Saint Petersburg State University

Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет

Учебные задания

Saint Petersburg State University


The Czar Peter the Great founded Saint Petersburg University as part of a new and complete system of science and education in Russia. The system was comprised of three institutions: the Russian Academy of Sciences, the University, and the Academic Gymnasium. In a decree of 28 January, 1724, the Senate outlined the purposes of the new institution: “The University is a gathering of learned persons to teach youth such noble sciences as Theology, Law, Medicine, and Philosophy as we know them today.”

Prominent men of learning were among the University’s first professors, the mathematicians Euler and Bernoulli, for example. The famous historian and ethnographer, Academician Miller, was appointed in 1747 to be the University’s first rector, a newly created position. The great Russian scholar Mikhail Lomonosov made a significant contribution to the development of the University. He was the University's rector from 1758 to 1765 and taught at the school for a number of years. Lomonosov here introduced the first physics course in Russian in 1747.

In the late eighteenth century teaching at the University came to a virtual standstill. The Academic Gymnasium still taught students as late as 1804. Its last students were then transferred to the Pedagogical Institute, formerly the Teachers’ Seminary which had opened in 1783. The Pedagogical Institute then grew to replace the University as an institution of higher learning. It was used as the base for a revived Saint Petersburg University in 1819 when Czar Alexander I issued a decree proclaiming the re-establishment of Saint Petersburg University.

The re-established University had three faculties: the Faculty of History and Philology, the Faculty of Philosophy and Law (later the Faculty of Law), and the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. The Faculty of Oriental Languages was added in 1854. The University retained this structure until 1918.

The second half of the nineteenth century saw the development in the University of a number of world-famous schools of science. Among the University professors who founded them were Chebyshev in mathematics, Lenz in physics, Mendeleev and Butlerov in chemistry, Beketov in botany, Mechnikov and Kovalevsky in embryology, Sechenov in physiology, Dokuchaev in soil sciences, Inostrantsev in geology, Bestuzhev-Ryumin in history, and Vasilyev and Rosen in oriental studies.

Several learned societies were founded during the same period. The creation of the Natural Scientist Society in 1868 was followed by Mendeleev’s Russian Chemical Society (1869), the Philological, Anthropological, and Historical Societies, the Botanical Garden and the Astronomical Observatory. The Chemical Society grew to become the Russian Chemical Institute. It was at Saint Petersburg University that the first wireless transmitter was tested in 1895 by its inventor, Popov. The Physics Institute, the first physics school in Russia, was opened in 1901.

Many famous cultural figures were educated at the school. Among them were classical poets and writers Turgenev, Nekrasov, Blok, Mandelshtam, Andreev, Gumilyov, great classical composers and musicians Glinka, Stravinsky, Glazunov, Mravinsky, and artists Vrubel, Rerikh, Benua, Dobuzhinsky. Theater directors and actors were also part of the University's student community. The list includes such names as Dyagilev, Kachalov, Bryantzev, and others.

The University developed rapidly in the 1920s. Several departments grew into whole new faculties. The Faculties of Geography, Geology, and Biology, for example, developed from their respective departments. The Department of Physics and Mathematics gave rise both to the Faculty of Physics and to the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics. More new departments and research institutes were created until, in 1941, the University consisted of 10 faculties and 7 research institutes.

The University continued its normal operations throughout the first winter of the siege of Leningrad, despite the hardships, but it was evacuated to Saratov in the spring of 1942. A small group of the University's staff remained in Leningrad, however, to watch over the University library, the science collections and equipment. The Second World War was not yet over when the University opened its 1944 academic year.

In the 1960s, the Faculty of Psychology, the Faculty of Journalism, the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes, and a number of new departments were established. The same period saw the construction of a campus for the faculties of the natural sciences in the vicinity of Stary Peterhof.

Today, Saint Petersburg State University is organized into 20 science and humanities faculties. The science faculties are the Faculties of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes, Biology and Soil Sciences, Chemistry, Geography and Geo-ecology, Geology, Mathematics and Mechanics, Medicine, and Physics. The humanities faculties are: the Faculties of Economics, Journalism, History, International Relations, Law, Management, Military Studies, Oriental Studies, Philology, Philosophy, Psychology, and Sociology.

