

<-> font

<-> volume

<-> interval

<-> position on the screen


<question> The text that is displayed on or near the control corresponds to the property:

<-> Caption

<-> Style

<-> font

<-> Items

<-> Name


<question> A line of text that represents the actual data that this object contains corresponds to the property:

<-> Text

<-> Caption

<-> font

<-> Size

<-> Name


<question> The font used to write the text associated with the control element corresponds to the property:

<-> Font

<-> Style

<-> Caption

<-> Items

<-> Name


<question> The color that will be used to outline the control element or the color of the text that it contains corresponds to the property:

<-> Color

<-> Style

<-> font

<-> Visible

<-> canvas


<question> The proposed action, when the mouse button is clicked, characterizes the event:

<-> OnClick

<-> Click

<-> OnKeyPress

<-> OnEntry

<-> OnResize


<question> When a button is pressed, the code written in the procedure called by the event is executed:

<-> Click

<-> OnClick

<-> OnKeyPress

<-> OnEntry

<-> OnResize


<question> The text part of the program is written directly in the window:

<-> Code Editor

<-> Object Inspector

<-> Component Palettes

<-> Form Designer

<-> Menu


<question> For easy text editing:

<-> all service words are shown in bold

<-> the first line is numbered

<-> punctuation marks turn black

<-> lines with errors are highlighted in yellow

<-> comments can be enclosed in [] or (""), begin with // and are highlighted in red


<question> Into which parts, which work independently, the text of the program is broken:

<-> procedures and functions

<-> constants and labels

<-> variables and arrays

<-> lines and files

<-> procedures and variables


<question> To run the application, you press:

<-> F9

<-> Ctrl + F5

<-> F5

<-> Ctrl + F9

<-> Alt + F5


<question> The future application window on which the components will be located is called:

<-> form

<-> by the module

<-> application

<-> editor

<-> mailing list


<question> A component that is used to place text on a form:

<-> Label

<-> Button

<-> Edit

<-> Image

<-> GroupBox.


<question> A component that is a text box into which you can enter text or numbers during the execution of a program for placing text on a form:

<-> Edit;

<-> Label;

<-> Button;

<-> Image;

<-> OpenDialog.


<question> A component that is used to organize a choice of several mutually exclusive possibilities (in this case, only one option from several is allowed to be selected):

<-> RadioButton

<-> GroupBox

<-> ListBox

<-> ComboBox

<-> Timer


<question> A component that can execute some code at regular intervals. Placed on the form, it remains invisible while the application is running:

<-> Timer

<-> GroupBox

<-> RadioButton

<-> ListBox

<-> ComboBox


<question> The Label component has the following icon:







<question> The Button component has the following icon:







<question> The Edit component has the following icon:








<question> The Shape component has the following icon:







<question> The RadioButton component has the following icon:







<question> The ListBox component has the following icon:







<question> In the compound name of the TForm1.ButtonClick procedure:

<-> TForm1 – the name of the class, ButtonClick – the actual name of the procedure;

<-> TForm1 – the actual name of the procedure, ButtonClick – the name of the class;

<-> TForm2 – the name of the class, ButtonClick – the actual name of the procedure;

<-> ButtonClick – the name of the class, TForm1 – the actual name of the procedure;

<-> TForm1 – the name of the class, Button – the actual procedure;


<question> The string procedure TForm1.ButtonClick (Sender: TObject) is called:

<-> procedure header

<-> body of the procedure

<-> procedure identifier

<-> procedure name

<-> button


<question> Which of the following data types is not an integer type?

