Improve your pronunciation:

P1. Read the word with letter “q” properly:

Require, sequence, quote, requirement, subsequent, unique, equation, quiet, quiz, equipment, quarter, quantitative, equivalent, adequate, quota, consequently, acquire, quotation, equal, equator, quantity, quality.



I. Показателем инфинитива (неопределенной формы глагола) является частица to. Основное значение инфинитива (в простой форме) – передать то, что еще будет или должно быть сделано: to write - писать, написать; to complete - закончить, завершить; to determine - определить.

Инфинитив может выступать в роли: подлежащего, дополнения, определения, обстоятельства и вводного члена предложения:

To think otherwise would be a mistake – Думать по-другому было бы ошибкой (подлежащее).

We try to minimize the old disadvantages. – Мы стараемся свести к минимуму прежние недостатки. (дополнение)

To read much one must have much time. – Чтобы читать много, нужно иметь много времени (обстоятельство).

The curves to be presented were obtained on single-crystal samples. – Кривые, которые будут представлены, были получены на образцах монокристаллов .(определение).

To sum up, we shall present the table. – Подводя итог, приведем таблицу.(вводный член предложения, всегда выделяется запятыми).

II. Рассмотрим перевод некоторых грамматических конструкций, содержащих инфинитив.

A. Pattern: Inf (O) + P

Example:To appreciate the present requires some historical perspective. - Оценка настоящего требует некоторой исторической перспективы.

B. Pattern: Inf (O) + V imper

Example: To appreciate the present try to look at it in historical perspective. - Для того, чтобыоценить настоящее, постарайтесь взглянуть на него исторически.

C. Pattern: Inf(O) + S... + P...

Examples: (In order) to appreciate the present, one must have some historical perspective. - Для того чтобы оценить настоящее, требуется некоторая историческая перспектива.

To be a successful scientist, one must possess certain characteristic qualities. - Для того чтобы добиться успеха в науке, необходимо обладать определенными специфическими качествами.

G1.Translate the sentences

A, B

1. To make a choice between these two alternatives is not an easy task. 2. To be on the safe side, take special care of the accuracy of the calculation. 3. To foresee what the future will be like requires analysis of the past experience. 4. To tell the truth, the results have no direct bearing on the problem under investigation. 5. To argue about it is not fruitful at the moment. 6. To establish cause-effect relationship between smoking and some diseases, extensive research is being carried on at several research centers. 7. To put it another way, the experimental procedure must suit the purpose of the experiment. 8. To be able to forecast the future, we must begin by a thorough analysis of the past course of events.

B, C

1.Для того чтобы соответствовать цели эксперимента, метод должен быть прост. 2.Установить причинно-следственные связи часто означает решить проблему. 3.Предвидеть будущее невозможно без анализа прошлого. 4.По правде говоря, все ожидали совершенно других результатов. 5. Сделать выбор часто бывает самым трудным. 6. Чтобы не рисковать, проверьте аппаратуру перед экспериментом еще раз.


D. Pattern: S...+ P...+Inf...

Examples: The book has been written (in order / so as) to review recent developments in this area of research. - Книга была написана для того, чтобы (с целью) сделать обзор последних достижений в этой области исследований.

The author claimed to have obtained pure substance. – Автор утверждал, что он получил чистое (без примесей) вещество.

1. The analysis has been extended to take into consideration the unavoidable by-effects. 2. Two hydrogen atoms combine to form a hydrogen molecule. 3. Under this assumption this equation is reduced to yield a classical relation. 4. At this stage a new theory was advanced to produce a revolutionary change in our understanding of the process. 5. They claim to have accounted for the effect observed. 6. He admits to have made a similar mistake in his earlier publication. 7. They admit to have been informed of this possibility before the experiment.


E. Pattern: S...+ be...+ Inf...

Example: The primary task of the laboratory head is to provide conditions favorable for experimentation. - Основная задача руководителя лаборатории заключается в том, чтобы обеспечить условия, благоприятные для экспериментальной работы.

1. The aim was to discuss the impact of scientific activity on technology. 2.The original idea was to take advantage of the high temperature of the process. 3.Perhaps the greatest problem at present is to get some understanding of the remarkable phenomenon of memory.


G2. Make various meaningful sentences from lists A,B,C:

A. The aim of our seminars; the purpose of the book; the task of the research group; one important thing, the goals of our research, the greatest problems of our investigation

B. Is; are; was, were.

C. To point out general tendencies; to review recent developments in the field; to take into consideration all the essential factors; to learn from past experience; to suggest some fresh ideas for research; to develop a special apparatus suited for the experiment, to raise money.

G3. Translate into English:

1. Цель этой книги - дать обзор последних достижений в этой области исследований. 2. Наша задача заключается в том, чтобы обеспечить условия, наиболее благоприятные для работы. 3.Самое важное - это сосредоточить внимание на одном вопросе. 4.Задача семинарских обсуждений заключается в том, чтобы предлагать новые эксперименты.


F. Pattern: Adj/Adv..(too; enough; so..as; such..as; sufficiently).+ Inf..

Example: The concept was too advanced to be appreciated by contemporary scientists. - Идея слишком опережала свое время, чтобы ее могли оценить современники.


