Your FIRST Grammar Homework for the

1) Revise all the rules (steps 1-9)

2) Pony

3) Translate: 1. На столе лежит немного сыра и колбасы. 2. Во сколько ты обычно бреешься? 3. Поколбасишься со мной? 4. Мне скучно, потому что он не пришел еще. 5. Вчера я носила туфли весь день. 6. Продолжай жевать жвачку. 7. Ты лжешь? (сейчас) 8. Где мои любимые туфли? 9. Мы еще не передохнули. 10. Завтра я буду заниматься спортом (мой план) 11. Я позвоню тебе (обещаю). 12. Ты вечно пьешь алкоголь! 13.Сегодня я сходила в театр. 14. Ты когда-нибудь засыпал на уроке? 15. В то время как я пылесосил, она мыла посуду.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Your FIRST Practice Homework for the

1) Review words and gestures

2) Fill in the gaps (заполните пропуски)

We_nesday, bel_ _ve, lau_h, _inema, well-buil_, co_y (уютный), pl_ _sure, autum_, seri_usly, ri_e (рис), ski_ng, ac_ident, ca_m (спокойный), antiq_ _s (антиквариат)

3) Close your notebook and translate these words in writing:

Четверг, лысый, горчица, решать, потолок, кривой, тихий, иностранец, лестница, пустыня


!!! The next lesson is Practice



# Name Rule Structure Example Picture
  to be - am/ is/ are He is strange Why are you here? The watermelon is in the corner.  
  Present Simple We use PS when we talk about everyday usual actions   do, does   He sleeps every night I don’t drink Does he smoke? She eats watermelons every day.
  Present Continuous We use PC when we talk about the action which 1) is happening now, 2) which is happening soon and 3) when we complain about something/ somebody   am is Ving are I’m writing now I’m not going to school tomorrow He is always beating me! She is eating a watermelon now. She is eating a water-melon soon.   She is constantly eating watermelons.  
  Past Simple We use PS when we talk about the action which happened in the Past in general + completed action did Ved / V2 I went to school yesterday I helped him 2 years ago He ate a watermelon yesterday.  
  Past Continuous We use PC when we talk about the action which was happening at the certain time or during the certain period of time in the past was were Ving I was driving yesterday at 6 He was watching TV from 5 till 7 He was eating a water-melon yesterday from 10 till 11.  
  Future Simple We use FS 1) when we decide to do smth at the time of speaking 2) When we offer smb to do smth 3) When we promise smb to do smth 4) when we ask smb to do smth 5) After expressions I think, I don’t think, probably (maybe, perhaps), I’m sure, I’m not sure     will V1 won’t     1) Where’s Ann? I’ll call her 2) I’ll help you with your exam 3) I won’t tell Tom what you said 4) Will you shut up? 5) I’m sure they’ll win   I’m hungry! I’ll eat a water-melon.     I’ll help you! I’ll eat your water-melon!     I promise I won’t eat your piece of the water-melon.
I’m so full! Will you eat my water- melon?
  If sentences After if, when, as soon as, while, after, before we don’t use future will If you kiss me, I’ll die If you eat my watermelon I’ll kill you!
  Present Perfect We use PP when 1) past is connected with Present 2) announce happening or news 3) with already, just, yet, never 4) have you ever? 5) present markers today, this year, this week, in my life     have has V3   1) I’ve cut my finger! 2) He’s come back! 3) I’ve never done it 4) Have you ever been to Spain? 5) I haven’t eaten today You have already eaten the watermelon.
  There is\are We use there is\are to say that smth or somebody is or isn’t somewhere is are There’s no There’s a girl in my group   There is a watermelon in the middle of the room



review words from last year:

1 year 1 level: Ссылка для lingualeo:

1 year 2 level: Ссылка для lingualeo:

1 year 3 level: Ссылка для lingualeo:

1 year 4 level: Ссылка для lingualeo:


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