Some faculties are quite new. In 1989, the Faculty of Sociology developed from the Department of Applied Sociology at the Faculty of Economics. It is now a leading center in the discipline in the Russian Federation, providing courses ranging from general sociology to mathematical methods in social analysis. The Faculty of Management, opened in 1993 to those interested in contemporary business management theory and practice, resulted from a collaboration between the Saint Petersburg State University Faculty of Economics and the University of California Haas School of Management. The Faculty of International Relations, established in 1994, trains students in political studies, international economics, philosophy, diplomacy, and international law.

Saint Petersburg State University provides higher education both on a non-paying and a commercial basis. Admission to the University non-paying departments is by competitive examinations with selection on the basis of cumulative admission scores. Entrance examinations occur each year during the month of July. The University is in session from September 1 until late June, with the academic year divided into fall and spring semesters. At the end of each semester, undergraduate students take examinations. The University provides students from areas outside Saint Petersburg with accommodation in its dormitories.

Saint Petersburg State University offers courses to be taken either full-time, part-time, or by correspondence at both undergraduate and graduate levels. All University faculties provide a non-paying 5-year undergraduate program leading to the Diploma of Higher Education and a free 3-year graduate program leading to the Candidate's Degree (the equivalent of the Ph.D. in the U.S.A.). Some faculties also offer both non-paying and commercial 4-year Bachelor’s Degree programs and non-paying and commercial Master’s Degree programs.

The University also provides students with the possibility of an additional undergraduate degree in a field other than that of their first degree. This so-called second degree of higher education is offered on a commercial basis and is taught by the University's Special Faculties.

To assist university instructors in improving their professional skills, the University's Further Education Faculty arranges in-service courses.

Physically, the University occupies over 100 buildings on its three main campuses and in individual facilities around the city of Saint Petersburg and in its environs. The main campus is located in the center of the city on Vasilyevsky Island. It includes a number of faculties and research institutes as well as the university main building which houses the University Library, the Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences, the University Museum and the Mendeleev Museum, and other university offices. The campus also contains other facilities such as the business offices, the University's swimming pool, botanical garden, and the like. The newly established Smolny Monastery campus houses the Faculties of Sociology, International Relations, and Management. The Peterhof campus, located outside the city, includes the Faculties of Mathematics and Mechanics, the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes, the Faculty of Chemistry, the Faculty of Physics, a number of scientific research institutes, and such other facilities as a student union, residence halls, a restaurant and shops.

Over 400 professors, 850 associate professors, and 7,500 assistant professors and teaching assistants are engaged at present in research and the teaching of over 20,000 undergraduate and 1,500 graduate students.

Saint Petersburg State University is proud of its faculty's scholarly achievements. A total of seven University graduates have won Nobel Prizes: Pavlov (1904), Mechnikov (1908), Semenov (1956), Landau (1962), Prokhorov (1964), Leontyev (1973), and Kantorovich (1975). Many faculty members have been recognized as State Prize winners. More than 600 University graduates are members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other Russian and international academies. These numbers indicate that Saint Petersburg State University is rightly considered one of the strongest teaching and research universities in Russia.


Mind the pronunciation of the following words:

czar [´zα:] царь

gymnasium [ d im´neizi∂m] гимназия

learned [´lз:nid] ученые

theology [ θi´ol∂d i] богословие

medicine [´medsn] медицина

philosophy [ fi´losofi] философия

pedagogical [ peda´god ikl] педагогический

scholar [´skol∂] ученый

seminary [´semin∂ri] семинария

chemistry [´kemistri] химия

geology [di´ol∂d i] геология

oriental [ o:ri´entl] восточный

embryology [ embri´lodi] эмбриология

botany [´bot∂ni] ботаника

physiology [ fizi´ol∂d i] физиология

mathematics [ mæθ∂´mætiks] математика

philological [ fil∂´lod ikl] филологический

anthropological [ ænθr∂p∂´lod ikl] антропологический

astronomical [ æstr∂´nomikl] астрономическая

observatory [ ∂b´zз:v∂tri] обсерватория

biology [ bai´ol∂d i] биология


Mind the different meanings some terms have in American and British English:


