II. All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players (Весь мир – театр, все люди – актеры)

Задания к Республиканской дистанционной викторине

Среди обучающихся профессиональных образовательных организаций Чувашской Республики,

Приуроченной к Году Театра в России

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Помни о сроках выполнения и сдачи ответов: 25 - 28 октября 2019 года

Ответы необходимо прислать в электронном виде на адрес lady. uymina@mail.ru с пометкой «Викторина» до 19.00 часов 28 октября 2019 года.


В ответах указывается только номер задания, шрифт Times New Roman 12.

образец оформления ответа Викторина, приуроченная к Году Театра в России   Ф.И.О.____________ название образовательной организации________ курс___ руководитель ____________   I. From the History of … (История театра)   1. 2. 3.  


I. From History of Russian Theatre (История театра)


1. What is the origin of the word “theatre”?


2. At the beginning of the 13th century, the first profane plays appeared. What was the most famous of them? Who was its author?


3. What was the Globe?

4. Was Shakespeare as a playwright and an actor recognized in his own time?

5. What or whom did the spreading of Russian theatre start with? When?

6. What was an alternative to the pagan theatre in the 16th century in Russia?

7. When was the first theatre in Russia born? At whose court?

8. When did theatrical life in St. Petersburg start?


9. Who is considered to be a founder of the Bolshoi Theatre?

10. What is the connection between the Bolshoi Theatre and an Englishman Michael Maddox, a mathematician from Oxford?

11. Where and when did the first playbill appear?

12. Where did the playwright’s name appear on the poster in 1699 for the first time? What was his/ her name?


13. Where and when was the first theatrical production of the play in the Chuvash language? What was its name?

14. Where and when was the “MIME – theatre Rain“ born?

15. When is the International Day of Theatre celebrated?

II. All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players (Весь мир – театр, все люди – актеры)

1. Why were the performances of the oldest ritual actions not considered to be a theatre?

2. In 1600, this actor danced a Morris-dance from London to Norwich as part of a wild publicity stunt. Who was he?

3. Was Romeo and Juliet based on a true story?


4. This anomalous Shakespearean sonnet has fifteen lines.

5. This kind of theatre appeared in the ancient world of Greece and Rome. Its actors never speak but use their bodies, faces and hands to tell a story. What is its name?


6. He copies out the roles for the actors, bounds these sheets in a little book, makes notes and remarks for the actors in the margins. At the sound of his bell the orchestra enters. Who is he?

7. He is one of main characters of Russian folk street theatre in the 18th century. He wears a red shirt and a red fool’s cap. He never loses, not even in difficult situations. Who is he?

8. His favourite words are “I don’t believe”. Who is he?


9. He played with dolls until the last day of his life. Limp toys came to life, sang, danced and performed on stage in the hands of the master. The audience idolized his performances. The Soviet actor travelled almost the whole world with his theater. Everywhere he was met with enthusiastic applause. Who is he?

10. The name of this actress was well-known in the twenties and thirties of the XX century in the country. She was known as the most outstanding figure of the Chuvash national culture. The films "Sarpige" and "Black pillar" with her participation in the main role were shown in Europe and America. She starred in almost all Chuvash films created by the film Studio "Chuvashkino": Mother ("Volga rebels"), Sarpige ("Sarpige. The main roles in the theater: Anisa ("Anisa" a. Galangal), Glafira ("Casken sorgsam" (Wolves and sheep) by Alexander Ostrovsky), Emilia (Othello by W. Shakespeare). She combined her scenic activity with work on the translation of the best plays of Russian and foreign literature. Among her translations there are comedy of A. N. Ostrovsky "Mad money", the play "Family", written by I. Popov, the novel "Alitet goes to the mountains" written by T. Semushkin. Who is this actress?

III. It is interesting to know that… (Интересные факты)

1. Which Shakespearean play has the highest percentage of rhyming lines?

2. Who is the author of the Comedies: "Oh, time!", "The birthday of Mrs. Warchalking", "Front noble Lord", "Lady Vestnikova with the family", "The Invisible Bride"?


3. Who was the Bolshoi’s first prima ballerina?


4. Why did Vladimir Lenin insist on demolishing the Bolshoi Theatre in 1918? Who could change Lenin’s mind not to do it?

5. What Moscow theatre looks like a star (if you are above its building)?




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