1.The advantages of such an approach are evident enough to be taken for granted. 2. The experiment produced enough evidence to support the interpretation suggested. 3. The information available was not sufficient to contribute to the clarification of the problem. 5. The assumption is reasonable enough to be valid.


1.Предположенне было слишком неожиданным, чтобы его можно было принять без доказательств. 2.Идеи слишком опережают свое время, чтобы их можно было сразу же принять. 3.Аргументы представляются достаточно разумными, чтобы изменить ход обсуждения. 4.Данных было недостаточно, чтобы внести ясность в эту проблему.




1. The aim of the book is to present the case for an extensive study of this complicated phenomenon. 2. Our task is to do this work properly. 3. We expect him to take an active part in the work. 4. I know him to have been informed about the meeting. 5. To construct an experiment of this kind seems nearly impossible. 6. Table 1 is given in order to demonstrate the effect. 7. He was the first to realize the difficulty of the situation.

B, C

1.What we try to do is to foretell a general tendency rather than a particular development. 2. The factor is important enough to be taken into consideration even though detailed analysis is not at present feasible. 3. To appreciate the accuracy of the data, refer to Table I on page 57. 4. This book is a first-rate introduction to the nature and methods of scientific thought, to say nothing of its remarkably clear style. It is an ideal book for a fresher, as to follow the author no knowledge of science is needed. 5. To avoid making mistakes is always difficult, because, to begin with, to err is human.




H. Pattern:....P...+ O...+ Inf...

Examples: Most scientists expect major developments in the near future to take place in biology. - Большинство ученых ожидают, что основные открытия в ближайшем будущем произойдут в биологии.

It is sometimes very difficult to make people see your point. - Иногда очень трудно добиться того, чтобы другие (люди) поняли, что вы хотите сказать.

Experience shows this strategy to have produced better results than more traditional algorithms. – Опыт показывает, что эта стратегия приводила к лучшим результатам, чем традиционные алгоритмы.

При переводе таких конструкций между сказуемым и дополнением ставятся союзы чтобы, что, как. Подлежащее со сказуемым образуют главное предложение; дополнение становится подлежащим, а инфинитив – сказуемым придаточного предложения, время которого определяется с учетом времени сказуемого английского предложения и формы инфинитива.


Примечание: Глаголы, передающие физическое восприятие, употребляются в этой конструкции без частицы to: feel, hear, see, watch, observe, notice, а также глаголы have, make, get в значении: сделать так, чтобы; заставить.


1. One can assume this to be self-evident. 2. One can expect the scope of research to expand steadily. 3. Nowadays we see many new areas of research come into being as a result of unexpected breakthroughs. 4. One can watch more and more people move into biology from other areas of research. 5. An efficient laboratory head always knows how to get his people to do their work properly and on time. 6. If a person is really interested in science, he doesn't like any problem, however difficult, to be left unsolved. 7. Most scientists regard biology, rather than physics, as the likely central ground of scientific advance in the near future. 8. One of the major problems at present for a university is to have young people interested in long-range problems. 9. We know him to have established a school of his own. 10. We do not expect him to throw away an opportunity like this. 11. We know him to have objected to this style of research on previous occasions..


I.Pattern:... N... +P...(by/with-phr)...+ Inf...

Examples: Nowadays science is known to contribute to every aspect of man's life. (It is known that nowadays science contributes to every aspect of man’s life). - Известно, что в наши дни наука вносит свой вклад во все аспекты нашей жизни.

Molecular biology is likely to dominate science in the years to come. (It is likely that molecular biology will dominate science in the years to come). - Весьма вероятно, что молекулярная биология займет в будущем доминирующее положение в науке.

При переводе предложения с таким оборотом сказуемое выносится вперед и переводится главным предложением (обычно неопределенно-личным: говорят, известно, сообщается); подлежащее английского предложения становится подлежащим, а инфинитив – сказуемым придаточного предложения, которое вводится союзами что или чтобы.

В этих конструкциях часто используются следующие глаголы:

To appear - иметь вид, казаться, оказаться

To chance; to happen – оказаться (случайно)

To prove – оказаться (в конечном счете)

To seem – казаться, создавать впечатление,

To turn out - неожиданно оказаться

To be likely - вероятно;

To be unlikely - маловероятно

To be sure - наверняка, обязательно

A., B.

1. Science is known to affect the lives of many people. 2. The results of these experiments are found to overlap. 3. The data are assumed to correlate with the present theory. 4. The work is likely to contribute to the solution of the problem. 5. He is sure to argue about it. 6. He is said to have graduated from Oxford University. 7. They seem to have taken advantage of the favorable conditions. 8. He appeared to have lost interest in science altogether. 9. The story may appear to be oversimplified. 10. He was not expected to spoil the sample.