1. faculty (Am.) преподаватели

2. faculty (Brit.) факультет

3. staff (Am.) технический персонал

4. staff (Brit.) преподаватели

5. graduate student (Am.) аспирант

6. postgraduate [~ student] (Brit.) аспирант

7. residence hall (Am.) общежитие

8. dormitory [dorm] (Am.) общежитие

9. dormitory [dorm] (Brit.) многоместная комната

10. hostel (Brit.) общежитие

11. college (Am., Brit.) колледж; факультет

12. chair (Brit.) профессорская должность

13. department chairperson (Am., Brit.) зав. кафедрой

14. student union (Am., Brit.) студенческий клуб


Ex. 1. Without consulting the text, answer the following questions:


1. When was the University founded?

2. Who founded the University?

3. What was the purpose of the new institution?

4. How many faculties did the re-established University have?

5. What were their names?

6. Who was the first rector of the University?

7. What decree concerning the University was issued in 1819?

8. How many buildings does the University occupy today?

9. How many graduates of the University have become Nobel Prize winners?

10. What famous Russian cultural figures were educated at the University?

11. What great Russian scholars can you name who founded world-famous schools of science?

12. Did the University faculty continue working during the siege of Leningrad?

13. What science faculties of the University do you know?

14. Where are they situated?

15. What humanities faculties of the University can you name?

16. Where are they located?

17. When was the new Natural Sciences Faculties Campus constructed in the vicinity of Stary Peterhof?

18. What do you know about some newer University faculties?

19. What degree programs does the University provide?

20. What are the requirements for University applicants and students?

21. Does Saint Petersburg State University provide its programs on a non-paying or commercial basis?

22. Where is the University Library situated?

23. What museums are located in the University main building?

24. What is the total number of undergraduate students at the university?

25. How many graduate students study at the University?

26. What are two main activities the University faculty are engaged in?

27. Who is the rector of the University today?

28. Do you live in a University residence hall?

29. Are you a member of any student learned society?

30. Do you take part in the University social life?

31. What does being a student of Saint Petersburg State University mean to you?


Ex. 2. Without consulting the text, determine which of the following statements are true statements and which are false ones. Correct false statements.


1. The Czar Alexander I founded Saint Petersburg University as part of a new and complete system of science and education in Russia.

2. The system comprised three institutions: the Russian Academy of Sciences, the University, and the Academic Gymnasium.

3. The great Russian scholar Mikhail Lomonosov was the University’s first rector.

4. Bernoulli was the first Saint Petersburg University professor to teach the first physics course in Russian, in 1747.

5. Teaching at the University has never stopped throughout its history.

6. The Pedagogical Institute grew to replace the University as an institution of higher learning.

7. The Teachers Seminary was used as the base for a revived Saint Petersburg University.

8. In 1849, the Czar Alexander I issued a decree proclaiming the re-establishment of Saint Petersburg University.

9. The re-established University had three faculties: the Faculty of Philosophy and Philology, the Faculty of History and Law (later the Faculty of Law), and the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.

10. The Faculty of Oriental Languages was added in 1854.

11. Kovalevsky founded a world-famous school of mathematics in the second half of the nineteenth century.

12. It was at Saint Petersburg University that the first wireless transmitter was tested in 1895 by its inventor, A. Popov.

13. Mandelshtam was educated at Saint Petersburg University.

14. The Department of Physics and Mathematics gave rise both to the Faculty of Physics and the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics in the 1920s.

15. The University was evacuated to Saratov in the first winter of the siege of Leningrad.

16. The Second World War was not yet over when the University opened its 1944 academic year.

17. A new campus for the faculties of the natural sciences was constructed in the vicinity of Stary Peterhof in the 1970s.

18. Today, Saint Petersburg State University is organized into 20 science and humanities faculties.

19. Saint Petersburg State University provides education only on a non-paying basis.

20. The University is in session from December, 25 to January, 1.

21. The University main library is located in the former Smolny Monastery.

22. Seven University graduates have become Nobel Prize winners.


Ex. 3. Find sentences in the text that have the same meaning.


