Text: “Units of Measurement”.


Real science has various recognised steps. It always begins with ob­servation followed by classification and measurement. Classification has become the first step towards understanding of a new phenomenon. Phe­nomena have to be put in some order before any­thing can be done with them. Measurement is one further step in the process of putting them in order. It is only by measurement that new knowledge enters science.

Much of physics deals with measurements of physical quantities such as length, time, velocity, area, volume, mass, density, temperature and energy. Many of these quantities are interrelated. For example, density is mass divided by volume. Most of the physical quantities are related to length, time and mass. Therefore all the systems of physical units are derived from these three fundamental units.

Practically there are three main systems of measurement in use today: the British system of units, the metric system of units and the (International) System of Units (SI). With a few exceptions nearly all the nations of the world use the metric system. The value of the MKS (metre-kilogram-second) system is that its various units possess simple and logical relationships among themselves, while the British system (the f. p. s. — foot-pound-second) is a very complicated one. For example, in the British system 1 mile is equal to 1,760 yards; 1 yard is equal to 3 feet, and 1 foot is equal to 12 inches. In the English system converting one unit into another is a hard and monotonous job, while in the MKS system conversions of one unit to another can be carried out by shifts of a decimal point (comma in Russian writing).

The standard metre of the world was originally defined in terms of the distance from the north pole to the equator. This distance is close to 10,000 kilometres or 107 metres.

In fact, the SI Units is an internationally agreed coherent system of units derived from the MKS system. The seven basic units in it are: the metre (m), kilogram (kg), second (s), ampere (a), Kelvin (K), mole (mol), and candle (свеча) (cd).


Note. 107 metres – ten to the seventh power metres

III. Назовите, что это за части речи и переведите их.


a) real – reality, scientific – science, various – variety, observable – observation, measurable – measurement, possible – possibility, physical – physics, quantitative – quantity, derivable – derivation, valuable – value, coherent – coherence;

b) precise – precisely, fundamental – fundamentally, practical – practically, main – mainly, near – nearly, simple – simply, logical – logically, equal – equally, monotonous – monotonously, original – originally, international – internationally, basic – basically.


IV. Найдите русские эквиваленты данным словам и фразам из текста.


1. observation followed by classification and measurement ________________

2. the first step towards understanding _________________________________

3. have to be put in some order _______________________________________

4. new knowledge enters science _____________________________________

5. much of physics deals with ________________________________________

6. are related to length, time and mass _________________________________

7. are in use today _________________________________________________

8. the value of MKS system _________________________________________

9. possess simple and logical relationships ______________________________

10. was originally defined ____________________________________________


V. Найдите предложения, которых нет в тексте.


1. Unit is a quantity adopted as a standard of measurement.

2. By measurement it is possible to indicate precisely what has to be done to reproduce given conditions and obtain a desired result.

3. The second is a unit for measuring time in all the system.

4. Most of the physical quantities are related to length, time and mass, therefore all the system of physical units are derived from these three fundamental units.

5. Practically there are three main system of measurement in use today.

6. In the English system converting one unit into another is a hard and monotonous job, while in the MKS system conversions of one unit to another can be carried out by shifts of a decimal points.

7. Inch is less than foot is.

8. 11.500 cubic feet is the measure of volume.


VI. Найдите английские эквиваленты фразам из текста.


1. признанные этапы ______________________________________________

2. в процессе упорядочения ________________________________________

3. истинная наука _________________________________________________

4. эти свойства взаимосвязаны ______________________________________

5. масса, делённая на объём ________________________________________

6. выводится из ___________________________________________________

7. на основании расстояния _________________________________________

8. плотность ______________________________________________________

9. система измерения ______________________________________________

10. за небольшим исключением ______________________________________

11. ценность метрической системы ___________________________________

12. десять в седьмой степени ________________________________________

VII. Заполните пропуски словами из текста.


1. Real science always begins with observation ________ by classification and _________.

2. Much of physics deals with measurement of physical _____ such as length, time, velocity, area, volume, mass, density, temperature and energy.

3. Many of these quantities are _______.

4. ______ is mass divided by volume.

5. ______, ______, _______ are three fundamental units.

6. With a few exceptions nearly all the nations of the world use ______ ______.

7. Various units of the MKS system _____ simple and logical ______ among themselves.


VIII. Вставьте предлог, если необходимо.


1. Real science always begins ____ observation followed ____ classification and measurement.

2. Classification has become the first step towards understanding ____ a new phenomenon.

3. Phenomena have to be put ____ some order before anything can be done ____ them.

4. Measurement is one further step in the process ___ putting them in order.

5. It is only ___ measurement that new knowledge enters ___ science.

6. Much of physics deals ___ measurements ___ physical quantities.

7. Most of the physical quantities are related ___ length, time and mass. Therefore all the system of physical units are derived ___ these three fundamental units.

8. There are three main system of measurement ___ use today.

9. The standard metre of the world was originally defined in terms of the distance ___ the north pole ___ the equator.

10. This distance is close ___ 10 000 kilometres or 107 metres.


IX. Согласитесь или не согласитесь с утверждением по тексту.


1. Real science begins with measurement followed by observation.

2. Velocity is mass divided by volume.

3. Most of physical quantities are related to length, time and mass.

4. Foot is a unit of area in the British system of measurement.

5. The standard metre of the world was defined in terms of the distance from the north pole to the south pole.


X. Попрактикуйтесь в вопросах и ответах по тексту.


1. What are the recognised steps in real science?

2. Why are classification and measurement so important in real science?

3. What is unit?

4. What are the three fundamental units?

5. What systems of measurement are widely in use all over the world?

6. Why is the metre system widely in use all over the world?

7. What are the units of length in the MKS/British system?

8. How was the metre originally defined?

9. What standard unit is used for measuring area/volume/mass/time?


XI. Задайте разные типы вопросов к предложениям (тип вопроса указан в конце предложения в скобке).


1. Real science has various recognised steps. (Special)

2. It always begins with observation. (Alternative)

3. Phenomena have to be put in some order. (General)

4. There are three main system of measurement in use today. (Disjunctive, Special)

5. Nearly all the nations of the world use the metric system. (Alternative)


XII. Продиктуйте следующие предложения своим одногруппникам, и проверьте написание.


1. Real science always begins with observation followed by classification and measurement.

2. Various phenomena have to put in some order before anything can be done with them.

3. Most of the physical quantities are related to length, time and mass.

4. Practically there are three main systems of measurement in use today: the British system of units; the metric of units and the International System of Units (SI).

5. Density is mass divided by volume.

6. Various units in MKS system possess simple and logical relationships among themselves.


XIII. Соедините перевод утверждений из текста с английскими утверждениями из предыдущего упражнения. Одно утверждение лишнее.


1. Истинная наука всегда начинается с наблюдения, затем следует классификация и измерение.

2. Большая часть физики связана измерениями таких физических величин как длина, время, скорость, площадь, объём, масса, плотность, температура и энергия.

3. Практически существует три главные системы измерений, которыми мы пользуемся сегодня.

4. Стандартный метр мира был первоначально определён на основании расстояния от северного полюса до экватора.

5. Ценность метрической системы измерений состоит в том, что её различные единицы находятся в простых и логических отношениях друг с другом.



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