Commissioning of gas supply systems

Номер группы: 202

Дисциплина: ОГСЭ 03 «Иностранный язык»

Тема занятия: Приемка и ввод в эксплуатацию систем газораспределения и газопотребления

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Commissioning of gas supply systems

Acceptance into operation of construction, reconstruction or capital repairs of gas supply systems is carried out by an acceptance commission created by the customer, which includes representatives of territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Technological Supervision.


Commissioning of low-pressure gas pipelines (underground with a length of up to 200 m and aboveground with a length of up to 500 m) it can be carried out without the participation of a representative of the territorial body of Rostechnadzor.


The customer notifies the territorial bodies of Rostechnadzor of the date, time and place of work of the acceptance commission at least 5 days in advance.


The acceptance commission checks the design and executive documentation, inspects the installed ground, aboveground and internal gas distribution system (gas distribution) to determine its compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents, safety rules of the SGG and the project, to identify installation defects, as well as to verify the presence of acts for hidden work.


In addition, compliance with the project of industrial ventilation and smoke removal systems, electric power and lighting equipment, control and measuring devices and the readiness of the organization for the operation of the facility is checked.


The Commission is granted the right to demand the opening of any section of the underground gas pipeline for additional verification of the quality of construction, as well as for repeated tests with the submission of additional conclusions.


In addition to the executive documentation for construction specified in the current regulatory and technical documents, the following materials must be submitted to the acceptance commission:


- a copy of the order on the appointment of the person responsible for the safe operation of the gas farm;

- regulations on the gas service or an agreement with an organization that has experience in carrying out maintenance and repair of gas pipelines and gas equipment;

- protocols for checking the knowledge of the PBSGG, regulatory documents by managers and specialists, as well as protocols for checking the knowledge of instructions by workers;

- instructions and technological schemes provided by the PBSGG;

- certificate of verification of the effectiveness of electrochemical protection (for underground steel gas pipelines);

- an act on checking the technical condition of industrial smoke exhaust and ventilation systems;

- the act of acceptance for commissioning of gas-using equipment and the schedule of their execution (when accepting the object in two stages);

- a plan for localization and liquidation of emergency situations and interaction of services for various purposes, including AD With a gas distribution organization.

Acceptance into operation of facilities not completed by construction, including underground steel gas pipelines that are not provided with electrochemical protection, is not allowed.


Compliance of gas pipelines with the requirements of the PBSGG is formalized by the act of acceptance of the gas pipeline into operation.


If the object accepted by the commission has not been put into operation within 6 months, a repeated leakproofness test must be carried out when it is put into operation. Operation of gas distribution and gas consumption systems (technical devices) not accepted by the commission in accordance with the established procedure is not allowed.


After completion of construction and installation works and acceptance of the facility into operation, the registration of a hazardous production facility of the gas consumption system of industrial plants, thermal power plants, district heating stations and boiler houses in the territorial bodies of Rostechnadzor is carried out.


Acceptance of a hazardous production facility after reconstruction, modernization, re-equipment is entered into the state register of hazardous production facilities without reissuing the certificate of primary registration of an explosive object.


For registration of gas distribution systems (networks) and gas consumption systems (facilities), the owner organization represents:


certificate of acceptance into operation of gas distribution network and gas consumption facilities;


license for the right to operate the gas distribution network and gas consumption facilities.


When transferring hazardous production facilities of gas supply to another owner (lessee) they are subject to re-registration.



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