1. Saint Petersburg University was established by Czar Peter the Great.

2. The University has studies from the beginning of September until the end of June, with the academic year divided into two semesters.

3. By 1765, the teaching at the University had practically stopped.

4. Several well-known schools of science were developed in the second half of the nineteenth century.

5. Some University staff members stayed in Leningrad to save the University Library, the science collections and equipment.

6. Currently, Saint Petersburg State University consists of 20 science and humanities faculties.

7. After five years of study at any University faculty, undergraduate students can receive a diploma of higher education and after another 3 years of study, graduate students can earn a Candidate's Degree.

8. You can also earn a second Higher-education Diploma at the University Special Faculties.


Ex. 4. Retell the text.


Ex. 5. Rearrange the words into sentences, observing the proper word-order:


1. University, and, scientists, many, the, studied, at, outstanding, taught.

2. Gymnasium, still, the, 1804, students, as late as, Academic, taught, as, its.

3. Undergraduates, tests, and, all, various, semester, exams, the, at, and, of, each, take.

4. University, in, institutes, consisted, 10, 7, 1941, faculties, research, the, and, of, scientific.

5. Live, University, its, in, halls, residence, students.

6. By, is, admission, University, competitive, departments, the, non-paying, examinations, to.

7. Month, year, each, entrance, July, occur, of, during, the, examinations.

8. Faculty of, in, to, contemporary, in, practice, 1993, the, those, management, interested, and, management, business, opened, theory.

9. Saw, the, a, the, faculties, the, natural, this, construction, period, sciences, of, campus, of, for.

10. Currently, humanities, Saint Petersburg, consists, science, 12 University, faculties, 8, and, of, State.


Ex. 6. Choose the correct word:


1. The University consists of (beyond, over, above) 20 faculties.

2. Saint Petersburg State University is the oldest (institute, institution) of higher (learning, studying, teaching) in Russia.

3. (During, within, throughout) its history the University has been one of the most important centers of academic research.

4. (A number of, the number of) University graduates have become prominent scientists.

5. Students (take, pass) exams at the end of each semester.

6. Students from areas outside Saint Petersburg are accommodated in the University (hostels, hotels).

7. The University offers a wide range of (subjects, objects). Students may (attend, visit) lectures and seminars in different departments.

8. The University department chairpersons are the most (imminent, eminent) professors.

9. The Second World War was not yet over (that's why, when, because) the University opened its 1944 (long, academic, full) year.

10. Such programs (cater to, provide, give, take) those who (already, just, always) have a Diploma of Higher Education in (another, other) field of knowledge.

11. Practical (experience, experiment) plays an important role in teaching.

12. Undergraduate students specialize (on, at, in) their area of study when they are (in, at, on) the third year of studies.


Ex. 7. Match the following American and Russian titles and degrees:


1. Professor a. первокурсник

2. Associate Professor б. степень бакалавра

3. Teaching Assistant в. второкурсник

4. Assistant Professor г. третьекурсник

5. Ph.D. (Philosophy Doctor) д. аспирант

6. Bachelor's Degree е. старший преподаватель

7. Master's Degree ж. доцент

8. freshman з. степень магистра

9. sophomore и. профессор

10. junior к. ассистент

11. senior л. степень канд./ докт. наук

12. graduate student м. студент выпускного курса

Ex. 8. Ask and answer the following questions according to the following pattern.


A: What do they call a first-year undergraduate student?

B: They call a first-year undergraduate student a freshman.


1. …a second-year undergraduate student?

2. …a third-year undergraduate student?

3. …a final-year undergraduate student?

4. …a place for student organizations and activities?

5. …a course which one can take after work?

6. …a course which one can take by mail?

7. …a head of a university?

8. …mathematics, mechanics, physics, chemistry, biology?

9. …philology, philosophy, law, economics, history?

10. …a group of people interested in a field of knowledge?

11. …a part of a university?

12. …a part of a faculty?

13. …a scientific investigation?

14. …a period when a university conducts teaching and research?

15. …a higher-education degree?

16. …a collection of books?

17. …a complex of university buildings?

18. …a hostel in the United States?

19. …a room for several people to sleep in in Great Britain?


