However, these photos have certain differences.

I’ve chosen photo number


Guess what? I’m going to show you one of my favourite photos from my family album.
As I’ve told you //As you know my family likes … //I’ve always wanted to …// First of all, I should admit that

Main part

Time and place

If my memory doesn’t fail me, this photo was taken at my aunt’s house/in the forest/at the train station/at a ski resort a couple of years (weeks) ago when my family was having a sit-down meal/a picnic/ when we were on a skiing/sightseeing holiday in Sochi


Can you recognize the people/person/child in the photo? I bet you can’t//can! It’s my little sister Kate on the right/left/in the centre of the photo. She seems to be very (happy).


She is …..(action)

In the background you can see

I also want to draw your attention to the

It looks as if …/It looks like …/It seems to me …./I’m fairly sure …/I get the impression that…

Why do I keep this photo?

1 вариант:

I KEEP this photo in my album because I was totally impressed by this unusual / fantastic / incredible / stunning /trip. I want to remember this wonderful moment forever. This shot makes me feel the atmosphere of my holiday every time I look at it. I must say this was a very special day for me.

2 вариант:

I keep this photo in my album because looking at this photo makes me go back in that time. Moreover, I used this photo for my school project (название проекта в зависимости от темы, например My family, My travelling, My hobby и так далее)

3 вариант:

I keep this photo in my album because we are school-leavers and soon we’ll go to study in different towns, that’s why I try to capture the best moments we spend together, which will remind me of our friendship and school years.

4 вариант:

Why do I keep this photo? Because I am amazed by the unspoilt natural beauty of the scenery and the vivid colors of the surroundings.

Why you decided to show the picture to your friend.
I know you are also keen on photography. By the way, you are very good at it. That's why I couldn't help showing this photo to you, as I'm really interested in your opinion about it.

I decided to show this photo to you because I’m eager to know your opinion on my niece Stacy. You have never seen her before.

I couldn't help showing this photo to you, because it's one of my favourites. I was itching to share my good memories with you.

I couldn't help showing this photo to you, because I wanted you to feel and admire the picturesque beauty of this marvelous place and this dramatic view of the (city/mountains), which is really breathtaking and spectacular.

I decided to show this photo to you as I know you always like to look through my holiday pictures. Maybe one day you will want to experience it yourself. I’d like to see your photo in this place as well.

I decided to show this picture to you because I want you to learn how cute my friends are and to tell you how much I will miss them after leaving school (how much they mean to me).


In my view, the atmosphere of the picture is so exciting/touching that it makes me smile every time I look at it. I hope you found the picture interesting and attractive. That’s all I wanted to say. (фраза для экзаменатора, не является обязательной)

Старая версия одно из пунктов плана:

Why did I take this photo? Well, first of all, photography has always been my cup of tea. I often stop to capture something what is interesting to me, since I value every moment which I want to preserve as a reminder of the experience I had. Looking through photos later brings me back to the scene and the moment in which I took it.
Secondly, my sister is very photogenic. Yes, she thinks she is camera-friendly. She is always asking me to take photos of her. She adores posing for the camera.

2 вариант: I decided to take this photo to capture the event on film in order to document it for the family history, since I was going to send it to my cousin.


2-3 предложения на каждый пункт плана

6 июн 2019

In the first photo there is/are..., while in the second picture/one we can see
In picture (number) one we can see, while in photo number two there is/are...
The left-hand photo shows..., whereas the right-hand picture depicts...

То есть у нас три варианта как минимум для обозначения фото
number one/number two;

Три варианта для слово "фото":
слово-заменитель one

Несколько вариантов для введения того, что изображено на фото
There is/are
We can see
The picture depicts
The picture shows
+ ещё разные способы
Если всё это постоянно миксовать, то получится отличный ответ.

Now I am going to compare and contrast [kən´traːst] these two photos.
(Этого достаточно для вступления! Если темп речи позволяет, можно его сделать более объёмным (см варианты ниже), но необходимости, продиктованной требованиями, нет. Более того, обширное вступление может негативно сказаться за РКЗ, так как засчитают повторы идей (идея во вступлении и в пункте о сходствах), если они не переформулированы.)