B, C

1. He was deeply disappointed with the final results which turned out to be not what he had expected. 2. By that time younger people thought to be brilliant physicists had left the laboratory. 3. How the application of his discovery will affect man is sometimes rather hard for the scientist to foresee. 4. His idea was fruitful enough for others to take it up and develop it further. 5. The half-life period is the number of seconds for the radioactivity to fall to half its original value, i.e. for half the atoms to break up. 6. This phenomenon does not appear to have been studied. 7. In this chapter we present a small selection of problems which are believed to constitute a representative sample. 8. The apparatus likely to give the results is being repaired. 10. The use of this technique permits more accurate calculations to be performed.




Topic :


  1. To show that smth is true:

To show – показывать, свидетельствовать: The engineer wanted to show to students how well the system worked.

To prove – доказывать, удостоверять: He was able to prove his theory to his fellow scientists.

To demonstrate – демонстрировать, наглядно показывать: The aim of the experiment was to demonstrate the effectiveness of the treatment.

Smth can be seen – …можно заметить, увидеть …: This can be seen in the following examples.

To be evidence of – данные, свидетельство, доказательство: Some people think that this research is evidence of a much larger problem.

To reveal – показывать, обнаруживать, открывать: A recent survey revealed that 61% of those interviewed believe that tobacco advertising should be banned.

To confirm – подтверждать, утверждать: The recent research confirms the view that global warming is happening at an increasing rate.

To support / back up – подтвердить, поддержать: Our research supports this view. They produced no evidence to back up their claims.

To corroborate - подтвердить, поддержать (официально) (a formal word): Further research is needed to corroborate the results of this study before we publish the article.

To validate – (a formal word) утверждать, придавать законную силу: Our data is collected and validated by a team of researchers, using multiple sources to ensure reliability.

  1. To show that smth is likely:

To suggest – предлагать (идею), означать: This suggests that humans existed on earth thousands of years earlier than was previously thought.

To indicate – указывать, служить признаком: Research indicates that over 81% of teachers are not satisfied with their salary.

To give the impression – создавать впечатление: The report gives the impression of having been rather hastily put together.

To lead to the conclusion that – приводить к выводу, заключению: All these arguments lead to the conclusion that there should be greater control over the quality of our products.

  1. To show that smth is untrue:

To disprove – опровергать: The results of the experiment disproved our theory.

To contradict – противоречить: Recent evidence appears to contradict his hypothesis.

To invalidate – (a formal word) считать несостоятельным, необоснованным: Problems with the way the original data was collected invalidated their findings.

V1. Translate into Russian:

1. There is some evidence that food rich in vitamin A and vitamin C may give protection against cancer. 2. A study conducted at PetrSU contradicts the results of the Canadian study. 3. These laboratory tests provethat the scientists were right. 4. A recent survey by Sheffield University showed that 95% of patients were satisfied with the service they received. 5. It has been demonstrated that even low levels of lead can damage the central nervous system. 6. Ascan be seenin Table I, wages have risen at a lower rate than the rate of the inflation. 7. Recent archeological discoveries seem to support the idea that there was a settlement here in Roman times. 8. Her results were corroborated by two other experiments. 9. We know that some scientists have altered the findings of their research in order to validate their claims. 10. Recent research strongly suggests that high protein diets are actually bad for you. 11. These figures disproved Smith’s argument. 12. An international inspection will easily confirm or invalidate such reports. 13. Test results will indicate whether the device works efficiently. 14. The headline gave a false impression of what the article was about. 15. There is little evidence to support this explanation.

V2. Translate the words in brackets. Then translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Our investigation (предполагаeт) that two sets of the results seem to correlate. 2. The results of two experiments (противоречили) each other and the group couldn’t obtain (доказательство) of the hypothesis they had put forward. 3. The survey results seem (указывать) a connection between poor water quality and people’s health. 4. We cannot come to any conclusion until we (подтвердим) all the data obtained. 5. At the presentation the scientist tried (продемонстрировать) the effectiveness of the proposed technique. 6. Our suggestion can be (доказано) by the following examples. 7. These results (приводят к выводу о том, что) there should be greater carefulness in conducting the experiments. 8. The latest survey of higher education reform in Russia (обнаружило) that about 35% of universities are not ready to reform their curricula. 9. Recent data obtained by our team (делают недействительными, опровергают) the results of the previous experiments. 10. We need two or more sets of experiments (подтвердить, обосновать) our hypothesis before we present our results at the conference.

V3. Translate into English:

1. Результаты эксперимента подтверждают нашу первоначальную теорию. 2. Данное исследование делает недействительными результаты, опубликованные в последнем номере журнала. 3.Наши выводы были подтверждены обстоятельными исследованиями. 4. Мы можем доказать, что Вы не правы. 5. Новые результаты подтвердили то, что мы предполагали ранее. 6. По-видимому, последние результаты противоречат более ранним исследованиям. 7. Статья создает впечатление, что ее написали довольно поспешно, не собрав достаточного количества данные в поддержку предложенной гипотезы. 8. Новые данные, опубликованные в последних статьях этого автора, подкрепляют выдвинутую ранее теорию. 9. Недостаточное количество данных может привести к неправильным выводам 10. Некоторые ученые, как было показано в статье, просто придумывают (make up) результаты своих экспериментов.




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