Add your own questions following the pattern.


Ex. 9. What groups do these words fall into? While reading, pick out the words belonging to each group. Name each group.


chemist, geology, history, sociological, mathematician, geographer, psychological, journalism, historical, management, psychology, sociologist, philology, economics, journalistic, economist, medicine, physical, philosopher, science, lawyer, chemical, managerial, geological, physics, economic, physicist, geographic, historian, philological, biology, scientific, mathematics, chemical, physician, philosophy, chemistry, law, psychologist, philologist, geography, scientist, chemistry, manager, mathematical, sociology, journalist, geologist.


Ex. 10. Find synonyms and arrange them in groups. Some groups may have more members than other groups:


to include, collaboration, to revive, immensely, rapid, a number of, to consist of, discovery, eminent, to comprise, some, greatly, to restore, to establish, over, coordination, to re-establish, quick, prominent, to increase, outstanding, fast, to contain, cooperation, to bring into existence, enormously, to enlarge, more than, invention, to found, several.


Ex. 11. Match the Russian verbs and their English equivalents:


1. основать to graduate (from)

2. внести вклад to fail

3. быть связанным to be good (at)

4. окончить (учебное заведение) to specialize (in)

5. сдавать экзамены to affiliate (with)

6. сдать экзамены to cheat

7. добиваться успехов to re-establish

8. приводить к (возникновению) to result (in)

9. специализироваться to create

10. распределять (по кафедрам) to take examinations (in)

11. восстанавливать (учебное заведение) to be admitted (at)

12. создавать to make a contribution (to)

13. следовать to found

14. давать начало to provide a course

15. интересоваться to be interested (in)

16. проводить обучение по предмету to give rise (to)

17. посещать (лекцию) to make progress (in)

18. выбрать предмет to pass examinations (in)

19. поступить (в учебное заведение) to be connected (with)

20. хорошо успевать to attend (a lecture)

21. быть принятым (в учебное заведение) to enter

22. списывать (на экзамене) to take a course

23. провалиться (на экзамене) to follow


Ex. 12. Supply the omitted questions and answers to the following. Use the words and word combinations of Ex. 7 - 11.


A: Are you a student of Saint Petersburg University?

B: …


B: I study at the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics.

A: What is the curriculum for freshmen at your faculty?

B: …


B: I think we will be affiliated with a particular department in our senior year.

A: What field will you specialize in, do you think?

B: …

A: …

B: Students may borrow books both from the Main University Library or from its faculty affiliates.

A: May all University students use the Faculty of Philology Language Laboratory?

B: …

A: …

B: No, I don't live with my parents, I live in the dorm. I come from another city.

A: How long does it take you to get to the University?

B: …

A: …

B: Not often, two times a year, in January and June.

A: When do you take your finals?

B: …

A: …

B: No, I have always done well at your exams.

A: …

B: Students who make good progress in their studies and those needing financial assistance do.

A: What do you usually do after classes?

B: …

A: …

B: Yes, I am fond of sports. I ski, I play hockey, tennis, and swim.


Ex. 13. Write a letter to your American pen-pal who is thinking about studying in Saint Petersburg State University. You letter should contain the following information:


· What he/she should know about the Russian system of higher education, how it is different from the American one

· What he/she should know about Saint Petersburg State University

· What he/she should know about Saint Petersburg

· What he/she should take with him on his/her trip, his/her accommodation in Saint Petersburg

· Where he/she will be able to spend his/her leisure time

· What Russian students like doing when not in class

The University Arms [1]


The University Arms were designed in 1735 during the reign of the Russian Empress Anna Ioannovna. At the time, the University was part of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The Greek goddess, Minerva, on the front of the eagle symbolizes that the patroness of Science and Wisdom, Minerva, is under the protection of the Russian Eagle. In its talons, instead of the scepter and the orb, the eagle holds a book, a common object in university arms. Historically, the book represented the New Testament.

Minerva's presence on the shield indicates that she is the protector of Saint Petersburg.


university arms университетский герб

Minerva Минерва

eagle орел

talons когти

scepter скипетр

orb держава

New Testament Новый Завет

shield щит

[1] see picture on the cover front page


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