1)I’d like to point out that many/most people like to
…//have to …. These 2 photos prove it. The photos I’m going to compare show different kinds of ….

2)I’d like to stress out right from the beginning that lots of young people nowadays are concerned about healthy lifestyle. And these two photos prove that. So, the theme which relates to these photos is the way people take care of their health.

3)I’d like to point out right from the beginning that hobbies make our life more exciting. And these two photos prove that. I think that the theme which relates to these photos is the way people spend their free time.

A brief description

Let me start with the first picture which shows//depicts …
In the foreground/background
you can see

As for the second picture it shows … in close-up
In the second picture/In picture number two
there is/are also

It looks as if …// It looks like …//It seems to me that …//I’m fairly sure that …//I get the impression that …//If I’m not mistaken …/… that makes me think that …// I’d like to draw your attention to the …

These pictures have a lot(a few things) in common.

The most obvious similarity is that both pictures show/are connected with….
Another similarity
is that we can see … in both photos.
Besides/Moreover/What is more/In addition


However, these photos have certain differences.

The most striking difference is
First of all/To begin with,
Another difference is that …
Also, I can add that …

Your preference

  1. As for me, I’d prefer to go shopping/go skiing/to go to a concert (the event presented in picture one.) It really attracts me. Важно разделить в монологе 4 и 5 пункты плана, иначе эксперт может недосчитаться нужных предложений по четвертому пункту. Можно использовать такие фразы, как If you want to find out my opinion, I’d personally prefer…; This event/thing/… really attracts me; I think it must be great. ВНИМАТЕЛЬНО смотрим на форму глагола prefer. Возможны разные грамматические варианты: say which event/activity/way of …/you PREFER/you’D PREFER/you PREFERRED as a chid

Explain why

I’d rather choose/go…, because I enjoy … I find it…

That’s all I wanted to say about these photos.
(заключительная фраза, которая принимается. Она не оценивается по K1, только по К2)

Как возможный вариант:
Although these 2 pictures have some differences, the..... theme unites them.
It's up to an individual which way/type/kind of (...) to choose.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that these photos have some differences, but holiday/music/school theme unites them.
It goes without saying, it’s up to an individual which type of concert/holiday/house to choose, but I dare say that each type is good as long as it is interesting/useful/healthy/pleasant as long as it gives you satisfaction/as long as it pleases you.

Можно придумать покрасивее, подлиннее, но практика показывает, что смысла в этом мало, потому что по времени уложиться сложно, а ошибки допустить легко. Главная задача этого пункта - дать заключение, т.е. дать понять эксперту, что монолог завершён. По сути оценивается наличие/отсутствие вступительной и заключительной фразы (К2), а не их "красота". Балл будет одинаковый. Главное, чтобы заключение было.


Нужно ли обширное вступление? – Нет. Оно может «съесть» идеи, которые можно использовать для другого пункта. Как избежать повторения идей? Ответ Елены Дадаевой

People have different preferences as far as their pastime is concerned. There is a wide choice of activities people enjoy doing for pleasure. Some people give preferences to outdoor activities while others are inclined to spend their spare time in a more relaxed way.


Напоминайте учащимся о необходимости четко контролировать время высказывания. При минимальном объеме высказывания (по три предложения на каждый пункт плана) это все равно 17 предложений, а значит, примерно 7 секунд на предложение с учетом естественных пауз в речи (например, на подбор нужного слова и т.д.). Учащимся не стоит подолгу задерживаться на каком-либо из пунктов плана только потому, что он кажется наиболее выигрышным для этого конкретного экзаменуемого. Необходимо также четко обозначать при помощи соответствующих клише переходы от одного пункта плана к другому, так, чтобы эксперту было легко это отслеживать.

Важно также научить учащихся правильно определять концептуальную тему высказывания. Обе картинки изображают ДВА способа ДЕЛАТЬ ОДНО И ТО ЖЕ. Содержательная полнота и грамотность ответа учащегося во многом определяется именно способностью определить, что два способа делать что именно изображены на картинках.


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