<-> Real

<-> Shortint

<-> Integer

<-> Longint

<-> Byte


<question> All data is stored in computer memory as:

<-> variables and constants

<-> labels and constants

<-> variables and labels

<-> folders

<-> links


<question> In which section the variable is described, to access it:

<-> var

<-> const

<-> procedure

<-> label

<-> function


<question> The mathematical function х2 in Lazarus corresponds to the function:

<-> sqr(x)

<-> abs(x)

<-> sqrt(x)

<-> exp(x)

<-> pow(x)


<question> A function that returns a string representation of the value of an expression specified as a function parameter:

<-> FloatToStr

<-> Chr

<-> IntToStr

<-> Round

<-> Trunc


<question> A function that displays a dialog box containing a message and an input field, waits for the user to enter any text or press the button, and then returns a value of type String containing the text entered in the field:

<-> InputBox;

<-> ShowMessage;

<-> MessageDlg;

<-> OpenDialog;

<-> ListBox.


<question> The procedure that is used to display simple messages that do not require a response from the user:

<-> ShowMessage;

<-> InputBox;

<-> MessageDlg;

<-> OpenDialog;

<-> ListBox.


<question> Instruction which allows to implement multiple choice:

<-> Case Selector of;

<-> If <condition> then;

<-> While < condition > do;

<-> For <boolean expression> <begin_value> to <end_value> do begin;

<-> Repeat // until instructions.


<question> Instructions that are used if a certain sequence of actions needs to be performed several times, and the required number of repetitions is unknown and can only be determined while the program is running:

<-> While <condition> do;

<-> If <condition> then;

<-> Case Selector of;

<-> For <boolean expression> <begin_value> to <end_value> do begin;

<-> Repeat


<question> A non-visual component that allows you to create a pop-up menu that appears when you right-click on an object:

<-> PopupMenu

<-> MainMenu

<-> Timer

<-> OpenDialog

<-> Label


<question> The body of the loop is enclosed between the service words

<-> begin..... end

<-> for.... do

<-> to..... do

<-> begin..... do

<-> {}


<question> If the initial value of the counter variable n in the for i: = n to k do loop exceeds its final value k, then the sequence of statements between begin and end will be executed

<-> never

<-> 1 time

<-> infinitely many times

<-> 2 times

<-> 3 times


<question> The initial value of the counter variable in the for loop is followed by a service word

<-> for

<-> do

<-> to

<-> if

<-> and


<question> The final value of the counter variable in the for loop is followed by a service word

<-> do

<-> to

<-> begin

<-> if

<-> and


<question> The condition in the while loop should be an expression of what type:

<-> logical

<-> integer

<-> character

<-> string

<-> of material


<question> What data items can change their meaning during program execution?

<-> variables

<-> constants

<-> comments

<-> statements

<-> types


<question> Indicate what the Insert (l) procedure does.

<-> Inserts a fragment from one line to another

<-> Removes a fragment from a string

<-> Converts a number to a string

<-> There are no correct answers.

<-> adds text


<question> The time-consuming step in developing the program:

<-> testing

<-> tracking

<-> design

<-> programming

<-> statement of requirements


<question> Programming system –...

<-> a set of programs for entering, editing, debugging and executing a program

<-> system having a common structure: alphabet, syntax, semantics

<-> set of rules for writing expressions included in the formal algorithm

<-> character set, rules for writing an algorithm for a formal executor

<-> system containing a programming language, program compilation tools


<question> A language is called formal if it...

<-> each word has only one meaning and the rules for constructing words from the language alphabet are uniquely defined

<-> each word has only one meaning

<-> each word has at most two meanings

<-> hard-coded rules for constructing words from the language alphabet

<-> the number of letters in each word does not exceed some fixed natural number


<question> The programming language is...

<-> formal sign system for writing programs

<-> character set for writing programs

<-> set of rules for writing computer programs

<-> set of syntactic and semantic rules for writing programs

<-> rules for writing an algorithm for a formal executor


<question> The service word LABEL in a Pascal program captures the beginning of a section containing:

<-> tag list

<-> statements

<-> description of complex data types

<-> list of constants

<-> variable description


<question> The BEGIN service word in a Pascal program captures the beginning of a section containing:



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